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Commodore 128D 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

The 128D model:

The 128D was the direct successor of the Commodore 128 : it had exactly the same characteristics as the 128 except its external case which contained the Commodore 1571 floppy disk unit.
Actually there were two distinct Commodore 128Ds : The 128D and the 128D-CR (for Cost Reduced).
Differences between the 128D and the 128DCR were :
- The 128D was never sold in the U.S. because of all the radio frequency interference it gave off.
- the 128D-CR had a metal case rather than plastic for solving radio frequency problems. This version was sold in the U.S.- the 128D-CR did not have a cooling fan, although there was a place to mount one.
- the 128D-CR case did not have storage clips for the keyboard.
- the 128D-CR came with 64k of video RAM (for the RGB video chip) rather than 16k for the C128.
- the 128D-CR's printed circuit board was different, and included the drive electronics. So there were 3 CPUs on the board.
- the 128D-CR came with bugfixed (1986) ROMs in two 32k x 8 chips instead of four 16k x 8 ones.
- The internal drive's ROM was different from the original 1571 ROM in two ways: it was bugfixed, and had changes for the new support chips. The bugfixes were bigger than the changes for the new hardware.
- 128D-CR CPU RAM was in four 64k x 4 chips rather than sixteen 64k x 1 ones.
- the 128D-CR did not have a carrying handle.



Commodore 128D (USA)
Released:January 1987
Price:US $499.95.
CPU:MOS 8502 @ 2 MHz
Zilog Z-80A @ 4 MHz
Sound:3 channels of sound
RAM:128K, 512K max.
Display:16 colors, 640 X 200 max.
40/80 X 25 column text
Ports:Serial, video (composite), RF video (TV)
RGBI (hi-res), expansion (game cart)
Control 1,2 (joysticks), user port, cassette
Strorage:internal 340K 5-1/4" floppy drive
NAME  C128 - C128D
TYPE  Home Computer
YEAR  1985
KEYBOARD  Complete full-stroke keyboard with separated numeric keypad
CPU  8502 + Zilog Z80
SPEED  1/2 mHz (for the 8510), 1.022 MHz (for C64 mode), ~2.5 MHz (Z80)
CO-PROCESSOR  SID (sound), VDC & VIC-II (video)
RAM  128 KB
ROM  48 KB
TEXT MODES  40 or 80 chars. x 25 lines
GRAPHIC MODES  several, most used : 160x200 / 320 x 200 / 640 x 200
SOUND  3 voices / 6 octaves
I/O PORTS  RGB, Video Composite, Joystick (2), Cardridge, Tape, User Port (RS232 compatible), TV, serial
BUILT IN MEDIA  C128D : 1571 disk-drive
OS  C128 mode, C64 mode or CP/M
POWER SUPPLY  C128 : External PSU
C128D : Built-in PSU
PRICE  6495 SEK (nov. 85, Sweden)


The Commodore 128 and 128D came out in 1985, the same year as the amazing Commodore Amiga. The 128D even looks like the Amiga!

There were three major versions of the C128:
  • the one-piece Model 128 ($299.95) seen here to the right
  • the two-piece plastic case 128D
  • the two-piece metal case 128D ($499.95), as seen above.

    The 128 is a one-piece model, with a built-in keyboard and optional external floppy drive.
    Both 128D models have an internal 5-1/4" floppy drive, and a separate keyboard - a more professional design. 
    There was originally only one version of the 128D, with a plasic case and a carrying handle, but it failed the FCC regulations for RF emissions, so it was only sold outside of the U.S. This was in 1985.

    Two years later, Commodore finally had a version for sale in the U.S. This model is known as the 128DCR, for Cost Reduced. It has a metal case, and a new, cheaper motherboard and floppy drive.

    The Commodore 128 family of computers are very unique - having more than one main CPU gives them the ability to run three different operating system:
    • C64 Mode - 1Mhz, 8502 CPU with 6510 emulation, 99.8% compatible with Commodore 64 BASIC 2.0 hardware and software, accessed by holding down the [Commodore] key while booting, or by typing "GO 64" from the C128 Mode.
    • C128 Mode - 2Mhz 8502 CPU, 128K Memory, 80 x 25 RGB display, advanced BASIC 7.0 with many new commands including powerful high resolution displays and graphics manipulation.
    • CP/M Mode - 4Mhz Zilog Z-80 CPU, 100% compatible with CP/M 3.0 applications such as Turbo Pascal and WordStar. Accessed by booting with a CP/M disk in the drive, or by typing "BOOT" from the C128 Mode.
    Why these three operating systems? Good question. While the Commodore 128 has a nice, high resolution 80 column display, the most powerful BASIC programming language ever released by Commodore, and a built-in C64 mode for convenience, it wasn't enough to compete with the new crop of computers.

    By 1985, IBM PCs and MS-DOS were taking over the world, and few new and successful computers were entering the market. CP/M, the world's most common operating system before MS-DOS arrived, was fast becoming irrelevant.

    The 128D was Commodore's last and best 8-bit computer, possibly the best 8-bit computer ever?

    Easter Egg: Type "SYS 32800,123,45,6" for development credits. 

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