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作者:Emma Boyes



the-sims-social(from yowazzup.com)

the-sims-social(from yowazzup.com)


《My Tribe》

my tribe(from insidesocialgames.com)

my tribe(from insidesocialgames.com)

在Big Fish Games旗下的《My Tribe》中,玩家将会控制一个部落以及部落中的村民,而这个部落位于他所选择的一个小岛上。你可以安排部落成员的工作,如捕鱼,建造新房子或者收集资源等。你的部落成员将会慢慢长大,变老甚至死亡,所以也会出现一些新的婴儿以继承祖业,但是在这个过程中你不需要参杂太多男男女女的关系问题。岛上会不时出现一些好东西,如贝壳,鹳鸟的羽毛(你需要收集它们来创造婴儿),而你可以在等待另一个任务的时候来到海边收集它们。当你在玩游戏的时候你也可以进入一些小游戏关卡中(每一天你都可以免费进入一些小游戏中,或者你也可以选择购买更多小游戏)。《My Tribe》与《Virtual Villagers》性质类似,如果你喜欢这种类型的游戏,那么这定是个很好的选择。

《Airport City》

airport-city(from facebook-games-list.com)

airport-city(from facebook-games-list.com)


《Dirty Dancing》

Dirty Dancing(from dvd.consumerelectronicsnet.com)

Dirty Dancing(from dvd.consumerelectronicsnet.com)

重新翻拍1987年版本的电影《Dirty Dancing》在Facebook页面中的粉丝已经达到1千万了,所以美国狮门影业公司认为是时候基于这部老电影制作一款Facebook游戏。在这款模拟游戏中,玩家需要经营一家度假村,并努力使它变成最富盛名的度假胜地。你可以购买各种诱人的道具,如舞池,魔术师,热狗摊小贩等等以吸引客人们的注意,但是在游戏中最困难的便是,客人只有在配对成功后才会愿意花钱消费。所以为了帮助他们交往,你必须采取一些“浪漫”策略,例如利用一些浪漫的装饰,就像小狗造型的灌木,花床以及鸭子池塘等营造浪漫的气氛。当你帮助客人们约会后,他们便会携手参加你的舞会,你同样也可以购买西瓜并与其他玩家交换特别的道具,或者以此加速游戏的进程。尽管这款游戏看起来有点愚蠢,但是却真的是一款紧凑的好游戏,甚至比Facebook上的其它模拟游戏还更有趣,如果你喜欢这种类型的游戏玩法,不妨试一试。

《Social Empires》

Social-Empires(from facebook-games-list.com)

Social-Empires(from facebook-games-list.com)

社交游戏开发商Social Point旗下的《Social Empires》是一款可爱的小游戏,玩家可以在游戏中建造一座小城镇,城镇中建有各种有用的建筑,如农场,伐木场,金矿和居民房等。除此之外玩家也需要添加一些军用建筑,如兵营等,以吸纳不同类型的士兵,如骑兵,弓箭手以及枪手。而你所创造出来的这些都能够帮助你在后来的游戏发展中应对各种战争,因为在游戏开始的四小时后,将会有一群巨人出现在你的土地上。而这时候你就必须完成一定的任务,包括拯救被捕获的公主,派遣士兵们去剿灭入侵的巨人等。你同样也可以袭击你的好友或者你不喜欢的任何陌生人。《Social Empires》是一款非常受欢迎的模拟游戏,共拥有380万游戏玩家,并且在这款游戏中,即使玩家不愿意邀请好友或者花钱消费也能够很好地体验游戏乐趣。


The Oregon Trail(from blog.games)

The Oregon Trail(from blog.games)

自从1971年“俄勒冈小道”这个标志诞生以来(游戏邦注:美国著名出版商Houghton Mifflin Harcourt子公司The Learning Company于该年开始投入巨资推广“俄勒冈小道”这个标志),便出现了各种不同版本的“俄勒冈小道”游戏,特别是这类型游戏都带有一定的教育意义,能够让玩家进一步了解19世纪美国西部开拓者们的生活。《俄勒冈小道》中包含了决策制定,策略规划,捕猎以及角色扮演等多种内容。玩家将从密苏里州启程,朝着终点韦拉美特谷前进,在途中你需要邀请更多好友与你同行。在这2千英里的旅途中,始终跟随着你的只有一些必须物资,一辆宽轮篷车以及你的智慧。


《俄勒冈小道》的Facebook版本由Blue Fang和The Learning Company联合发行,游戏中还设有许多小游戏环节,包括经典的“狩猎”游戏。

《Simply Hospital》

simply_hospital(from d-adeline-d.onsugar.com)

simply_hospital(from d-adeline-d.onsugar.com)

虽然以病人为主题的游戏听起来不怎么有趣,但是却因此带给6Waves旗下的《Simply Hospital》一个较大的机遇。在这款游戏中,病人并不是患有现实中那些让人惧怕的病症,如癌症或者可怕的车祸伤痛,而是一些有趣的病症,如变成了僵尸,发光体或者带有戒不掉的烟瘾等。你必须建造一间治疗室,研究病者们的疾病,并雇佣医生。而当你一切就绪后便可以开始运营这家医院了,从而赚取更多的医药费,但是你需要注意的是,如果你缺少足够的病号,你的医院的声誉就会不断下降。而用挣来的钱你可以购买更多病房,并装饰医院,雇佣更多优秀的员工,并学习如何应对更多怪异的新疾病。如果你们玩过《主题医院》或者类似的游戏,将不会对这款游戏的玩法感到陌生。如果你的好友也在玩这款游戏,你还可以雇佣他们作为医生,从而因此节约更多钱,但是你却并不需要不断麻烦他们配合你打开电脑“上班”。


pocket-god(from talkandroid.com)

pocket-god(from talkandroid.com)

当绝大多数虚拟游戏都是关于养育自己的虚拟公民,照顾自己的虚拟人口时,Bolt Creative旗下的《口袋上帝》真的是一款与众不同的游戏。在这款游戏中,玩家需要使用更多有创意的方法去杀掉更多的人。玩家扮演上帝的角色,并掌控着一个岛屿上的小土人。为了获得升级,你就必须使用各种不同的方法去牺牲这些小土人,例如把他们扔到海里(他们不会游泳),把他们丢进火山口或者喂给鲨鱼当食物等。如果你心情好的话,也可以提供给他们一些奢华的享受,如建立温泉或者提供给他们一个装满冰啤酒的冰箱。如果你也有好友一起在玩这款游戏,你还可以找到一些更有趣的方法去折磨这些小土人。说实话这真的是一款能够让人解压放松的好游戏。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Top 8 Facebook Sim Games

by Emma Boyes

Simulator games, or “sims,” are an exceptional common genre represented on the Facebook platform. Anything you can think of that could possibly make a sim game is probably out on the Facebook platform somewhere. Fancy starting a new religion? Check. How about running a town full of gnomes? Check. Becoming a millionaire from running a lemonade stand business? Check. The trouble with sim games, as it always is with Facebook games, is finding games that are actually any good. Here are eight that we love.

The Sims Social

Electronic Arts’ most popular franchise has finally come to Facebook and is close to knocking CityVille from its long-standing position at the number one slot. The Sims Social is ridiculously popular, with some 51 million people playing it, so a good chance some of your friends are already onboard. As the title suggests, it’s a simplified version of the Sims, with less focus on the minutiae of daily life like going to work, eating and sleeping and more on the social aspects. To progress with the game, in fact to do pretty much anything, you’re going to need a little help from your friends or your wallet. Want to make a new room? You’ll need three of your friends to agree to help before you can build it. Want to buy a new bath? Well, you’ll need a mountain of collectibles to install it. Best way to get those? Either wait endlessly for them to come up as random drops, buy them or rely on the kindness of your friends. As a long-time Sims fan I found this incredibly frustrating and would rather just play the Sims, but it’s worth checking out.

My Tribe

In Big Fish Games’ My Tribe you take charge of a tribe of simple villagers living on a small island of your choosing. You can assign your tribe members jobs like fishing for food, building new structures and collecting materials to make them productive members of society. Your tribe members will slowly grow old and die, so it makes sense to have more babies to replace them — just try not to think too hard about how everyone’s related to each other when you do. Goodies like shells and stork feathers (which you need to make babies) appear randomly on the island and scouring the shores for them is a fun way to pass the time while you’re waiting for other tasks to complete. As you play through the game you’ll also get to place game machines that you can use to open up mini games (you get a certain amount of mini game plays free every day or can buy more with cash). My Tribe’s a great little game in the same vein as Virtual Villagers… if you’re into that kind of thing.

Airport City

Can’t afford a holiday this year? Not to worry, you can still the frenetic feel of traveling by playing an airport management sim instead– no packing required. You get two sections of land to manage — an airport part, and a city part. You use the city section for housing (which creates passengers) and shops (which create money). In the airport area you build hangers, buy planes and give permission for flights to land and take off on your runways. There are three currencies in the game — passengers (you get them from houses), fuel (this recharges over time like energy does in other Facebook games) and gold (which you get from shops or from accepting flights). Although you level up fairly slowly, there’s always something to do, as planes are constantly asking for permission to land and a steady stream of missions (mostly of the build x or collect x variety) will keep you busy. After a while it starts to ask you to hassle your friends or spend real cash, but so far — quite a way in — there are other ways round this to keep playing if you prefer.

Dirty Dancing

With a remake of the 1987 film in the works (why? why??) and the fact that the Dirty Dancing Facebook fan page has 10 million fans, Lionsgate has decided that now is the perfect time to release a Facebook game based on the original movie. In this sim game, you get to run Kellerman’s and try to make it into a successful resort. You buy attractions like dance floors, magicians and hotdog vendors to amuse your guests but the trick is that people will only spend money if they’re part of a couple. To get them to hook up, you’ll need to strategically drop ‘romance waves’ which bounce off decorations like topiary dogs, flower beds and duck ponds. You get romance waves from completing quests and by putting on dance shows. You can also buy watermelons which you can exchange for various special items or use to speed the action up. Despite its silly premise, it’s actually a pretty solid game and rather addictive as Facebook sims go and is well worth a look if you like that kind of gameplay.

Social Empires

Social Point’s Social Empires is a cute little game where you build a small town with useful buildings such as farms, lumber mills, gold mines and houses. But you’ll also need to add military buildings like barracks to create different types of soldiers including knights, archers and spear men. All of this planning for war will pay off, as every four hours or so, a camp of trolls will appear on your land along with a mission. These missions include rescuing captured princess and sending your soldiers to obliterate the invading trolls. You can also attack your friends (hey, what are friends for?) or random people you don’t like the look of. Social Empires is a very popular sim game, with 3.8 million users, and there’s plenty to do without friends playing or spending real cash.

The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail has been around in various incarnations since 1971 — essentially it’s an educational game that aims to teach people what life was really like for the pioneers in 19th century America. But don’t let the educational focus put you off. Oregon Trail has endured because of its combination of decision-making, strategy, hunting, and role-playing. You start off in Independence, Missouri and must recruit a merry band of friends to travel with you on the Oregon Trail to your eventual destination in Willamette Valley. For the two thousand mile journey, you\’ll only have your bare-essential supplies, a Conestoga wagon, and your wits to survive.

Once you’ve loaded up your wagon, it’s time to boldly go, but be warned — the journey is brutal. You’ll probably find many of your party die long before you reach your destination, perhaps of exhaustion, dysentery, measles or typhoid — or perhaps something even more grisly. If you’re really lucky you might just make it to the end.

The Facebook version of Oregon Trail is by Blue Fang and The Learning Company and offers plenty of mini games to play, including the classic “hunting” game so associated with the iconic series.

Simply Hospital

A game about sick people doesn’t initially sound like much fun, but give 6 Waves’ Simply Hospital a chance. The patients here don’t have real-life, depressing problems like cancer or horrific traffic accident injuries, but instead have amusing issues like becoming zombies, lamp men and chain smokers. You must build treatment rooms, research diseases and hire doctors. When you’re ready you can start a shift, which brings in money, but be careful, as if you can’t treat enough patients your hospital reputation will fall. With the money you’ve earned you can buy more rooms, decorations, hire better staff and learn how to deal with weird new diseases. The gameplay will be familiar to anyone who’s played Theme Hospital or other similarly silly hospital management sims. If you have friends playing, you can hire them as doctors and save on money but you won’t need to annoy them constantly to play.

Pocket God

While most sim games are all about nurturing your virtual citizens and growing and caring for your virtual populace, that\’s definitely not the case with Bolt Creative’s Pocket God. In Pocket God the idea is to kill as many people in as many inventive ways as possible. You play as a god with a bit of a chip on their shoulder and are given a small island with an unlimited supply of pygmies to rule over with an iron fist. To level up, you need to sacrifice them in different ways, for example throwing them in the sea (they can’t swim), hurling them into a fiery volcano or feeding them to the sharks. You can also build a few little luxuries to keep them happy, like a hot spring or a fridge full of ice cold beer, if you’re feeling generous. If you have friends that are also playing, you can find ingenious ways to kill them, too. A real antidote to all the fluffy games out there.(source:gamepro



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