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2010十大畅销书排行 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




Keith Richards


1. The Hare with Amber Eyes

1. 《镶琥珀眼睛的兔子》

by Edmund de Waal  


If this year proved that the history of the world could be told through objects (see Neil MacGregor’s book, below), Edmund de Waal emerged as the form’s most surprising and elegant storyteller. When it was first announced, this memoir by a ceramicist sounded as though it might be a rather niche affair. But the book – a beautiful object in itself – has become the sleeper hit of 2010, winning awards, selling in incredible numbers and chosen by many of our critics as their book of the year. By tracking a set of Japanese netsuke bought by a cousin of his great-grandfather in the 1870s and working his way from Paris (where one of his relatives was a model for Proust’s character Swann) to Vienna (where the collection of carvings was rescued from the Nazis) to Seventies Tokyo, de Waal tells the history of his family – and, by extension, of Europe in the 20th century.


2. Freedom

2. 《自由》

by Jonathan Franzen


The novel of the year: for its quality, and for its news value. Whatever you think of Franzen’s so-called “Great American Novel”, any book so culturally significant as to require you to have an opinion should be lauded.


3. Letters to Monica

3.  《写给莫妮卡的信》

by Philip Larkin


Was the nation’s favourite poet a misogynist? Does it matter? The question has been debated ever since Larkin’s Selected Letters were published in 1992. That volume was full of performance for his male friends; this one, addressed to his long-term lover – and published in the Telegraph – shows a different side, and can’t fail to enrich our view of the man and the work.


4. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis

4. 《莉迪亚·黛维丝小说集》

The book that should make everyone become acquainted with this master of the short story. Davis is a writers’ writer, long admired by her peers and deeply influential, yet too intriguing and low-key to have caused a big stir on this side of the Atlantic – until now.


5. MI6 by Keith Jeffery

5. 《军情六局》


If you can lift this book, it’s worth it. MI6 opened the archive of its first 40 years to Keith Jeffery, and his exhaustive history emphasises the significance of the Secret Intelligence Service in a way that its official secrecy had previously rendered impossible.


6. What to Look for in Winter

6. 《冬天应寻找什么》

by Candia McWilliam


It has been a particularly good year for memoir: Edmund de Waal, Luke Jennings, Tony Judt and Candia McWilliam have all written books that are better than most of the year’s offerings in fiction. Of these, McWilliam’s story of losing her sight – and losing sight of herself – is the most painful by far.

        回忆录最出色的一年:埃德蒙·德·瓦尔 、路克·詹宁斯、托尼‧朱迪特和坎迪娅·迈克威廉都写了回忆录,超过了今年大部分的小说。其中,坎迪娅·迈克威廉关于失去光明的小说是迄今为止最为悲苦的小说。

7. Chasing the Sun

7.  《追逐太阳》

by Richard Cohen


The ingenious idea behind Cohen’s extraordinarily wide‑ranging book is that the sun deserves a biography of its own. Taking in science, myth, religion, philosophy, art and uncategorisable adventure, he tells the story of the star without which we would not exist.
8. Life

8. 《生活》

by Keith Richards


Not everyone’s life has been exactly like Keith Richards’s, as his title shruggingly suggests, but that’s what makes his memoir as addictive as the substances that have fuelled it. In contrast to the cautious non-news contained in this year’s glut of political memoirs, the old Stone reveals more than you could ever dream of asking for.


9. Solar

9.  《日光》

by Ian McEwan


In a return to the glorious mean-spiritedness of his earlier work, McEwan has created an anti-hero of uncontainable appetites and irrepressible ambition. Some feared that Solar’s subject – global warming – would make a rather pious book. But in fact it was McEwan’s funniest novel for years.


10. A History of the World in 100 Objects

10. 《100件文物讲历史》

by Neil MacGregor

作者:Neil MacGregor

Through this book, through its accompanying Radio 4 series, and simply through his everyday – but exceptional – work as director of the British Museum, MacGregor has taught us a new way of seeing, and reinstated what he calls “the necessary poetry of things”.


by Edmund de Waal

If this year proved that the history of the world could be told through objects (see Neil MacGregor’s book, below), Edmund de Waal emerged as the form’s most surprising and elegant storyteller. When it was first announced, this memoir by a ceramicist sounded as though it might be a rather niche affair. But the book – a beautiful object in itself – has become the sleeper hit of 2010, winning awards, selling in incredible numbers and chosen by many of our critics as their book of the year. By tracking a set of Japanese netsuke bought by a cousin of his great-grandfather in the 1870s and working his way from Paris (where one of his relatives was a model for Proust’s character Swann) to Vienna (where the collection of carvings was rescued from the Nazis) to Seventies Tokyo, de Waal tells the history of his family – and, by extension, of Europe in the 20th century.

2. Freedom

by Jonathan Franzen

The novel of the year: for its quality, and for its news value. Whatever you think of Franzen’s so-called “Great American Novel”, any book so culturally significant as to require you to have an opinion should be lauded.

3. Letters to Monica

by Philip Larkin

Was the nation’s favourite poet a misogynist? Does it matter? The question has been debated ever since Larkin’s Selected Letters were published in 1992. That volume was full of performance for his male friends; this one, addressed to his long-term lover – and published in the Telegraph – shows a different side, and can’t fail to enrich our view of the man and the work.

4. The Collected Stories

of Lydia Davis

The book that should make everyone become acquainted with this master of the short story. Davis is a writers’ writer, long admired by her peers and deeply influential, yet too intriguing and low-key to have caused a big stir on this side of the Atlantic – until now.

5. MI6 by Keith Jeffery

If you can lift this book, it’s worth it. MI6 opened the archive of its first 40 years to Keith Jeffery, and his exhaustive history emphasises the significance of the Secret Intelligence Service in a way that its official secrecy had previously rendered impossible.

6. What to Look for in Winter

by Candia McWilliam

It has been a particularly good year for memoir: Edmund de Waal, Luke Jennings, Tony Judt and Candia McWilliam have all written books that are better than most of the year’s offerings in fiction. Of these, McWilliam’s story of losing her sight – and losing sight of herself – is the most painful by far.

7. Chasing the Sun

by Richard Cohen

The ingenious idea behind Cohen’s extraordinarily wide‑ranging book is that the sun deserves a biography of its own. Taking in science, myth, religion, philosophy, art and uncategorisable adventure, he tells the story of the star without which we would not exist.

8. Life

by Keith Richards

Not everyone’s life has been exactly like Keith Richards’s, as his title shruggingly suggests, but that’s what makes his memoir as addictive as the substances that have fuelled it. In contrast to the cautious non-news contained in this year’s glut of political memoirs, the old Stone reveals more than you could ever dream of asking for.

9. Solar

by Ian McEwan

In a return to the glorious mean-spiritedness of his earlier work, McEwan has created an anti-hero of uncontainable appetites and irrepressible ambition. Some feared that Solar’s subject – global warming – would make a rather pious book. But in fact it was McEwan’s funniest novel for years.

10. A History of the World in 100 Objects

by Neil MacGregor

Through this book, through its accompanying Radio 4 series, and simply through his everyday – but exceptional – work as director of the British Museum, MacGregor has taught us a new way of seeing, and reinstated what he calls “the necessary poetry of things”.

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