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著名程序员列表 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

This is a list of programmers notable for their contributions to software, either as original author or architect, or for later additions.


•Alfred Aho - co-creator of AWK programming language (the A in the name stands for Aho), and main author of the famous Dragon book
•Bill Atkinson - QuickDraw, HyperCard
•Eric Allman - sendmail, syslog
•Leonard Adleman - co-inventor of the RSA algorithm (the A in the name stands for Adleman), coined the term computer virus
•Marc Andreessen - co-creator of Mosaic, co-founder of Netscape
•Dr. Paul Abrahams - developer of SPLASH language, professor and former president of the ACM
•Paul Allen - Altair BASIC, Applesoft II BASIC, co-founded Microsoft
•Scott Adams - one of the earliest developers of CP/M and DOS games

•Andrew Braybrook - video games Paradroid and Uridium
•Andries Brouwer - Hack, former maintainer of man pager man(1), Linux kernel hacker
•Bert Bos - author of Argo web browser, co-author of Cascading Style Sheets
•Brian Behlendorf - Apache
•Dan Bricklin - co-creator of VisiCalc, the first personal spreadsheet program
•Daniel Bolstad - creator of Digital Ray 06-94 converter.
•Daniel J. Bernstein - djbdns, qmail
•Danielle Bunten Berry (Dani Bunten) - M.U.L.E., multiplayer video game
•David Bradley - coder on the IBM PC project team who wrote the Control-Alt-Delete keyboard handler, embedded in all PC-compatible BIOSes
•Deane Blazie - founder of Blazie Engineering (now part of Freedom Scientific), created technology for blind people who use braille
•Donald Becker - Linux Ethernet drivers, Beowulf clustering
•Doug Bell - Dungeon Master series of computer games
•Eric Bina - co-creator of Mosaic web browser
•Jack E. Bresenham - creator of Bresenham's line algorithm
•John Backus - FORTRAN, BNF
•Joshua Bloch - core Java language designer, lead the Java collections framework project
•Larry Breed - co-developer of APL\360
•Marc Blank - co-creator of Zork
•Richard Bartle - MUD, with Roy Trubshaw, the father of MUDs
•Richard Brodie - Microsoft Word
•Fabrice Bellard - Creator of the FFMPEG open codec library and QEMU virtualization tools.
•Tim Berners-Lee - inventor of the World Wide Web
•Walter Bright - Digital Mars, First C++ compiler, author of the D programming Language.
•Grady Booch - Co-creator of Unified Modeling Language.
•Kent Beck - Created Extreme Programming and co-creator of JUnit.
•Dylan Borg - Created the XMLmosaic programming language

•Alain Colmerauer - Prolog
•Alan Cooper - Visual Basic
•Alan Cox - a developer of the Linux kernel
•Brad Cox - Objective-C
•Bram Cohen - BitTorrent protocol design and implementation
•Dave Cutler - architect of Windows NT, VMS
•John D. Carmack - first person shooters Doom, Quake
•Mark Crispin - inventor of IMAP, author of UW-IMAP, one of the reference implementations of IMAP4
•Mike Cowlishaw - REXX and NetRexx, LEXX editor, image processing, decimal arithmetic packages
•Pamela Crossley - creator of SIMPLE for academic management of web pages and related Unicode-capable applications for teaching and research
•Steve Capps - co-creator of Macintosh and Newton
•Steve Chamberlain - BFD, Cygwin
•Vinton Cerf - TCP/IP, NCP
•Ward Christensen - Wrote the first BBS (Bulletin Board System) system CBBS
•Ward Cunningham - inventor of the WikiWiki concept
•William Crowther - Colossal Cave Adventure

•Adam Dunkels - author of the Contiki operating system, the lwIP and uIP embedded TCP/IP stacks, inventor of protothreads
•Christophe de Dinechin - creator of Alpha Waves, HP Integrity Virtual Machines, XL programming language, ported GNU Emacs on Mac OS X
•Edsger Dijkstra - contributions to ALGOL, Dijkstra's algorithm, Goto Statement Considered Harmful
•Hugh Daniel - Lead programmer (and mis-management) of the FreeS/Wan project and a helper of the OpenZaurus project
•James Duncan Davidson - creator of Tomcat, now part of the Jakarta Project
•L. Peter Deutsch - Ghostscript, Assembler for PDP-1, XDS-940 timesharing system, QED original co-author
•Matt Dillon - programmer of various software including DICE and DragonflyBSD
•Ole-Johan Dahl - co-creator of SIMULA.
•Martin Dougiamas - creator and lead developer of Moodle

•Brendan Eich - creator of JavaScript
•Jerry Enfield - lead creator of EDOS and co-owner of The Computer Software Company
•Larry Ellison - co-creator of Oracle database, co-founder of Oracle Corporation
•Les Earnest - author of the finger program
•Marc Ewing - creator of Red Hat Linux
•Valdez Efren - Unix/Linux Programmer

•Andrew Fluegelman - author PC-Talk communications software; he is considered one of the fathers of shareware
•Brian Fox - creator of Bash, Readline, GNU Finger, Meta-HTML
•Dan Farmer - Creator of COPS and SATAN Security Scanners
•David Filo - co-creator of Yahoo!
•Jay Fenlason - Hack, GAS
•Jim Fruchterman - founder of Arkenstone (now part of Freedom Scientific) and Benetech, created scanners for blind people
•Martin Fowler
•Peter Fraser - FRED text editor
•Stuart Feldman - creator of make, author of Fortran 77 compiler, part of original group that created Unix
•Dr. Ray Ferguson - US software development manager for Westinghouse, WEMSSA, and III, overseeing development of WDU, Westi, and Valour II

•Adele Goldberg - co-inventor of Smalltalk
•Andi Gutmans - co-creator of PHP programming language
•Andrew Gower - RuneScape Classic, RuneScape, co-founded Jagex
•Bill Gates - Altair BASIC, co-founded Microsoft
•Bill Gosper - Macsyma, Lisp machine, hashlife, helped Donald Knuth on Vol.2 of The Art of Computer Programming (Semi-numerical algorithms)
•Dick Goran, author of DUCS, co-author of DOCS, owner of CFS, Inc.
•Elon Gasper - co-founded Bright Star Technology, patented realistic facial movements for in-game speech. HyperAnimator, Alphabet Blocks, etc.
•James Gosling - Java, Gosling Emacs, NeWS
•Jean-François Groff - contributor to the Valour project, co-developer of the World Wide Web
•John Gaston - co-author of WDU, Westinghouse Disk Utility
•Steve Gibson - creator of SpinRite
•John Gilmore - GDB
•John Graham-Cumming - author of POPFile, a Bayesian filter-based e-mail classifier
•Paul Gower - RuneScape Classic, RuneScape, co-founded Jagex
•Paul Graham - Yahoo! Store, On Lisp, ANSI Common Lisp
•Ralph Griswold - co-creator of SNOBOL and creator of Icon programming language
•Richard Greenblatt - Lisp machine, Incompatible Timesharing System, MacHack
•Ryan C. Gordon (a.k.a. Icculus) - Lokigames, ioquake3, MojoSetup, etc
•Scott Guthrie, (a.k.a. ScottGu) - ASP.NET Creator
•Miiro Bels, (a.k.a. Miiro Patrick) -Creator of MMXPlayer, USB security version 1.2

•Anders Hejlsberg - Turbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, C#
•Andy Hertzfeld - co-creator of Macintosh, co-founder of General Magic, co-founder of Eazel
•Brian Harvey - UCB Logo, see Logo programming language
•C. A. R. Hoare - first implementation of quicksort, Algol 60 compiler, Communicating sequential processes
•Cecil Hastings - wrote the classic Approximations for Digital Computers 1950s formulas for sin, cos, etc.
•D. Richard Hipp - creator of SQLite
•Dave Hyatt - co-author of Mozilla Firefox
•David Heinemeier Hansson - created the Ruby on Rails framework for developing web applications.
•Douglas Richard Hanks, Jr. - creator of Sudosh and Enterprise Audit Shell (EAS)
•Grace Hopper - Navy Mark I computer, FLOW-MATIC (which heavily influenced COBOL)
•James Holmes - Committer on Struts project, create of Struts Console
•Jim Hall - started the FreeDOS project
•Malcolm Harrison - professor, creator of BALM, a LISP-like language and compiler
•Rebecca Heineman - Author of Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate and Dragon Wars.
•Rich Hickey - creator of the Clojure programming language
•Ted Henter - founder of Henter-Joyce (now part of Freedom Scientific) creator of Jaws, screen reader software for blind people

•Dan Ingalls - co-inventor of Smalltalk and Bitblt
•Geir Ivarsøy - co-creator of Opera web browser
•Ken Iverson - APL, J
•Miguel de Icaza - GNOME project leader, initiator of the Mono project
•Roberto Ierusalimschy - Lua leading architect
•Toru Iwatani - creator of Pac-Man

•Bill Joy - BSD, vi; co-founded Sun Microsystems
•Bo Jangeborg - Sinclair ZX Spectrum games
•Lynne Jolitz - 386BSD
•Paul Jardetzky - author of the server program for the first webcam
•Robert K. Jung - creator of ARJ
•Rod Johnson - creator of the Spring framework
•Stephen C. Johnson - yacc
•William Jolitz - 386BSD

•Alan Kay - Smalltalk, Dynabook, Object-oriented programming, Squeak
•Brian Kernighan - co-creator of AWK programming language (the K in the name stands for Kernighan), author of ditroff text-formatting tool
•Donald E. Knuth - TeX, CWEB, Metafont, The Art of Computer Programming, Concrete Mathematics
•Gary Kildall - CP/M
•Jim Knopf - aka Jim Button, author PC-File flatfile database; he is considered one of the fathers of shareware
•Mel Kaye - a real programmer[1]
•Mitch Kapor - Lotus 1-2-3, founded Lotus Development Corporation
•Pavel Kanzelsberger - creator of Pixel image editor
•Phil Katz - creator of the ZIP file format, author of PKZIP
•Ryan Kenward - Founder, programmer of the MUD Realm of Shadows.
•Stan Kelly-Bootle - Manchester Mark 1, The Devil's DP Dictionary
•Ted Kaehler - co-inventor of Smalltalk
•Tom Knight - Incompatible Timesharing System
•John Kemeny - co-inventor of BASIC
•Jerin Josey - creator of the Eagle Eye

•Ada Lovelace - First programmer (of Babbage Machines)
•Al Lowe - father of the Leisure Suit Larry series
•Butler Lampson - QED original co-author
•Chris Lattner
•Greg Lehey - FreeBSD and NetBSD developer, originator of the Vinum Volume Manager
•Håkon Wium Lie - co-author of Cascading Style Sheets
•Leslie Lamport - LaTeX
•Michael Lesk - Lex
•Rasmus Lerdorf - original creator of PHP
•Dick Lathwell - co-developer of APL\360
•Robert Love - Linux kernel developer
•Sam Lantinga - creator of SDL
•Tom Lane - primary author of libjpeg, major developer of PostgreSQL

•Bertrand Meyer - Eiffel, Object-oriented Software Construction, Design by contract
•Bob Miner - co-creator of Oracle database, co-founder of Oracle Corporation
•Boyd Munro - developer of GRASP, owner of SDI, one of the earliest software development companies
•Bram Moolenaar - author of text-editor Vim
•Charles H. Moore - inventor of the Forth programming language
•Craig McClanahan - original author of Jakarta Struts, architect of Tomcat Catalina servlet container
•Daniel D. McCracken - professor at City College and author of Guide to Algol Programming, Guide to Cobol Programming, Guide to Fortran Programming (1957)
•David Moon - Maclisp, ZetaLisp
•Douglas McIlroy - pipes and filters, concept of software componentry, Unix tools (spell, diff, sort, join, graph, speak, tr, etc.)
•Jeff Minter - Psychedelic, and often llama-related video games
•John McCarthy - Lisp
•Lou Montulli - creator of Lynx browser, cookies, the blink tag, server push and client pull, HTTP proxying, HTTP over SSL, browser integration with animated GIFs, founding member of HTML working group at W3C
•Marshall Kirk McKusick - BSD, work on FFS, implementor of soft updates
•Mike Muuss - author of ping, network tool to detect hosts
•Raphael Manfredi - contributions to Perl, software architect and maintainer of gtk-gnutella
•Roger Moore - co-developer of APL\360, creator of IPSANET, co-founder of I.P. Sharp Associates
•Shawn McKenzie - AutoTheme
•Urban Müller - Brainfuck language
•Yukihiro Matsumoto - Ruby

•Col Needham - creator of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
•Graham Nelson - creator of the Inform authoring system for Interactive fiction
•Kristen Nygaard - SIMULA
•Patrick Naughton - early Java designer, xlock, HotJava
•Peter Naur - Backus-Naur form, ALGOL 60
•Peter Norton - programmer of the famous file manager program, Norton Commander

•Andrew and Philip Oliver, The Oliver Twins - Many Sinclair ZX Spectrum games including Dizzy
•Ed Oates - co-creator of Oracle database, co-founder of Oracle Corporation
•Jarkko Oikarinen - creator of Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
•John Ousterhout - creator of Tcl/Tk
•Mark Overmars - Professor, Well known for creation of Game Maker
•Steve O'Donnell - founder of GOAL Systems, lead developer of WDU, Westi, creater of independent DOS utilities, developer of Prompt

•Alexey Pajitnov - inventor of the game Tetris on the Electronica 60
•Charles Petzold - author of many Microsoft Windows programming books
•Jeffrey Peterson - key free software architect, creator of Quepasa
•Kent Pitman - technical contributor to the ANSI Common Lisp standard.
•Rob Pike - Wrote first bitmapped window system for Unix, co-creator of UTF-8 character encoding, author of text editor sam and programming environment acme, main author of Plan 9 and Inferno operating systems
•Sebastijan Pistotnik - one of the main developers of NConstruct
•Seymour Papert - Logo programming language
•Tim Paterson - author of 86-DOS (QDOS)

•Theo de Raadt - Founding member of NetBSD, founder of OpenBSD and OpenSSH
•Jef Raskin - started the Macintosh project in Apple Computer, designed Canon Cat computer, developed The Humane Environment program
•Eric Raymond - Open Source movement, author of fetchmail
•Hans Reiser - Creator of the ReiserFS file system
•John Resig - Creator and lead developer of the jQuery JavaScript library
•Dennis Ritchie - C, Unix, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, Inferno
•Ron Rivest - co-inventor of the RSA algorithm (the R in the name stands for Rivest)
•Marc J. Rochkind - SCCS
•John Romero - first person shooters Doom, Quake
•Blake Ross - co-author of Mozilla Firefox
•Alessandro Rossini - co-author of ZNF
•Guido van Rossum - Python
•Jeff Rulifson - Lead programmer on the NLS project
•Rusty Russell - Creator of iptables for linux
•Steve Russell - First Lisp interpreter; original Spacewar! graphic computer game.
•Ramil Mammadov - Delphi programmer; original Spacewar! graphic computer game.

•Adi Shamir - co-inventor of the RSA algorithm (the S in the name stands for Shamir)
•Alexander Stepanov - creator of
•Bill Schelter - GNU Maxima, GNU Common Lisp
•Bjarne Stroustrup - C++
•Bob Sabiston - Rotoshop, interpolating rotoscope animation software
•Carl Sassenrath - Amiga, REBOL
•Charles Simonyi - Hungarian notation, Microsoft Word
•Chris Sawyer - Developer of Roller Coaster Tycoon and the Transport Tycoon series
•Cliff Shaw - IPL, the first AI language
•Colin Simpson - developer of CircuitLogix simulation software
•Don Stoneman - originator and co-author of The Spooler
•Emily Short - prolific writer of Interactive fiction and co-developer of Inform version 7
•Gerald Jay Sussman - Scheme
•Guy Steele - Common Lisp, Scheme
•Henry Spencer - C News, Regex
•Jacek Sieka - Developer of DC++ an open-source, peer-to-peer file-sharing client
•Ken Silverman - creator of Duke Nukem 3D's graphics engine
•Matthew Smith - Sinclair ZX Spectrum games, including Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy
•Mike Shaver - Founding member of the Mozilla Organization
•Quentin Stafford-Fraser - author of the original VNC viewer, first Windows VNC server, client program for the first webcam
•Randal L. Schwartz - Just another Perl hacker
•Rich Skrenta - co-founder of the Open Directory Project
•Patrick Smacchia - creator of NDepend
•Richard Stallman - Emacs, GCC, GDB, founder and pioneer of the GNU Project, terminal-independent I/O pioneer on ITS, Lisp machine manual (chineual)
•Tim Sweeney - The Unreal engine, UnrealScript, ZZT
•Zed Shaw - Wrote the Mongrel Web Server, for Ruby web applications.
•Biz Stone - Creator and co founder of twitter and blogger
•Zeev Suraski - co-creator of PHP programming language
•Don Syme - F#

•Andrew Tanenbaum - Minix
•Andrew Tridgell - Samba, Rsync
•Audrey "Autrijus" Tang - designer of Pugs
•Avie Tevanian - author of the Mach kernel
•Bob Truel - co-founder of the Open Directory Project
•Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner - co-creator of the Opera web browser
•Ken Thompson - main designer and author of Unix, Plan 9 and Inferno operating systems, B and Bon programming languages (precursors of C), inventor of UTF-8 character encoding, introduced regular expressions in QED.
•Larry Tesler - the PUB markup language, the Smalltalk browser, debugger and inspector, and (with Tim Mott) the Gypsy word processor
•Leonard H. Tower Jr. - GCC & GNU diff
•Linus Torvalds - original author and current maintainer of the Linux kernel and creator of Git, a source code management system
•Michael Tiemann - GCC
•Michael Toy - co-developer of the computer game Rogue
•Roy Trubshaw - MUD - together with Richard Bartle, the father of MUDs
•Simon Tatham - NASM, PuTTY
•Tomaž Tekavec - one of the main developers of NConstruct

U - V
•Patrick Volkerding - Original author and the current maintainer of the Slackware Linux Distribution
•Paul Vixie - BIND, Cron
•Wietse Venema - Postfix, SATAN, TCP Wrapper

•Andrew Welch - author of Maelstrom, Snapz Pro; founder of Ambrosia Software
•Arthur Whitney - A+, K
•Bob Wallace - author PC-Write word processor; he is considered one of the fathers of shareware
•Bruce Wilcox - father of Computer Go, programmed NEMESIS Go Master.
•Dave Winer - developed XML-RPC, Frontier scripting language
•David Wheeler - co-inventor of the subroutine; designer of WAKE; co-designer of Tiny Encryption Algorithm, XTEA, Burrows-Wheeler transform. (see http://www.dwheeler.com/dwheeler.html); this refers to several David Wheelers in computing
•Don Woods - INTERCAL, Colossal Cave Adventure
•George Williams - creator of FontForge, software for font editing & creation, and various fonts.
•John Walker - co-founder of Autodesk
•John Warnock - creator of PostScript
•Larry Wall - Warp (1980s space-war game), rn, patch, Perl
•Niklaus Wirth - Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon
•Pei-Yuan Wei - author of Viola, one of the earliest graphical browsers
•Peter J. Weinberger - co-creator of AWK (programming language) (the W in the name stands for Weinberger)
•Roberta and Ken Williams -- Sierra Entertainment, King's Quest, graphic adventure game
•Even Williams Creator and co-founder of twitter
•Sophie Wilson - Designer of the instruction set for the Acorn RISC Machine.
•Stephen Wolfram - creator of Mathematica
•Steve Wozniak - Breakout, Apple Integer BASIC, founded Apple Computer (with Steve Jobs)

X - Z
•Brandon Zehm - creator of sendEmail
•Jamie Zawinski - Lucid Emacs, Netscape, Mozilla, XScreenSaver
•Jerry Yang - co-creator of Yahoo!
•Philip Zimmermann - creator of encryption software PGP, the ZRTP protocol, and Zfone
•Victor Yngve - author of first string processing language, COMIT



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