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Flappy Bird
Flappy Bird
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hardcore game(from games)

hardcore game(from games)

首先是列表方面。进入App Center后,我会看到列表,点击游戏栏,会出现战略、冒险、模拟这些分类,然后相应游戏会按评分从高到低排列。在此,你会看到某些显著趋势。通常,引用男性角色会选用代表力量的图片:比如肌肉男,精良装备或为拿下城市,配备充分武器。这在多数游戏中十分普遍。但我们实在无法理解,为何在女性玩家占据大半比例的情况下仍采取这种举措。难道呈现中性图片不是更明智之举吗?或者至少加入一些坚强的女性角色,平衡这些雄性元素?


woman figure(from games.com)

woman figure(from games.com)


也就是说,长期依赖图像吸引某个性别玩家的开发商、广告商与发行商从未考虑过,对所有玩家而言,他们只想体验游戏。而这些图像则毫无意义可言,也许他们更乐意见到玩法截屏,而不是毫无作用的角色图片。以硬核游戏为例,它们不该依赖3D角色,而应强调玩法方面。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Beau Hindman)

Core Corner: How hardcore Facebook games can welcome women

by Beau Hindman

Core gaming on Facebook is definitely a more challenging genre than casual Facebook gaming. There’s plenty of fun to be had in a game like FarmVille, but sometimes a more in-depth experience is needed. But do core games attract mostly men? How can women get into the RTS battlefields and turn-based adventures? It’s been known for a while how many women enjoy gaming on Facebook. It’s safe to say that they make up the largest portion of the user base. But how many of those women enjoy tank battles or castle-building in the hopes of conquering a server? It’s hard to say without deeper investigation, but that’s not really the point. The more important point is how the core developers seem to market to a very particular crowd and how they often cut female characters out of the equation. It’s simple: Look at the highest rated core games on Facebook and see how often women appear in the games, and if so, how they are presented.

First, the list. I came across this list by going to the App Center, clicking on games, next on strategy, adventure or simulation (generally home to more advanced games) and then organizing them by top-rated. At that point, you see some obvious trends. Generally, when you see a reference to a male character, he will be the picture of power: muscular, well-armored or packing enough weaponry to take down a city. This is par for the course in gaming in general. It’s not quite understood why, especially since female players make up at least half of the audience in gaming, social or otherwise. Wouldn’t it be smarter to make more neutral images, or at least balance the testosterone with at least some strong female characters?

Women are represented in these basic searches, but mainly in two ways. First, there is the scantily-clad warrior. She wears as little clothing as possible, and usually this is her only option. She can look powerful but must also look appealing. Next, we have the harmless professor-type of character who usually hosts a friendly game of city building or zoo keeping. This character has a nice hairdo, and generally looks as though she can solve any issue while keeping her hair in a perfect bun. What’s curious about all of this artwork and imagery does not stem from the normal areas; even if we look at it from an academic point of view, we have to wonder how it got this way in the first place, or how it can be changed now. We know for a fact that women and men play social games, even core games, in equal numbers at least. Sure, there will be some sway depending on the title, but is that due to poor representations through artwork or advertising? How many of us see a core game for the first time and skip it without ever trying it? Now, imagine you’re a player who normally does not enjoy core games or who normally avoids games altogether. The last title you might attempt to play would be one that seems to be chock full of sexist stereotypes.

I’s easy to present several ways to build such games. Stop forcing the only female characters into roles as either sexy robotic assistants or a plucky, cute scientists, for example–pretty obvious. The more important point to make is that game developers miss out on a lot of potential revenue by marketing to one side rather than remaining relatively neutral while pointing out the finer points of the game. Instead of having a massive, muscular warrior screaming from an advertisement of a real-time-strategy game, maybe present an image of the various vehicles that can be built, or post images of the game in action. Would there be a loss of players who might normally be attracted to those images of maleness? Possibly, but it’s also possible that concentrating on game mechanics would not only draw in those same players, but also attract players who might not be affected at all by a picture of a muscular male character or sexy female warrior.

In other words, developers, advertisers and publishers have long relied on imagery that attempts to attract one sex or the other without considering that, in all sexes and sexual orientations, there are humans who just want to play a game. The imagery means nothing to these players, and they would rather see screen shots of gameplay rather than artwork of characters that have no impact on the game. Core gaming is often representational and doesn’t rely on three-dimensional characters anyway, so gameplay needs to be emphasized.(source:games)

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