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SORD M5 (肯定没人听过的八十年代的古董计算机,8月24日加入翻译过的介绍)
品牌                   SORD
型号                   M5
详细配置 :
CPU                    Zilog Z80A 
SPEED                 3.58 MHz 
CO-PROCESSOR    Z80A-CTC (timer), TMS 9929 (video processor), SN76489AN (Sound Generator) 
RAM                    4 KB (up to 36 KB) 
VRAM                  16 KB 
ROM                    8 KB (up to 28 KB) 
TEXT MODES        40 x 24 (characters matrix: 6 x 8 pixels) 
GRAPHIC MODES   32 x 24 (character matrix 8x8), 64 x 48 (character matrix 4x4), 256 x 192 (full graphic) 
COLORS               16 
SOUND                SN76489AN: 3 voices (6 octaves), 1 noise channel, 7 special sounds 
SIZE / WEIGHT     10.5'' (wide) x 7.25'' (deep) x 1.5'' (high)
                          262 x 185 x 36 mm
                          800 gr 

购买年限            88年或90年购买,花了400多,票据什么的找不到了,好在机器还能用。
简单的文字介绍:1982年日本 SORD 计算机公司开始生产,由青岛无线电厂引进。本来是父母用来学习编程的,后来好像就成为游戏机了,研究了一下它的计算功能,只能在正负3XXXX的范围里计算,速度还是挺快的。可以进行16色的图形编程,相当的好用,一个很耐玩的UFO游戏只要200行代码就出来了.

国外古董计算机网站对SORD M5的介绍

以下内容引自 old-computers 网站介绍:
The SORD M5 had no really great success outside Japan (and later Czechoslovakia) but had lot of interesting characteristics, very close to MSX computers released soon after. 
尽管 SORD M5 在日本(和后来的捷克斯洛伐克)以外的地方并没有获得大的成功,但它还是具有许多有意思的特性,和紧接着发布的 MSX电脑很接近。

Its design was quite original. The machine xas quite small. The two-tone grey plastic casing opened to reveal a bright yellow back, which housed the ROM cartridge slot. The keyboard was similar to the rubber matting of the Spectrum, but felt markedly better. Most keys had a Basic keyword on them in small light-grey letters (available by holding down the function key as an other key is pressed). There was no full-size space-bar. 
它的设计很具有原创性。机身很小。双灰色的塑料外壳里面是亮黄的底,底上是ROM卡式插槽。键盘好象是橡胶,手感很好。大部分键上都有小的淡灰字母(可以在按其他键时按功能键)。 没有全尺寸的空格键。

There was only 4K of internal RAM, but memory expansions were available. The joysticks simply plugged into tiny DIN sockets, and there was a port for a Centronics printer. The power supply was external and rather cumbersome. 

It used a dedicated video chip (Texas Instrument 9918, 9928 or 9929, depending on the model) and had the same video characteristics as the MSX computers (same graphic resolution, same number of colors, same number of sprites, etc.) but didn't belong to this family. The M-5 had 32 graphics symbols in ROM and could handle up to 32 sprites. Its sound chip was the Texas Instruments TI 76489, which wasn't MSX compliant. It had three independent sound channels which could produce a variety of music and synthesised sounds. The sound was sent through the TV speaker. 
使用了独立显卡(德州仪器 9918,9928或9929,根据型号不同而定)与MSX电脑有相同图形特性(相同图象分辨率,相同色数,相同子画面数等),但并不属于一个类型。  M5在ROM中有32个图形符号,可以产生32个子画面。它的声卡是德州仪器的TI 76489,和MSX的不配套。有3个独立的声道,可以发出各种音乐和合成声音。声音从电视喇叭中发出。

Several cartidge based languages were available: the Basic-I (very simple version for beginners, delivered with the system), the Basic-G (with lot of graphic commands) and the Basic-F (for mathematic and scientific applications). The M-5 supported Inp and Out in Basic to control Z-80A ports, but had no obvious connector to the external world other than the ROM cartridge slot into which the Basic cartridge had to be be inserted. 
可以使用几中语言:Basic-I (很简单的初学者版本,系统自带),Basic-G(有很多图形命令)和 Basic-F (用于数学和科学应用)。M5支持在Basic 中的 Inp 和 Out 来控制 Z-80A 端口,但显然除了把Basic卡带插入ROM插槽外没有其他办法可以与外部世界连接。

One year later the M5 Pro and M5 Jr were released with a built-in power supply unit (and more RAM?). 
一年后M5 Pro 和 M5 Jr 相继面市,他们内建电源单位(和更大的RAM?)
The SORD M5 had no really great success outside Japan (and later Czechoslovakia) but had lot of interesting characteristics, very close to MSX computers released soon after. 
Its design was quite original. The machine xas quite small. The two-tone grey plastic casing opened to reveal a bright yellow back, which housed the ROM cartridge slot. The keyboard was similar to the rubber matting of the Spectrum, but felt markedly better. Most keys had a Basic keyword on them in small light-grey letters (available by holding down the function key as an other key is pressed). There was no full-size space-bar. 
There was only 4K of internal RAM, but memory expansions were available. The joysticks simply plugged into tiny DIN sockets, and there was a port for a Centronics printer. The power supply was external and rather cumbersome. 

It used a dedicated video chip (Texas Instrument 9918, 9928 or 9929, depending on the model) and had the same video characteristics as the MSX computers (same graphic resolution, same number of colors, same number of sprites, etc.) but didn't belong to this family. The M-5 had 32 graphics symbols in ROM and could handle up to 32 sprites. Its sound chip was the Texas Instruments TI 76489, which wasn't MSX compliant. It had three independent sound channels which could produce a variety of music and synthesised sounds. The sound was sent through the TV speaker. 

Several cartidge based languages were available: the Basic-I (very simple version for beginners, delivered with the system), the Basic-G (with lot of graphic commands) and the Basic-F (for mathematic and scientific applications). The M-5 supported Inp and Out in Basic to control Z-80A ports, but had no obvious connector to the external world other than the ROM cartridge slot into which the Basic cartridge had to be be inserted. 

One year later the M5 Pro and M5 Jr were released with a built-in power supply unit (and more RAM?). 

The Sord M5 was popular in Czechoslovakia because it was the first home computer on the common market. The other computers like Sinclair Spectrum have been imported individually from abroad. But you must understand the statement "common market". That was not common for everybody in the communist period. The name of the shop selling Sord was TUZEX. There was possible to pay only by dollars or any other hard currency or buy Tuzex Crowns (special voucher), which you could receive changing dollars in the bank. The solution for common people was to by Tuzex Crowns on the black market. 1 Tuzex Crown for 5 Czech Crowns. We are so happy the old times have gone. 
These machines were also available in the UK as Sord had a fairly decent presence in the business market. Sord's 'killer app' was PIPS III, essentially a programmable spreadsheet, and with a nod to this the M5 had a cartridge for a low end version called FALC. It didn't run PIPS formulas exactly so it wasn't a great deal of use.
The versions of BASIC were partially incompatible with each other which of course makes technical sense. But it didn't really help the cause and diluted the machine's appeal to hobbyists.
There were several game cartridges available as well. I can't remember if it came with the game controller or if they were an option. But they were pretty basic: They looked like an original iPod at first blush. There was a large, round 4-way pad in the center of the thing and a bright yellow button towards the top left. They sort of sucked to be honest!

TYPE  Home Computer
YEAR  1982
BUILT IN LANGUAGE  Basic-G, Basic-I and Basic-F delivered on cartridges
KEYBOARD  Calculator type, 55 keys. Upper/lower case letters, 64 graphic symbols, 28 Basic statements
CPU  Zilog Z80A
SPEED  3.58 MHz
CO-PROCESSOR  Z80A-CTC (timer), TMS 9929 (video processor), SN76489AN (Sound Generator)
RAM  4 KB (up to 36 KB)
ROM  8 KB (up to 28 KB)
TEXT MODES  40 x 24 (characters matrix: 6 x 8 pixels)
GRAPHIC MODES  32 x 24 (character matrix 8x8), 64 x 48 (character matrix 4x4), 256 x 192 (full graphic)
SOUND  SN76489AN: 3 voices (6 octaves), 1 noise channel, 7 special sounds
SIZE / WEIGHT  10.5'' (wide) x 7.25'' (deep) x 1.5'' (high)
262 x 185 x 36 mm
800 gr
I/O PORTS  RF TV output, video & audio outputs, Joystick (2), Cartridge slot, Tape interface (2000 baud), Centronics (printer)
POWER SUPPLY  Big external PSU (1 Kg!) > +5 V/900 mA, +12 V/250 mA, -12 V/250 mA
PERIPHERALS  Cartridge multiplexer (EC-5), 32 KB RAM expansion (EM-5), joysticks (JS-5), joypads (JP-5), expansion box (EB-5), thermal printer (PT-5), Parallel I/O cartridge (PI-5), Serial interface cartridge (SI-5), Floppy disk drive (FD-5)
PRICE  49800 yens - ?49


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