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(图)Brian J. FoxBrian J. Fox

Brian J. Fox (born 1959) is a computer programmer, entrepreneur, consultant, author, and open source advocate. In 1987, he authored the GNU Bash shell, a common Unix operating system interface.

Fox maintained Bash as the primary maintainer until 1993, at which point Chet Ramey took over.

In 1985 Fox worked with Richard Stallman at Stallman's newly created Free Software Foundation. At the FSF, Fox authored GNU Bash, GNU Makeinfo, GNU Info, GNU Finger, and the readline and history libraries.

He was also the maintainer of Emacs for a time, and made many contributions to the software that was created for the GNU Project between 1986 and 1994。

FSF的雇员编写了并维护着数量相当多的GNU软件包。其中值得一提的两种是C库和shell(命令解释器)。任何运行于GNU/Linux系统之上的程序都用GNU C 库作为与Linux内核通信的中介。它是由FSF的一位工作人员Roland McGrath开发的。绝大多数GNU/Linux系统上使用的shell都是BASH(Bourne Again Shell,是对UNIX上最早也是最常用的Bourne Shell开的玩笑),它由FSF雇员Brian Fox开发。



第一个重要的标准UNIX shell于1979年末在V7(AT&T的第7版)UNIX上推出,并以作者Stephen Bourne的名字命名。作为编程语言,Bourne shell基于另一种叫做Algol的语言。Bourne shell当时主要用于系统管理任务的自动化,Bourne shell以简单和高速而受欢迎,却缺少了很多用于交互的功能,如命令历史、别名和作业控制。
C shell由加州大学Berkeley分校于20世纪70年代末研发,作为2BSD UNIX系统的一部分发布。他的主要研发者是Bill Joy。C shell提供了很多标准的Bourne shell不具备的功能。C shell基于C语言,作为编程语言使用时,语法也类似于C。C shell也提供了增强交互使用的功能,如命令行历史、别名和作业控制。由于是为大型机设计并增加了很多新功能,C shell在小型机器上运行可能比较慢。而且,即使在大型机上,他的速度也不如Bourne shell。
Bourne shell和C shell共存使UNIX用户有了选择,也导致了人们对哪个shell更好的争论。20世纪80年代中期,AT&T的David Korn推出了Korn shell。Korn shell于1986年发布,并在1988年UNIX的SVR4版本发布时正式成为他的一部分。Korn shell其实是Bourne shell的一个扩展集,他不但能运行于UNIX系统,还能在OS/2、VMS和DOS上运行。Korn shell提供了对Bourne shell的向上兼容性,加入了许多C shell中受欢迎的功能,而且快速和高效。Korn shell经历了许多版本,虽然1993版正逐渐流行,现在用得最广泛的还是1988版。Linux用户可能会发现自己正在使用Korn shell的免费版本,叫作Public Domain Korn shell,简称pdksh。pdksh是1988版Korn shell的克隆版。pdksh是免费和可移植的。对他的改进正在进行中,以使其能够完全兼容Korn shell,并且符合POSIX标准。此外更有Z shell(zsh),这也是个Korn shell的克隆版,整合了TC shell的一些功能。Z shell的作者是Paul Falsted,能够从很多网站免费获取。
随着Linux的发展,Bourne Again shell(bash)开始流行起来。免费软件基金会的Brian Fox取得GNU版权许可后于1988年研发出bash。bash是Linux操作系统上默认的shell。他的设计符合了IEEE POSIX P1003.2/ISO 9945.2 shell和工具标准。在交互和编程两方面,bash都提供了很多Bourne shell没有的功能(但Bourne shell脚本无需修改还能在bash下运行)。bash还结合了C shell和Korn shell最有用的功能,他真的很棒。bash对Bourne shell的改进包括:命令行历史和编辑、目录栈、作业控制、函数、别名、数组、整数运算(底数能够是2~64),连同Korn shell的一些功能,如扩展的元字符,用于生成菜单的select循环和let命令等。
TC shell是C shell的扩展版本,且具备完全兼容性。新增的功能包括:命令行编辑(emacs和vi)、历史清单的滚动、高级的文档名功能、变量和命令补全、拼写纠错、作业调度、账户自动上锁和注销、历史清单中增加时间戳等。新增的功能确实很多。人们经常会问“TC shell中的T到底代表什么含义呢?”这就要涉及到一段历史。1976年,DEC发布了一种新的虚拟内存操作系统??TOPS-20,这种操作系统基于TENEX,能够被美国国内的多个研究人员同时使用。TOPS-20最显著的特点是“遗忘识别”,也称为“命令补全”,用户能够借助Esc键获取大多数的命令或助记符,从而使得系统能正常运行。TC shell的创建者受到TENEX/TOPS-20的这个功能连同其他功能的影响,研发了csh的一种版本,并模仿TENEX的名称,将这种shell称为TENEX C shell,简称为TC shell、tc-shell或tcsh。关于tcsh的更多信息,请访问info.astrian.net/doc/tcsh/copyright。
1.3.1  shell的作用
shell的另一项重要功能是定制用户环境,这通常在shell的初始化文档中完成。初始化文档中有很多定义,包括配置终端键和窗口属性,配置用来定义搜索路径、权限、提示符和终端类型的变量,配置特定应用程式所需的变量,如窗口、字处理程式和编程语言的库等。Korn/Bash shell和C/TC shell还提供了更多的定制功能:历史添加、别名、配置内置变量防止用户破坏文档或无意中退出,通知用户作业完成。
1.3.2  shell的职责
(1) 读取输入并解析命令行
(2) 替换特别字符,比如通配符和历史命令符
(3) 配置管道、重定向和后台处理
(4) 处理信号
(5) 程式执行的相关配置

程序设计语言的来龙去脉:BASH/Bourne-Again Shell编辑本段回目录

Computerworld is undertaking a series of investigations into the most widely-used programming languages. Previously we spoke to Alfred v. Aho of AWK fame, and in this article we chat to Chet Ramey about his experience maintaining Bash.


Bash, or the Bourne-Again Shell is a Unix shell created in 1987 by Brian Fox. According to Wikipedia, the name is a pun on an earlier Unix shell by Stephen Bourne (called the Bourne shell), which was distributed with Version 7 Unix in 1978.

Bash即Bourne-Again Shell,是布赖恩·福克斯于1987年创建的一个Unix shell。按照维基百科的说法,这个名字一语双关,涉及斯蒂芬·伯恩早于1978年随Unix v7分发的Unix  shell(所谓Bourne shell)。


In 1990, Chet Ramey, Manager of the Network Engineering and Security Group in Technology Infrastructure Services at Case Western Reserve University, became the primary maintainer of the language.


Computerworld tracked down Ramey to find out more.


How did you first become involved with Bash?
In 1989 or so, I was doing network services and server support for [Case Western Reserve] University (CWRU), and was not satisfied with the shells I had available for that work. I wasn't really interested in using sh for programming and csh/tcsh for interactive use, so I began looking around for a version of sh with the interactive features I wanted (job control, line editing, command history, filename completion, and so on.)


I found a couple of versions of the SVR2 shell where those features had been added (credit to Doug Gwyn, Ron Natalie, and Arnold Robbins, who had done the work). These were available to CWRU because we were Unix source licensees, but I had trouble with them and couldn't extend them the way I wanted. Ken Almquist was writing ASH, but that had not been released, and there was a clone of the 7th edition shell, which eventually became PDksh, but that did not have the features I wanted either.


Brian Fox had begun writing BASH and readline (which was not, at that time, a separate library) the year before, when he was an employee of the FSF. The story, as I recall it, was that a volunteer had come forward and offered to write a Bourne Shell clone. After some time, he had produced nothing, so Richard Stallman directed Brian to write a shell. Stallman said it should take only a couple of months.

布赖恩·福克斯一年前就已经开始编写BASH和readline(那时还不是单独一个库),当时他是自由软件基金会(FSF)的一名雇员。正如我所记得的,这个故事是,有一名志愿者自告奋勇,表示愿意编写一个Bourne Shell的翻版。但一段时间之后,他什么也没有做出来,所以,理查德·斯托尔曼指示布赖恩写一个shell。斯托尔曼表示这可能只需要两三个月的时间。

I started looking again, and ended up finding a very early version of Bash. I forget where I got it, but it was after Brian had sent a copy to Paul Placeway from Ohio State -- Paul had been the tcsh maintainer for many years, and Brian asked him to help with the line editing and redisplay code. I took that version, made job control work and fixed a number of other bugs, and sent my changes to Brian. He was impressed enough to begin working with me, and we went on from there.


I fixed many of the bugs people reported in the first public versions of BASH and fed those fixes back to Brian. We began working together as more or less co-maintainers, and when Brian moved on to other things, I still needed to support Bash for my local users, so I produced several local releases. Brian and I eventually merged those versions together, and when he moved away from Bash development, I took over.


Did you work with Brian Fox before becoming the primary maintainer of the language?
Brian and I worked together for several years before he moved on to other things. The versions through BASH-1.13 were collaborative releases.


What is/was your working relationship with Brian like?
Our working relationship was very good, especially considering we met in person only once, in 1990. We were heavy users of UNIX `talk' and `ntalk', which allowed real-time two-way communication over the Internet back then, and made good use of email and the occasional long distance phone call.


We still stay in touch.


What prompted the making of Bash in the first place?
When Richard Stallman decided to create a full replacement for the then-encumbered Unix systems, he knew that he would eventually have to have replacements for all of the common utilities, especially the standard shell, and those replacements would have to have acceptable licensing.


After a couple of false starts (as previously mentioned), he hired Brian Fox to write it.


They decided early on that they would implement the shell as defined by the Posix standard, and used that as a specification.


Was there a particular problem that the language aimed to solve?
In BASH's case, the problem to be solved was a free software version of the Posix standard shell to be part of the GNU system.


The original version of the shell (Steve Bourne's version) was intended to overcome a number of the limitations of the Unix shell included in versions up to the sixth edition, originally written by Ken Thompson.


Why did you take over as the language's primary maintainer 3 years after Fox created the language?
Brian wanted to move on to other things, and I was a developer willing to take it on and experienced with the code. Brian and the FSF trusted me with the program's future.


What prompted the writing of the GNU Bash Reference Manual and the Bash Reference Manual?
什么原因促使您编写GNU Bash参考手册和Bash参考手册?
Any good heavily-used program needs good reference documentation, and BASH is no exception. I originally wrote the documents to support my local users, and they were folded into "official" releases along the line.


Is there a strong relationship between the original Bourne Shell and the Bourne-Again Shell?
原来的Bourne Shell与Bourne-Again Shell之间是否存在强联系?
I'd say there is a linear relationship: the original Bourne Shell was very influential, the various System V shell releases preserved that heritage, and the Posix committee used those versions as the basis for the standard they developed.

我想有一个线性关系:原来的Bourne Shell非常有影响,各种不同的System V shell发行版都保留这一遗产,而且POSIX委员会使用这些版本作为他们制定标准的基础。

Certainly the basic language syntax and built-in commands are direct descendants of the Bourne Shell's. Bash's additional features and functionality build on what the Bourne shell provided.

当然,这种语言的基本语法和内置命令是Bourne Shell的直接后裔。Bash增加的特性和功能以Bourne Shell所提供的为基础。

As for source code and internal implementation, there's no relationship at all, of course.


What prompted the language's name: why was a pun created on the Bourne Shell?
命名这种语言的原因是什么:为什么在Bourne Shell上创造一个双关语?
The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement.


Have you faced any hard decisions in maintaining the language?
The hardest decisions are the ones dealing with compatibility: how compatible to be with the versions of sh existing at various points throughout Bash's history; how compatible to be with the features from the Korn shell I considered valuable; where and how to differ from the Posix standard, and when to break backwards compatibility with previous Bash versions to correct mistakes I had made.

最困难的决策涉及兼容性:如何与存在于Bash历史不同时期的sh版本兼容;如何与属于我认为有价值的Korn shell的特色兼容;何处并且如何不同于POSIX标准,以及何时打破以前的Bash版本的向后兼容,以改正我所犯的错误。

Some of the features implemented (and not implemented) required a lot of thought and consideration -- not how to implement them, but whether or not to invest the resources to do so. Most of the Bash development over the past 15 years has been done by one person.


Are you still working with the language now?
I am. In fact, the next major release of Bash, Bash-4.0, should be out sometime this (Northern) summer.


What is the latest project you have used it for?
I mostly use Bash for interactive work these days. I use it to write some small system administration tools, but I don't do much system administration any more.


What is the most exciting piece of code (that you know of) ever written in Bash?
That's hard to say. Lots of interesting projects have been implemented as shell scripts, or sets of shell scripts.


I particularly like the various versions of the Bash debugger that were implemented completely as shell scripts. That's pretty complex work. I've seen entire web servers and other surprisingly substantial applications written as shell scripts.


In your opinion, what lasting legacy has Bash brought to the web?
I think Bash's legacy is as a solid piece of infrastructure, and the shell making millions of Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris systems work every day.

我认为,Bash留给后人的东西就是作为部分稳定可靠的基础设施,并且使数以百万计的Linux、Mac OS X和Solaris系统每一天都正常运转。

As I recall, it was one of the first couple of programs Linus Torvalds made run on his early Linux kernels.


Where do you envisage Bash's future lying?
Bash will continue to evolve as both an interactive environment and a programming language. I'd like to add more features that allow interested users to extend the shell in novel ways. The programmable completion system is an example of that kind of extension.


Bash's evolution has always been user-driven, so it will ultimately be up to the feature requests that come in.


Where do you see computer programming languages heading in the future, particularly in the next five to 20 years?
I see increased dynamism, allowing programmers to do more and more complex things on the fly, especially over the Web. The advances in hardware allow interpreted code to run faster today than compiled code on some systems available when I started work on Bash.


Do you have any advice for up-and-coming programmers?
Find an area that interests you and get involved with an existing community. There are free software projects in just about any area of programming.


The nuts-and-bolts -- which language you use, what programming environment you use, where you do your work -- are not as important as the passion and interest you bring to the work itself.


Is there anything else that you'd like to add?
The free software community is still as vibrant today, maybe even more so, than when I first became involved. There is still a lot of room for significant contributions; all it takes is an interested person with a good idea.



   目前流行的Shell有ash, bash, ksh, csh, zsh等,你可以用下面的命令来查看你自己的Shell类型:
   # echo $SHELL
   # Shell-name
   来转换到别的Shell,这里Shell-name是你想要尝试使用的Shell的名称,如ash等。这个命令为用户又启 动了一个Shell,这个Shell在最初登录的那个Shell之后,称为下级的Shell或子Shell
  # exit
  ash Shell是由Kenneth Almquist编写的,是Linux中占用系统资源最少的一个小Shell,它只包含24个内部命令,因而使用起来很不方便。
  bash是Linux系统默认使用的Shell,它由Brian Fox和Chet Ramey共同完成,是Bourne Again Shell的缩写,内部命令一共有40个。Linux使用它作为默认的Shell是因为它有以下的特色:
  ksh是Korn Shell的缩写,由Eric Gisin编写,共有42条内部命令。该Shell最大的优点是几乎和商业发行版的ksh完全相容,这样就可以在不用花钱购买商业版本的情况下尝试商业版本的性能了。
  csh是Linux比较大的内核,它由以William Joy为代表的共计47位作者编成,共有52个内部命令。该Shell其实是指向/bin/tcsh这样的一个Shell,也就是说,csh其实就是tcsh。
  zch是Linux最大的Shell之一,由Paul Falstad完成,共有84个内部命令。如果只是一般的用途,是没有必要安装这样的Shell的。(编译:后溪金)


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