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  • 人气指数: 4340 次
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  • 更新时间: 2009-10-09


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2009年全球最具影响力科技领袖50强 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



北京时间10月9日早间消息,据国外媒体今日报道,美国科技网站Silicon.com公布了“2009年全球科技业最具影响力人物”,苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)拨得头筹。



  上述榜单由专家委员会投票选出年度全球IT行业最具影响力的50人。评委们认为,无论是发布新产品(例如新款iPhone 3GS),还是出现有关新产品的传闻(例如苹果平板电脑),乔布斯和苹果都对全球科技行业及未来发展产生了重要影响。




  2.Twitter联合创始人及CEO埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)

  3.维基百科联合创始人吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales)

  4.谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)

  5.新闻集团CEO鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)

  6.Facebook创始人及CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)


  8.万维网之父蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)

  9.Infosys联合创始人南丹·奈尔卡尼(Nandan Nilekani)

  10.甲骨文CEO拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)(维金)


silicon.com chooses the top 50 most influential individuals in the worldwide technology and IT industries – business leaders, CEOs, CIOs, techies, open source gurus, security experts, visionaries, entrepreneurs and politicos

1、Steve Jobs
Apple CEO
Steve Jobs becomes the only person, in the 10-year history of Agenda Setters, to have made it to the top of the list - twice. He's also made the list in eight of the nine previous years, and has... more
2、Evan Williams
Twitter CEO and co-founder
It's been a spectacular year for Twitter, the microblogging site that started life back in 2006 as a side project for staff at a San Francisco start-up but has since mushroomed into a social... more
3、Jimmy Wales
Wiki Media founder and co-founder of Wikipedia
Jimmy Wales, co-founder of the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is a familiar face on the Agenda Setters list and one whose star is rising. He made the top 10 in 2007; the top five in 2008; and lands... 

4、Eric Schmidt
Google CEO
Google CEO Eric Schmidt makes the Agenda Setters top 10 for the sixth consecutive year in 2009 and rises two places from his 2008 ranking as Google continues to expand its product portfolio and...

5、Rupert Murdoch
News Corp CEO
Rupert Murdoch is one of the most powerful men in the media - when the News Corp butterfly flaps its wings, a tornado bursts over the media landscape somewhere. As head of News Corp he has been... more
6、Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook founder
As founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg topped the Agenda Setters list in 2007 after the social network really took off, but he plummeted to 47 last year as judges felt his time had passed.... more
7、Barack Obama
US President
US President Barack Obama entered the White House with a pledge to use technology to transform government. Since then the BlackBerry-loving President has made a start on realising his promise to... more
8、Tim Berners-Lee
Father of the world wide web
While last year's Agenda Setters' winner might have slipped to number eight this year, if anything he is playing an even greater role in the world of technology in 2009. The inventor of the world... more
9、Nandan Nilekani
Head of the Unique Identification Authority of India and co-founder of Infosys
Most people would be satisfied with being a co-founder of the Indian outsourcing giant Infosys and a foundation member of the World Economic Forum. But this year Nilekani will embark on what is... more
Larry Ellison
10、Oracle CEO
As CEO of Oracle, Ellison hasn't made it onto the Agenda Setters list as much as you might expect. He last appeared at number 14 in 2007, with 2003 being his most recent appearance before that. ... more
Best of the rest
11. Niklas Zennström
Co-founder of Skype, Joost, Joltid, Kazaa
12. Christian Engström
Deputy chairman of the Swedish Pirate Party
13. Lord Stephen Carter
Former Communications, Technology and Broadcasting Minister
14. Dave Girouard
President, Google Enterprise 
15. Vivek Kundra
US federal CIO
16. John Suffolk
Government CIO
17. Matt Mullenweg
Founder of Automattic 
18. Nicholas Negroponte
Founder of One Laptop Per Child 
19. John Chambers
CEO of Cisco
20. Linus Torvalds
Father of Linux
21. Shai Agassi
Better Place founder 
22. Daniel Ek
Co-founder, Spotify
23. Ashley Highfield
Managing director and VP of consumer and online, Microsoft UK
24. Erik Huggers
Director of BBC Future Media and Technology division
25. Craig Venter
Father of genomics
26. Elon Musk
Serial tech entrepreneur 
27. Karen Price
CEO of e-skills UK
28. Dr Robert Atkinson
President of Information Technology and Innovation Foundation 
29. Stephen Wolfram
Creator of the Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine
30. Martha Lane Fox
Champion for Digital Inclusion in the UK government
31. Padmasree Warrior
Cisco CTO
32. George Osborne
Shadow chancellor
33. Chris Anderson
Wired editor, author of 'The Long Tail'
34. Marc Benioff
CEO, Salesforce.com
35. Stephen Fry
Geek, blogger and performer
36. Deron Beal
Freecycle founder
37. Mike Lynch
Founder and CEO of Autonomy
38. Tom Steinberg
Founder of mySociety.org
39. Marten Mickos
Founder and former CEO, MySQL
40. James Cameron
Hollywood director
41. Jim Whitehurst
CEO, Red Hat
42. Gary McKinnon
Accused Nasa hacker
43. Richard Stallman
Open software guru
44. Warren East
45. Michael Dell
Dell CEO
46. Vineet Nayar
HCL Technologies CEO
47. Ray Kurzweil
Inventor and futurist, Singularity University chancellor 
48. Michael A Cusumano
Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
49. Chris Hyman
CEO of Serco Group
50. Duncan Watts
Principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research

  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs

    Apple CEO

    Steve Jobs becomes the only person, in the 10-year history of Agenda Setters, to have made it to the top of the list - twice. He's also made the list in eight of the nine previous years, and has...

  • Evan Williams

    Evan Williams

    Twitter CEO and co-founder

    It's been a spectacular year for Twitter, the microblogging site that started life back in 2006 as a side project for staff at a San Francisco start-up but has since mushroomed into a social... Jimmy Wales

    Jimmy Wales

  • Wiki Media founder and co-founder of Wikipedia

    Jimmy Wales, co-founder of the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is a familiar face on the Agenda Setters list and one whose star is rising. He made the top 10 in 2007; the top five in 2008; and lands...

  • Eric Schmidt

    Eric Schmidt

    Google CEO

    Google CEO Eric Schmidt makes the Agenda Setters top 10 for the sixth consecutive year in 2009 and rises two places from his 2008 ranking as Google continues to expand its product portfolio and...

  • Rupert Murdoch

    Rupert Murdoch

    News Corp CEO

    Rupert Murdoch is one of the most powerful men in the media - when the News Corp butterfly flaps its wings, a tornado bursts over the media landscape somewhere. As head of News Corp he has been...

  • Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg

    Facebook founder

    As founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg topped the Agenda Setters list in 2007 after the social network really took off, but he plummeted to 47 last year as judges felt his time had passed....

  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama

    US President

    US President Barack Obama entered the White House with a pledge to use technology to transform govrnment. Since then the BlackBerry-loving President has made a start on realising his promise to...

  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee

    Father of the world wide web

    While last year's Agenda Setters' winner might have slipped to number eight this year, if anything he is playing an even greater role in the world of technology in 2009. The inventor of the world...

  • Nandan Nilekani

    Nandan Nilekani

    Head of the Unique Identification Authority of India and co-founder of Infosys

    Most people would be satisfied with being a co-founder of the Indian outsourcing giant Infosys and a foundation member of the World Economic Forum. But this year Nilekani will embark on what is...

  • Larry Ellison

    Larry Ellison

    Oracle CEO

    As CEO of Oracle, Ellison hasn't made it onto the Agenda Setters list as much as you might expect. He last appeared at number 14 in 2007, with 2003 being his most recent appearance before that.

    1. Niklas Zennström

      11. Niklas Zennström

      Co-founder of Skype, Joost, Joltid, Kazaa

    2. Christian Engström

      12. Christian Engström

      Deputy chairman of the Swedish Pirate Party

    3. Lord Stephen Carter

      13. Lord Stephen Carter

      Former Communications, Technology and Broadcasting Minister

    4. Dave Girouard

      14. Dave Girouard

      President, Google Enterprise

    5. Vivek Kundra

      15. Vivek Kundra

      US federal CIO

    6. John Suffolk

      16. John Suffolk

      Government CIO

    7. Matt Mullenweg

      17. Matt Mullenweg

      Founder of Automattic

    8. Nicholas Negroponte

      18. Nicholas Negroponte

      Founder of One Laptop Per Child

    9. John Chambers

      19. John Chambers

      CEO of Cisco

    10. Linus Torvalds

      20. Linus Torvalds

      Father of Linux

    11. Shai Agassi

      21. Shai Agassi

      Better Place founder

    12. Daniel Ek

      22. Daniel Ek

      Co-founder, Spotify

    13. Ashley Highfield

      23. Ashley Highfield

      Managing director and VP of consumer and online, Microsoft UK

    14. Erik Huggers

      24. Erik Huggers

      Director of BBC Future Media and Technology division

    15. Craig Venter

      25. Craig Venter

      Father of genomics

    16. Elon Musk

      26. Elon Musk

      Serial tech entrepreneur

    17. Karen Price

      27. Karen Price

      CEO of e-skills UK

    18. Dr Robert Atkinson

      28. Dr Robert Atkinson

      President of Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

    19. Stephen Wolfram

      29. Stephen Wolfram

      Creator of the Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine

    20. Martha Lane Fox

      30. Martha Lane Fox

      Champion for Digital Inclusion in the UK government

    21. Padmasree Warrior

      31. Padmasree Warrior

      Cisco CTO

    22. George Osborne

      32. George Osborne

      Shadow chancellor

    23. Chris Anderson

      33. Chris Anderson

      Wired editor, author of 'The Long Tail'

    24. Marc Benioff

      34. Marc Benioff

      CEO, Salesforce.com

    25. Stephen Fry

      35. Stephen Fry

      Geek, blogger and performer

    26. Deron Beal

      36. Deron Beal

      Freecycle founder

    27. Mike Lynch

      37. Mike Lynch

      Founder and CEO of Autonomy

    28. Tom Steinberg

      38. Tom Steinberg

      Founder of mySociety.org

    29. Marten Mickos

      39. Marten Mickos

      Founder and former CEO, MySQL

    30. James Cameron

      40. James Cameron

      Hollywood director

    31. Jim Whitehurst

      41. Jim Whitehurst

      CEO, Red Hat

    32. Gary McKinnon

      42. Gary McKinnon

      Accused Nasa hacker

    33. Richard Stallman

      43. Richard Stallman

      Open software guru

    34. Warren East

      44. Warren East

      ARM CEO

    35. Michael Dell

      45. Michael Dell

      Dell CEO

    36. Vineet Nayar

      46. Vineet Nayar

      HCL Technologies CEO

    37. Ray Kurzweil

      47. Ray Kurzweil

      Inventor and futurist, Singularity University chancellor

    38. Michael A Cusumano

      48. Michael A Cusumano

      Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management

    39. Chris Hyman

      49. Chris Hyman

      CEO of Serco Group

    40. Duncan Watts

      50. Duncan Watts

      Principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research

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