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微博侠 数字营销2011年度总结 政务微博元年 2011微博十大事件 美国十大创业孵化器 盘点美国导师型创业孵化器 盘点导师型创业孵化器 TechStars 智能电视大战前夜 竞争型国企 公益型国企 2011央视经济年度人物 Rhianna Pratchett 莱恩娜·普莱契 Zynga与Facebook关系 Zynga盈利危机 2010年手机社交游戏行业分析报告 游戏奖励 主流手机游戏公司运营表现 主流手机游戏公司运营对比数据 创建游戏原型 正反馈现象 易用性设计增强游戏体验 易用性设计 《The Sims Social》社交亮 心理生理学与游戏 Kixeye Storm8 Storm8公司 女性玩家营销策略 休闲游戏的创新性 游戏运营的数据分析 社交游戏分析学常见术语 游戏运营数据解析 iPad风行美国校园 iPad终结传统教科书 游戏平衡性 成长类型及情感元素 鸿蒙国际 云骗钱 2011年政务微博报告 《2011年政务微博报告》 方正产业图谱 方正改制考 通信企业属公益型国企 善用玩家作弊行为 手机游戏传播 每用户平均收入 ARPU值 ARPU 游戏授权三面观 游戏设计所运用的化学原理 iOS应用人性化界面设计原则 硬核游戏 硬核社交游戏 生物测量法研究玩家 全球移动用户 用户研究三部曲 Tagged转型故事 Tagged Instagram火爆的3大原因 全球第四大社交网络Badoo Badoo 2011年最迅猛的20大创业公司 病毒式传播功能支持的游戏设计 病毒式传播功能 美国社交游戏虚拟商品收益 Flipboard改变阅读 盘点10大最难iPhone游戏 移动应用设计7大主流趋势 成功的设计文件十个要点 游戏设计文件 应用内置付费功能 内置付费功能 IAP功能 IAP IAP模式 游戏易用性测试 生理心理游戏评估 游戏化游戏 全美社交游戏规模 美国社交游戏市场 全球平板电脑出货量 Facebook虚拟商品收益 Facebook全球广告营收 Facebook广告营收 失败游戏设计的数宗罪名 休闲游戏设计要点 玩游戏可提高认知能力 玩游戏与认知能力 全球游戏广告 独立开发者提高工作效率的100个要点 Facebook亚洲用户 免费游戏的10种创收模式 人类大脑可下载 2012年最值得期待的20位硅谷企业家 做空中概股的幕后黑手 做空中概股幕后黑手 苹果2013营收 Playfish社交游戏架构

《Gardens of Time》体验指南 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


《Gardens of Time》体验指南编辑本段回目录

游戏邦注:本文作者为Kellie Cardwell-Winters,文章详细分析了Facebook游戏《Gardens of Time》的运作机制。

gardens of time

gardens of time

这款游戏玩家可以进入自己的时光机,透过《Gardens of Time》摸索自己的道路,将这段历史封存起来,成为Time Society的新成员。玩家可以置身激动人心场景当中,收集所见精美历史古物,装饰自己的花园。玩家的声望会随着花园的发展而扩大,从而能够访问更多地方。玩家自由穿越探索新事物,保护世界免受邪恶势力入侵。《Gardens of Time》是款精美的Facebook游戏(游戏邦注:游戏出自Playdom之手)。Gamezebo的《Gardens of Time》快速入门策略指导为玩家呈现详细画面及诀窍提示,玩家因此能够发挥自己的最佳水准。



* 《Gardens of Time》依托Facebook平台,玩家因此需要拥有自己的使用帐号。

* 开通帐号后,玩家可以点击页面顶部的‘Free – Play Now’按钮开始游戏。

* 玩家应该确保希望同朋友分享动态信息时,游戏能够获取自己的Facebook信息,发送相关邮件,以及链接至自己的个人资料。

* 玩家开始体验游戏的时候会获得简短入门指导,玩家将接触到6个古埃及物品,获悉如何在游戏屏幕调整物品。

* 指南同时会告诉玩家如何购买屏幕出现的物品,如何将物品移至自己的花园。

* 玩家刚开始拥有60能量,6000枚银币及10枚金币。

* 游戏控制装置——按钮置于页面右上角,玩家只要使用扳手点击图表,菜单就会展开。玩家可以选择关闭游戏音乐、音效及其他元素。玩家也可以点击设置区域下的按钮放大或者缩小画面。

* 全屏模式——玩家可以选择点击右上角的四面发散箭头按钮将游戏切换至全屏模式,这样按钮操作起来更加便利。

* 移动画面——按住右侧鼠标键拖动图表,玩家便可以随意移动画面。

* 游戏回合——游戏目前设有6个回合,6种画面图像,玩家从中逐步晋级,玩家可以选择通过重新体验游戏获得最佳成绩,从而获得四星级熟练程度。玩家可以通过点击画面两侧的箭头切换游戏回合。如果某个画面现实加锁,那么玩家可以通过点击该画面,获悉自己需要多少声望积分解锁游戏内容(游戏邦注:或者玩家也可以选择通过金币换得及时解锁)。

* 游戏更新——《Gardens of Time》每隔一周就会更新游戏内容,添加新谜题。玩家切记每天回访!

* 游戏导师——“Alistair Wells”是首个指导玩家体验游戏的人物角色,帮助玩家进入Time Society。玩家需阅读导师角色提供的任何文字信息,阅读完毕后点击“下一步”。


* 《Gardens of Time》拥有两类货币。

* 硬币——这是游戏最基本的货币,玩家刚开始拥有6000枚硬币。这些均为银币,玩家只要完成隐藏物品游戏场景,拜访邻居,收到邻居送出的神秘盒子免费礼物便可获得这些钱币。玩家也可以通过帮助邻居或者发布动态消息获得更多硬币。


Game Currency 1

Game Currency 1

* 购买额外金子——玩家可通过多种方式购入额外金子。玩家点击屏幕左上方货币指示器旁的“添加”按钮便可获得额外金子。玩家可以选择使用主要信用卡PayPal,通过手机话费或者Facebook Credits支付费用。玩家可以在此赎回商店礼物卡,或者选择点击链接,通过拜访特定投资人或购买特定商品赚取免费金子。

Game Currency 2

Game Currency 2

* 如何获得额外硬币兑换——玩家无法像购买金子那样购买货币。玩家点击“添加”按钮后呈现的是如下硬币兑换画面。玩家可以选择利用手头金子兑换硬币,或者指定特定数量金条兑换硬币(游戏邦注:兑换比例未来也许会发生变化)。

* 晋级——玩家每次晋级,或获得额外硬币奖励,或得到硬币和金条组合奖励。玩家确保有效利用自己的金条。

Game Currency 3

Game Currency 3


* 运作时光机和隐藏物品均会消耗玩家能量。

* 玩家每次选择某个地点探索物品均会消耗自身总能量,每次至少10个能量积分以上。能量消耗数量会随着玩家等级的提高而增加。

* 玩家只能拥有60个能量积分。若玩家通过邻居礼物或邻居拜访使得能量积分突破60时,积分数量会超过60,但颜色会由原来正常的白色变成黄色。

Temporal Energy 1

Temporal Energy 1

* 如何获得更多能量——若玩家能量消耗殆尽,可以选择等待恢复,或请求朋友赠送能量,又或者通过金条购买更多能量。

* 购买能量——玩家如果耗尽能量,可以选择购买更多能量或者请求朋友赠送。如果选择购买方式,交易的最低数量是5能量积分(游戏邦注:通过3个金条换得),如上图所示,积分能量分成不同交易组合,购买数量越多,支出的金条数量相对越少。

* 请求赠送能量——如上图所示,画面还提供链接,玩家可以选择请求朋友赠送能量。如果朋友做出回应,玩家将获得5个能量积分或者“能量罐”,玩家可以通过游戏信息区域接受能量罐。

* 小贴士——能量请求区域顶部有个标签,玩家可以通过这个标签向《Gardens of Time》好友(游戏邦注:这个列表包含玩家所有体验该游戏的Facebook好友,即使玩家并未将他们添加至邻居栏中)发送请求。如果玩家发现体验此游戏的好友在该列表之中,记得发出邀请让他们成为自己的邻居或者点击游戏屏幕上方的“邻居”标签。页面随后会将玩家带入另一详细页面,提供玩家上述信息。

* 能量罐——1个能量罐包含5个能量积分。玩家可以通过点击打开盒子图标(礼物储藏之处)获得能量罐。点击“使用”后,能量罐就会添加至玩家的能量列表当中。

* 即时能量补充——玩家每次晋升新的等级,暂时能量表就会恢复至最大额度。

* 小贴士——玩家也可以通过朋友的每日免费礼物获得能量罐。玩家确保记得向邻居发送能量罐,这样他们才会回赠物品。玩家一旦接受礼物,必须进入礼物页面表示接受该礼物(游戏邦注:通过打开盒装图标),并进行使用。

* 小贴士——玩家若觉得自己能量太低,而又资金充足,那么可以了解相关晋级情况。(将光标置于XP表)玩家或许只需购买一座建筑或装饰物品便可晋升等级,游戏奖励晋级玩家,将其能量恢复至最大额度。

Temporal Energy 2

Temporal Energy 2


* 声望对于玩家解锁新内容至关重要。

* 声望显示于覆盖商品之上的王冠图标(游戏邦注:玩家将鼠标置于物品之上便可看见)。

* 将从商店购置的历史文物、建筑及装饰物品置于花园中便可提高自身声望。房屋和历史文物只有在建造完成之后才能带来相应积分(见下图“于花园中购买和放置物品”)。

* 购买装饰物品可以即时为玩家赢得少量声望。

* 完成声望和奇观关卡可为玩家赢得大量声望积分。

* 声望积分表——声望等级显示在游戏屏幕右上角,玩家可以随时将鼠标放置于该区域,获悉自己还需多少声望积分才能解锁下个游戏内容。玩家还可以随时点击加锁游戏场景获悉自己还需多少声望积分解锁该内容。

* 小贴士——花园现有的物品代表一定数量声望,玩家移动鼠标便可获知。如果玩家把物品储存起来,那么就失去它给予的相应声望值,所以玩家确保将物品放置于花园当中。玩家可以将某些建筑替换成物品,从而换取更多的声望积分。切记移动或替换物品时不要错过任何声望积分。




* XP能够帮助玩家晋级。玩家每次完成物品隐藏、建造房屋、放置装饰品、拜访邻居、完成关卡或者点击消息动态中的奖金回馈链接时都能挣得额外的XP。

* XP指示器——这个置于游戏屏幕顶部的中间位置。玩家移动鼠标至此便可获悉晋级还需多少XP。




* 游戏分成6个回合(游戏邦注:回合数量未来也许会增加),每个回合均要求玩家完成特定数量的场景任务。一旦场景图变为彩色,玩家便可以在各个地点之间随意移动。

* 确保发现当前关卡页面上的所有“关卡”标语。

* 如果画面呈现挂锁图标,表示内容有待解锁,玩家得继续提高自己的声望值,也就是说玩家得在花园中创建和放置更多物品。而这一切需要资金支持,这样玩家才能够自由往返各个隐藏物品场景当中,同时能够在自己的花园放置物品。玩家只有完成房屋建造才能获得相应声望积分。

* 玩家通过不断发现物品、建造房屋和拜访邻居提高经验值,进而晋升新等级。

* 点击游戏屏幕左侧的关卡图标(读者可从下文关卡部分获取更多信息)。

Finding Hidden Objects 1

Finding Hidden Objects 1

* 探险——玩家点击花园中间的时光机或者页面左下方的“探险”图标,就会出现相关菜单。玩家点击自己有意探索的开放式场景需消耗至少10个能量积分。

* 解锁场景——某些场景要求玩家要具备一定数量邻居或一定数量声望,或者二者兼具。玩家随时可以通过金条自主选择解锁某个场景,但仅限于当前回合。

* 熟练等级——玩家可以从场景选择页面右上角获悉自己获得的星星数。首组游戏场景要求玩家获得24颗星后,才能进入下个回合。玩家可从回合菜单右上角获得相关信息。

* 回合切换——若玩家晋升至第2个等级,可以使用箭头按钮切换回合。玩家可在尚未完成第1等级星级熟练程度前切换至第2等级。玩家同时还可以在尚未解锁该等级相关内容时切换至第2等级。玩家得完成第1等级的任务,获得足够声望积分才能解锁下个等级的内容。玩家可以通过点击任何场景图标获悉如何解锁相关内容(游戏邦注:金条可以随时解锁内容,但是成本颇高)。

* 玩家在每个场景最多能获得4颗星星,这表示玩家已达到熟练程度。玩家可以随时返回任何场景,重新体验以获得完整星星数量。玩家完成某个场景所得的积分只是星星级数的某个百分比数。玩家只有反复体验某个场景数次才能得到熟练程度。

Finding Hidden Objects 2

Finding Hidden Objects 2

* 如何查找隐藏物品——玩家将被带到藏有物品的场景当中。玩家可从屏幕下方获悉物品相关描述。若发现该物品,直接点击,物品瞬间便会放大,玩家可以明显发现从中获得的积分,然后物品就会从画面中消失。

* 玩家发现某个物品后,屏幕下方文字也会随之消失,取而代之的是新物品描述,玩家得从一个场景中找出12个隐藏物品。

* 物品布置——在玩家每次体验过程中,屏幕下方描述的物品均会有所不同。熟练星级越高,寻找物品的难度也就相应提高。场景物品不会变更;所以玩家如果发现某个物品的位置,务必牢记于心,下次体验便可快速点击。点击的速度和准确度越高,获得的积分也就越多。

* 连环奖励——快速、准确发现物品的玩家将可以获得连环奖励,这可让玩家的积分值翻几倍。玩家只要尽量避免犯错误,积分就会稳步增加。如果玩家犯下错误,连环奖励就得重新开始算起。

* 提示——见下文“提示”部分。

Finding Hidden Objects 3

Finding Hidden Objects 3

* 最后得分排名——玩家每次完成隐藏物品画面就能获悉自己的总积分数,并分解相关时间和技术奖励以及获得的星级百分比。玩家同时还能够了解其他玩家的排名情况。

Finding Hidden Objects 4

Finding Hidden Objects 4

* 挑战邻居——排名菜单的高分名字旁边附有“VS”标记。玩家随时可以点击挑战按钮,挑战该玩家完成某个特定谜题任务。玩家可以从中获得参与奖励,赢家则可以获得双倍奖励。其他玩家接受并完成挑战之后,玩家可以获悉挑战结果。

* 接受挑战——如果有人挑战玩家,玩家加载游戏时将从信息区域获知相关情况。如果玩家点击“接受”,那么他将进入回合菜单,并于场景中发现小小的“VS”图标。点击此按钮便可开始体验游戏,并要尽量超越挑战者的总积分数。

Finding Hidden Objects 5

Finding Hidden Objects 5


* 通常每个回合均有一个场景要求玩家找出两个垂直分开页面的差异所在(游戏邦注:差异通常是某边少了某个物品)。

* 玩家通常需要找出6处差异,玩家可以通过提示获得帮助,这会相应减少玩家的时间和技术奖励。

* 如果玩家发现某边缺少某个物品,就点击该物品,两边就会做出相应调整,保持一致。玩家如果点击缺少物品的位置,那么物品将会呈现,如果点击存有物品的一边,那么物品将于另一边呈现。

* 即便没有时间限制,玩家也要尽可能快地完成任务。因为完成的速度越快,获得的积分数也就越多。

* 积分页面和隐藏物品页面相同,玩家也可以通过点击“VS”按钮挑战排名菜单中的其他玩家解决相关谜题。挑战玩家需在60秒钟内找出尽可能多的差异之处。

Locate the Differences 1

Locate the Differences 1


* 玩家可从隐藏物品页面左下角发现提示菜单。

* 菜单共有4类提示,当玩家开始游戏之后,首先解锁的是“多余物品”。玩家可从每个场景中都将获得无数个该类提示,但这会降低玩家的技术得分。

* 额外物品——提示可以解锁第1等级内容,无限制使用,但这会降低玩家技术积分。使用该提示物品会自动现身玩家面前,玩家得等按钮重新变回彩色方可再次使用(游戏邦注:这个提示并非朋友提供的,玩家可以无限制使用)。

* 风镜——这专门解锁第5等级的内容,点击该提示,图表就会鼠标就会出现风镜。玩家移动鼠标的过程中,如果目标物品出现,图标就会变大。每个游戏场景只能使用4个此类提示,除非其他玩家给予玩家更多使用机会。而且使用该 提示对于玩家技术奖励也会有所影响。

* 温度计——这个提示主要解锁第10等级的内容,搜索物品离玩家越近,玩家温度也就越高。每场游戏限用3次。内容解锁后,玩家能够从邻居那获得更多使用机会。

* 闪烁——这个提示主要解锁第15等级的内容,屏幕当中的目标物品将会闪烁几秒钟,直至玩家发现自己所需要的物品。每场游戏限用3次该提示。内容解锁后,玩家可从邻居处获得更多。

* 使用间隔时间——使用提示具有一定时间间隔(游戏邦注:当整个按钮恢复颜色后,玩家便可再次使用同时)。屏幕下方角落有为玩家显示提示可使用次数。

* 玩家的体验等级越高能够使用的提示也就越多。

* 赠送提示——玩家可从邻居的每日免费礼物获得提示机会。玩家应该积极赠送其他玩家提示机会,这样对方才会给予回赠。

* 绿色“+”标记——如果玩家发现提示普遍出现这个绿色“+”标记就表示玩家缺少该类提示,可点击此绿色标记请求朋友赠送更多提示机会。这个举动会带出另一个页面,所以玩家最好在游戏开始前发出请求。

Hints 1

Hints 1


* 如果玩家试图通过随机点击蒙对某个正确答案,将被处予5秒钟脱离游戏的惩罚。这情况时常在隐藏物品游戏或者找茬游戏中出现,所以玩家应确保点击之间留有一定间隔时间。速度固然是关键,但游戏能够判别玩家动作是否过于迅速。

* 这个惩罚将会严重伤害玩家的时间和技术奖励,所以玩家切记在寻找隐藏物品或者差异的时候点击速度不要过快。

* 屏幕设有倒数器,机器从5秒开始倒数时,玩家就可以顺利晋级。

Random Clicking 1

Random Clicking 1

Random Clicking 2

Random Clicking 2


* 玩家每次找到某个物品均能获得相应积分。

* 玩家若能找到某个场景的所有物品便可获得时间和技术奖励,查找完毕后将以总结页面呈现。

* 连环奖励——玩家只要接连准确点击物品,就能产生连环奖励。准确点击物品的次数越多,获得的积分也就越多,而技术和时间奖励也会相应增加。

* 星级熟练程度——玩家每体验一场游戏就会提高相应星级百分比,星星外围的圆圈也会增加。

* 玩家需要体验某场游戏数次才能获得一个星星,而要熟练掌握某场游戏则需要4颗星星。

* 难度等级——玩家获得的星星数量越多,寻找物品的难度也就越大。

* 小贴士——在回合场景菜单中,玩家可以看见处于图标之下的星星。玩家无限制体验某场游戏。如何体验完全取决于玩家自己。注意玩家每次体验都会消耗能量积分,而能量积分数量有限,玩家最好将其用于关卡当中。

* 有些关卡的目标是要求玩家在某个特定地点获得特定数量的星星。玩家就得拜访这个地方,多次展开寻找以便增加星星数完成关卡目标。

* 每场游戏之后,玩家都可以获知相关积分总数,以及了解所得星级百分比(游戏邦注:显示于屏幕顶部)。

* 切换至下个回合——请看回合场景菜单的右上角。玩家一旦积累了足够数量的星星便可进入下个回合。玩家也许能够顺利进入下个回合,但只有拥有足够的声望积分或者通过金条购买即时解锁工具才能解锁该关卡内容。玩家只有拥有足够名声积分解锁游戏场景才能在花园中添加物品。



Scoring 2

Scoring 2


* 完成关卡对于晋级、赚取钱币、声望积分、解锁奇观内容以及切换游戏回合来说至关重要。

* 关卡图标显示于屏幕左边。

* 游戏通常设有3个图标,每个图标代表不同类型关卡。点击图标便能获悉该类型关卡的当前任务,玩家通常需要完成1个或多个目标。

* 顶部图标——图标显示隐藏物品各场游戏的目标,如在某场游戏中获得2颗星星(游戏邦注:玩家每进入某场游戏就会看见注有当前目标的“关卡”绸带)。

* 中间图标——主要涉及拜访邻居的相关目标。

* 底部图表——主要涉及装饰花园的相关目标或关卡。

* 当玩家完成这些目标之后,绿色确认标记将于目标旁显示,玩家可以看见图标旁的“前进”字样显示于游戏主屏幕当中。如果目标因进步而变化,游戏会提醒玩家阅读相关目标。

* 奇观关卡——参考“奇观”部分获取跟多信息。

* 注意——由于关卡只出现在特定游戏点中,有时屏幕出现的图标少于3个。

Quests 1

Quests 1

* 完成关卡——玩家完成某个目标之后,关卡菜单的目标旁就会出现绿色确认标记。如果玩家完成整个关卡,奖励信息就会出现,提示玩家从中取得的收获。玩家可以选择通过消息发布同邻居分享自己的丰厚奖励(游戏邦注:如果放弃,玩家只需点击右上角的“X”按钮)。

* 玩家完成某个关卡后,新关卡就会立即出现。

Quests 2

Quests 2

Quests 3

Quests 3


* 玩家可以在花园中放置建筑、装饰物品、历史文物和小路。点击左下角的“创建”按钮。

* 打开页面后,移动鼠标至标签处,查看所打开类型。如果玩家选择装饰物品,只能获取少量的声望积分,但可以马上获得。

* 通过金条购买——玩家使用金条购买物品不仅能够获得付费商品,同时还可以得到最高限度的XP和声望积分。

* 建筑和奇观——这是玩家声望积分第二大来源。

* 购买历史文物——这些内容可以通过搜索隐藏物品场景及晋升新等级解锁。玩家只要顺利完成游戏场景,古物就会自动解锁,玩家便可购买该物品放置花园中,换得相应的XP和声望积分。

* 购买建筑——玩家可以从中获得大量XP和声望积分。点击“建筑”标签,移动鼠标至标签位置获取相关数据。成本置于页面底部,而建造时间、XP和声望积分则置于页面顶部。玩家点击“购买”按钮后,便可听见收银机声响。

* 放置物品——玩家将鼠标定格至物品,将物品放置于任何绿色方格子内(游戏邦注:物品下方区域需是绿色,如为红色,则表示空间不足)然后于此点击解锁物品。

* 如果物品有特定建造时间,玩家则得留意整个建造过程。玩家只需将鼠标放置于建筑所在地便可获悉该建造的竣工时间。

Purchasing and Placing Items to Decorate Your Garden

Purchasing and Placing Items to Decorate Your Garden

* 建筑完成等待时间——建筑一旦竣工,置于其上的图标便会显示。点击该图标,声望积分便会添加到总积分当中。玩家只有完成整个建筑建造才能获得相应积分。

* 购买装饰物品——装饰道具没有建造时间,它们能够立即被放置于花园当中,为即时玩家赢得声望积分。

* 注意——当声望积分目标出现变动时,游戏会提示玩家阅读新目标。

Purchasing and Placing Items to Decorate Your Garden 2

Purchasing and Placing Items to Decorate Your Garden 2


* 玩家可以移动物品方向或者低价出售物品,抑或者将物品储藏起来以备将来之需。

* 玩家只需点击“创建”按钮,然后再点击希望控制的按钮。

* 随后将出现下拉菜单,为玩家提供移动、跳跃、储藏出售选择。点击选择按钮,然后继续前进。玩家需要需要确认出售该道具,明白自己无法如数获得原购买价格金额。

* 存储——玩家如果想要取回存储物品,点击创建按钮,然后按下打开存储盒按钮取回物品。

* 礼物存储——若玩家从信息区域接受任何礼物馈赠,物品随后将出现在礼物区域当中。点击打开盒子图标,玩家便可将物品置于自己希望的花园位置。

Redesigning Your Garden 1

Redesigning Your Garden 1


* 点击“创建”,然后再点击“格子扩充”标签(游戏邦注:这是礼物旁的倒数第二个标签)。

* 玩家得拥有一定数量的银币、声望积分或者邻居,以便购买扩充物。有时玩家需要满足上述所有要求。

* 玩家可以使用金子跳过其他要求,实现立即扩充。玩家可以选择通过金条购买物品进行花园扩充。

* 玩家花钱扩充花园后,整个花园的规模将会大大增加。玩家可以开始重新布置花园或者选择立即添加更多物品。

Expanding Your Garden 1

Expanding Your Garden 1


* 邻居对于玩家在《Gardens of Time》的成就至关重要。玩家切记定期查看“消息”区域,即时接受朋友请求,同时确保每天均有发出邀请函(游戏邦注:玩家每天最多只能邀请50个朋友)。浏览游戏屏幕顶部和底部,点击“邀请朋友”或者点击屏幕左下角男性和女性图标旁的绿色“+”按钮显示邀请邻居菜单。

* 邻居菜单——邻居排列于游戏屏幕下方。点击“拜访”按钮参观他们的花园,为他们提供帮助换得硬币、XP和能量奖励。

The Befuddled Fairgoer

The Befuddled Fairgoer

* 每日邻居拜访回馈——玩家每天每次拜访邻居均可获得15枚硬币、50 XP和1个能量罐。

The Befuddled Fairgoer 2

The Befuddled Fairgoer 2

The Befuddled Fairgoer 3

The Befuddled Fairgoer 3

* “迷糊旁人”——玩家的所有邻居均有一个“迷糊旁人”时刻游走在他们的花园中。玩家刚开始并不会发现有人游走,但如果稍等片刻,他们就会穿过屏幕左下角的入口。玩家会发现这个迷糊人物的头顶有个“!”标记。玩家如果发现这类人物,就点击他们,然后就可以帮助他们寻找丢失的东西。玩家将进入这样一个游戏场景:在60秒钟内找出尽可能多的屏幕下方列表的物品。每发现一个之后,新的物品就会出现(游戏邦注:这也就是众所周知的“闪电战”)。

* 注意——如果玩家早于60秒退出该隐藏物品游戏场景,将与奖励积分失之交臂,重新登陆游戏后无法继续体验。

* 注意——切记不要连续点击多次,因为这将导致5秒钟黑屏惩罚。

* 注意——如果玩家拖延过久才寻找“迷糊旁人”,他们就会完全消失于屏幕中,所以切记尽量立即展开寻找。

* 注意——如果玩家没有在朋友的花园发现任何游走角色,或许玩家已在过去24小时中拜访过他们了,需要稍后再试。

* 拜访结束后,玩家将获得最终积分、1枚硬币以及XO回馈。

* 玩家记得访问邻居的花园,看看他们添加了多少古物。玩家访问次数越多,花园所能放置的物品也就越多,这样其他玩家拜访玩家花园时也能够从中观赏。

The Befuddled Fairgoer 4

The Befuddled Fairgoer 4


* 游戏屏幕时不时会出现上图所示画面。通常只要玩家离开游戏几分钟,或者一小会儿没有点击物品,这些画面就会呈现。

* 玩家只有拥有邻居,且1天之内都没有拜访他们,这些信息才会显示。

* 点击“帮助邻居”,玩家就会进入他们的花园,就好像执行自己的正常邻居访问计划,然后玩家便可从中获得硬币、XP和能量,帮助这些“迷糊旁人”。

Neighbor Requests 1

Neighbor Requests 1

Neighbor Requests 2

Neighbor Requests 2


* 玩家只有完成关卡,然后雇佣朋友帮忙建造,才能在花园中植入风景名胜。

* 点击“建造”标签,展开菜单,玩家可以从中发现若干类型的标签。附有金字塔的标签就是“奇观”标签。玩家可以移动鼠标,看看需要完成什么关卡才能获得该奇观,同时完成后又能够获得多少的声望积分。

* 首个奇观是伦敦“大本钟”,玩家只要完成“未知关卡”变可获得。

* 玩家一旦顺利添加奇观,便会出现如上所示画面。点击“创建”标签,然后点击“奇观”标签。玩家随后就会发现“使用”一词出现在了未解锁奇观之下。点击“使用”,将奇观置于花园之中。

Wonders 1

Wonders 1

Wonders 2

Wonders 2

* 放置完毕后,游戏将提示玩家请求帮助完成奇观建造。玩家将鼠标置于奇观之上。点击“寻求朋友帮助”按钮。

* 随后就会出现菜单指示如何完成建造。“大本钟”需要聘请3个邻居。点击“聘请邻居”后,玩家将进入一个菜单,菜单为玩家提供向《Gardens of Time》好友发送信息的方式。注意这个列表包含玩家所有体验该游戏的朋友,有些可能处于邻居列表当中,有些可能没有。这是个获取新邻居的好方式,告知玩家有哪些朋友正在体验这款游戏。点击你想要聘请的邻居,静候他们的回复接受。填充所有职位后,玩家将被提示点击奇观完成建造工作,无论最终声望积分如何,玩家都是奇观的主要建设者。

* 使用金条完成奇观建设——玩家可以选择通过金条完成建设工作,跳过朋友帮助和等待时间。玩家需为每个雇佣职位支付昂贵费用,但可以从中节省很多时间,付费方式能够即时解锁奇观。如果玩家选择消费金条,可以点击“聘请好友”旁还有“立即完成”按钮。它将帮助玩家聘请所有朋友,即时完成奇观建设,同时获得声望积分。

* 奇观将为玩家带来大量声望积分(游戏邦注:玩家完成“大本钟”建设后能够换得700 声望积分,建设其他奇观也能为玩家带来许多声望积分)。

* 接受朋友帮助——玩家在发出帮助请求后,还得等候朋友回复。若朋友给予帮助,他们将能够从中获得钱币和XP奖励。当玩家重新登陆游戏后将从屏幕顶部“所有”标签或者“奇观”标签下的“信息中心”查看相关回应。

* 玩家需点击“接受”好友回应,填充所有职位后,只需点击建造图表便可开始奇观建设。

* 注意——所有奇观建设图标上均有显示进度表(游戏邦注:告知玩家建筑完成的情况)。这能够提醒玩家关注奇观区域的进展情况,如果耗时过长可以及时发出帮助请求。如果玩家只需要3个朋友帮助,但有20个朋友回应,所有回应者都将获得奖励,奖励并非只针对那些真正参与奇观建设的朋友。

Wonders 3

Wonders 3


* 玩家每隔24小时均可向邻居赠送免费礼物。

* 玩家可以选择点击屏幕左上方“免费礼物”标签或者点击右下方礼物盒图标,或者收到礼物后点击“回报”图标。

* 玩家可以根据自己的等级选择神秘礼物盒或者其他物品。等级越高,能够选择的礼物也就越多。

* 玩家可以选择同时向多个好友发送礼物。玩家只需确认好发送名单,然后点击“送出”即可。邻居将接受礼物,而玩家同时也有望获得回赠。

* 小贴士——赠送提示是个很好的礼物,随着游戏等级提高,邻居对此的需求越多,玩家同时也有望从邻居那获得回赠。

* 小贴士——邻居通常会回赠别人赠送的物品,所以玩家需对自己的需求心中有数,然后发送每日免费礼物时向朋友送出该物品。

* 接受礼物——当玩家送出礼物时,每次登陆游戏均会于“信息”区域获得提示,或者玩家可以点击屏幕下方中间的信封图标。玩家点击“接受”后,将可以选择点击“回赠”按钮,玩家因此能够将该物品回赠给好友。所有接受礼物都将出现于礼物或存储区域(游戏邦注:这是个置于屏幕下方中间位置的打开盒子图标)。点击物品下方“使用”按钮玩家便可将物品放置于花园当中,或应用于其他地方。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译

Gardens of Time on Facebook: A getting started guide

by Kellie Cardwell-Winters

Jump in your time machine and search your way through the Gardens of Time to preserve its history and become the newest recruit of the Time Society. Collect beautiful artifacts found in breathtaking scenes and place them in your garden decorating it any way you wish. As your garden grows so does your reputation, which unlocks even more locations to travel to. It is up to you to search through time and protect the world from evil. Gardens of Time is a beautiful hidden object game played on Facebook and developed by Playdom. Gamezebo’s Gardens of Time quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, tricks, and hints on how to play your best game.

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started

Gardens of Time is played on Facebook and you will need to have a current account to play. If you need to register for a free account click here.

Once you have a Facebook account you are ready to play and can click on the “Free – Play Now” button at the top of this page.

You will have to allow the game to access your information on Facebook, send you email, and post to your profile page when you tell it to for live feed bonuses to share with neighbors.

Once you start the game you will be taken on a brief tutorial where you are to find six items in ancient Egypt to show you how to maneuver around the game screen.

You will also be shown how to purchase one of the items found in the scene and how to place it in your garden.

You start out with 60 energy, 6,000 silver coins, and 10 gold bars.

Game controls – These are found in the upper right corner as you click on the icon with the wrench the menu will expand. You can toggle off game music, sound effects and more. You can also zoom in and out of the scene with the buttons under the settings area.

Full screen mode – You can change the game to full screen mode which is much easier to play by clicking on the button at the upper right with the arrows shown in four directions.

Move the scene – You can move the screen by holding your left mouse button down and dragging the scene where you want it.

Game chapters – There are currently six chapters each with six scenes that can be searched allowing you to level up and over time if you choose obtain four star mastery by replaying the scenes for your best scores. You can use the arrows on each side of the scene menu to scroll between chapters. If a scene is locked, click on it and it will tell you how many reputation points you need to earn to unlock it or you can purchase an instant unlock using gold bars.

Game updates – Gardens of Time will update every other week adding five new puzzles to the game during each update. Be sure to check back daily!

Game mentors – “Alistair Wells” will be the first of many characters that will mentor you through the game and help you with your induction into the Time Society. Read any text spoken by your mentor characters and click on “Next” when you are finished.

Game Currency

There are two types of currency in Gardens of Time.

Coins – This is the basic currency and you will start out with 6,000 when you begin the game. These are silver coins and you will earn these when you complete hidden object scenes, visit neighbors, and in the form of free gifts from your neighbors in mystery boxes. You can also help out your neighbors or click on live feed links to earn more coins.

Gold bars – This is the premium currency and is used to buy special items for your garden and also can be used to speed up processes such as the wait time on construction for an item, which will allow you to access the scene it unlocks immediately.

Purchase additional gold – You can purchase additional gold several ways. Click on the “Add” button next to each currency indicator at the top left of the screen. You can use a major credit card, PayPal, pay by mobile phone, or Facebook Credits. Gift cards from stores can be redeemed here, and you can also click on a link to earn free gold by visiting certain sponsors and purchasing certain items.

How to gain additional coins/coin exchange – You can not purchase coins the way you can purchase gold. If you click on “Add” you will be taken to the coin exchange screen shown above. This will allow you to either trade the gold you have on hand for coins or you can specify a certain number of gold bars you wish to trade for coins. Note these rates could change in the future.

Leveling up – Each time you level up in the game you will earn either a coin bonus, or a coin and gold bar bonus. Be sure to use your gold bars wisely.

Temporal Energy

You will need energy in order to run your time machine and search for hidden objects in the various scenes.

Each time you choose a location to search energy points will be deducted from your overall total in quantities of at least 10 energy points per location searched. This amount may increase as you advance in the game.

You always have a maximum of 60 temporal energy points. If you earn more via gifts from neighbors or neighbor visits you will notice the number will be over 60 but will turn yellow instead of the normal white.

How to obtain more energy – Once you run out of energy you can either wait and let it regenerate over time, ask friends to send it to you, or you can purchase more using gold bars.

Purchasing energy – If you run completely out of energy you will be given the option to purchase more or request it from friends. When purchasing, the minimum amount available is five energy points for three gold bars and it is distributed in different bundle packs shown in image above. The more you spend the less you will pay per gold bar.

Request energy – From the purchase screen shown in the image above there is also a link to request that your friends send you energy. If your friends respond to the request you will be sent five energy points, or “energy cans,” which can be claimed in the messages area of the game at any time. (See “Claiming gifts” below.)

Tip – There is a tab along the top of the energy request area that lets you send the request to “Gardens of Time friends” which shows you a list of all of your Facebook friends that play the game even if they are not yet added to your neighbor list. If you see friends playing the game on this list be sure to send them an invitation to be your neighbor or click on the “Neighbors” tab above the game screen. This will take you to a detailed screen that also gives you this information.

Energy cans – Energy cans contain five energy points each. You can access any energy cans gifted to you by clicking on the open box icon, which is where gifts are stored. Click on “Use” and one energy can at a time will be applied to your energy meter.

Instant energy refill – Each time you level up in the game your temporal energy meter will be reset at its maximum level.

Tip – Friends can also gift you one energy can as the daily free gift. Be sure to send these out to neighbors so they will send you one in return. Once you accept this gift, you must go into the gift section (opened box icon) to claim this item and use it.

Tip – If you find yourself very low on energy and you have the funds to spare, check to see how close you are to leveling up. (Place cursor on XP meter) If you are fairly close purchase a building or decor item that will get you there and the energy meter will be refilled to its maximum as a reward for leveling up.


Reputation is critical in order for you to unlock additional scenes in the game.

Reputation is noted with a crown icon over any item which can be seen by placing your cursor over it.

Purchasing artifacts, buildings, and decor items from the store and placing them in your garden will increase your reputation. Buildings and artifacts only contribute points once their construction is complete. (See “Purchasing and placing items in your garden” below)

Placing decor items can earn you small amounts of reputation with no wait time.

Completing reputation quests and Wonder quests can earn you large amounts of reputation points. (See “Wonders” below)

Reputation meter – Your reputation level can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the game screen and at any time you can place your cursor over this area and it will tell you how many more reputation points you need until you unlock the next scene. You can also click on a locked scene at any time and you will be notified how many reputation points you need to unlock that scene.

Tip – Items already placed in your garden represent a specific amount of reputation which can be seen by placing your cursor over it. If you place an item in storage you will lose the reputation it gains you so be sure to keep all items in the garden once placed. You can remove structures and replace them with items that yield larger amounts of reputation points. Be sure not to lose any reputation points when moving or replacing items.

XP – Experience Points

XP allows you to level up in the game. Each time you complete a hidden object scene, build a building, place decor, visit a neighbor, complete a quest, or click on a bonus reward link in a live feed you will earn additional XP.

XP indicator – This is located at the top center of the game screen. Place your cursor here at any time to see how many XP you need to reach the next level of the game.

Finding Hidden Objects

The game is divided into six chapters (this number may increase) and you will need to complete a certain number of scenes per chapter. Once the scene icon is colored you can play it and you can move between locations if you like.

Be sure to look for the “Quest” banner on any scene involved in a current quest that is on the board.

If you see a padlock the scene is locked and you must continue to increase your reputation to unlock them, which means building and placing items in your garden. You will need money to do this so you will move back and forth between hidden object scenes and placing items in your garden. Remember you must wait for the construction of buildings to complete before you earn reputation points.

You can level up while completing these scenes as the number of XP you earn while searching, building, and visiting neighbors will all contribute to how fast you level up.

Click on the quest icons that are located along the left side of the game screen. (See “Quests” below for detailed information.)

Adventures – Click on the time machine in the center of your garden or on the “Adventures” tab at the bottom left and a menu will appear. Click on the open scene you wish to search and this will cost you at least 10 energy points.

Unlocking scenes – Some scenes will require you to have a certain number of neighbors, certain level of reputation, or both. You can use gold bars at any time to unlock any scene in any order you choose but only within the chapters you have unlocked.

Mastery stars – You will see in the upper right side of the scene choice screen how many stars you have earned. The first set of scenes requires you to earn 24 stars before you can move on to chapter two. You can always find this information in the upper right corner of the chapter menu.

Moving between chapters – Once you have reached level two you can use the arrows to toggle back and forth between chapters. You will reach level two before you complete the star mastery of level one. You may even reach level two before any scenes in it are unlocked. If this is the case keep working on chapter one until you earn enough reputation points to unlock a scene in the next chapter. Clicking on any scene icon will result in a message telling you exactly what you need to unlock it. Gold bars can always be used to unlock any scene instantly but it will be quite expensive.

The maximum number of stars you can earn for a scene is four, which means you have obtained mastery of that scene. You can go back to any scene at any time and keep replaying it to earn completed stars. When you finish a scene you will notice that you only earn a percentage of the star based on your score. You will have to play a scene several times before you can master it.

How to locate hidden objects – You will now be taken to the scene where items are hidden. Along the bottom of the screen you will see the description of the item. Once you find it click on it and it will appear larger for a second and you will see briefly the score you earned for finding it and then the item will disappear from the scene.

Once you find an item listed at the bottom of the screen the word will disappear and another will appear in its place until you find the maximum of twelve hidden objects in a scene.

Item placement – The items listed at the bottom will be different each time you play and the higher your star mastery the odds are much higher that the hardest to find items will appear in the list for you to find. Items in the scene are always the same; so once you learn where an item is, remember it and the next time you play you will be able to click on it faster. The faster you can click on these items without a mistake the more points you will earn for speed and skill.

Chain bonuses – Quickly finding item without any mistakes will earn chaining bonuses, which can increase your point bonus multiple times. Try not to make a mistake and your points will really add up. If you do make a mistake the chain bonus will start over.

Hints – See “Hints” below.

Final scoring/ranking – Once you finish a hidden object scene you will be shown a summary of your score with a breaking down of timing and skill bonus and percentage of stars earned. You will also see a screen showing the ranking of other players in the game.

Challenging a neighbor – Once you see the ranking menu note there is a “VS” button next to the names of high scorers in the game. You can at any time click on the challenge button and challenge this person to this particular puzzle. You will both earn a bonus for participating, with the winner earning the larger of the two bonuses. You will be notified of who won the challenge once it is accepted and completed.

Accepting a challenge – If someone challenges you, you will be notified in the messages area when you load the game. If you click on “Accept” you will be taken to that chapter menu and will see a tiny “VS” icon on that scene. Click on it to play and try to beat the score of the person who challenged you.

Locate the Differences

Usually in one scene per chapter y]ou will be asked to locate the differences between two split vertical screens. The differences will be items missing from one side or the other.

You will be asked to find six differences and you can use any hints available to you to help, but note they will decrease your overall skill and timing bonuses.

Once you find an item that is not on the other side click on it (on either side) and it will change the other side to match. If you click on the side where the item is absent it will appear and if you click on the side where it is present it will cause it to appear in that location on the other side.

Do this as fast as you can even though there is no time limit, as the faster you complete this the more points you will score overall.

The scoring screen is the same as the hidden object screens and you can also challenge others on this puzzle in the ranking menu by clicking on the “VS” button. If you challenge others you will play with a 60 second timer finding as many differences as you can in that minute.


At the bottom left corner of any hidden object scene you will see a hints menu.

There are four types of hints and the first one which is “One extra item” will be unlocked when you start the game. You will get an unlimited amount of these per scene but they will decrease your skill level score if used.

One extra item – Unlocked at level one, and has unlimited uses but decreases your skill level score. Causes one item to show itself to you and you must wait one minute for the button to regenerate with color before you can use it again. This hint can not be gifted to you by friends since it is unlimited.

Goggles – This unlocks at level five and when you click on it there are goggles attached to your cursor. Anywhere you place it will glow if that item is in your search list. You are given four of these hints per game screen unless someone has gifted you some more and this will decrease your skill level bonus score a little bit if used.

Thermometer – This unlocks at level 10 and will tell you if you are getting warmer as you get closer to an item in the search list. You are given three per scene. This can be gifted to you by neighbors once unlocked.

Flash – This unlocks at level 15 and briefly flashes all the answers on the screen for a few seconds until you can find the one you need. You are given three of these types of hints per scene. This can be gifted to you by neighbors once unlocked.

Time between uses – It may take a certain amount of time after a hint is used before you can use it again. When the color returns to the entire button you can use the hint again. Note the number at the bottom corner as this tells you how many of each hint you have left of a particular type.

The higher the level you reach the more hints available to you.

Gifting hints – Hints can be gifted to you by neighbors as the daily free gift. Send these out so others will send them to you.

Green “+” symbol – If you see a green “+” symbol next to a hint where the number usually is this means you are out of that type of hint and can click on the green symbol to request friends send you more. This will trigger another page to appear so be sure to do it before you start your game.

Random Clicking

If you decide to just quickly click all over the screen in an attempt to hit a correct answer you will be penalized with a five second blank out of the scene. This occurs in any type of hidden object or find the difference scenes so make sure there is a brief pause between clicks. Speed does count but the game knows when it is too quick.

This penalty will hurt your timing and skill bonuses severely so please be sure never to quickly click on a scene while searching for hidden objects or differences.

There is a countdown screen that will appear and as soon as it counts down from five you will be able to proceed.

Scoring/Star Count/High Scores/Rankings

As you search for items you will earn points for each item you find.

Once you have found all of the items in a scene you will earn time bonuses and skill bonuses that will be listed in a summary screen right after you finish.

Chaining bonuses – Each time you click on a correct answer without any mistakes you are starting a chain bonus. The more items you can correctly identify without a mistake in between will allow you to earn a huge number of points and will increase your skill and timing bonuses as well.

Star mastery – Each time you play a scene you earn a percentage of a star which is shown as a portion of a circle drawn around a star.

You will need to play a scene several times to complete one star and to completely master a scene you will need to earn four stars.

Difficulty level – The more stars you have earned on a scene the harder it will be to find items in that scene as the items listed will become more difficult.

Tip – In the scene menu for a specific chapter you will see the stars listed under the icon. You can go back to play any scene as many times as you wish. Some people prefer to complete the quests or chapter first and then go back to do star mastery. It is up to you how you want to play. Just note that you have to pay in energy points each time you play so if energy is scarce it is best to use it on your quests first.

You will have several quests that have goals asking you to earn a specific number of stars in a location. You will have to visit this one location and search it several times to increase your star count to the level needed to complete the goal.

At the end of each hidden object scene you will see a summary score and at the top you will see what percentage of a star you have earned for completing it.

Moving to the next chapter – Look at the upper right corner of the chapter scene menu. Once you have earned the maximum number of stars required for a chapter you will advance to the next chapter in the game. You may have advanced to the next chapter but you will only be able to unlock a scene within it once you have the required number of reputation points or if you are willing to purchase an instant unlock with gold bars. You may have to add items to your garden until you have enough reputation points to unlock the scene.


Completing quests is critical to leveling up, earning money and reputation points, unlocking wonders, and moving through the various chapters of the game.

The quest icons can always be found on the left side of the game screen.

There are usually three icons and each one represents a different category of quests. When you click on the icon you will be shown the current quest for that category and you may see one or more goals to complete before the quest is finished.

Top icon – This lists your goals for hidden object scenes. You may have a goal such as earn two stars in a specific scene. (When you visit the scene menu you will see a “Quest” ribbon on any scene with a current goal attached to it.)

Middle icon – This has to do with goals associated with visiting neighbors.

Bottom icon – This has to do with goals or quests associated with decorating your garden.

As you complete goals (there may be just one or several) a green check mark will appear next to the goal and you will see the words “progress” appear next to the icon that it applies to on the main game screen. The game will also prompt you to read goals if they have changed due to your progress.

Wonder quests – See “Wonders” for more information.

Note – Sometimes there are less than three icons as quests only appear at certain points of the game.

Finishing a quest – Once you complete a goal a green check mark will appear next to it within the quest menu. Once you complete the entire quest a reward message will appear showing you what you have earned. You will be given a large bonus that you can share with your neighbors via the live feed if you choose. If not just click on the “X” in the upper right corner.

A new quest usually appears as soon as you complete one.

Purchasing and Placing Items to Decorate Your Garden

You can place buildings, decor items, artifacts, and pathways in your garden. Click on the “Build” tab at the bottom left.

Once this opens run your cursor along the tabs to see what categories are opened. If you place just decoration items you will earn a much smaller amount of reputation points but have no wait time to get them.

Gold bar purchases – Purchasing items with gold bars will give you premium goods with the largest number of XP and reputation points available in the game.

Buildings and wonders – These earn you the second highest amounts of reputation points in the game. (See “Wonders” below for more information)

Purchasing artifacts – These are unlocked by searching hidden object scenes and leveling up in the game. Once you complete a scene successfully this artifact will unlock and you can purchase it and place it in your garden for XP and reputation points.

Purchasing buildings – These will earn you large amounts of XP and reputation points. Click on the “Buildings” tab and then run your cursor over any building to see its stats. Cost is located along the bottom and the construction time, XP, and reputation points earned are listed along the top. Once you have made your choice click on “Buy” and you will hear a cash register sound.

Placing items – Next you will have the item stuck to your cursor. Place it anywhere in the green grid where you see green under the item. If you see red there isn’t enough room. Click to lock the item in place.

If your item has a construction time you will see construction begin on that building. Place your cursor over the construction site at any time to see how much time is left until completion.

Wait for construction to complete – Once construction has completed you will see the icon shown in the image above. Click on it and the reputation points will be added to your score. You will not earn these points until you complete the structure construction.

Purchasing decor items – There is no construction time for decor items they will place immediately for you and earn instant reputation points.

Note – Whenever your reputation point goals change within a quest the game will prompt you to read them. (See “Quests” above.)

Redesigning Your Garden

You can move or flip items in another direction or you can sell the items for a reduced rate or store them for future use.

All you need to do is click on the “Build” button and then click on any item you wish to control.

A pull down menu will appear that offers you the options to move, flip, store, or sell for a specific amount. Click on what you want and proceed. You will need to confirm selling the items and you will not earn back what you paid for an item.

Storage/inventory- If you have an item in storage you want to retrieve click on the build menu and then on the opened box inventory button to access it.

Gift storage – After you accept any gift in the messages area it will be found in the gift area. Click on the opened box icon to locate gifts you wish to place in your garden.

Expanding Your Garden

Click on “Build” then click on the “Grid Expansion” tab, which is the next to last tab next to gifts.

You will have to have a certain number or silver coins, reputation points, or neighbors in order to purchase expansions. Sometimes it could be a combination of these items that is required.

You can always use gold to bypass the other requirements and expand immediately. There is always an option to purchase with gold bars listed to the right of your available expansion.

The entire garden will increase in size once you purchase an expansion and you can begin to rearrange your garden or add more items right away.

Inviting/Visiting your Neighbors/”The Befuddled Fairgoer”

Neighbors are critical to your success in Gardens of Time. Be sure to check the “Messages” area of the game frequently to accept any friend requests sent to you and be sure to send out invitations daily. (You will be allowed to invite up to 50 people every 24 hours.) Look at the top or the bottom of the game screen and click on “Invite Friends” or on the icon of a man and woman at the bottom left corner with a green “+” sign next to them to bring up the invite neighbor menu at any time.

Neighbor menu – Your neighbors are listed along the bottom of the game screen. Click on the “Visit” button to go to their garden and help them out for coin, XP, and energy bonuses.

Neighbor visit daily reward – Each time you visit a neighbor in a 24 hour period you will earn 15 coins, 50 XP, and one energy can.

“The Befuddled Fairgoer” – Each of your Neighbors will have a “Befuddled Fairgoer” walking around their garden. You may not see people walking around at first, but if you wait a few moments they will enter through the gate entrance at the bottom left side of the screen. You will notice this befuddled person has a “!” symbol above their head. Once you find them click on their character. Now you will be allowed to help them find items they have dropped. You will be taken to a scene where you are given 60 seconds to find as many of the items listed at the bottom of the screen as possible. As soon as you find one item in the list a new one immediately appears. This is also known as “Blitz” or “Blitzing.”

Note – If you exit the hidden object scene before you finish the 60 second search you will lose the bonus points and will not be able to continue the game if you reload it.

Note – Be sure you do not click too many times in succession because there is a five second screen dark out penalty for rapid clicking.

Note – If you wait too long to look for the “Befuddled Fairgoer” they may disappear from the garden so be sure to look right away.

Note – If you do not see any people walking around your neighbor’s garden you have probably already visited them in a the last 24 hours and will need to try again later.

You will earn a final score and a coin and XP reward when you are finished.

Be sure to also look around your neighbor’s garden and see how many beautiful artifacts have been added. The more you play the more of these items you can place in your own garden for others to see when they visit you.

Neighbor Requests

From time to time a message such as the one shown in the image above will appear on your game screen. Usually if you leave the game for a few minutes or don’t click on anything for awhile these will show up.

These messages will only appear if you have neighbors you haven’t visited in a 24 hour period.

Click on “Help Neighbor” and you will be taken to their garden as if you were on a normal neighbor visit and you will earn coins, XP, and energy for helping out the “Befuddled Fairgoer.”


Wonders can only be placed by completing quests and then hiring friends to help you build them.

Click on the “Build” tab and when the menu expands you will see several category tabs. The tab with the pyramid on it is the “Wonders” tab. You can run your cursor over any wonder to see what quest must be completed to earn it and how many reputation points you will earn once it is completed.

The the first wonder which is “Big Ben” can be earned once you complete the “Loose Ends” quest.
Once you complete a wonders quest a message will appear as in the second image above. Click on the “Build” tab and then on the “Wonders” tab. You will now see that the word “Use” has appeared under the unlocked wonder. Click on “Use” and place the wonder in your garden.

Once placed you will be prompted to ask for help to complete its construction. Place your cursor over the wonder and click on the message “Ask your friends to help out”

Next, a menu will appear showing you how to finish the building. “Big Ben” requires that you hire three neighbors. Click on “Hire Neighbors” and you will be taken to a menu that allows you to send to “Gardens of Time” friends. Note that this list contains all of your Facebook friends that are playing the game. Some will be on your neighbors list and some may not. This is a great way to get new neighbors and show you who among your friends are playing. Click on the names of those you would like to hire and wait for them to accept. Once all the open positions have been filled you will be notified to complete construction by clicking on the wonder and you will be credited with however many reputation points it is worth.

Using gold bars to complete wonders – You also have the option to use gold bars instead of going through the process of asking friends to help and waiting on their responses. You will have to pay per hiring slot and this can be very expensive but will save you a lot of time as it unlocks the wonder immediately. There is a “Finish Instantly” button along side the “Hire Friends” button if you choose to spend your gold bars on it. This hires all friends for you and completes the wonder instantly awarding you with reputation points.

Wonders earn you large amounts of reputation points. “Big Ben” earns you 700 reputation points once you place it and complete its construction. Some of the later wonders you can earn will reward you with thousands of reputation points.

Accepting help from your friends – After you send out the requests for help you will have to wait for friends to respond. This will earn them a coin and or XP bonus if they help you out. When you reload the game again you will see any responses in the “Message Center” under either the “All” tab or the “Wonders” tab located along the top.

Click on “Accept” to anyone that has responded and once you have all positions filled you can complete your wonder by clicking on the construction icon over it.

Note – There is a meter inside each wonder construction icon that hovers above it that shows what percentage of construction is completed. This is a good reminder that you need to check the wonders area and send out help requests if it is taking a long time to finish a wonder. If you only need three friends to help and twenty respond they will all earn a reward bonus, not just the people that you accept help from in the wonders area.

Daily Free Gifts/Sending and Claiming

You will be able to send one free gift per 24 hours to your neighbors.

Click on the “Free Gifts” tab at the top left of the game screen or click on the gift box icon at the bottom left of the game screen, or “Return Favor” when someone sends you a gift.

You will be able to choose a mystery gift box or other items based on your level. The more you level up the more free gifts unlock for you to choose from.

You can send to several people at once if you would like. Check off the names of those you wish to send to and simply click on “Send.” Your neighbor will have to accept the gift and will hopefully return the favor.

Tip – Sending hints to people is a great gift as in the higher levels of the game they may really need them and hopefully they will return the favor to you.

Tip – Most people tend to send you what you send them so be mindful of what you need and send that item out to your neighbors when sending free daily gifts.

Claiming gifts – When you are sent a gift you will be notified via the “Messages” area that opens each time you load the game or you can access it by clicking on the envelope icon at the center bottom of the screen. Once you click on “Accept” you have the option to click on “Return the Favor” which lets you gift that item back to the sender. All claimed items can be found in the gifts or inventory area which is the opened box icon at the bottom center or within the build menu area. Click on “Use” below an item to place it in your garden or to use it in your game.(Source:Games.com

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