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河北石油职业技术学院 发表评论(0) 编辑词条




河北石油职业技术学院 河北石油职业技术学院坐落在“京津走廊”上的明珠城市--廊坊,始建于1978年,是河北省人民政府批准、教育部备案的普通高等院校,隶属于中国石油天然气管道局,面向全国招生。学院形成了以石油天然气管道设计、施工、运营、管理专业为主,兼有机械、电子、计算机、外语、经济管理等多学科;以普通高等职业技术教育为主,兼有成人高等教育和企业岗位培训相结合的多功能、多层次、多形式办学格局的高等工科院校。











A Brief Introduction编辑本段回目录

Hebei Technical College of Petroleum Profession founded in 1978, located in Langfang City, the pearl in the midpoint of Beijing-Tianjin Corridor, is a general advanced college subordinate to CPP (China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau), approved by Hebei provincial government and on the file of the Ministry of Education, enrolling students nationwide. The college is characterized by the majors in relation to the design, construction, operation and management of oil&gas pipelines and has as well a wide range of other majors such as mechanics, electronics, computer science, foreign languages, economic management. It has been developed into an advancedengineering college with a multi-purpose, multi-level and diversified structure which relies mainly on general advanced vocational technical education as well as a great variety of advanced adult education and in-service training course for enterprises.

The college insists all the way on the Theory of Deng Xiaoping and the guiding principle of “Three Embodiment” by Mr. Jiang Zeming that it should be subject to the needs of petroleum enterprises, open to the whole society, scrupulous in scholarship, developed in all respects and balanced in academic education and in-service training. Its top priority has always been given to the improvement of the quality of education and administration to cultivate top-quality high-tech personnel with all-round development of moral, intellectual and physical education to meet the need of the development of enterprises and the society with the purpose of service training and the orientation of employment. It has gradually developed a four-in-one pattern which is characterized by the integration of education and training, scientific development, technical service and skill appraisal, as well as an educational pattern known as “broad basic knowledge, flexible teaching module, and multiple certificates”, with the distinctive feature of the integration of production, education and research. It is the first advanced vocational technical college in Hebei Province which has passed the assessment and certification of ISO-9000 Quality Management System.

The total area of the college covers more than 500 acres and the architecture area covers 173,800 m. The fixed assets are worth 0,000,000. The school library has 336,400 books. Among the 567 faculty and staff members are there 339 theoretical and practical training teachers, 94 professors and associate professors, 174 lecturers, engineers and laboratory technicians in addition to 111 external part-time teachers and guest professors. 51 teachers have a doctor or master’s degree. The college has 9 experts and “professional skill forerunners” of national, provincial or bureau level and 3 “technicalpacesetters”, 12 college “professional skill forerunners” and more than 6500 students.

The college has all together 10 departments, 39 advanced vocational education majors and 15 adult education majors. The Welding Technology and Automation major is the experimental major in the teaching reform of advanced vocational and academic education selected by the Ministry of Education. Five other majors -- Oil Storage and Transportation Technology, Communication Technology, Urban Fuel Gas Engineering Technology, Architecture Engineering Technology and Computerized Accounting are the experimental majors in the teaching reform of advanced vocational and academic education in Hebei Province. Pipeline Engineering has been the unique national first-level major in all universities and colleges run by the Ministry of Education. The Digital Control Technology Application major has been made as the top-notch high-tech personnel cultivation and training base for the manufacture and modern service industry jointly started by 6 government agencies including the Ministry of Education.

The further education for students to enter higher universities has been offered by the college in combination with the Petroleum University, Northern China Hydroelectric College, Southwest Petroleum College, Liaoning Province Petroleum Chemical University. It is also the cultivation base for the postgraduate students in engineering major of Tianjin University and the base for Huawei 3com Online College as well as the Certified Construction Personnel training and testing center for the Petroleum Chemical Engineering major and the Electromechanical Engineering major.

As the vocational education and training center of CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation ) and CPP, the college is bearing the responsibility of staff training, scientific development, technical service and skill appraisal for the enterprises. In the past few years, the college has all together successfully completed more than 600 educational and training projects for CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation), and Sudan employers. The total trainees have amounted to as many as more than 40,000. More than 200 R&D projects of all level and all kinds have been finished; more than 80 monographs and 400 research papers have been published.

The college has always attached great importance to the unity and integration of advanced vocational education with the actual production practice of enterprises. It has a wide range of testing, appraisal and assessment qualifications of provincial or ministry level in pipeline welding, steel pipe selection, architecture and construction both domestically and internationally. It has successfully provided outstanding technical service for national priority projects such as West-East Gas Transportation Project, Se-ning-Lan, Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing, Zhong -Wu, Shan-Jing Gas Transportation Project, and international pipeline projects such in Sudan and Libya, greatly improved techniques used by enterprises and achieved great social benefits and economical returns.

In recent years, a great number of experts, scholars and government officials from the USA, Germany, Holland, Japan, Canada, Malaya, Sudan as well as leaders and experts from the national Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, China National Engineering Academy, CNPC, SINOPEC and the Department of Education in Hebei Province, have frequently visited the college for inspection and instruction. And they have paid a high degree of approval and appraisal to the educational pattern, the conditions and the achievement of the college.

“Meticulous Scholarship, Unity and Progress, Forging Ahead, Scale the Heights” is the school motto;“Scientific, Scrupulous, Realistic, Devoted” is the atmosphere for teaching;“Industrious, Knowledgeable, Enterprising, Accomplished” is the atmosphere for study. The college has been well-known as the “Royal Academy” in the petroleum and pipeline industry. It has received a great reputation both in petroleum industry and the whole society.

The college has now attained two major objectives in the light of the demand of the development of national petroleum and natural gas industry construction: establishing a provincial-level exemplary college of advanced vocational and technical education with distinct features as well as a major base for education and training, scientific development, technical service and skill appraisal in the petroleum industry. It has achieved extraordinary success in a giant leap forward with ever increasing strength. As the rapid development of national advanced vocational technical education as well as the petroleum and pipeline industry, a bright future of sustained, steady, harmonious development for the college with unprecedented vigor and vitality can be predicted.

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