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10款最佳iPhone射击游戏 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



作者:gamepro stuff


1、Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Space Invaders Infinity Gene(from gamepro)

Space Invaders Infinity Gene(from gamepro)

《Space Invaders Infinity Gene》是iPhone上的首批射击游戏,是Taito Corporation尝试将原始的左右移动射击游戏进行现代化改良的尝试作品之一。游戏的每个关卡都有个全新的挑战,这取决于你如何与敌军飞船战斗。除了可以通过iPhone触摸屏朝任意方向移动之外,游戏后期不同的飞船还可以使用不同类型的子弹。

尽管《Space Invaders Infinity Gene》中有着大量的内容,包括成就、数百个关卡、挑战模式、音乐模式(游戏邦注:根据iPod上的音乐创建关卡)和不同的BOSS,其最近更新版本还添加了生存模式。

2、Zombie Gunship

Zombie Gunship(from gamepro)

Zombie Gunship(from gamepro)

Limbic Software的《Zombie Gunship》有着简单但有趣的玩法,有效率且流行型的界面以及对游戏细节的整体关注,其主题是在现代战争中控制A130飞机射杀僵尸。这款游戏没有角色和故事,采用的是触屏机制、健全但缺乏升级的 系统以及对视觉细节和模型化关注。这款游戏刚刚发布1到2周时间,体验过的玩家会发现Limbic的《Zombie Gunship》确实非常有趣。

3、Tilt to Live

Tilt to Live(from gamepro)

Tilt to Live(from gamepro)

《Tilt to Live》的游戏名完美地解释了游戏内容。你控制着箭形的飞船穿越在色彩鲜艳的场景中,同时使用iPhone的倾斜功能来生存。在游戏的“Lone”模式(游戏邦注:就是游戏的生存模式)中,疯狂的小点从各个角度向你飞奔而来,防御的唯一方法是逃离或者使用随机出现在关卡中的解锁武器来清除敌人。



Deathsmiles(from gamepro)

Deathsmiles(from gamepro)



5、Infinity Field

Infinity Field(from gamepro)

Infinity Field(from gamepro)

《Infinity Field》是款梦幻般的老式双摇杆射击游戏。游戏中有6种不同的模式,给钟爱射击游戏的粉丝提供了大量快速且充满挑战性的动作,还有奢华的视觉效果。

当附近有大量物体飞翔时,快速响应的控制是游戏成功的关键,幸运的是《Infinity Field》在这方面做得很好。游戏玩法很简单,所有的事件都在单屏内发生,敌人不断出现,玩家使用主武器和拾取的其他武器来摧毁他们。


6、Age of Zombies

Age of Zombies(from gamepro)

Age of Zombies(from gamepro)

Halfbrick Studios这个畅销游戏《水果忍者》的开发商给独特的射击游戏注入了个性化和难以抵挡的魅力,错过这款游戏简直是种损失。你扮演的角色是Barry Steakfries,这是另一款Halfbrick游戏《Monster Dash》中一个大嘴英雄。在游戏过程中,你将会同大量的僵尸战斗,使用手枪和大量更具破坏性的武器,比如散弹枪和地雷,你可以在游戏中拾取这些使用次数有限的武器。

游戏充满幽默感,市场会令你发笑。由于高清的怀旧式图像,游戏本身显得极为出色,控制方式也非常简单。《Age of Zombies》的玩法与App Store上的其他射击游戏没有多大差别,但是其个性化值得一荐。


Forget Me Not(from gamepro)

Forget Me Not(from gamepro)





ElectroMaster(from gamepro)

ElectroMaster(from gamepro)

《ElectroMaster》是Xionchannel Software公司《Hungry Master》的前身,是款值得你在App Store中花上1美元的游戏。虽然故事显得很平实(游戏邦注:年轻的小女孩感到饥饿,但是却没人给她煮饭),精美的图像效果和简单的游戏玩法确实很令人惊叹。在屏幕上移动你的手指,就可以引导女孩穿过蜂拥而至的敌人同时发射能量束。将手指移开触摸屏,你就可以释放能量将敌人炸飞。你不仅可以在游戏中升级能量束,《ElectroMaster》中还有疯狂杀戮的生存模式。这款简单的8位游戏有着大量的角色和挑战。

9、Space Miner: Space Ore Bust

Space Miner:Space Ore Bust(from gamepro)

Space Miner:Space Ore Bust(from gamepro)

《Space Miner》可称为“带有RPG元素的《Asteroids》”,游戏简单且清晰。游戏完美地结合了独特的故事任务和可以在数十个关卡中自由漫步的功能,这使得《Space Miner》成为少数几个玩家一直玩到电池耗尽的iPhone游戏之一。

你的目标是深入太空寻找矿物,使用赚得的金钱来升级飞船,帮助你的Uncle Jeb偿还巨额债务。游戏故事编写巧妙,对话时髦风趣,不是会让我开怀大笑。游戏中总是会出现吸引人们不断玩游戏的事物(游戏邦注:甚至会鼓励你重复玩同一个关卡),因为你会想去赚取各种武器并将飞船升级。


Minigore(from gamepro)

Minigore(from gamepro)


《Minigore》在发布后持续受到众人关注,游戏通过更新来添加内容。武器拾取、行动更为快速的furry以及游戏的难度随着时间不断改变。更新在游戏中添加了散弹枪和手榴弹发射器,玩家在游戏中存活更长时间和找到更多的武器都可以对它们进行升级。游戏中的角色有些来源于其他iPhone游戏中的明星角色,包括《Enviro-Bear 3000》的Enviro-Bear和《Sway》的Lizzy,Hook Champ最终找到了进入《Minigore》中荒废森林的路径。最为重要的是,这款游戏目前支持协作模式和retina功能。《Minigore》并非手机平台上最具深度的双控制摇杆射击游戏,但是却能够不断吸引玩家回访游戏。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译

10 Best Shooters On the iPhone

It’s been a long time since our last roundup of the best shooters on iPhone. The significant changes to the list are a testament to how quickly the iOS scene is evolving and expanding. The last time around we listed several first person shooters, but we feel that since then enough great games have been released to have top down shooters in the tradition of Space Invaders and Asteroids warrant a list of their own. That is what we have here, but rest assured that a best FPS on iPhone roundup is coming soon. There are many great games that didn’t make the list, but we feel that these 10 are the best of the best. Let us know in the comments if you agree or disagree.

10 Minigore

John has somehow gotten himself trapped in a forest arena, and he’s being pummeled by a constant barrage of strange creatures called furries (not the kind of furries you’re thinking of). John is voiced by self-made internet star Egoraptor, and as such regularly shouts out humorous observations. The game is noteworthy for its dark sense of humor and epic soundtrack.

If there was ever a game that received post-launch attention and content addition via updates, it’s Minigore. Weapon pickups, faster, flaming furries, and changes to the game’s difficulty have been changed over time. Shotguns and grenade launchers were added in an update, and they can be upgraded by simply surviving for longer and finding more weapons. Character crossovers with the stars of other iPhone games was started with the inclusion of Enviro-Bear from Enviro-Bear 3000, and other characters like Lizzy from Sway and the Hook Champ have eventually found their way into Minigore’s desolate forest. Most importantly, the game now supports co-op and the retina display. Minigore is not the most in-depth dual-stick shooter on any platform, but there’s something about it that keeps us coming back for more.

9 Space Miner: Space Ore Bust

Space Miner, which can be best summarized as “Asteroids with RPG elements,” is a blast, plain and simple. A good combination of unique story missions and the ability to free roam its dozens of levels makes Space Miner one of those few games that you can sit down to play and not stop until your iPhone’s battery has been run dry.

Your goal is to delve into the depths of space in search of minerals, using the money earned from to upgrade your ship and help your Uncle Jeb pay off a massive debt. The game’s story is well-written and the dialogue is snappy, having made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. There’s always incentive to keep playing (even encouraging multiple playthroughs) due to the various weapon and ship upgrades that you’ll eventually earn, and zipping around the game’s top-down levels blasting enemy bots and asteroids is inherently entertaining — just be sure to enable auto-fire to make navigating the levels easier.

8 ElectroMaster

Electromaster, the predecessor to Xionchannel Software’s Hungry Master, is one of the best ways you can spend a dollar in the App Store. Although the story is very basic — a young girl’s got the munchies and has no one to cook for her — the retro graphics and one-touch gameplay are surprisingly polished. By dragging your finger along the screen, you navigate the girl through swarms of enemies while charging your power beam. Take your finger off the touch screen, and you release a blast of energy that can bowl over enemies. Not only can you upgrade your power beam, but Electromaster also comes with a survival mode for the insanely skilled. It’s a simple 8-bit game with tons of character and challenge.

7 Forget-Me-Not

Forget-Me-Not is a retro game that is absolutely, bone fide retro. Some retro games are modern games with modern graphics capturing the look, feel and gameplay of old-school gaming. Forget-Me-Not looks and plays like it just fell out of a wormhole from a 1982 arcade. Its presentation, looks, feel… everything about it feels like an authentic old arcade machine.

You control your little dude and run around a seemingly endless series of mazes collecting things – dots, fruits, and a key that you can then use on the door to escape to the next maze. Ghost-type monsters roam with murderous intent, and you can either shoot them or avoid them. Or, grind your little Pac dude along the maze wall to charge him up, whereupon you can run into the monsters and kill them. It’s all very simple. All very intuitive. And all very old-school, go-for-the-highscore, just-one-more-game addictive.

For $1.99, it’s a bargain. Back in the day, if it were a coin-op in my local arcade I would have probably put 10 times that amount into it. Like I said before, this isn’t a game for everyone. But for those who appreciate vintage stuff like this, it’s a winner, through and through.

6 Age of Zombies

Halfbrick Studios, the creators of the best-selling Fruit Ninja, have managed to inject this particular shooter with so much personality and irreverent charm that it’d be a shame to pass it up. You play as Barry Steakfries, the foul-mouthed hero of another Halfbrick iPhone game, Monster Dash. As you travel through time you’ll fight massive hordes of zombies using your trusty pistol and a menagerie of more destructive weapons like shotguns and land mines that you’ll find and pick up as limited-use power-ups.

Mr. Steakfries is quite fond of obscene one-liners (“That’s so badass I think I just crapped my pants!”), and although the game’s sense of humor is far from sophisticated, it’ll make you laugh. The game itself looks and feels fantastic thanks to its high resolution retro-inspired graphics and controls that are generally easy to work with. Age of Zombies doesn’t play that differently from any other shooter on the App Store, but it has enough personality to easily warrant a recommendation.

5 Infinity Field

Infinity Field is a super-slick, psychedelic, old-school dual-stick shooter that splices DNA from Robtotron and Atari’s Space Duel to create something pretty damn special. Incorporating six distinctly different modes, the game offers shoot ‘em up fans gorgeous, fast and challenging action that often delivers full visual overload in sumptuously finessed, high definition detail.

Fast-reactive controls are key to successfully navigating a game where there’s a ton of crap flying around, and fortunately Infinity Field is very nicely tuned in that respect. The gameplay is Robotron simple: everything takes place on a single screen, enemies pop up and you destroy them with your main weapon, or whatever additional weapons you pick up.

One of the things that makes this game great is the sheer amount of things happening: it’s a bulletgasm orgy of destruction, with tons of colorful things flying around. The end result is sensory overload, and the action is so fast that you really have to be in the zone to survive. It’s the perfect pick-up-and-play shooter for when you’re sharp and ready for action. Just be warned: it’s not a game for when you have a hangover or sludgy brain.

4 Deathsmiles

Few games make the process of attaining high scores as visceral as Cave’s bullet-hell shooter, Deathsmiles. When the screen floods with hundreds of skulls representing points, you won’t have to look at the score to know you’re doing something awesome.

It’s a sensory overload and occasionally your thumb will obscure the action, but colorful enemies, clearly defined projectiles and three difficulty settings make this cacophony accessible. New on iPhone is an exclusive mode with its own ridiculous story and RPG elements as you level up your gothic Lolita’s gear. There’s even a boss called Tyrannosatan. What else do you want?

3 Tilt to Live

Tilt to Live’s name is pretty self-explanatory. You control an arrow-shaped ship across a colorful playing field while using the iPhone’s tilt function to avoid death. Crazy little dots come at you from all angles in the game’s “Lone” mode (which is essentially a survival mode) and the only way to defend yourself is to run away and take out as many dots as possible with unlockable power-ups that randomly appear in the levels.

This is a terrible way to phrase this, but Tilt to Live is a dual-stick shooter sans the dual-sticks and shooting. Since the only way to take the offensive to the enemies is through collecting powerups, the game allows you to wholly concentrate on carefully tilting the device to slip between thin cracks. I especially appreciate the numerous calibration option that the game offers. It’s not as much of a shooter as the rest of the games on this list, but it’s also one of the best.

2 Zombie Gunship

With simplistic but fun gameplay, an efficient, streamlined interface, and an overall attention to detail, Limbic Software’s Zombie Gunship capably executes on a good premise: shooting at zombies from an A130 airplane ala Modern Warfare. What this title lacks in character and story—it makes up for in touchscreen mechanics, a robust, yet limited upgrade system, and a surprisingly sophisticated attention to visual detail and modeling. Though the shelf life is capped at little more than a week or two, gamers will be pleased to know that Limbic’s Zombie Gunship is indeed as much fun as it sounds.

1 Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Space Invaders Infinity Gene, one of the very first shooter games on the iPhone, is part of a series of recent strides by Taito Corporation in modernizing and updating the simple left-to-right single-shot formula of the original title. With Infinity Gene, each level branches out with a new challenge, depending on how you fight the swarms of enemy ships. Aside from being able to move in any direction via the iPhone touchscreen, different ships with different types of bullets become available later in the game.

While Space Invaders Infinity Gene packs a lot of content with achievements, hundreds of levels, a Challenge Mode, a Music Mode (which creates stages based on songs in your iPod’s hard drive), and difficult bosses, the app’s most recent update expands the gameplay more with a new Survival Mode. (Source: Gamepro)

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