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2012年十大HTML5游戏 发表评论(0) 编辑词条





《A Grain of Truth》



由波兰的游戏开发公司Rudowscy Brothers制作的《A Grain of Truth》是一款优秀的点击类冒险游戏,画面精美,玩法独特。玩家的任务就是帮助一位年轻的旅行者在沉睡古树的世界中找到智者——一位与时间一样年老的人,他知道那个世界的所有历史。《A Grain of Truth》的制作基于jQuery库,UI是DOM(文档对象模型),它证明了制作好游戏不一定需要复杂的技术。

《Dune 2 Online》



如果你是90年代的游戏玩家,我几乎不必向你介绍《Dune 2》——它是《星际争霸》、《帝国时代》和《命令与征服》等即时策略游戏的教父。这款PC游戏诞生于1992年,由Westwood工作室制作。上个月,借助Emscripten编译LLVM中间码的方法,《Dune 2》被移植成JavaScript,这意味着它是原版游戏的复制版,能适应所有浏览器。

《Cut the Rope》

Cut-the-rope(from netmagazine)

Cut-the-rope(from netmagazine)

《Cut the Rope》是俄罗斯游戏开发工作室ZeptoLab的作品。今年,它被移植成HTML5,登录Windows 8的新IE浏览器。你可以从它的官方博客中了解更详尽的移植过程。

《Hex GL》

HexGL(from netmagazine)

HexGL(from netmagazine)

《Hex GL》是一款类似《反重力赛车》的未来派赛车游戏,使用Three.js 3D引擎制作。它允许玩家选择视频质量,所以即使是在老一些的电脑上也能流畅游戏(但它仍然需要WebGL)。

《Lux Ahoy》

LuxAhoy(from netmagazine)

LuxAhoy(from netmagazine)

这是一款《Scorched Earth》风格的回合制战斗游戏。玩家的目标是,在把加农球放在威力和角度控制器上,然后朝对手发射。所有图形的绘制和动画都是用Flash制作的,然后用Zoe、CreateJS、一系列JavaScript类库和工具移植成HTML5,从而创造出丰富的交互体验。


D_E_M_O(from netmagazine)

D_E_M_O(from netmagazine)

Will Eastcott和Dave Evans从来没想过制作游戏。他们的目标是为HTML5游戏开发者制作一种工具。今年初,他们展示了PlayCanvas,这是一个用于WebGL游戏和应用的浏览器视觉编辑器。为了证明他们的成果可行,他们制作了一款CS风格的多人TPS游戏,即《D.E.M.O.》。他们在今年的onGameStart大会上展示了这款游戏。


bananaBread(from netmagazine)

bananaBread(from netmagazine)

劝说一流AAA游戏工作室制作浏览器游戏的最简单办法就是,向他们证明他们仍然可以使用最喜欢的工具和语言制作那些游戏——和《Dune2 Online》一样,也是通过Emscripten将LLVM中间码编译成JavaScript。《BananaBread》就是一个典范——它采用《Cube 2: Sauerbraten》的引擎,这个引擎是由C++和OpenGL写成的,然后编译成JavaScript和WebGL。这款游戏的一大优点在于,代码和大部分的图像都是开放的。

《Save the Day》

Save-the-day(from netmagazine)

Save-the-day(from netmagazine)

《Save the Day》是一款简单的动作游戏,玩家的目标是坐在直升机上,在给定的时间内拯救藏在地图中的幸存者。它是用Turbulenz制作的,这是一个HTML5游戏平台,开发者能够在这个平台上建立、发布、重制和销售HTML5游戏。另外,平台支持社交API、WebGL和即时物理引擎。


BomberMine(from netmagazine)

BomberMine(from netmagazine)



BrowserQuest(from netmagazine)

BrowserQuest(from netmagazine)

《BrowserQuest》是一款由Little Workshop和Mozilla联手打造的经典多人RPG游戏,象素风格的画面非常漂亮。玩家的任务就是探索:帮助年轻的战士历经危险,找到宝藏。这款游戏使用了HTML5的大部分功能——在Canvas渲染的拼贴图象引擎、地图初始化时不减缓UI的工作线程、保存进程的本地储存器和HTML5音频支持。


onGameStart 2012和onGameStart US 2013

onGameStart(from netmagazine)

onGameStart(from netmagazine)

onGameStart是第一个大规模的HTML5游戏大会,最初是在波兰的华沙举办。2013年3月15日将在纽约举行新一届大会。我们认为制作一个正规的、无聊的大会网站没有意义,每一年我们都会展示一个相同主题的不同游戏:探索世界(一艘飞船或一个能看到星星和月亮的星球),找到发言人并与之交谈——他们会自我介绍并简述他们的发言要点。我们正在努力把行业标杆拔高,所以在今年,我们那个简单的、基于ImpactJS的平台游戏从今年开始,将被用Collin Hover的kaiopua引擎制作的、完全3D WebGL平台游戏所取代。

所以HTML5真的是游戏是未来?大量事实给出肯定的答案——大型游戏公司正在开设他们自己的HTML5部门,我们将有更加强大的工具、更全面的服务和更卓越的游戏。框架如 Three.js和EnchantJS,编辑器如Construct 2或PlayCanvas,类库如CreateJS降低了准入门槛,使缺乏经验的开发者更容易进入网页游戏开发领域。Emscripten表明,你甚至不必知道JavaScript,就可以开始写HTML5游戏——你可以使用C++或任何其他可编译成LLVM的语言。有了GamePad和Fullscreen+Pointer Lock API,你可以将游戏从台式机或主机上直接移植到你的浏览器上。不久之后Firefox OS将发布,到那时,我们的网页游戏可以像本地应用一样在手机设备上运行。看到HTML5游戏开发的进步,我非常振奋;我期待在2013年看到更多突破。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Michal Budzynski)

The top 10 HTML5 games of 2012

By Michal Budzynski

In 2012 HTML5 games made a big step forward. We finally realised that we don’t need tech demos or examples anymore – we all know that HTML5 has matured enough. Also players don’t care about the technology; they want games. We need those players and those games to prove that open web technologies can compete with any other technology used in game development.

All the titles presented in here are equally important for HTML5 gaming – they pushed the limits of the technology, and proved that it’s possible to create real, enjoyable games. That’s why all of them take ex aequo the same, first place.

A Grain of Truth

A Grain of Truth, made by the Rudowscy Brothers from Poland, is a marvellous point-and-click adventure game with beautiful, handmade graphics and deep gameplay. Help a young traveller in the world of The Old Tree that Sleeps find the Wiseman – a man as old as the time itself, who knows all the stories in the world. Based on jQuery with a UI made with DOM, A Grain of Truth shows that great games don’t need to be technically complex.

Dune 2 Online

If you were a gamer back in 1990, I hardly need to introduce you to Dune 2 – it’s the godfather of real-time strategy games such as Starcraft, Age of Empires and Command & Conquer. Created for PCs in 1992 by Westwood Studios, Dune 2 was ported last month to JavaScript from LLVM using Emscripten, which means it’s a true copy of the original game. It works great in all modern browsers.

Cut the Rope

Cut the Rope was created in 2010 by ZeptoLab, a game dev studio from Russia. This year it was ported to HTML5 as a showcase of the new Internet Explorer browser for Windows 8. You can read more about the process itself on the official blog.

Hex GL

HexGL is a Wipeout-like, futuristic racing game created using the Three.js framework on top of WebGL. It enables players to choose video quality, and so works smooth even on older computers (but it still needs WebGL).

Lux Ahoy

Lux Ahoy is Scorched Earth-style, turn-based combat game. The goal is to hit your opponent with a cannon ball, with power and angle controlled by the player. All the graphics were created and animated in Flash and ported to HTML5 with Zoe, part of CreateJS, a suite of JavaScript libraries and tools for building rich, interactive experiences with HTML5.


Will Eastcott and Dave Evans never wanted to create a game. Their goal was to finally create tools for HTML5 game developers. Earlier this year they presented PlayCanvas, a browser-based, visual editor for WebGL games and apps. To prove that their project works, they created a Counter-Strike like, multiplayer third-person shooter, called D.E.M.O. They describe what is going on behind the scenes in this blog post, and they’ve presented the game at this year’s onGameStart conference.


The easiest way to convince first class, AAA gaming studios to make games for browsers, is to show them that they can still use their favourite tools and languages for creating those games. It’s possible with Emscripten, the same library as in Dune2 Online – it compiles LLVM to JavaScript. It happened with BananaBread – it takes the Cube 2: Sauerbraten engine, which is written in C++ and OpenGL, and compiles it into JavaScript and WebGL. A big advantage of this project is that the code and most of the graphic assets are open.

Save the Day

Save the Day is a simple action game in which you need to rescue survivors hidden on a map with your helicopter in a given amount of time. It was created using Turbulenz – an HTML5 game platform that offers the ability to build, publish, iterate and monetise HTML5 games, with support for Social APIs, WebGL and real-time physics.


Bombermine is a real-time, massive multiplayer online Bomberman game, with tens of original features and bonuses: different types of bombs, ‘eagle view’ (Q key) or simple RPG elements like speed or HP. Be careful – it’s highly addictive!


BrowserQuest is a classic, massive multiplayer RPG game with beautiful, pixel art graphics, made by Little Workshop and Mozilla. It’s all about exploration: help your young warrior, driven by the thrill of adventure, visit most dangerous places in BrowserQuest’s world for the best rewards. It uses most of HTML5′s features – a tile-based graphics engine that renders on Canvas, web workers for map initialisation without slowing down the UI, localStorage for saving the progress and HTML5 audio for sound support. You can read nore about the project in this blog post.

And last but not least:

onGameStart 2012 & onGameStart US 2013

onGameStart is the first large-scale HTML5 gaming conference, originally organised in Warsaw, Poland, with a new, additional event in New York on 15 March 2013. Since there is no point in creating a regular, boring site for a gaming conference, every year we present different games with the same goal: explore the world (a spaceship or planets with stars and moons), find speakers and talk to them – they will introduce themselves and their talk’s abstracts. We are trying to push the bar as high as possible, so our simple, ImpactJS-based platformer from this year was replaced by a fully 3D WebGL platformer built with Collin Hover’s kaiopua engine.

So is HTML5 really the future of games? A lot of facts say yes – big gaming companies are opening their own HTML5 departments, we have more and more great tools and services emerging all the time, together with outstanding games. Frameworks such as Three.js and EnchantJS, editors like Construct 2 or PlayCanvas, and libraries such as CreateJS lower the entry point and make browser game development easier for new and less experienced web developers. Emscripten shows that you don’t even need to know JavaScript to start writing HTML5 games – you can use old, well known C++ or any other language compiled to LLVM. With GamePad and Fullscreen+Pointer Lock APIs you can transfer user experience from desktop or gaming consoles directly to your browser. And with the soon-to-be-released Firefox OS, our web games will run on mobile devices as native apps as well. I’m really excited about what happened this year in HTML5 game dev, and I’m looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings.(source:netmagazine)

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