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  3月17日消息,据国外媒体报道,iPad 2发布没多久,但果粉们已经开始对期待已久的新产品失望了,它并没能带来大的变化。大家由此寄希望于2011年9月将推出的下一代产品iPad 3,并希望能带来以下改变。

  iPad 3希望能使用iPhone 4上使用的Retina显示技术,较现在132ppi的分辨率而言,新品有希望达到326ppi。苹果认为这已经是人眼视网膜能承受的最大值了(保持12英寸的距离),但具体情况如何还未可知,不过大家普遍认为这将成为苹果打败对手的一大利器。




  iPad 2支持HDMI回放,但只能用苹果数码AV适配器,意味着需要额外支付39美元用于购买该产品。事实上更明智的选择是选择一款默认支持HDMI的平板电脑而不是iPad 2。下一代iPad很可能会添加合适的HDMI,用户可以无需使用HDMI数据线就将其同高清电视连接。


  iPad 2用户可以购买苹果相机连接包从SD卡或相机上用USB进行数据传输,不过最好还是有内置的SD卡插槽和1个以上的USB端口比较好。苹果一直坚持使用其Firewire直到不得不增添USB端口,希望iPad上尽早发生此类情况。


  如果有其他DLNA设备需要进行文件传输的用户需要这一特性。iPad 2目前对传输给苹果电视和AirPlay的媒体流进行限制,所以最好能直接进行传输而不是仅仅限于特定的苹果设备。


  iPad一代没有摄像头,而前置摄像头是使用FaceTime通话必备的,所以苹果在iPad 2推出了,而且还增设了可有可无的后置摄像头,不过iPad 3希望能增加闪光灯。

  iOS 5

  iPad 2使用更新版的iOS(4.3),但一个更动态的系统需要iOS5,现在大家都在呼吁支持Flash的浏览器,但其实更应该考虑如何在现有软件下实现多任务处理。虽然目前不支持Flash对iPad产品形象造成的影响仍在讨论,但是确实是个大的缺憾。另外,iOS 5能实现无线同步就更好了。只有以上都实现,才算是真正进入了乔布斯所指的“后PC机时代”。

ipad 3:苹果该如何传承?编辑本段回目录

ipad 3:苹果该如何传承?

Apple’s third generation version of the iPad, presumably due in early 2012, will have to make substantial improvements in order to follow a strong but incremental second act.

苹果的ipad 3,按理说应该在2012年初发布,为了应对不断增加而且实力强劲的追随者的竞争,ipad 3将不得不进行大量提升。

In July of 2010, I wrote “The next generation iPad and what Apple needs to deliver.” Based on information gleaned from updates in iOS and information coming out of the semiconductor industry at the time, I updated that article in November and polished the crystal ball — in my usual purely speculative way — of what I thought that iPad 2 might look like or the features it should contain.

在2010年七月,我写了“苹果需要在下一代ipad上作出的提升”这篇文章。基于当时IOS的更新和半导体行业传出的信息来看,我在十一月更新了这篇文章并按照一贯方式预言了ipad 2的外形和所应包含的功能。

The iPad 2 is now here. For the most part, much of what I thought would be in the new model did actually come to fruition, but I got a number of surprises and also some dissapointments as well. The iPad 2 is clearly a strong second act following the first device, but the improvements are still more or less incremental.

现在ipad 2发布了。在很大程度上,很多我预言的想法的确在新一代产品上实现了,但是我仍然感到十分惊讶,当然也有一些失望。ipad 2无疑只是一代产品的加强版本,当然提升还算是明显。

In the third version, Apple is going to have to up the ante considerably, because its competitors are going to have plenty of time in 2011 getting their respective offerings honed and improved for the next product cycle.


Let’s go through last year’s predictions about various anticipated features in the iPad 2 to find out where the hit and misses were, and to see if there is room for improvement in any of these areas that could make their way into iPad 3.

让我们回顾一下去年关于IPAD 2各种新功能的预言,看看哪些实现哪些没有实现,然后在ipad 3中这些方面还有没有提升的空间。



Firstly we can say that right off the bat, the new iPad will almost certainly have the same built-in gyroscope that the iPhone 4 has in addition to the accelerometer. This is a no-brainer addition, as it vastly improves responsiveness and precision control for games and also will permit the creation of even more immersive augmented-reality applications on the tablet.


Yup, the iPad 2 did in fact get a gyroscope, likely the same or similar part that’s in the iPhone 4. So all future iPads are going to have gyroscopes. Will there be new applications on iPad that will really take advantage of it? Does the iPad 3 need a higher precision gyroscope part than what is shipping today? That remains to be seen, especially when iPhone 5 ships and we see what features it contains.

没错,ipad 2的确配备了一个类似于iphone 4的螺旋仪。所以将来的ipad肯定都会配备螺旋仪。那么在新ipad上会有比这更先进的设备吗?ipad 3会拥有一个比现在配备版本精度更高的螺旋仪吗?这当然还有待观察,尤其是iphone 5的配置和所包含的功能。



The second is the question of a front-facing camera and FaceTime. While FaceTime is undoubtedly one of the best features of the iPhone 4 and the iPod Touch 4, it may prove difficult to implement in the iPad without radically changing the existing hardware design and the behavior of FaceTime itself.

其次是关于前置摄像头和FaceTime。FaceTime毫无疑问是iphone 4和ipod touch 4上最棒的功能之一,这也说明如果不对现有ipad硬件设计和facetime本身进行彻底改变的话,ipad上将很难实现这一功能。

Not only did the iPad 2 get a front-facing camera, but it got a rear HD-capable camera as well. In my original piece, I discussed some of the challenges of using front-facing cameras on full-size tablets. As of yet, nobody has put Facetime into practice on an iPad 2, so I can’t comment yet on how well the software translates to a larger mobile device.

ipad 2不仅加入了一个前置摄像头,还加入了一个后置高清摄像头。在我以前的文章中,我讨论了在全尺寸平板上使用前置摄像头的挑战。到目前为止,还没有人在ipad 2上实践facetime,所以我尚且不能评论在更大的移动设备上facetime的表现有多好。

However, I would expect that the specs on both the front and the rear cameras on iPad 3 to be improved. iPad 2 uses a VGA-capable camera on the front and a “HD” camera that can do 720p video in the rear. Competitors which are shipping with integrated cameras in 2011 include the Blackberry PlayBook, which sports a 3MP video camera in the front and a 5MP in the rear, and the Motorola XOOM, which is 2MP in the front and 5MP in the rear.

当然我会期待ipad 3的前后摄像头都会提升规格。ipad 2使用了一枚VGA的前置摄像头和一个可以拍摄720P视频的HD高清后置摄像头。2011年其竞争对手配备摄像头的产品有黑莓的playbook,配备了300万像素的前置摄像头和500万像素的后置摄像头;摩托罗拉的XOOM,配备了200万的前置摄像头和500万的后置摄像头。

Also Read: iPad 2 vs. Blackberry PlayBook: Of course you realize, this means war.

 推荐预读:ipad 2对比黑莓playbook:这是一场战争。

It is thought that the iPad 2 only uses a sub-1MP camera in the rear, which is good enough to shoot 720p, but not 1080p video. It also doesn’t have a flash of any sort (such as the LEDs used on selected smartphones) and can only take sub-1MP still photos.

ipad 2被认为仅会配备一枚100万像素的背部摄像头,且能拍720p的视频,不能拍摄1080P的视频。并不会有闪光灯(类似于智能手机上的LED补光灯)而且只能拍摄100万像素的照片。

However, one must consider how Apple determines what features best fit in a device which is shipping at a base price point of $500.00, what the actual consumer use case scenarios are, and how they can purchase enough volumes of those parts in quantity to actually pull off that pricing.


So while competitors may ship “higher-spec” than iPad 2 today, they still will have trouble coming up with prices that are in line with what Apple is coming up with, based on the Bill of Materials (BOM) that determines the overall component cost that is hampered by the lack of these vendors’ abilities to manipulate and control their respective supply chains in the same way Apple can.

所以尽管竞争对手现在配备了比IPAD 2更好的规格,但是由于很难像苹果一样控制各自电子元件供应商的产能和chen以及他们仍然很难将价格拉到苹果所能达到的水平。

Still, we can speculate that 3MP and 5MP camera components might be able to be secured in volume by Apple by end of CY 2011 to ship a device wih upgraded parts in early 2012.




It should also be stated that the next-generation iPad should be brought to parity or exceed the memory capabilities as its flagship phone counterpart. The iPhone 4 has 512MB of main memory in its A4 Package on a Package (PoP), but the iPad currently only has 256MB, the same as the iPhone 3GS.

还应该说明的是下一代ipad应该会像其旗舰手机一样带来相同或者更大的内存。iphone 4在其A4处理器上集成了512MB的显存,但是现有版本的ipad只有256MB,和iphone 3GS相同

So we don’t know yet how much memory the iPad 2 ships with on the updated A5 SoC barring a X-Ray examination of the PoP, but current industry scuttlebutt seems to suggest that Apple went with a conservative 512MB on the device, while also increasing the memory bandwidth.


I think that I can speak for many of us that I was disappointed that Apple didn’t go for 1GB like its Android competitors, but I can certainly understand their reasons for wanting to keep costs down. In the iPad 3, I would expect flash prices to have fallen enough in 2011 that next year’s device will have 1GB of RAM.

我想我可以对我们中很多人说对于苹果并没有像Android竞争对手一样装载1GB的内存而感到失望,但我的确理解他们之所以这么做是为了想要保持较低低的成本。在IPAD 3中,我希望闪存价格可以降低到一定程度以使下一年的产品拥有1GB内存。

Central Processing Unit (CPU)


The current 1Ghz A4 System-on-a-Chip (SoC) processor in my opinion, interestingly enough, has been more than ample, but a dual-core and/or higher-clocked version of the chip with more integrated cache and improved integrated PowerVR graphics is probably in the works.


Apple delivered the goods with a dual-core A5, based on the ARM Cortex-A9 architecture, with substantially improved graphics performance. They didn’t improve the clock speed, presumably to keep manufacturing design costs low and to keep battery performance at parity with the first model. An X-Ray examination of the PoP will actually determine whether or not the A5 is a totally new design, or simply two A4 cores tied together with an improved integrated GPU.

苹果提供了基于ARM Cortex-A9架构且显卡性能显著提升的双核心A5处理器。他们并没有提升处理器频率,应该是为了保持硬件设计低成本和与一代相同的电力表现。一项X光检查显示封装制式将决定A5是否是完全重新设计,或者仅仅是两个捆绑在一起A4核心与一个性能提升的整合GPU。

Room for improvement in the iPad 3 will be yet more graphics performance (particularly if the screen resolution is improved) such as moving to a PowerVR SGX6 GPU, increased clock speed and/or increased integrated L1 cache on the chip. The A5 has 64K of integrated cache (32K instruction + 32K data) like the A4. I’m not expecting a quad-core design in the next iPad on the A6 or A8, but I wouldn’t put it out of the question that it exists in Apple’s roadmap over the next two years.

ipad 3的提升将会有:更强大的图形处理性能(尤其是显示器分辨率提升的话),比如提升到PowerVR SGX6显卡,提升处理器频率或者增加L1缓存。A5处理器集成和和A4相同的64K缓存(32K指令集+32K数据库)。我没有奢望在下一代ipad上配备像A8或A6一样的四核心设计,但是我不会忽视苹果下两年的发展蓝图的存在。

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