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手机游戏开发方法和技巧 发表评论(0) 编辑词条










Farmville iPhone

Farmville iPhone

你的游戏会失去玩家,因而你需要考虑如何留住他们。当你的玩家流失时,应当思考什么奖赏会让他们重返游戏。你可以为每天登陆游戏的玩家提供何种奖励(游戏邦注:像《Gran Turismo 5》中的在线奖励以及《Farmville》中防止庄稼枯萎)?别让玩家觉得他们必须永无止尽地重复自己的行为,为玩家提供重访游戏的理由。在手机游戏中,短时间内的刺激是行之有效的方法。


假设你想制作某款建造城堡并使用不同材料来装饰的游戏,建造完成后你可以用从朋友处获得和从敌人处掠夺来的不同材料来装饰自己的城堡。但敌人的城堡很可能被重新建设起来,如果他们的朋友在线,会在你攻击之时获得警报,可以防守城堡。如果打个漂亮的反击战,不在游戏中的好友也会收到相关信息,他们可能会就此加入游戏中。与朋友贸易可能产生独特的材料、武器和食物,其背后的理论是:只有一定的成功机率,所以你需要经常与朋友贸易。暂且将游戏命名为《Build and Pillage》,游戏简单直观,也有许多让玩家回到游戏中与他人互动的理由。


Proven Mobile Game Design

This essay will parallel game design for mobile platforms, short and straightforward, which means the content will be almost too simplistic. Generally, this is how you can make a successful game for a phone or tablet.

Take your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and evolve it. Polish it so much that it looks like more than it actually is, and spam it with good grades to see it featured on an app store. You will create a bigger funnel, where more users will click on the game, because of reviews and interesting screenshots. Use bullet points to highlight features, so we can be sure there are reasons to buy and keep the game. Avoid making it obvious that you have really just cloned an aspect of an existing game and added a new art style. More users will authorize your game. The following paragraphs are all add-on content. You can purchase them for .99 each. You actually can get away with admitting that you have cloned a game. Just don’t trick the user into thinking that you have not cloned agame, when you really have cloned the goombas out of it. Then you will get reviews with a ton of exclamation points and mad faces (!!!! >_< !!!).

No worries, this paragraph can be purchased for no money. Give a free demo option or ask for donations, especially if you didn’t shell out the money for advertisements. You can give the proceeds to a deserving foundation for underprivileged or handicapped people. Allow the option for players who finish the tutorial to review their experience immediately after play. Maybe you could even give free, in-game currency to players who review the game. Add your thoughts in the comments below.

Make sure the experience has been fun and full of joy. These are the real reasons you wanted to play games, so don’t forget it’s about this. There are too many greedy executives who exploit markets already. Well, that can be a little bit fun too…from their perspective. Just try to think of the people’s fun, rather than what would be fun for a select elite. That’s elitist, and you will be trolled.

Get out your bucket and show them how much sand you can collect. Okay, maybe bucketing could be more straightforward. It’s jargon, which means “important for a lot of stuff”. For instance, players sending out lots of gifts to friends who hopefully accept. Just make sure that your buckets don’t take over half of a newsfeed like games initially did on Facebook. You have to allow the user to hide the gifts, because it can get quite overwhelming to receive hundreds of gifts per day. This happens to popular people. That’s why you should limit the max number, so that people have to choose friends who are more likely to accept.

Adjudicate or arbitrate. More jargon that means you have to judge the effects your applications, especially gifts to potential users, will have – Behavioral Economics. Done right, you minimi risk. Done dumb, you maximize guilt. Use your power to shape a person’s behavior wisely. The player won’t return as willingly if the player feels like they have been trapped on a treadmill or hamster ball. That’s why you make it a Super Monkey Ball, instead. After super comes ultra, and if you’re lucky, über or ultimate.

Have a steady stream of achievements and levels that almost always go up. What’s the game’s perception of loss? If it seems like the player will loose easily, it will be harder to add new people to the collective and keep a registered player coming back often. They could fear losing that which they have already won, so the designer should not force large wagers upon the player. Add the option, so the brave and the bold can race for pink slips or go all in, but smaller, consistent bets should work better. Then something will always be a little spicy, and there’s less of a chance that everything will be lost.

You will lose players, so you have to think of how to retain them. When you have lost a player, think about possible gain from coming back to your game. What reward can you offer for logging into a game every day (See online bonuses in Gran Turismo 5, or preventing your crops from burning in Farmville)? Localize the maximum. Never let the players feel like they have to repeat themselves infinitely. Create reasons to stop, and come back later. This is a mobile game, so short bursts and spurts work best. Being able to pause whenever works even better than best if you can’t figure out an inventive way to have your player stop whenever.

Engagement, growth, and revenue. Whoever you pitch your design to will ask about these three factors in the end. You should make flow charts to show how each of these things will steadily increase.

Just don’t tell the user you are exploiting them with this tripod. We prefer tricycles. Remember that fun will overcome everything. Think of a game you would want other people to play with you, then politely ask if we would like to join.

I’d make a game about building a castle and using different materials to customize it. Once built, you can give different materials that you have customized to your friends and pillage your enemies. But whatever remains from your enemies rubble can be built again at a higher percentage. Their friends will also be alerted of your attack if they are online, and will be able to defend their honor and castle. Non-player friends can be contacted once during a defense window for a perfect defense, if they decide to sign up for the game. Unique materials, weapons, and foods have the potential to be made by trading with friends (the theory behind it: you only get lucky sometimes, so you have to try a lot). Tentative title: Build and Pillage. It’s simple and straightforward, plus allows for many reasons to come back and interact with others.

So you have to think of something full of fun and joy. Think of something other people want to play for a couple of minutes every day. Polish a reason to sign up, and a reason to return. When you do, give us something cool, for free. (Source: 1up)

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