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无论你是富有经验,有意转型为游戏UI设计师的应用开发者,还是自学成才的设计师,你都需要创建一个作品集,用于展示你自己在游戏UI设计上的造诣。应用开发者及平面设计师在此方面已经有一些优势 ,因为他们的作品所运用的技术可能与UI设计有所重叠,而如果你是从零开始的自学者,你又该如何创建游戏UI作品集呢?你必须先从自己的个人项目入手,下面就谈谈这些项目都有哪些形式。






scaleform4(from unrealengine.com)

scaleform4(from unrealengine.com)

小型游戏项目及修正版本:要通过这种自学项目创造一个应用或小型游戏,让它们检验你的UI设计。如果你有兴趣开发iOS移动应用,可以下载XCode SDK,自学Objective C编程语言,创造一款拥有精致UI设计的应用或小游戏。但你并不需要针对iPhone创建一款完整的游戏或应用——你可以用Flash制作一个简单的版本。你还可以下载EpicGames的Unreal Development Kit,使用许多其他公司制作游戏及UI所使用的相同技术(例如Scaleform UI系统)来制作一款小游戏。这可能是最耗精力和工时的一个理念,但也是最能亮出真本领的环节——它可以证明你确实掌握了一项新技术,你可以规划并完成一个项目。








在动视任职期间,我继续自学优秀的平台设计方法,因为我根本就没有这方面的背景。除此之外,我还在自己的闲暇时间制作游戏关卡和模组,在此我就将一些做天体物理模型所需掌握的编程技术运用到了游戏编程上。在GameSpy和动视工作期间我曾与Raven Software这家公司紧密合作,我从那里得知他们有个UI设计师的岗位空缺,当时他们正在研发一个项目,也就是我特别熟悉的《雷神之锤4》及其开发技术。

Quake-4(from indirjet.com)

Quake-4(from indirjet.com)




Raven并非我游戏职业生涯的开端,但却是我作为游戏UI设计师的起点。在Raven就职时我参与开发了《雷神之锤4》、《德军总部》、《漫画英雄:终极联盟》,之后我又加入了Gas Powered Games团队,参与制作了《太空围攻》和《半神》。之后我在Uber Entertainment就职时,参与开发《Monday Night Combat》以及现在的《Super Monday Night Combat》。




EpicGames UDK



Design Shack

Smashing Magazine


The Design of Everyday Things

Edward Tufte’s Books(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Caryn Vainio)

The Path to Game UI Design, Part IV: Getting Experience

Yesterday we continued our series and discussed the tools that game UI designers and artists use. Today, let’s talk about how to get experience when you’re outside the industry and interested in getting in.

Getting Experience

Whether you’re the experienced app developer looking to transition into game UI or the self-taught designer, you’ll need to build a portfolio of work that shows you understand what goes into making good game UI. App developers and graphic designers have an edge in that some of their work will naturally cross over into overlapping UI territory, but how do you build a game UI portfolio if you’re starting from Square One? You’ll need to start working on personal projects, and here we’ll talk about what form some of those projects might take.

Case Studies: To make good game UI, you have to play games and really study their UI. By taking your favorite games — or your least favorite, if you think that poor UI may have contributed to your dislike — and dissecting the UI, you can show some critical thinking about what goes into making good game UI. If you keep a blog, you might consider writing a case study of a game’s UI, detailing what design decisions you felt were smart and which ones you felt weren’t so smart, and include some redesign thoughts and sketches along the way.

A cautious note about case studies, however: it’s easy to get negative and to sound less like you’re offering a view into solving interface problems you encounter and more like you’re slagging on another UI designer’s work. If you’re going to reinterpret someone’s UI work or work, do it with respect, and with the knowledge that you weren’t on the project and have no idea what technical or other limitations the UI designer was constrained by. I’m guilty of having done a case study or two in my day that focused on being too critical.

Mock UI Designs: Another way to gain skill and show a breadth of design and aesthetic understanding is to create mock UI designs. You can choose to reskin an existing game or design the UI for a game you’ve created hypothetically. These can be static images of typical front-end UI screens, such as main menus or Options screens, or in-game UI screens such as HUDs or scoreboards. This is a great way to bolster your graphic design skills if this is an area that needs development in your skill set.

Interactive UI Prototypes: You can take the idea of mock UI designs one step further and make them interactive prototypes. Using a program like Flash allows you to create mock front-end screens and show artistic transitions as well as the flow and navigation through a typical game UI. If you’ve played a game and thought that the designers could have handled a particularly complex UI a little better, this is a way to plan that out and then create it so that someone can interact with it and see your better idea in action. It also allows you to practice some basic scripting skills in Actionscript if you need to develop your coding and scripting skill set.

Small-scale game projects and mods: The logical conclusion to this chain of self-study projects is to create a full application or small game in which the UI is your showcase piece. If you’re into mobile development and use iOS you can download the XCode SDK, teach yourself the Objective C programming language, and create an app or small game that features a well-designed UI. But you don’t need to develop a full game or app for the iPhone — you can keep it simple and do it all in Flash. You can even download EpicGames’ Unreal Development Kit and have access to virtually the same tech that many game companies use to actually make their games and UI, including the Scaleform UI system, and make a small game. This idea may be the most work-intensive, but it’s also the surest way to show many things: that you can learn new tech, and that you can plan a project, begin it, and see it to completion.

If you don’t want to go the full-scale project route, you can try your hand at creating a mod (short for “modification”). Many games allow you to make modifications to gameplay, UI, and more and then release them for other players to download and try out. Blizzard’s World of Warcraft and Starcraft II are two such examples, and some PC first-person shooters and RPGs provide the tools to do this as well.

What About Game Design Schools Or Programs?

There’s been a huge rise in the amount of specialized game design programs at colleges, universities, and schools dedicated to the subject. If you want to become a game UI designer, your question might be, “shouldn’t I just enroll in one of these programs?”

You’ll find a wide variety of opinion about the usefulness of these specialized game courses, and mine is just that: an opinion. I don’t have any direct experience with these programs and have only worked with a small handful of people who’ve graduated from them. The quality of these programs will vary just as the quality of any degree program will vary between institutions. My experience with colleagues I’ve enjoyed working with who’ve been through these programs is that it isn’t the program or degree that turned them into game developers — they were highly motivated to begin with, and they had a love of games and making them that would have manifested regardless of where they got their education or what kind of degree they got. Most of these game developers began making games in their spare time with many of the tools discussed here and learned the most valuable skills simply by making games.

As it relates to game UI design, my advice to anyone asking the question above would be to get a degree in graphic design, and possibly a double major or minor in computer science, because the skills you learn for making good UI go above and beyond games, and they apply to any industry that employs UI designers. And you may find yourself someday wanting to move out of games, so having a broader set of skills that are applicable to other industries can only benefit you.

The Path to Game UI Design, Part V: Further Interest

Yesterday, we talked about how to get experience you’ll need to build good game UI; today I’m going to tell you about my own path into a career in game UI design and then give you a few resources to get you started.

“How Did YOU Do It?”

Right off the bat I’m just going to tell you that my own story of how I got into the game industry and became a UI designer is a poor example to follow only because the path I took is pretty winding and indirect, and huge, overflowing buckets of luck played a big part in the opportunities I was able to take advantage of. But I’ll tell you the abridged form of my story anyway since most people ask, and parts of it still help answer the question this article is addressing.

I graduated with my B.S. in astrophysics a long time ago fully intending to go on to my Ph.D., while on the side doing a ton of gaming and game-related writing for GameSpy and other outfits as a freelancer since writing was a hobby of mine. When a bunch of ill-timed hurdles fell into my path I was offered a full-time job at GameSpy to run their biggest site, PlanetQuake. After doing that for about a year I moved up to the role of Action Genre Producer, managing all of the web sites on the network that fell under the action category since first-person shooters were my expertise.

The job didn’t directly involve a lot of the qualifications of a UI designer except that I worked with the web designers at GameSpy, picking up a lot of the skills necessary for web design and development along the way. But after about three years at GameSpy I took a job with Activision as their online marketing manager for the “hardcore” titles (aka, first-person shooters like Call of Duty, DOOM, and others). The job involved a little bit more creative work, doing some marketing materials that stretched my pretty much non-existent at-the-time graphic design skills. To this point (and, really, at ANY point) I hadn’t had any education in graphic design other than my own interest in web design, learning from colleagues and friends that I felt were good teachers in clean, good, solid web UI design and practicing on my own web site and associated logos and images.

While at Activision I kept trying to teach myself the principles of good graphic design since I had no background in it. In addition to that, in my spare time I created game levels and mods, which helped to translate some of the programming skills I’d learned doing theoretical modeling in astrophysics into game programming. Then I learned that a position for a UI designer was open at Raven Software, a company I’d worked with pretty closely while at GameSpy and Activision, and they were working on a game and tech that I was pretty familiar with: Quake IV.

I had bought DOOM 3 and knew that they would be using that tech for Quake IV, and I also knew that the tools to work with the game came with it. The UI for DOOM 3 used a pretty simple scripting system that I was confident I could pick up. So, pulling some late nights and cramming at every opportunity, in a short amount of time I did the following: I learned the GUI system, I created a small three-story level with the DOOM 3 level editor, I designed a few letters for a theoretical font to represent the Strogg alphabet (the Strogg being the alien enemy in Quake IV), and then created a working elevator GUI using the font that allowed the player to move to and from any floor, and in-between floors the GUI would ripple and flicker with static as if it were being affected by a war-torn electrical system. (For flair I threw a muzak version of “The Girl From Ipanema” into the elevator, Blues Brothers-style. Hey, the Strogg like to relax a little, too, you know.)

This was the centerpiece of my portfolio, meant to show that not only could I do the graphic design of the UI itself but could also take it into the game, hook it up to the scripting system, and then make it actually work. I added other pieces to my portfolio to try and show some capabilities in graphic design even though I knew my skill set there was limited — theoretical Strogg decal work, and mostly some web design.

I got the job. Looking back, I can honestly say that Raven took a huge chance on me given that my skill set in actual graphic design was really weak, but they had picked me because I showed a strong ability to quickly pick up any technical skill needed to do UI design in their tech. And while at Raven I was grouped with people much stronger in graphic design and art than me, which let me do a lot of learning and growing, something I’ve continued to do since.

Raven wasn’t the start of my game industry career but it was the start of my career as a game UI designer. While at Raven I worked on Quake IV, Wolfenstein, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and after Raven I moved on to Gas Powered Games where I worked on Space Siege and Demigod. And after Gas Powered Games I went to Uber Entertainment where I am today, working on Monday Night Combat and now Super Monday Night Combat.

Bringing It All Together

Making games is hard work no matter how much fun it is to play them, contrary to what many people who haven’t made games may think. And game UI is no different. The skills and pointers in this article can get you to a certain point, but being a game UI designer means being able to deal with the incredibly fast pace of game development, having the ability to switch gears on the fly, and being self-motivated enough to obtain a range of skills that aren’t readily available from a single college program. But at the end of the day creating good game UI is an accomplishment few people get to say they do, and your fellow game development colleagues will be happy to have you there doing it.


This is a very small list of resources to get you started. From here, look to other games and study their UI, and talk to as many game designers as you can about how they see game UI fitting in with their game design.


EpicGames UDK


Web Sites

Design Shack

Smashing Magazine


The Design of Everyday Things

Donald Norman

Edward Tufte’s Books

Special Thanks

Several people helped me polish up this article and I’d like to give them a shout of thanks: my husband, Matt; Stacie Scattergood; Josh Sawyer of Obsidian Entertainment, and Ashley Matheson of BioWare. (source:part 1 part 2)

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