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世界杯历史上的六大误判 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




England's Bobby Moore looks on as his Argentina counterpart, Antonio Rattin, is sent off at Wembley in 1966. Photograph: Allsport Msi/Allsport

1966年温布利球场,英格兰队员博比·摩尔看着阿根廷队长安东尼-拉廷被罚下。摄影:Allsport Msi/Allsport

1) Uruguay 6-1 Yugoslavia (1930)


Uruguayan referees may not be flavour of the month with England at the moment, but Fabio Capello's rabble can count themselves lucky: at least they didn't get four goals disallowed by one of them. That's what happened to Bolivia in Montevideo in 1930, as the World Cup's youngest ever referee took charge. Aged 27 years and 62 days, Francisco Matteucci chalked off four Bolivian efforts – blows to the solar plexus for a country who had played only seven internationals before and lost them all. Once the vastly more experienced Yugoslavia stopped laughing, they rattled in four themselves to progress to the next round. Much good it did them, as karma was coming a-knockin': in their semi-final against the hosts, overseen by the Brazilian Gilberto de Almeida Rego, they had a goal questionably chalked off when losing 2-1, minutes before Uruguay went 3-1 up after the ball went out of play and was hoofed straight back on by a policeman. Uruguay went on to win 6-1, then beat Argentina in the final – a victory which at least awarded Yugoslavia third place, as they'd been knocked out by the champs. With a little help from someone we can legitimately call on this occasion "The Filth". Scott Murray


2) Antonio Rattin sent off against England (1966)


Still contentious, still vaguely puzzling and still seen as no more than the silver medal controversy of England's winning run in 1966 (overshadowed by the brouhaha of Geoff Hurst's second goal in the final). The sending off of the Argentina captain Antonio Rattin during his team's quarter-final against England has since been woven into the sporting sub-plot of intercontinental rivalry. More simply, it was a baffling decision; and something of a mini-tragedy in that it robbed that tournament of what might have been one of its outstanding matches.


referee Rudolf Kreitlein abruptly ordered Rattin from the field for reasons that remain unclear. Kreitlein later pointed to "violence of the tongue", the implication being that Rattin, with whom he did not share a language, had been swearing at him (the language point is a little disingenuous: abuse is generally quite easy to pick up in any tongue). Kreitlein didn't help himself by later adding that he "did not like the look" on Rattin's face.

本来就箭拔驽张的比赛,在第35分钟突然爆发。德国裁判鲁道夫-克雷特莱恩由于至今无法解释的原因,将拉廷罚下球场。克雷特莱恩后来说是由于“言语不恭”,这就意味着拉廷在言语不通的情况下,居然能够诅咒他(对此有点站不住脚的解释是:任何语言中,言辞上的不恭还是很容易被发现)。 克雷特莱恩甚至还补充说,他“不喜欢拉廷脸上的表情”,而这并无助于他为自己开脱。

Certainly the look on Rattin's face as he leaves the field still makes for a compelling tableau: there he goes, looking back, cursing, clenching his fists, asking coaching staff for an interpreter to make his case, almost coming back on to the pitch at one point, and gently wiping his hands on a union flag pennant, drawing V-signs and straight-arm type gestures from the home crowd.


This was a tragedy for Rattin, but also a great shame for the tournament. The BBC commentary on the game describes him at the toss as "Antonio Rattin, one of the greatest players in the world". George Cohen later claimed Argentina were probably the best team England played at the tournament: "They were a very, very good technical side. If they hadn't resorted to all the physical stuff they might well have beaten us. We saw how good they were when we played them in 1964 [when England were beaten 1-0 in Brazil]."

这是拉廷地悲剧,也是世界杯的悲剧。BBC的现场评论称“安东尼奥-拉廷为全球最伟大的球员之一”。乔治科恩则说,阿根廷可能是那届世界杯上英格兰遇到的最好球队:“他们技术非常非常好,如果他们最后没有动粗,可能会赢了我们。1964年和他们交手时,我们就领教过他们的高超球技(当时,英格兰在巴西被阿根廷以1-0 击败)。”

And still nobody really knows what it was all about. Cohen suggested Rattin was sent off for "trying to run the game", specifically for opening up an abrasive player-ref dialogue that was, by all reports, quite alien in western European football culture at the time. Among English observers there is a prevailing truism that Argentina had played dirtily. The statistics suggest otherwise: Argentina committed 19 fouls to England's 33. Cohen, for his part, noted the opposition's mastery of "the snidey things, the spitting and pulling the short hairs on your neck, pulling your ear".


Rattin's view: "Both sides were giving as good as they got. We were not the size of Chinamen, we were big players, but England had some tough characters like Nobby Stiles. The sending-off should never have happened and it wouldn't have done if I could speak a word of German. All I wanted to do was talk to the referee, but the next thing I knew he was pointing off the pitch. 'Quiero a un interprete (I want an interpreter).' I must have said it 20 or 30 times, pointing to my armband."

拉廷的观点:“双方都很撮火,我们也不是好惹的,大家都是球场猛将。当然英格兰有诺比-斯蒂尔斯这样的硬汉。如果我能说一丁点的德语,这不会被罚下场。我只想跟他说句话,结果却被罚下场。‘Quiero a un interprete (我要一个翻译)。’ 我指着自己的袖标,将这句话说了不下二三十次。”

Kreitlein pointed to the dressing rooms. Rattin lingered, infuriated, the match was decided by Geoff Hurst's second-half header, and a World Cup classic that might have been wasn't. Barney Ronay


3) Spanish woe

3) 西班牙恶梦

world's most famous chokers. But in truth that was not the only explanation for their failures over the years – at World Cups they've been cursed by bad calls. In 1962, they were 1-0 up against Brazil when Adelardo scored what may well have been the World Cup's first overhead kick goal – only for the killjoy Chilean referee, Salvador Bustamente, to rule it out because, like your local UFO enthusiast, he saw something unobserved by anyone else. Brazil went on to win 2-1. Fast forward 24 years to Mexico '86 and Brazil again beat Spain in curious circumstances, the elegant midfielder Michel firing the Spaniards into the lead only for the Australian referee Chris Bambridge to judge incorrectly that the ball hadn't crossed the line. To rub salt into Spanish wounds, Socrates was clearly offside when he nodded in the game's only allowed goal. Spain were then dumped out of USA '94 by Italy after Mauro Tassotti somehow escaped conceding a penalty for an elbow on Luis Enrique in the box – the fact that Tassotti was subsequently banned for eight games was of no use to the Spaniards. By 2002 it seemed like Fifa had decided to stage a humorous sketch based on Spanish misfortune – but this was the actual quarter-final and the officials weren't joking when they disallowed two Fernando Morientes goals against South Korea, one seemingly on the grounds that the ball had gone out of play before Joaquín crossed it – when, unlike Michel's effort in 1986, it clearly hadn't crossed the line. Paul Doyle


4) Argentina 2-1 Hungary, Argentina 2-1 France, Argentina 0-1 Italy (1978)

4) 阿根廷 2-1 乌拉圭, 阿根廷 2-1 法国, 阿根廷 0-1 意大利 (1978)

Argentina's victory at their own World Cup in 1978 will always be tainted by the actions of the junta in charge of the country at the time, the military government torturing and murdering thousands of the nation's citizens, tipping "the disappeared" into the River Plate from planes. Even on the field there was no escape from the junta's malign influence, officials favouring Argentina, subconsciously or otherwise, to a ludicrous degree.


In their opening game against Hungary, Argentina spent the entire 90 minutes kicking their opponents around the park, effortlessly sending them sailing through the air like pieces of ticker tape. The second Hungary responded in kind, they had two men sent off. Even worse was to come in the second game, Argentina opening the scoring against France after a ludicrous penalty decision, the French captain Marius Trésor being penalised for handling the ball while falling over. In their third group game, they were beaten by Italy – and so the Argentinian FA lobbied Fifa to ensure the Israeli referee Abraham Klein, who had put a stop to their wild challenges, would not referee any of their remaining matches – Klein was much-fancied to be given the final that year; for once a referring controversy where the man in black is as much a victim as the players.

首场迎战匈牙利的比赛,阿根廷队花了整个 90 分钟,踢得对手满地找牙,匈牙利人稍作回击,就有两个队员被罚下场。更糟糕的事发生在下一场,阿根廷对战法国,法国队长马里乌斯- 特雷索尔因为倒地后触球而被罚,使阿根廷首先破门。第三场比赛,阿根廷败于意大利,因此阿根廷足协游说FIFA,要求该场主裁以色列人亚伯拉罕-克莱恩不要当值该队参与的后续比赛。克莱恩后来成为当届决赛的裁判,变成大热门。裁判的争议中,裁判个人和球员都成了受害者。

Argentina went on to beat Peru 6-0 to reach the final ahead of Brazil – the Peruvian dressing room was visited by an Argentinian general before the match, no doubt to pass on the junta's best wishes – then won a final against a Holland team convinced the game would have gone on all evening had Rob Rensenbrink's late effort gone in rather than hitting the post. A grubby affair all round – which was a real shame, because Argentina were probably the best team there anyway. SM


5) Roger Milla's disallowed goal against Peru (1982)

5) 罗杰-米拉对 Peru进球无效 (1982)

A moment of officiating incompetence that had a surprisingly broad historical significance. With Cameroon's opening group match against Peru goalless Roger Milla ran on to a neat through pass and lofted the ball into the roof of the net, before running off to celebrate, not with a groin-thrusting romance of the corner flag, but with a single erect arm, Alan Shearer style. The goal was disallowed for offside by the Austrian referee Franz Wöhrer and his East German and Romanian linesmen Adolf Prokop and Nicolai Rainea – despite the fact that neither Milla nor any other Cameroon player was close to an offside position at any stage.

组织者片刻的无能,可以在某种程度上改变历史的进程。在秘鲁与喀麦隆的首场比赛中,喀麦隆队员罗杰-米拉无球跑位,穿越防线后干净地挑球入网。然而,同伴们还未来得及庆贺,裁判的手臂已经高高举起。尽管米拉和他的队友自始至终都未处在越位位置上,这粒进球还是被当值主裁奥地利人Franz Wöhrer,以及东德和罗马尼亚边裁阿道夫-普罗科普 尼古拉-赖内亚判为无效。

The game finished goalless and might, at the time, have seemed an irrelevance – minor African team get unlucky in group game clash – if it wasn't for the fact that this was in fact a fine Cameroon team, as they would show in their subsequent 0-0 with a strong Poland and the 1-1 against eventual winners Italy in the final group game. Milla's chalked-off – and expertly taken – goal turned out to have historically urgent resonance. Not just because Italy went through by virtue of having scored more goals and would eventually beat West Germany convincingly in the final. More pertinent to Milla, Cameroon would have become the first African team to reach the second round, four years ahead of Morocco in 1986. And in the process a sense of injustice – fanned in Cameroon by England's two, fairly unarguable, penalties in 1990 – that African teams were being covertly excluded from the late stages of the World Cup might never have come about.

比赛以零进球而告终,当时看起来无伤大雅:一支非洲小队,在小组赛中不走运而已。后来的事情让人惊讶:喀麦隆队在小组赛中以 0-0 逼平强大的波兰,又以 1-1 战平当届冠军意大利。米拉的进球和被判无效,事实上具有重大的历史意义。如果不是这一变故,意大利队就无法以净胜球的优势进入决赛,最终决定性地战胜西德。米拉和他的队友,就会领先摩洛哥(1986)四年,成为历史上首个进入第二轮的非洲球队。 这当中,一种不公正的感觉逐渐笼罩喀麦隆队,使其在1990年与英格兰对阵时两个毫无争议的判罚,也显得好象是排斥非洲球队进入世界球末轮的阴谋。


Milla (already 30 in 1982) would have his moment. The corner-flag groin-thrust would surface finally eight years later as a brilliantly talented Cameroon team came close to a semi-final place. And perhaps, on reflection, there is a tiny sense of who it may have been directed at. BR


6) Argentina 2-1 England (1986)

6) 阿根廷 2-1 英格兰 (1986)

You'd be hard pushed to argue that referee Ali Bin Nasser had anything other than a shocker at Mexico City's Azteca Stadium during the infamous quarter-final between Argentina and England in 1986. It doesn't matter that the world-class goalkeeper Peter Shilton, coming off his line to intercept Steve Hodge's sliced clearance, should have got to the ball ahead of diminutive genius Diego Maradona; it's simply not cricket to be spiking the ball volleyball-style into the net. (It's volleyball, of course, but let's not go down that route.)

除了用令人震惊来形容之外,裁判阿里-本-纳赛尔在墨西哥城 阿兹特克体育馆的举动没什么好说的。1986年这场臭名昭著的英阿之战中,彼得-希尔顿是否在马拉多拉之前碰到了足球其实并不重要,重要的是,这不是排球,不能扣球入网。(当然也可以当作排球打,但这里不行。)

What's often forgotten, though, is the previous extent of Bin Nasser's shocker: the man had two opportunities to send off Terry Fenwick, but took neither. On eight minutes, Fenwick tried to snip Maradona in half, jetting in from the side in mid-air. He was given a yellow when by the standards of the tournament – the Uruguayan José Batista had been sent off after 56 seconds against Scotland – a straight red would not have been a surprise. Then, just before half-time, Fenwick straight-armed Maradona to the floor, a certain straight red this time, a second yellow at "best". England would pay for this luck in spades with the Hand of God incident – an unfair tariff, especially as Fenwick did absolutely nothing when Maradona went on to score his second goal.

人们经常忽略的是,此前纳赛尔就有两次惊人的判罚。他有两次机会可以罚下特里-费尼克,但他并没有这么做。八分钟时,费尼克从侧向铲倒马拉多拉,按照当时的标准(乌拉圭队的何塞-巴蒂斯塔 在与苏格兰的比赛中仅56秒就被罚下场),红牌不足为奇。而他只吃到了黄牌。接着,中场休息前,费尼克又将马拉多拉放倒在地。如果不出红牌,“至少”也是黄牌。英格兰为这种侥幸不得不承受后来的上帝之手。这种不公,在马拉多拉再次射中,而费尼克显然什么也没做的情况下,尤其明显。undefined

  • 标题:世界杯历史上六大误判【卫报】
  • 来源:http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2010/jul/02/joy-six-world-cup-refereeing-controversies
  • http://article.yeeyan.org/view/156584/115270
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