Paul Jardetzky - author of the server program for the first webcam
Paul Jardetzky was instrumental in the creation of the Trojan room coffee pot. He wrote the server program which transmitted the state of the coffee pot to the XCoffee client program. He graduated from Henry M. Gunn High School in Palo Alto, California in 1981, and later received a B.S. from University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. from University of Cambridge, England. 网路摄影机(webcam)编辑本段回目录网路摄影机(webcam)一般具有视讯摄影/传播和静态图像捕捉等基本功能,它是借由镜头采集图像后,由网路摄影机内的感光元件电路及控制元件对图像进行处理并转换成电脑所能识别的数位讯号,然后借由Parallel或USB连接输入到电脑后由软体再进行图像还原。 历史 1991年, 世界第一支网路摄影机(称为 CoffeeCam),首度出现在英国剑桥大学的泰贾屋咖啡店 (Trojan room coffee pot)。最古老的网路摄影机, 是旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)的 FogCam, 自1994年使用至今。 视讯会议 目前许多程式都可以支援视讯会议,这些程式包含: Yahoo Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), Windows Live Messenger, Skype, iChat, Paltalk(目前改名为PaltalkScene), Ekiga, Stickam, Tokbox, Camfrog 以及 meetcam。 技术 USB video device class (UVC) 可支援各式的网路摄影机,因此电脑不必再安装多余的驱动程式。目前Microsoft Windows Vista, Linux 和 Mac OS X 10.4 与 10.5 皆有支援内建的 UVC drivers. 感光元件 网路摄影机的感光元件类型有: CMOS CCD 目前有不少新式的网路摄影机已可支援 multi-megapixel 的解析度, 某些摄影镜头更拥有高帧率, 像是 PlayStation Eye, 可以产生 320×240 ,每秒 120 帧(frames). 连接阜类型 网路摄影机的连接阜类型有: USB 并行接口 泰贾屋咖啡店大事记编辑本段回目录Late 1991 A group of thirsty researchers including Paul Jardetzky and Quentin Stafford-Fraser point a camera at a coffee pot and write custom software to allow the image to be displayed on all their screens. Feb 1992 Bob Metcalfe writes about XCoffee in CommWeek Feb 1993 Marc Andreessen proposes that a new IMG tag be added to HTML to allow images to be embedded in web pages. Mar 1993 Beta release of NCSA Mosaic 0.10 contains support for embedded images. November 1993 Dan Gordon modifies original system to allow it to respond to web requests. With Martyn Johnson, he connects it to the web, and XCoffee is transformed into the first webcam. A huge amount of media coverage over the next few years. We start to keep a list but then lose track. May 1995 Enough people ask about the story that we publish the Trojan Room Coffee Pot Biography. 1996? Hits on the Coffee Pot image pass one million. Journalist Steve Farrar points out that it has had more 'visitors' than King's College Chapel and is therefore the number one tourist attraction in East Anglia. More media coverage. May? 1998 Hits on the Coffee Pot image pass 2 million Media start to describe pot as 'historical item' instead of 'novelty'. April 2001 News spreads that the impending move of the Computer Lab means that camera will be switched off. Much media coverage including front page of both London Times and Washington Post. July 2001 Article subtitled "When Convenience was the Mother of Invention" appears in the Communications of the ACM. Aug 2001 Longest-serving pot is auctioned on eBay to raise money for coffee facilities in the new lab. Sold to Spiegel Online for £3350. 10.54 22 Aug 2001 Coffee pot camera finally switched off. 参考文献编辑本段回目录
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Jardetzky http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/coffee/qsf/timeline.html http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/coffee/qsf/coffee.html →如果您认为本词条还有待完善,请 编辑词条
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