

Mark H. Overmars,Gamemaker(下称GM)作者。是美国Utrecht大学几何图形、计算机虚拟技术科学中心的资深教授。 ![]() 基本资料编辑本段回目录Mark H. Overmars Born September 29, 1958 (1958-09-29) (age 51) Zeist, Netherlands Residence Utrecht, Netherlands Nationality Dutch Fields Computational geometry Robotics Institutions Utrecht University Alma mater Utrecht University Known for Probabilistic Roadmap Method, Game Maker 简介编辑本段回目录Markus Hendrik Overmars (born 29 September 1958 in Zeist, Netherlands)[1] is a Dutch computer scientist and teacher of game programming known for his game development application Game Maker. Game Maker lets people create computer games using a drag-and-drop interface. He is the head of the Center for Geometry, Imaging, and Virtual Environments at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. This research center concentrates on computational geometry and its application in areas like computer graphics, robotics, geographic information systems, imaging, multimedia, virtual environments, and games. ![]() Overmars received his Ph.D. in 1983 from Utrecht University, and has since been a member of the faculty of the same university. Overmars has published over 100 journal papers, largely on computational geometry, and is the co-author of several books including a widely used computational geometry text. He has an Erdős number of 3, due to his collaborations with several other computational geometers. Overmars has also worked in robotics. He was the first to develop the probabilistic roadmap method in 1992, which was later independently discovered by Kavraki and Latombe in 1994. Their joint paper, Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces, is considered one of the most influential studies in motion planning, and has been widely cited (more than 1000 times as of 2008). Books Overmars, M. H. (1983). The Design of Dynamic Data Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 156, Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-12330-X. de Berg, M.; van Kreveld, M.; Overmars, M. H.; Schwarzkopf, O. (2000). Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Applications (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-65620-0. Habgood, J.; Overmars, M. H. (2006). The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners. APress. ISBN 1-59059-615-3. GameMaker编辑本段回目录GameMaker 是一款拥有图形界面,可灵活编程,以2D游戏设计为主的游戏开发软件。本软件由 Mark Overmars 使用 Delphi 语言开发,于 1999 年 11 月发布了首个公开版本,在 4.3 版之后转为部分功能收费软件。后由英国公司 Yoyogames 收购,大力推动了欧美乃至全世界独立游戏界的发展。目前最新版本为 Game Maker 8 。 ![]() GameMaker 设计游戏过程中的一大特征是,可使用拖拽按钮 ( d&d ) 进行游戏逻辑编排。 举例: 我们在场景放了 2 个球。要实现一个功能:2 球相撞时,A 球反弹,B 球爆炸。 具体做法是在 A 球的碰撞事件,拖拽反弹按钮; 在 B 球的碰撞事件,拖拽改变实例按钮,让 B 球变成爆炸动画; 编辑爆炸动画对象,在动画播放结束事件,拖拽销毁按钮。如此便完成了功能的制作。 这里不要求编程基础,却需要一个合乎编程过程的明确思路(事实上,可以近似认为是编程思想)。是真正意义上的“想到便能做到”。由此,GameMaker 为那些从未接触过编程,但热爱游戏的玩家,迈入游戏编程世界,提供了一个特别便捷有力的途径。 相关链接编辑本段回目录参考文献编辑本段回目录
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