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杰克·库尔勒 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

杰克·库尔勒(Jack D.Kuehler),曾经担任IBM公司的高级副总裁、总裁等职务。
Jack D. Kuehler

Jack Kuehler was IBM's president and vice chairman of the board in the early-1990s.

The following is the text of a corporate biography published in February 1993.

Jack D. Kuehler, Vice Chairman, and member of the IBM Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Corporate Management Board and the Management Committee, joined IBM as an associate engineer at the company's San Jose California Research Laboratory in 1958.

He advanced through various technical and managerial positions in Research, the former Advanced Systems Development Division and the former Systems Development Division. In 1967, he was appointed director of the Raleigh Communications Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. In 1970, he became director of the San Jose and Menlo Park development laboratories.

Mr. Kuehler was appointed vice president, technical operations, when the General Products Division was formed in September 1972, and became vice president, development in 1974. In April 1977, he was named assistant group executive, systems development, of the former Data Processing Product Group.

He became president of the Systems Products Division when that division was formed in August 1978 and was elected an IBM vice president in September 1980. He was named president of the General Technology Division in November 1980 when it was formed.

He was named Information Systems and Technology Group executive in December 1981. He was elected IBM senior vice president in May 1982. He was named a member of the Corporate Management Board and the Business Operations Committee in March 1983. In February 1985, he assumed corporate executive responsibility for worldwide development and U.S. manufacturing. He was elected a member of the board of directors in January 1986, executive vice president in March 1987, and was named Vice Chairman of the Board and a member of the Executive Committee in January 1988. He was elected President in May 1989 and resumed the title of Vice Chairman in 1993.

His outside activities include being a member of the National Academy of Engineering; a trustee of Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California; a Fellow of the IEEE; a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; a member of the Board of Directors of Olin Corporation; a member of the Board of Directors of Aetna Life and Casualty Company, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Manufacturers; a member of the Board of Directors of Taligent Inc.; a member of the MIT's Visiting Committee for Sponsored Research; and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering.

Mr. Kuehler holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and an M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Santa Clara University. In addition, he holds an honorary doctorate of science from Clarkson University and an honorary doctorate of engineering science from Santa Clara University.



Jack D. Kuehler (1932 – December 20, 2008), was an American electrical engineer who devoted the majority of his career at IBM, where he was the firm's highest ranking technologist, serving as president and later vice chairman of the company.

Kuehler was born in Grand Island, Nebraska in 1932. He studied mechanical engineering at Santa Clara University and later earned a master's degree in electrical engineering from the school.

Kuehler started at IBM in 1958 as an associate engineer working at the company's San Jose Research Laboratory in 1958. After advancing through various technical and managerial positions, he was appointed as director of the Raleigh Communications Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina in 1968, and as named as director of the San Jose and Menlo Park development laboratories in 1970.[2]

He was chosen to serve as senior vice president in May 1982, was appointed as vice chairman of the board and a member of the executive committee in January 1988, became the firm's president in May 1989 and became a vice chairman again in 1993.

Kuehler played a key role in IBM's investment in Intel, aimed at helping that company survive against Japanese competitors and then later formed a partnership with Hitachi a company that had been one of IBM's fiercest competitors. He also played a key role in the formation of Sematech in 1987, an industry-wide initiative sponsored by the United States government aimed at revitalizing the American semiconductor chip industry.

Shifting IBM from its longstanding reliance on the mainframe computer, Kuehler dealt with the rise of the microprocessor-based personal computer, through IBM's development of the IBM Personal Computer based on an open standard that relied on Intel processors and operating system software from Microsoft.

He was instrumental in an investment that IBM made in the chip maker Intel when that company was struggling because of the rise of Japanese memory chip manufacturers. He led IBM into a partnership with Hitachi, once one of its most tenacious rivals. He also played a central role in the creation of Sematech, an industry-government alliance created in 1987 to help save the American semiconductor industry.

Kuehler helped create a partnership between IBM, Apple Inc. and Motorola that became known as the AIM alliance to challenge the dominating positions that Microsoft and Intel had in the personal computing business. Kuehler sought to expand the demand for its Reduced instruction set computer architecture, which was designed to achieve higher performance by running a smaller set of commands. Kuehler called Michael Spindler, president of Apple Computer, who bought into the approach for a design that could challenge the Wintel-based PC.[3] By combining the advantages of IBM's hardware expertise and Apple's software advances, the goal was to create a competitor for the desktop market. This partnership created the PowerPC microprocessor that powered Apple's computers from 1994 to 2006.

He was a trustee of Santa Clara University and donated $1 million to the college's engineering school in 2005.

Kuehler died at age 76 on December 20, 2008 in Rancho Santa Fe, California of complications related to Parkinson's disease.




  可能记忆比较深刻的还是2003年苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯在给自家产品做广告时候说的话:“PowerPC G5正在挑战所有定律,新Power Mac G5是目前世界上最快的计算机,它就是64位急速赛车的心脏。”


                                     PowerPC G5

  事实是:苹果在2005年,抛弃了IBM,抛弃了PowerPC。IBM市场经理Jesse Parker曾经说:“三家公司谁也不想再推动PowerPC的执行了,IBM不会,摩托罗拉不会,苹果也不会。”

  PowerPC项目最早是由当时担任苹果总裁兼CEO的John Sculley,IBM副总裁Jack Kuehler以及摩托罗拉半导体一位管理者构想出来的。随着PowerPC最后被推出市场,苹果的Mr.Sculley走了,IBM的Mr.Kuehler退休了。

  在摩托罗拉负责Power PC项目的Phil Pompa表示:“而他们的接替者对PowerPC联盟并没有相同的热情。”

  总而言之,PowerPC错过了早PC领域挑战Intel的时机,现在已经转生为Cell处理器了,用于Sony PlayStation游戏主机。

  我想,为什么苹果最后抛弃了PowerPC:当在2003年的时候,苹果第一次吹嘘其双核心的Power Mac时候,我的邻居就受到广告的诱惑买了带有两颗IBM G4处理器的Power Mac塔式计算机。发热量巨大,5个风扇都不起作用,还要忍受巨大的噪音。这是我第一次全面的了解到了苹果的设计以及IBM的先进架构。



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