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自从《高级战争DS》于2005年首次发行于任天堂DS并获得认可之后,回合制策略游戏开始成为一种更加适合于触屏控制的游戏类型。随后,那些有远见的开发商便快速意识到iPhone对于这类型游戏的发行具有巨大的潜力,而且自从App Store上线以来,该平台上就已经出现了许多大受欢迎的策略型游戏。RTS(即时策略游戏)是主流“策略”游戏中的一个分支,是深受PC玩家欢迎的一种传统游戏类型;而创造性思维以及直觉型控制方案设计则证明iPhone平台也能诞生高质量的RTS。

1.《文明变革》(Civilization Revolution)


Civilization revolution(from pcworld)

Civilization revolution(from pcworld)

Sid Meier创造的《文明》系列在很多玩家心中留下了深刻的印象,特别是PC玩家。《文明变革》自从2008年发行以来就获得了许多来自评论界的正面肯定,并且2K也明确了该款游戏的控制端口,从而让我们更加明确比起PC《文明》更适合平台。与掌机版本相比,iPhone版本拥有一整套的功能,并且其控制能力也优于DS版本。可以说《文明变革》的iPhone版本是这款游戏的最佳版本。


2.《黑暗守卫军团》(Army of Darkness Defense)


Army of darkness defense(from pcworld)

Army of darkness defense(from pcworld)

如果你从未看过Sam Raimi(游戏邦注:当代最具活力和创造力的导演,)的《鬼玩人》三部曲,那就赶快去Netflix搜索这系列电影。而Backflip Studios(旗下游戏包括《扔纸团》,《爆击娃娃》)根据这系列电影的第三部(《鬼玩人3:魔界英豪》)创造了新一款iOS游戏《黑暗守卫军团》,这是一款守卫城堡的游戏,而玩家将在游戏中扮演穿越时空的Ash Williams。虽然《黑暗守卫军团》在风格上并未有所突破,但是它却算是这类型游戏中最优秀的一款游戏,游戏中会不断涌现出新敌人(如Deadites,Evil Ash),以及新增加的攻击方式(如“攻击叉”,“死灵之书”)和角色(如Henry,Wiseman)。而所有的这些内容都是参考Raimi的电影。游戏中甚至还设置了Bruce Campbell(美国电影演员)讲过的俏皮话,如“宝贝,向君王欢呼”(后来也出现在《毁灭公爵》系列游戏中)。



Catan(from pcworld)

Catan(from pcworld)

当Klaus Teuber起初为了与妻儿创造了一款简单且有趣的游戏时,他从未想过自己的游戏会在欧洲以外的更多市场中获取巨大的关注。《卡坦岛》于1995年首先在德国发行,并通过30多种不同语言的翻译而最终售出1500万份,该游戏的美国版本被译为《The Settlers of Catan》。

玩家永远不会被游戏淘汰,并且如果他们觉得自己在游戏中表现不够好也能够选择重新游戏。除此之外,这款游戏也深得多人游戏玩家的喜爱。即使iPhone版本缺少在线多人模式而让许多玩家感到失望,但是游戏中的一机多人对战模式以及单人游戏模式中所设置的AI敌人都让《卡坦岛》在App Store中受到热捧。



Galcon(from pcworld)

Galcon(from pcworld)


5.《星战前线:冲突》(Starfront – Collision)


Starfront-collision(from pcworld)

Starfront-collision(from pcworld)

如果《星际争霸II》也出现在App Store上,它必将能够快速占领排行榜榜首的位置。但Gameloft填补了这个空缺,虽然它与Gameloft旗下的许多游戏一样,都是模仿其它游戏,但是《星战前线》身上并未显露出太多的模仿痕迹。《星战前线》对于《星际争霸》的模仿效果比《9mm》之于《Max Payne》更出色。比起传统控制方式,触屏本身提供了更多选择和管理单位。这是一个优秀的便携式游戏版本,从其本身的高品质以及长时间的单人游戏和多人游戏模式来看,它是一款值得尝试的好游戏。

6.《命运的重生》(Rebirth of Fortune)


rebirth of fourtune(from pcworld)

rebirth of fourtune(from pcworld)

如果单从难以名状的名字来看,你可能会认为这是Square-Enix旗下的一款游戏。这么想也没有错,因为这款游戏在其App Store中的描述中也承认了他们大量“借鉴”了《最终幻想战略版》中的元素。游戏中并不存在故事;只提供给玩家一定量的士兵,射手,以及小偷去对付那些只是颜色与你不同的无辜之人。

游戏的每个阶段并没有什么变化内容,尽管游戏的视觉效果很出色,但每个地图都是只是一个巨大的棋盘,另外游戏中所设置的一些英文对话翻译看起来并不是很地道,这多少有点令人失望。虽然在App Store中还有许多比之更优秀的游戏,但不管是游戏本身的乐趣还是它所提供的折扣价都是值得玩家尝试的。

7.《霸权战争》(Supremacy Wars)


Superemacy Wars(from pcworld)

Superemacy Wars(from pcworld)





Everlands(from pcworld)

Everlands(from pcworld)


9.《小小战争》(Great Little War Game)


Great little war game(from pcworld)

Great little war game(from pcworld)



10.《阿瓦隆战记》(Avalon Wars)


Avalon Wars(from pcworld)

Avalon Wars(from pcworld)




The 10 Best Strategy Games on the iPhone

We take a comprehensive look at ten of the best strategy games available on the iPhone.

By GamePro Staff, GamePro    Oct 2, 2011 1:00 am

As Advance Wars: Dual Strike proved when it was first released for the Nintendo DS in 2005, turn-based strategy games are a genre made for touch screen controls. Savvy developers quickly realized the iPhone’s potential for delivering games of that nature, and there have been tons of high-profile strategy releases for the platform since App Store’s launch and many more since we last updated this list. The RTS is another subgenre of the overarching “strategy” label that has been traditionally reserved for PC gamers, but a bit of creative thinking and intuitive control scheme design has led to the creation of a number of quality RTS iPhone games as well, proving that if there’s a will to make something work on the iPhone, there’s probably a way.

1 | Civilization Revolution

Price: $6.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: http://civilizationrevolution.com/

Sid Meier’s Civilization series has long held a special place in the hearts of many gamers, almost all of them PC players. When 2K’s console port of the legendary franchise, Civilization Revolution, drew nearly universally positive reactions from critics upon its release in 2008, it became apparent that Civ can be done well on platforms other than the PC. With a set of features comparable to the console version and controls superior to the DS version, Civilization Revolution’s iPhone adaptation is arguably the best version of the game.

2K hasn’t let the iPhone version of Civ Rev stagnate, regularly updating it to address player complaints. The considerable number of playable civilizations, scenarios, and strategic options for both attacking and defending make the ultra-portable release of the game a complete port that won’t disappoint fans of the console edition. Zoom-pinch camera controls take advantage of the iPhone’s superior touch screen and the game looks great in the high-resolution in which it’s displayed. PC gamers with fond memories of the Civilization games should definitely check this one out, and tutorials should be enough to familiarize newcomers with the game’s deeper concepts.

2 | Army of Darkness Defense

Price: Free

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Backflip Studios

If you’ve never experienced Sam Raimi’s horror comedy trilogy, Evil Dead, Netflix it at once. The third entry in the clinically-insane film series, Army of Darkness, serves as the backdrop for Backflip Studios’ (Paper Toss, Ragdoll Blaster) new iOS title, a castle-defense game where you assume the role of Ash Williams as he takes on waves of Deadites. Army of Darkness: Defense might not break much ground, but it’s one of the best games of its kind that keeps things interesting by constantly pumping out new enemies (Deadites, Evil Ash), attacks (boomstick, the Necronomicon), and unit types (Henry, Wiseman), all of which are references to Raimi’s cult-classic film. The game’s even loaded with Bruce Campbell’s cheesy one-liners like “Hail to the King, Baby,” (which later appeared in the Duke Nukem series).

3 | Catan

Price: $4.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: USM iPhone

When Klaus Teuber set out to create a simple, enjoyable game to play with his wife and kids, he never imagined that his idea would one day manifest itself as one of the first German board games to achieve notoriety outside of Europe. Die Siedler von Catan was first published in Germany in 1995 and has gone on to sell over 15 million copies across the 30 different languages into which it has been translated, eventually arriving in the United States as The Settlers of Catan.

Players cannot be eliminated and there is always a possibility of a comeback for those who find themselves doing poorly, making Catan a game that’s fine-tuned for multiplayer. That being said, the iPhone version’s lack of online multiplayer is disappointing, but local hot seat multiplayer and intelligent A.I. opponents in single player mode make Catan’s App Store debut a worthwhile purchase.

4 | Galcon

Price: $1.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: http://www.galcon.com/

Galcon is probably the simplest game on this list, making it also the easiest one to pick up and play. The goal of the game is to conquer the interstellar map by sending your ships from planet to planet. Bigger planets produce more ships but are harder to conquer, and the opposite is true for smaller plants. The Strategy here lies in keeping momentum, knowing when, where and with what force to attack. There are several different game modes, each fun and worthy of your time, but the principle remains the same in throughout: stay on the offensive and keep your ship moving in the right direction. The speed with which you tap around the screen is almost as important as strategically thinking, so this choice might best suit those who like a little bit of twitch with their strategy games.

5 | Starfront – Collision

Price: $4.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Gameloft

If Starcraft II was available to download from the App Store it would very easily take the top spot on this list. It’s not (yet), but leave it to Gameloft to provide a cheap substitute where they see demand. Like many of their other games, StarFront is much lesser imitation of an almost universally adored game. In Gameloft’s defense though, StarFront is much better at aping Starcraft than, for example, 9mm is at aping Max Payne. This is mostly due to the fact that the touch screen lends itself much more to selecting and managing units than it does to twitch-based action. It’s a competent, portable version of the real thing, that, when combined with its high production value, a long singleplayer campaign and multiplayer mode, forms a package that’s well worth the price.

6 | Rebirth of Fortune

Price: $2.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Dotomchi Games

With a name as nonsensical and nondescript as Rebirth of Fortune, you’d think that this would be a Square-Enix game. While that’s not entirely accurate, it’s also not far from the truth, as the game admits to “borrowing” heavily from Final Fantasy Tactics right in its App store description. There is literally no story in the game; you’re simply supplied with a handful of soldiers, archers, and thieves to wreak destruction on people who have committed no crime other than being differently colored than you.

There isn’t much variety in the game’s stages since every map is styled after a giant chess board, which is disappointing given the high quality of the art style, and after being exposes to the dialogue it seems that the game was translated by someone with about 45 seconds of experience with the English language. Obviously, there are more polished games on the App Store, but there’s definitely enough fun to be had here to make the game worth its discount price point.

7 | Supremacy Wars

Price: $0.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Chillingo

Much like Clickgamer’s Modern Conflict, Supremacy Wars is a real-time strategy game where players are asked to rapidly move troops around a map to capture buildings. Capturing enemy territory will generate more soldiers in your army, making it easier to crush your opponent. All structures on the maps have a number hovering over them that indicates how many soldiers that particular building houses, and if you send enough troops to overcome those soldiers, you’ll be able to capture the structure for yourself. Games end when one player has successfully stolen all their opponents’ structures. It’s a simple concept, but there’s a hidden depth for quick-witted players to discover.

Supremacy Wars certainly feels a lot like the aforementioned Modern Conflict at first, but it will quickly become obvious that this is a much deeper game with a massive pile of things for players to do. A rich leveling system, a host of spells and abilities that can be used to trip up your opponents, and unlockable game modes all serve to make this a game that’s plush with strategic potential. The only thing this game is really missing is online multiplayer. If that isn’t a deal-breaker for you, by all means hand your money over to Chillingo ASAP.

8 | Everlands

Price: $0.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Hexage

While the game has a cute factor that might turn off a more adult audience, the strategies involved in this hexagonal, turn-based strategy game are surprisingly complex. You start with a select number of animal game pieces that can only attack certain directions and have a specified health and attack power. You need to strategically place each piece so that you can capture opposing pieces, ultimately capturing a majority of the game board. Sound easy? It’s not. Your opponent can also attack your army’s pieces, hoping to turn them to their side. Factor in some special abilities and you have a game that starts easy and then develops into a real headache for iPhone generals.

9 | Great Little War Game

Price: $0.99

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: Rubicon Dev

Great Little War Game (GLWG) maps the Advance Wars turn-based strategy formula to the iPhone’s touch screen. Capture bases, gain resources, and deploy units to destroy the enemy’s armies or capture their headquarters. The touchscreen is a natural interface for a strategy game, so most of GLWG works elegantly. Sending units off to die is as simple as tapping them and their destination on the hexagonal grid. The unit deployments screen is big enough – and the number of units small enough – that you never accidentally make a transport truck instead of a tank. You can also zoom in and out of the battlefield at your leisure, allowing you to fluidly switch between macro- and micromanagement.

Between how well the strategy works and how simple GLWG is to play, it can be easy to get into the “just one more turn” habit that many of the best strategy games known for. Given a few caveats, Great Little War Game fills the void once filled by Advance Wars, and that’s honestly one of the biggest compliments I could pay it.

10 | Avalon Wars

Price: Free

App Store Link: Buy It Here

Official Website: AvalonWars

Although Avalon Wars is little rough around edges and heavy on the menus, but as a strategy game, it’s incredibly deep. Taking the role of one of three space colonizing factions, you’re tasked with maintaining units of soldiers while simultaneously upgrading and expanding your home base. Various missions give you the tools and equipment needed in increasing the effectiveness of your army, and in many cases, the battles come down to how well you prepare your individual units. Once you’re in battle, the game automatically calculates your victory, which means that your stat crunching is your best weapon. As a single-player game, the campaign is interesting enough to plow through, given the low price.(source:pcworld)

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