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全球知名智库基本资料分析 发表评论(0) 编辑词条





 在全球一百七十多个国家当中,有5500个智库,研究范围不同,功能各异,在美国,智库的政策献言功能不亚于政府的实际决策(governments in waiting),智库不仅出版论文,也针对社会上的主要问题提出客观独立的政策分析;每个智库的情况差异甚巨:有的智库每年的预算可达千万美金,也有不少是一人智库。

  2009年一月初美国“外交政策季刊”(Foreign Policy,January 2009)中刊载一篇题为“全球智库指南”(The Think Tank Index)的报告,作者针对全球一百多国的重要智库根据不同指标作评比,分析智库的主要功能,并挑选美国前三十名最佳智库、最佳的非美国智库、最具创意智库、新成立之绩优智库,以及对公共政策辩论最具影响力智库等。



  1.政策研究者:这类智库和政府拥有良好关系,研究扎实,也有极佳的公关能力,在政府中有人脉关系,也比较能抓住政府的需求,协助政府作政策建议,这类智库像是美国的兰德公司(Rand Corporation)、国家亚洲研究局(National Bureau of Asian Research)、美国大西洋理事会(The Atlantic Council of the United States)、战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)、都巿研究所(Urban Institute),以及英国的海外发展研究所(Overseas Development Institute)等。

  2.政党代言人(The Partisans):这些智库具有比较清楚的意识形态,如偏左或偏右派,智库也多由一些资深党领导人所组成,像美国的传统基金会、美国企业研究所(共和党)、布鲁金斯研究所(民主党)、英国的亚当斯密斯研究所等。

  3.政府代理人(The Phantoms):虽然表面上功能像是非政府组织,但实际上是受到政府支持,主要工作即在为政策背书,例如中国大陆的中国开发研究所(China Development Institute)、俄罗斯的民主与合作研究所(Institute for Democracy and Cooperation)等。

  4.学者型:这些智库多半世界知名,具有主导议题及提议的能力,包括美国的布鲁金斯研究所、外交关系协会、史坦佛大学胡佛研究所、英国的 Chatham House、丹麦的国际问题研究所(Danish Institute of International Studies)等。

  5.行动者:这类智库不仅作分析评论工作,还是政策倡导者,例如美国的人权观察(Human Rights Watch)、美国科学家联盟(Federation of American Scientist)、英国的国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)等。



Brookings Institute 华府 6070万美元 美国外交政策、中东问题 Strobe Talbott, Kenneth Pollack, Alice Rivin
Council on Foreign Relations 纽约 3830万美元 美国外交政策、国家安全 Richard Haass, Michael Gerson, Walter R. Mead, Angelina Jolie
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 华府 2200万美元 核武反扩散议题、中国研究 Jessica Mathews, Robert Kagan, Minxin Pei
Rand Corporation 加州Santa Monica 2亿5100万美元 军事战略、政治经济 James Dobbins, Gregory Treverton, William Overholt
Heritage Foundation 华府 4840万美元 赋税政策、飞弹防卫 Edwin Meese, Peter Brookes, James Jay Carafano
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 华府 3450万美元 区域研究、民主推动 Lee Hamilton, Haleh Esfandiari
Center for Strategic & Int'l Studies 华府 2900万美元 国防政策、外交 John Hamre, Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Anthony Cordesman
American Enterprise Institute 华府 2360万美元 贸易、国防 Newt Gingrich, David Frum, Richard Perle
Cato Institute 华府 1900万美元 自由主义、解除管制 David Boaz, Edward Crane, Christopher Preble
Hoover Institute 加州史丹福 3410万美元 国防政策、保守主义 Larry Diamond, Michael McFaul, Victor Davis Hanson
Human Rights Watch 纽约 3550万美元 人权、国际正义 Kenneth Roth
Peterson Institute for Int'l Economics 华府 950万美元 贸易、全球化 C. Fred Bergsten, Anders Aslund, William Cline
U.S. Institute of Peace 华府 2470万美元 冲突解决、后冲突稳定 Richard Solomon, Scott Lasensky, Alexander Thier
Nat'l Bureau of Economic Research 麻州,Cambridge 2980万美元 经济成长、经验研究 James Poterba, Robert Lipsey, Martin Feldstein
Center for Global Development 华府 980万美元 全球化、不平等问题 Nancy Birdsall


Chatham House 伦敦 1240万美元 国际经济、区域研究
Int'l Institute for Strategic Studies 伦敦 1530万美元 核武反扩散议题、反恐
Stockholm Int'l Peace Research Institute 瑞典Solna 530万美元 军备管制、冲突管理
Overseas Development Institute 伦敦 2590万美元 国际发展、人道议题
Center for European Policy Studies 布鲁塞尔 860万美元 欧洲事务
Transparency Int'l 柏林 1330万美元 反贪污
German Council on Foreign Relations 柏林 640万美元 德国外交政策、国际关系
German Institute for Int'l and Security Affairs 柏林 1640万美元 德国外交政策与安全
French Institute of Int'l Relations 巴黎 810万美元 泛大西洋关系、欧洲事务
Adam Smith Institute 伦敦 50万美元 自由巿场、社会政策


  第一名为Cato Institute,该研究所的自由派、反当权派、反华府的作风已赢得世界相关人士的敬重,该所推动将社会安全保障私有化的主张己使自由派人士不满,而该所强烈反对攻打伊拉克也激怒了保守派人士。

  第二名的智库是Brookings Institute,该研究所的人才济济,从健保改革到人权议题均有专精,使得该研究所对于当前几乎所有重要议题均拥有发言权。

  第三名的智库是Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,该所强烈反对攻打伊拉克,以及该所专精于研究伊朗及朝鲜核武问题,使得该所对于美国的国防政策甚具影响力。

  第一名为European Council on Foreign Relations,该所拥有一些重量级研究人员,例如诺贝尔奖得主Martti Ahtisaari、德国前外长Joschka Fischer,该研究所的重点在为日益整合的欧洲发展出共同的外交政策。


  第三名为Center for American Progress,该研究所拥有第一流研究人才,同时擅用媒体,己成为华府民主党的谘询重镇。


  第一名的智库是Brookings Institute,不论是中东和平、全球金融、或城巿规划,几乎所有的重要议题该研究所均拥有主导性作用。



  在其他方面,例如有关安全及国际事务研究方面的前五名智库分别为Brookings Institute、Chatham House、Carnegie Endowment for International Peace、Council on Foreign Relations、Int'l Institute for Strategic Studies。

  在国际发展研究方面的前五名分别为Brookings Institute、Overseas Development Institute、Council on Foreign Relations、Rand Corporation、Woodrow Wilson Int'l Center for Scholars。

  前五名的国际经济政策研究智库为Brookings Institute、Peterson Institute for Int'l Economics、Fraser Institute、Nat'l Bureau of Economic Research、Adam Smith Institute。





  2009年1月20日奥巴马总统宣誓就职后,随即提出国家安全团队名单,送请参议院行使同意权。在这份名单中包括由美国大西洋理事会主席琼斯(James Jones)出任白宫国家安全顾问、国家亚洲研究局国安部门主任布莱尔(Dennis Blair)接掌国家情报总监(DNI),以及布鲁金斯研究所研究员莱斯(Susan Rice)出使美国驻联合国大使等。由此重要人事任命案显示,美国重要智库与国家安全战略设计及政策规划的密切关联性。


全美最佳智库TOP 30编辑本段回目录

Top 30 U.S. Think Tanks


Brookings Institution

Location: Washington

Annual budget: $60.7 million

Specialties: U.S. foreign policy, Middle East

Boldface names: Strobe Talbott, Kenneth Pollack, Alice Rivlin

Council on Foreign Relations

Location: New York

Budget: $38.3 million

Specialties: U.S. foreign policy, national security

Boldface names: Richard Haass, Michael Gerson, Walter Russell Mead, Angelina Jolie

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Location: Washington

Budget: $22 million

Specialties: Nuclear nonproliferation, China

Boldface names: Jessica T. Mathews, Robert Kagan, Minxin Pei

Rand Corporation

Location: Santa Monica, Calif.

Budget: $251 million

Specialties: Military strategy, political economy

Boldface names: James Dobbins, Gregory Treverton, William Overholt

Heritage Foundation

Location: Washington

Budget: $48.4 million

Specialties: Tax policy, missile defense

Boldface names: Edwin Meese, Peter Brookes, James Jay Carafano

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Location: Washington

Budget: $34.5 million

Specialties: Regional studies, democracy promotion

Boldface names: Lee Hamilton, Haleh Esfandiari

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Location: Washington

Budget: $29 million

Specialties: Defense policy, diplomacy

Boldface names: John Hamre, Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Anthony Cordesman

American Enterprise Institute

Location: Washington

Budget: $23.6 million (2006)

Specialties: Trade, defense

Boldface names: Newt Gingrich, David Frum, Richard Perle

Cato Institute

Location: Washington

Budget: $19 million

Specialties: Libertarianism, deregulation

Boldface names: David Boaz, Edward Crane, Christopher Preble

Hoover Institution

Location: Stanford, Calif.

Budget: $34.1 million

Specialties: Defense policy, conservatism

Boldface names: Larry Diamond, Michael McFaul, Victor Davis Hanson

Human Rights Watch

Location: New York

Budget: $35.5 million

Specialties: Human rights, international justice

Boldface names: Kenneth Roth

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Location: Washington

Budget: $9.5 million

Specialties: Trade, globalization

Boldface names: C. Fred Bergsten, Anders Åslund, William Cline

United States Institute of Peace

Location: Washington

Budget: $24.7 million

Specialties: Conflict resolution, postconflict stability

Boldface names: Richard Solomon, Scott Lasensky, J. Alexander Thier

National Bureau of Economic Research

Location: Cambridge, Mass.

Budget: $29.8 million

Specialties: Economic growth, empirical research

Boldface names: James Poterba, Robert Lipsey, Martin Feldstein

Center for Global Development

Location: Washington

Budget: $9.8 million

Specialties: Globalization, inequality

Boldface names: Nancy Birdsall

World Policy Institute

Center for American Progress

Carter Center

Hudson Institute

Urban Institute

EastWest Institute

New America Foundation

Manhattan Institute

Resources for the Future

Baker Institute for Public Policy

Henry L. Stimson Center

Center for Transatlantic Relations

Independent Institute

International Peace Institute

National Center for Policy Analysis (tied)

Mercatus Center (tied)

非美国智库TOP 20编辑本段回目录

Top 20 Non-U.S. Think Tanks

Chatham House

Location: London

Budget: $12.4 million

Specialties: International economics, regional studies

International Institute for Strategic Studies

Location: London

Budget: $15.3 million

Specialties: Nonproliferation, counterterrorism

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Location: Solna, Sweden

Budget: $5.3 million

Specialties: Arms control, conflict management

Overseas Development Institute

Location: London

Budget: $25.9 million

Specialties: International development, humanitarian issues

Centre for European Policy Studies

Location: Brussels

Budget: $8.6 million

Specialty: EU affairs

Transparency International

Location: Berlin

Budget: $13.3 million

Specialty: Anticorruption

German Council on Foreign Relations

Location: Berlin

Budget: $6.4 million

Specialties: German foreign policy, international relations

German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Location: Berlin

Budget: $16.4 million

Specialties: German foreign policy and security

French Institute of International Relations

Location: Paris

Budget: $8.1 million

Specialties: Trans-Atlantic relations, European affairs

Adam Smith Institute

Location: London

Budget: $500,000

Specialties: Free-market and social policies

Fraser Institute (Canada)

European Council on Foreign Relations (multiple)

Centre for Policy Studies (Britain)

Institute of Development Studies (Britain)

Centre for Economic Policy Research (Britain)

Centre for European Reform (Britain)

International Crisis Group (Belgium)

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Sweden)

Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Germany)

Canadian International Council (Canada)


Top Think Tanks for Innovative Ideas
Cato Institute

Cato’s libertarian stance, once viewed as fringe, is now considered respectable. With its anti-incumbent, anti-Washington attitude, Cato has antagonized liberals with its push to privatize Social Security, as well as conservatives with its vigorous opposition to the Iraq war.

Brookings Institution

From heathcare reform to recommendations on closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Brookings has a breadth of expertise that allows it to offer innovative fixes for nearly every critical issue facing the United States today.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Carnegie’s role in opposing the invasion of Iraq and providing critical research on issues such as Iran’s and North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs places it at the heart of some of Washington’s defining policy debates.

Best New Think Tanks (of the last 5 years)

European Council on Foreign Relations

Populated by European heavyweights like Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari and former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, the ECFR aims to craft a common foreign policy for an increasingly integrated Europe.


Funded by EU member states and located in Brussels, Bruegel specializes in driving European economic growth and making the continent more competitive in the global economy.

Center for American Progress

Thanks to its all-star roster of experts and savvy use of new media, CAP has emerged as the intellectual center of Democratic D.C.

Most Impact on Public Policy Debates

Brookings Institution

When important debates occur in Washington—whether over Middle East peace, global finance, or urban strategy—it’s a fair bet that Brookings is driving the conversation.

Heritage Foundation

A partisan approach, obsession with the latest policy issues, an effective marketing strategy, and proximity to the seat of power (it is steps away from the U.S. Congress) give Heritage an influential edge.

Top 5 Think Tanks in Latin America and the Caribbean

Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (Argentina)

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Costa Rica)

Libertad y Desarrollo (Chile)

Centro de Estudios Públicos (Chile)

Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (Argentina)

Top 5 Think Tanks in Asia

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China)

Japan Institute of International Affairs (Japan)

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (India)

Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Indonesia)

Institute for International Policy Studies (Japan)

Top 5 Think Tanks in the Middle East and North Africa

Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (Egypt)

Center for Strategic Studies (Jordan)

Institute for National Security Studies (Israel)

Gulf Research Center (United Arab Emirates)

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (United Arab Emirates)

Top 5 Think Tanks in Sub-Saharan Africa

Centre for Conflict Resolution (South Africa)

South African Institute of International Affairs (South Africa)

Institute for Security Studies (South Africa)

Free Market Foundation (South Africa)

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (Senegal)

Top 5 Security and International Affairs Think Tanks

Brookings Institution

Chatham House

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Council on Foreign Relations

International Institute for Strategic Studies

Top 5 International Development Think Tanks

Brookings Institution

Overseas Development Institute

Council on Foreign Relations

Rand Corporation

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Top 5 International Economic Policy Think Tanks

Brookings Institution

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Fraser Institute

National Bureau of Economic Research

Adam Smith Institute

The Think Tank Index
1,872 in North America
1,208 in Western Europe
653 in Asia
538 in Latin America and the Caribbean
514 in Eastern Europe
424 in sub-Saharan Africa
 218 in the Middle East and North Africa
  38 in Oceania


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