
- Hardcover: 354 pages
- Publisher: University Of Chicago Press; 1 edition (September 15, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0226817415
- ISBN-13: 978-0226817415
- Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1 inches
《从反主流文化到网络文化》(From Counterculture to Cyberculture)正是探索这次非同寻常且颇具讽刺意味的变革的第一本书。作者弗雷德·特纳(Fred Turner)挖掘出那些在旧金山湾区曾经影响深远的先驱者们鲜为人知的故事。他们是斯图尔特·布兰德(Stewart Brand)和他的“全球网络”(Whole Earth Network)。1968年到1998年期间,通过《全球概览》(Whole Earth Catalog)杂志、“全球电子链接”(The WELL)计算机会议系统和最终取得巨大成功的《连线》(Wired)杂志,布兰德和他的伙伴们长期扮演着旧金山“权利归花儿”(Flower Power)运动和新兴科技聚集区硅谷的中间人的角色。正由于他们富有远见的努力,反主流文化分子和科技人士一同重新定义了对计算机的想象:计算机是解放自我的武器,计算机建筑了令人耳目一新的虚拟社区,计算机还让人能更大胆地拓展社会的新边界。
作者将网络文化的演变过程向我们娓娓道来。看完此书你会发现,感恩而死乐队(Grateful Dead)和Google的距离,小说《飞越疯人院》作者肯•克西(Ken Kesey)和计算机本身的距离,其实都没有我们想的那么远。
弗雷德·特纳(Fred Turner),美国斯坦福大学副教授,有十年的新闻记者经验。著有《从反主流文化到网络文化:斯图尔特·布兰德、“全球网络”和数字乌托邦的兴起》和《战争回响:美国的越战记忆》。
对于这本杂志,人们最熟悉的莫过于印在《全球概览后记》(Whole Earth Epilog,1974)封底的一行字:Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish。这句话被苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯引作格言而被世人所知。
斯图尔特·布兰德(Stewart Brand,1938—),美国未来学家,早期网络文化的推动者,《全球概览》创始人,The WELL和全球商业网络(GBN)的创办人之一。斯图尔特于1996年创办了“恒今基金会”(Long Now Foundation),以推动人们养成"长线思考"的习惯,作出更理性的选择。
"Chapter by chapter, Fred Turner shows inventively and with a deep knowledge of the whole scene how cold war technology met hippie communalism to produce the Whole Earth Catalog, the WELL, Wired, and everything that followed. This book is a tour de force of historical digging, sociological analysis, and full understanding.”
-- Howard S. Becker
“I haven’t heard as good an account of what I’ve been up to as the one Fred Turner supplies in this broad, readable analysis. Anyone yearning for the fully researched explanation of how hippies became nerds, and then nerds became heroes, and then everyone became nerds again will get the unlikely story here. Turner’s insight into what happened in the last thirty years is the most useful one I’ve seen yet.”
-- Kevin Kelly
“Fred Turner connects the dots of the dot.com era's true, technological, cultural, and spiritual pioneers with scholarship, grace, and a storyteller's passion. As one of the weirdos who lived through many of these escapades, I am reminded that while most of us were stumbling, drop-jawed, through the emerging hallucinatory realms of cyberia, Stewart was both navigating and dreaming up these spaces simultaneously. Here’s a compelling tale of the method behind inspired madness.”
-- Douglas Rushkoff
“Fred Turner’s richly detailed history of how the alliance between the counterculture and digirati was formed is a fascinating story demonstrating that the computer’s metaphoric implications are never simply the result of the technology itself. Engrossing, deeply researched, and rich with implications, From Counterculture to Cyberculture is highly recommended for anyone interested in how technological objects attain meaning within social and historical contexts.”
-- N. Katherine Hayles
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