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《黑客大曝光》(Hacking Exposed)
《黑客大曝光》(Hacking Exposed)
《掘金黑客》( Kingpin)
《掘金黑客》( Kingpin)
《线上幽灵》(Ghost in the wires:My adventures as the world's most wanted hacker)
《线上幽灵》(Ghost in the wires:My adventures as the world's most wanted hacker)
《黑客与画家》( Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age)
《黑客与画家》( Hackers and Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age)
《杜鹃蛋》The Cuckoo's Egg
《杜鹃蛋》The Cuckoo's Egg
《黑客:电脑革命的英雄》(Hackers:Heros of the Computer Revolution)
《黑客:电脑革命的英雄》(Hackers:Heros of the Computer Revolution)
《防火墙》 Firewall
《防火墙》 Firewall


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马克·阿贝尼 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




马克·阿贝尼(Mark Abene),1972年出生,是来自纽约的计算机黑客。曾经是黑客团伙“Legion of Doom”“Masters of Deception”的成员,1994年,被判处1年徒刑。他的圈内头衔“Phiber Optik”比他的真名更有号召力。

   主要成就:作为骗局大师集团的首领, Phiber Optik激励了成千上万的青少年“钻研”国内电话系统的内部工作原理。为此一项联邦裁决试图以“散布非法信息给其他黑客”为由判他入联邦监狱一年, 但该项裁决最后不了了之。回家之日,众多拥护者拥进了曼哈顿俱乐部出席向他致敬的“归来聚会”。聚会后不久,纽约一杂志将他作为100明最杰出的纽约青年予以表彰。
  第一次接触计算机:他母亲工作的纽约奎恩的A&S 百货公司电子部门。 在那里他接触到Apple II, Timex Sinclair和 Commodore 64。 他拥有的第一台电脑是Radio Shack TRS-80 (托什-80)型。
  自己独特的工具: 在电话接受器的拨号盘上做试验。阿贝尼频繁使用接受器,以至竟然不得不用黑色的电胶布把拨号盘绑住,以免脱落。
   鲜为人知的事实: Phiber Optik’喜爱的食物: 肯塔基州炸鸡里的马铃薯泥。不是真正的马铃薯泥。 实际的马铃薯泥里面有金丝鸟病。
   目前的状况:宾夕法尼亚州监狱出来之后, 马克·阿贝尼为一家会计公司做漏洞检验,后成立过一家叫Crossbar(横木)的安全公司(现在已经不存在了)。


Early life
Mark Abene's first contact with computers was at 10 or 11 years of age. After getting a modem, he got on CompuServe and shortly after came in contact with various BBSes. In a desire to explore, he connected to various computers.

He became affiliated with the Legion of Doom (LOD), a loosely-knit group of BBS users interested in computers, in the late 1980s. Abene and other people in the LOD exchanged information about accessing others' computer systems.

At some point in 1989 or 1990, Phiber Optik's affiliations changed from the Legion of Doom to the rival group Masters of Deception as a result of a feud with LOD member Erik Bloodaxe. According to some sources (TLC, 2004), Phiber Optik was one of the founding members of MOD. However, according to the group's own history-writing (available in the form of 5 text files, see links), Phiber was not one of the initial members. Phiber joining up with Masters of Deception marked the beginning of the Great Hacker War, after several years of rivalry between the MOD and the LOD.

First arrest
In conjunction with the nationwide AT&T Telephone System Crash of 1990 in 1990, Abene's home was raided by the Secret Service on January 24. Secret Service agents permanently confiscated computer equipment and other belongings. According to some reports[citation needed], Phiber Optik and fellow MOD members Elias Ladopoulos ("Acid Phreak") and Paul Stira ("Scorpion"), were interrogated under the suspicion of causing the AT&T crash. Ultimately, no charges were filed along this line. AT&T also denied that hackers had anything to do with the crash, blaming a software error. However, the myth that the crash in reality was caused by MOD and LOD members was reflected in Joshua Quittner and Michelle Slatalla's Masters of Deception, and has lived on into the 21st century (Scott, 2002).

In February 1991, Abene was arrested and charged with Computer Tampering and Computer Trespass of the first degree, New York state offenses. He was also charged with a misdemeanor theft-of-service for a free-call scam to a 900 number. Mark Abene, who was a minor at the time, pleaded "not guilty" to the first two offenses and guilty to the misdemeanor and was sentenced to 35 hours of community service. (Sterling, 1994)

Second arrest and indictment
Abene and four other members of the Masters of Deception were arrested again in December 1991 and indicted by a Manhattan federal grand jury on July 8, 1992 on an 11-count charge. At first, Abene — still a minor by a month — pleaded "not guilty", but later changed his plea to guilty on two felony counts.

The indictment relied heavily on evidence collected by court-approved wire tapping of telephone conversations between MOD members. According to a quotation by district attorney Obermaier, related by Newsbytes, it was the "first investigative use of court-authorized wiretaps to obtain conversations and data transmissions of computer hackers" in the US. (Such tactics had been used by the Australian Federal Police in 1990 to gain evidence for the prosecution of members of an Australian elite hacker community called The Realm.)

The two counts to which Abene pled guilty were conspiracy and unauthorized access to computers of federal interest. A number of "overt acts" were described to support the counts. On count one (conspiracy), they claimed Abene was responsible for receiving login information for a computer system ("overt acts" k and r, s), and giving another member information on "how to call forward telephone numbers on a certain type of phone switching computer" (p). The first overt act was attributed to all five of the defendants, and accused them of causing damage to a computer system operated by Educational Broadcasting Corporation, leaving a message on the screen: "Happy Thanksgiving you turkeys from all of us at MOD". Count two (Unauthorized Access to Computers) was supported by claiming that MOD had accessed federal interest computers, destroying information in the process. It also covered illegitimately accessing Southwestern Bell computer systems. MOD and "others whom they aided and abetted" allegedly performed actions causing losses of approximately $370,000. (Grand jury indictment, 1992).

Trial and sentencing
According to a July 9, 1992 newsletter from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the defendants could face a maximum term of 50 years in prison and fines of $2.5 million, if found guilty on all counts. Despite the fact that Abene was a minor at the time the crimes were allegedly committed, was only involved in a small fraction of the sub-charges, and often in a passive way, a plea arrangement resulted in by far the harshest sentence: 12 months imprisonment, three years probation and 600 hours of community service.

Hacker community protests
Many people inside and outside of the hacker world felt that "Phiber" was made an example of, and not judged according to earlier court standards. Mark Abene had gotten himself quite a name in the hacker sub-culture, for example appearing on the radio show Off The Hook, led by Eric Corley (a.k.a. Emmanuel Goldstein). At the time of the indictment and following trial, he was working at ECHO, a New York bulletin board system and pioneering ISP, as well as at MindVox, another ISP founded by LOD members.

ECHO users, ECHO themselves and hackers around the nation expected Abene to get off with probation or at most a few months of jail time. Co-defendants and previous offenders charged with "hacking" offences had received rather lenient punishments, and given his new-found enthusiasm for using his knowledge to do good the general feeling was optimistic prior to the sentencing.

A statement made by U.S. attorney Otto Obermeier in conjunction with the indication, "The message that ought to be delivered with this indictment is that such conduct will not be tolerated, irrespective of the age of the particular accused or their ostensible purpose." (Newsbytes, 1992), was interpreted by Abene's supporters to mean that MOD was made an example of, to show that the authorities could handle the perceived "hacker threat". During sentencing, Judge Stanton said that "the defendant stands as a symbol here today," and that "hacking crimes constitute a real threat to the expanding information highway.", reinforcing the view that a relatively-harmless "teacher", was judged as a symbol for all hackers (Dibbel, 1994 and Goldstein, 1993, 2001).
This clip is from a recording from the November 10, 1993 edition of the radio program Off The Hook. Emmanuel Goldstein (Eric Corley) and Phiber Optik (Mark Abene) express their concerns over the recent sentencing hearing.

Later life
After serving the one-year sentence at a federal prison in Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, Mark Abene was released in November 1994. After his return, a party called "Phiberphest '95" at a Manhattan nightclub was held in his honor. In TIME, Joshua Quittner called him "the first underground hero of the Information Age, the Robin Hood of cyberspace." For a time, he resumed his employment at ECHO, but later left to become system administrator of Radical Media, Inc., an up-and-coming emerging media company. After some consulting and speaking engagements on the subject of security, he was recruited by Steve Lutz at Ernst & Young, LLP as a staff consultant and with a small hand-picked group, jumpstarted E&Y's tiger team practice. After some years as a very successful security consultant, he joined forces with former Legion of Doom member Dave Buchwald and a third colleague, Andrew Brown, to create security consulting company Crossbar Security. Crossbar thrived for a number of years in that it provided the same realism in tiger teams and security reviews that had initially elevated E&Y's practice to such high demand. Crossbar provided info security services for a number of large corporations during its lifetime, during which the principals conducted business in the U.S., Japan, Brazil, and Sweden. As a result of the "dot com" bust, Crossbar ultimately went defunct in 2001, largely due to cuts in corporate security spending.

In September 2000, Abene briefly caused some stir in the security community, when he was turned down for employment by security firm @stake. The firm, which had merged with a company called L0pht Heavy Industries known for its many hacker employees a year earlier, asked him to join their New York office, apparently unaware of his past as a hacker. At a late stage, Mark was informed by a company representative that the offer was no longer valid, saying: "We ran a background check." This caused some debate regarding the role of convicted hackers working in the security business. (Poulsen, 2000).

Since the Crossbar days, Abene has been making a quiet living as an independent security and sysadmin consultant.

Abene featured in his acting debut as The Inside Man in film Urchin[1] completed in Summer 2006 and released in the USA in February 2007. 

“电话飞客”的末日 马克·阿贝尼编辑本段回目录

  马克·阿贝尼(Mark Abene):这个臭名昭著的Masters of Deception(骗局大师)的创始人之一,激励了全美成千上万的青年人“钻研”国内电话系统的内部工作原理,为此一项政府裁决试图以“散布非法信息给其他骇客”为由判他入狱一年。尽管这项裁决最后不了了之,但是阿贝尼最终却没有逃脱相同的命运。1990年,阿贝尼因篡改电话线在纽约被警方逮捕入狱。

  像那些伟大的黑客们一样,阿贝尼很小的时候就对电脑产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且很快就显露出了他在这方面所具有的天赋来,他第一次接触电脑并对电脑感兴趣是得益于在纽约某公司电子部门工作的母亲的引导,尽管那是一台非常简陋的“苹果II”办公电脑,但是已经足以令小阿贝尼迷恋得如痴如醉了。能拥有一台属于自己的电脑成了他当时最大的梦想,没过多久,阿贝尼就实现了自己的这一梦想,但这台Radio shack trs-80型电脑的代价花去了他半年时间所攒下的钱!就在这台电脑上,他学会了后来蜕变成为一个可憎的骇客的初步知识。


  一群酷爱“探索电话系统的奥秘”以“向自己的智力挑战”的家伙活跃在电话旁边,他们自称“电话飞客”?phone phreaK?。但是更多的人却鄙视地称他们为“电话窃贼”。这些飞客们透过电话线路聚集成群,或是举行Offline meeting等方式,互相研讨心得。阿贝尼的聪明才智再一次发挥了出来,他很快就精通了电话系统,并且开始研究如何避开电话公司的控制,让自己在电话线上的活动更自主、更自由。这也是现今网络言论自由的来源!他成为后来成立的Masters of Deception(骗局大师)的骨干分子!




2007年,在马来西亚首都吉隆坡举行的“Hack in the Box”黑客暨安全大会,受到了业界的广泛关注。今年的大会邀请了众多知名人士参加,其中的主要演讲人及主题包括Mark Abene《西方信息安全的起落》。

“我目睹了两个团体的出现:地下黑客和计算机安全,二者既养活了对方,为彼此间接提供了帮助却也一直在斗争。” Mark Abene 将回忆自己早年做黑客的经历,并阐述他对西方信息安全多年的看法。

Mark Abene,在Wikipedia中都可以查到此人,他更为知名的是他的笔名—Phiber Optik,纽约著名的黑客。从10岁就开始接触电脑。

马克·阿贝尼在90年代名噪一时,也非常高调,经常在《纽约时报》、Harper's、Esquire等媒体露面,而且参与电视辩论。他是非虚构小说《欺骗大师——统治赛博空间的黑帮》(Masters of Deception — The Gang that Ruled Cyberspace )中的重要角色之一。

由于AT&T的长途服务系统在马丁路德金纪念日崩溃,美国开始实施全面打击黑客的行动。联邦政府逮捕了圣路易斯的Knight Lightning ;在纽约抓获了“欺骗大师”(纽约市一个少年黑客组织)的三剑客Phiber Optik、Acid Phreak和Scorpion;独立黑客Eric Bloodaxe则在德克萨斯被捕。

作为一个激进组织的创始人之一,阿贝尼激励了全美成千上万的青年人“钻研”国内电话系统的内部工作原理,为此一项联邦裁决试图以“散布非法信息给其他黑客”为由判他入联邦监狱一年,但该项裁决最后不了了之。回家之日,众多拥护者拥进了曼哈顿俱乐部出席向他致敬的“归来聚会”。聚会后不久,纽约一杂志将他作为100名最杰出的纽约青年予以表彰。他第一次接触电脑是得益于在纽约某公司电子部门工作的母亲,从母亲那里他接触到了苹果II,他拥有的第一台电脑是花完了大功近半年时间所攒下的钱所买的radio shack trs-80(托什-80)型。


《Masters of Deception — The Gang that Ruled Cyberspace》(ISBN 978-0-06-092694-6).

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