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Ryan C. Gordon(也被叫做Icculus),是一名Loki的前雇员,公司倒闭后移植很多商业游戏到Linux和Mac OS X 平台。


Ryan C. Gordon (also known as icculus) is a former Loki Software employee who is now responsible for icculus.org, which hosts many Loki Software projects as well as several new projects created by himself and others. Gordon's site hosts projects with the code from such commercial games as Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Quake III Arena and many other free and open source projects for multiple platforms.
Gordon has also created ports of proprietary software products to the Linux and Mac OS X platforms. These include being hired to port the Unreal Tournament series, some of the Serious Sam Series, the Postal series, Devastation and Prey. He has also been involved in porting several non-gaming products such as Google Earth. Some, such as Candy Cruncher and Postal 2, have been published by Linux Game Publishing.

Gordon is also a founding member of the BareBones Theatre Group in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Ryan grew up just outside of Philadelphia, going to college in Charlotte, North Carolina where he currently resides. In the summer of 1999 Loki Software ran a contest called "Loki Hack" at the Atlanta Linux Showcase, with the goal of improving the Linux port of Civilization: Call To Power. Ryan decided to give it a try, driving the four hour trip from his home to Atlanta. Loki was impressed with his work and decided to offer him a job. Ryan quickly rose to prominence at Loki, working as a developer on the game ports of Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, Quake III Arena, and Eric's Ultimate Solitaire, as well as being the lead developer for Descent 3 and Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2. In 2000 he also wrote several articles for the online Linux news and information website Linux.com. Around this time he founded icculus.org, made to provide hosting for various free and open source projects, and would later be used to support and continue some of Loki's free software projects and tools.

The upcoming closure of Loki forced him to seek outside employment. A friend offered him a job at his cybercafe, and he was forced to move in with his parents. Desperate to escape working a cash register for a living, he found the e-mail address of an artist working for the developer Croteam. They had recently released the first of their highly successfully Serious Sam series, and Ryan asked if they would be interested in him building a Linux port.They agreed, and the ports first beta was released on December 5, 2002.[10] From there he gained other contracts such as being hired to port Devastation, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and America's Army.He was also contracted by Epic Games to port their Unreal Tournament 2003 title to Linux and Mac OS X, with the port being included with the packaged Windows version.This business relationship continued with the release of Unreal Tournament 2004.
Upon learning about the release of Postal 2, Ryan decided to contact the developer behind it wondering if they would be interested in him making a port. Loki had previously ported the original Postal game to Linux, and he was interested in keeping the franchise compatible.Running With Scissors agreed, and the finished port was shipped on February 14, 2005, with Linux Game Publishing handling the publishing for the Linux version.[14] Soon after he was contracted to make a Linux port for Wolfire Games' Lugaru.Around this time he was also contracted to build a Linux client for the online virtual world Second Life.Google later contracted him to make a native Linux port for their Google Earth application, with Linux functionality becoming available starting with the version 4 beta.

In 2007 he was contracted port Unreal Tournament 3 for both Linux and Mac OS X, releasing the Linux game server on December 18, 2007.He is still at work on the game client, although there is some debate about if it will ever be released. In October 2008 he made a surprise announcement that he had been working on a Linux client for the first-person shooter game Prey, after previously porting the game's Linux server in 2006. The finished port was released on December 7, 2008. On October 23, 2009 he announced his plans to make a universal binary system similar to the one used on Mac OS X for Linux systems called "FatELF". The project generated considerable controversy, with several Linux Kernel developers decrying the effort. Ryan announced that the project was on hold in early November[23], later stating that he would be willing to work on it again if he receives help from an interested party.

Around this time he also ported Aquaria to Linux for Bit Blot. On January 4, 2010 he became engaged to his girlfriend Carrie. On May 11, 2010 he and Wolfire Games released the source code of his code branch of Lugaru under the GNU General Public License. He was also involved with the source code release of Aquaria. He is currently porting Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 to Mac OS X, and may potentially port it to Linux if Steam releases a Linux client.[28] Ryan also recently generated some controversy for his talk at the 2010 SouthEast LinuxFest titled "Anatomy of a Failure", where he criticized some aspects of the Kernel development process.

icculus.org is Ryan C. Gordon's personal website and a project incubator not unlike Sourceforge.net and GNU Savannah. Gordon is often involved in the projects hosted on his site but not universally. The site hosts port or enhancement projects for games such as Aliens versus Predator, Jump 'n Bump, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Freespace 2, Descent 2, Black Shades, Ken's Labyrinth, Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic, Hexen, cooperative Rune, Quake II, the Build engine, Unreal (as an Unreal Tournament mod) and the Chzo Mythos. The site also hosts free software projects such as Neverball, ioquake3 and related projects, an attempted Visual Basic re-implementation, OpenAL for Mac OS X, and a Yahoo! Messenger client. It is also the host of the freeware CodeRED: Alien Arena project and has hosted code from the developers Blazing Games, Wolfire Games and Bit Blot.


Ryan C. Gordon 这位 Loki 休闲软件公司的程序员,他曾将『魔法门之英雄无敌 III』游戏里的编辑器,从视窗平台的 MFC 架构移植到 X 视窗系统的 GTK+ 元件,在此他点出了这种移植方式所须解决的问题,这是一篇程序员们会很有兴趣的专栏。   移植一个电玩里的地图编辑器会比较容易吗?Ryan 可不这么认为,他说道:   『有些人可能以为移植地图编辑器很简单,所以比较起移植整个游戏花费一定较少。其实不然,英雄无敌 III 游戏本身将近 25 万行的 C++ 程序码,它的地图编辑器只要 7 万 5 千行。然而游戏本身到最终完成推出所花的时间竟比编辑器还少。...』  这究竟是什么缘故呢?Ryan 表示都是 MFC 的错:   『这套 API 是一道由不相容性所堆积而成的墙,再者,Visual C++ 对程序语言本身的延伸功能也有很多该骂之处。』  不过 Ryan 认为 GCC 也不是就完全没问题,Ryan 花了两段话来解释 MFC 和 GCC 各自的缺点。   这篇专栏中 Ryan 最后详细地说明从 MFC 到 GCC 的移植之路,有哪些个技巧应当注意的:   针对工作选择适当工具  使用 CVS   让 Visual C++ 和 MSDN 使用上手  使用 Glade   多利用 assert 类的功能  X 下的 bitmap 不尽相同  实作小东西,打碎大玩意儿  From MFC to GTK: A Developer's Journey   http://linux.com/games/newsitem.phtml?sid=92&aid=10858




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