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Robert Lipka (born 1946) is a former army clerk at the National Security Agency who, in 1997, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage and was sentenced to 18 years in prison. He was arrested more than 30 years after his betrayal, as there is no statute of limitations for espionage.

Early career
Robert Lipka was assigned to the National Security Agency as an intelligence analyst in 1964, when he was a 19 year old U.S. Army soldier. He worked in the central communications room from 1964–1967, where he was responsible for removing and disseminating highly classified documents throughout the agency.[1] Despite his junior rank, Lipka held a high security clearance, and had access to a diverse array of highly classified documents.

In September 1965, Lipka presented himself to the Soviet Embassy on 16th Street, as a walk-in or volunteer spy. He announced that he was responsible for shredding highly classified documents, and over the next two years he made contact with the residency around fifty times, using a variety of skilled tradecraft.
According to his handler at the time, former KGB General Oleg Danilovich Kalugin, "the young soldier (Lipka) ... was involved in shredding and destroying NSA documents and could supply us with a wealth of material." He goes on to say that Lipka gave him "whatever he got his hands on, often having little idea what he was turning over." Lipka comprised daily and weekly top-secret reports to the White House, information on US troop movements throughout the world, and communications among NATO allies.

During the two years Lipka supplied the KGB top-secret information, he received payment of about $27,000 dollars. Kalugin claims that Lipka used the money he received, around $500 to $1,000 per package he delivered, to finance his college education. However, Lipka regularly complained that he deserved more money, and threatened to break contact if this demand was not met. In August 1967, Lipka made good on his threat, and left the NSA at the end of his military service in order to attend Millersville University of Pennsylvania.

In order to discourage any attempts by the KGB to recontact him, Lipka sent a final message claiming that he had been a double agent for US intelligence all along. According to Vasili Mitrokhin, the KGB knew this was a lie because of the high importance of the classified documents Lipka provided. Both the residency and illegals (non diplomatic cover handlers) tried to renew contact with Lipka intermittently for at least another 11 years, though without success.

Investigation and Arrest
Similar to the John Anthony Walker case, Lipka's ex-wife made accusations of his treason to the FBI.In 1993, armed with these accusations, revelations from Kalugin's memoir, and information from a separate investigation implicating Lipka, the FBI decided to use a false flag operation to catch him. FBI agent Dmitri Droujinsky contacted Lipka, posing as a GRU officer based in Washington named "Sergei Nikitin." Lipka told Nikitin that he was still owed money, and over the course of four meetings, "Nikitin" gave Lipka $10,000.

After a lengthy investigation, Lipka admitted to having been a spy while at the NSA, and in February 1996 he was arrested at his home in Millersville, PA, and charged with handing classified documents to the Soviet Union. As there is no statute of limitations in espionage cases, it did not matter that Lipka had ceased spying for the Soviet Union three decades before his arrest.

Lipka's trial began in 1997 at the US District Court in Philadelphia. Though he initially pled "not guilty" to the charge of conspiracy to commit espionage, in May 1997 he broke down and confessed. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer Lipka "exploded into tears as he confessed that he had handed over classified information to KGB agents." Information implicating Lipka that was uncovered in the Mitrokhin Archive likely lead to Lipka's change of heart.

Lipka was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment, and fined $10,000. In addition, he was ordered to repay the $10,000 he had received from "Sergei Nikitin" in the FBI's false flag operation.

Other notable American moles
Other Agents in place in the US Government or Military who worked as a Mole for either the KGB or the SVR, include:

James Hall III - An Army warrant officer and intelligence analyst in Germany who sold eavesdropping and code secrets to East Germany and the Soviet Union from 1983 to 1988.
Robert Hanssen - Arrested for spying for the Soviet Union and Russia for more than 15 years of his 27 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Earl Edwin Pitts - An FBI agent charged with providing Top Secret documents to the Soviet Union and then Russia from 1987 until 1992.
Harold James Nicholson - A senior-ranking Central Intelligence Agency officer arrested while attempting to take Top Secret documents out of the country. He began spying for Russia in 1994.
George Trofimoff - a retired Army Reserve colonel, charged in June 2000 of spying for the KGB and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (or SVR) for over 25 years.




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