【个人简介】 Charles Petzold 是Windows编程界一位大师,世界顶级技术作家。1994年5月,Petzold作为仅有的七个人之一(并且是唯一的作家)被《Window Magazine》和Microsoft公司授予Windows Pioneer奖,以表彰他对 Microsoft Windows的成功做出的贡献。Charles Petzold从1984年开始编写个人计算机程序,从1985年开始编写 Microsoft Windows程序。他在《Microsoft Systems Joumal》1986年 12月号上发表了第一篇关于Windows程序设计的杂志论文。从1986年到1995年,他为《PC Magazine》撰写“Environments”专栏,给读者介绍了Windows和OS/2程序设计的许多方面。 直到今天他依然维持 Windows GDI 程序设计首席技术作家的地位。其大作:《Windows程序设计》是尽人皆知的Win32 API编程经典,也称为“Petzold Book”,学习Win32 API编程的人几乎都从这本书入手。
Charles Petzold (born February 2, 1953, New Brunswick, New Jersey) is an American programmer and technical author on Microsoft Windows applications. He is also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional.
He graduated with a Master of Science in Mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1975. Aside from writing books about Windows programming he has contributed to various magazines about computers.
He had an interest in electronic music and in 1977 started building electronic music instruments out of CMOS chips. In 1979, Petzold started building a computer-controlled digital electronic music synthesizer based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor. This experience of digital circuitry and assembly language programming formed the basis of his book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software.
Petzold purchased a two-diskette IBM PC in 1984 for $5,000. This debt encouraged him to use the PC to earn some revenue so he wrote an article about ANSI.SYS and the PROMPT command. This was submitted to PC Magazine for which they paid $800. This was the beginning of Petzold's career as a paid writer.
In 1984, PC Magazine decided to do a review of printers. They asked all current New York contributors to help with the review. Petzold showed the staff some small assembly-language programs he had written. Soon he was busy writing little 300-500 byte .COM file utilities for PC Magazine.
Petzold was soon getting so much freelance work from PC Magazine that he was able to quit his job.
Microsoft then decided that Microsoft Systems Journal would cover both DOS and Windows programming. Jonathan Lazarus who contracted with Microsoft knew a few PC Magazine authors so he recruited Petzold to write some articles. [1] Petzold wrote the article A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your First Windows Application" for MSJ, Vol.1, No. 2 (December 1986) which he believes was the first article about Windows programming to appear in a magazine.
Petzold told some people at a Microsoft-related function that he really enjoyed writing this type of article. This news was relayed to Microsoft Press editor-in-chief Susan Lammers. This resulted in Petzold being contracted to write the first edition of Programming Windows from January until August 1987.
After seven years of being engaged Petzold married Deirdre Sinnott on October 28, 2007.
说实话,我是从2007年读这本书《Applicaton=Code+Markup》(该书中文版后来由电子工业出版社于2008年1月出版,蔡学镛译,书名为《Windows Presentation Foundation 程序设计指南》)开始知道这位大师,而不是他那本《Windows程序设计》,书写的循序渐进,把我领入了WPF的世界,从书中能感觉到大师的味道。近日,它又出了一本《Programming Windows Phone 7 Series》,于是我又想先了解他究竟是何许人。当然,了解他第一步是访问它的个人网站 http://www.charlespetzold.com/ ,其中有他的简历和肖像,如下:
简历中Charles Petzold 生于1953年,年纪比我大廿十岁,是位数学科学硕士,写了大量的书还有杂志专栏,应该算是IT作家。在百度百科中也有他的介绍。Charles Petzold 是Windows编程界一位大师,世界顶级技术作家。1994年5月,Petzold作为仅有的七个人之一(并且是唯一的作家)被《Window Magazine》和Microsoft公司授予Windows Pioneer奖,以表彰他对 Microsoft Windows的成功做出的贡献。Charles Petzold从1984年开始编写个人计算机程序,从1985年开始编写 Microsoft Windows程序。 《Windows程序设计》是尽人皆知的Win32 API编程经典,也称为“Petzold Book”,学习Win32 API编程的人几乎都从这本书入手。 啊哈,果然历害,怪不得我喜欢他的那本书,看来要研究Windows Mobile编程,看他的书《Programming Windows Phone 7 Series》,准也没错了!
Charles Petzold是一位专职作家,他从1985年开始为Windows编写程序,并开始从事有关Windows程序设计的写作工作。他的Programming Windows一书(微软出版社于1988年出版了该书的第一版,现已出到第五版)指导了一代程序员如何为Windows编写应用程序。Petzold最近完成了为微软出版社所作的Programming Windows with C#一书。在这本权威的Windows系列书籍中,他教导读者如何使用Visual C#来建立单机或分布式应用程序的动态用户界面和图形输出。在这次访谈中,Petzold与大家共同分享他对面向对象程序设计思想的想法和他对C#的新的浓厚的兴趣。
MS: 您的新作Programming Windows with Visual C#与经典的Programming Windows相比有何不同?
CP: Programming Windows with C#是一本全新的书。五个版本的Programming Windows已经向读者展示了如何使用C语言和纯粹的Windows应用程序编程接口(API)来书写Windows程序。在Programming Windows with C#中,我使用了一种新的面向对象的程序设计语言和一种叫做Windows Forms的类库,它们都是全新Microsoft .NET Framework的一部分。 我最初开始使用Windows Forms和C#是在2000年的夏天,我几乎是一下子就喜欢上了它们。Windows Forms与我所经常设想的一种理想的面向对象的Windows编程接口十分相像,而且C#是我现在最喜欢的程序设计语言。尽管我主要还只是在与这个软件的Beta版打交道,写作这本书的过程仍然是一段愉快的经历。