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  • 更新时间: 2011-03-14


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社会化媒体相关的博客和书籍 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


  • 免费电子书
  • 书籍读物
  • 英文博客
  • 精彩博文


twitter tips


1. The New Rules of Viral Marketing – David Meerman Scott
2. Marketing Apple – MarketingApple.com
3. Masters of Marketing – Startup Internet Marketing
4. Podcast Marketing eBook – Christopher S. Penn
5. Google Adwords Secrets – SEOBook
6. Get Viral Get Visitors – Stacie Mahoe
7. Marketing With Case Studies – Dynamic Copywriting
8. How to Write a Marketing Plan – Geisheker Group
9. SEO for WordPress blogs – Blizzard Internet
10. Social Web Analytics – Social Web Analytics
11. Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself With Twitter – Geekpreneur
12. The Zen of Blogging – Hunter Nutall
13. What is Social Media – iCrossing
14. A Primer in Social Media – SmashLab
15. Effective Internet Presence – Effective Internet Presence
16. Introduction to Good Usability – Peter Pixel
17. Increasing the Response to Your Email Marketing Program – CRM Transformation
18. We Have a Website. Now What? – Craig Rentmeester
19. Blogs & Social Media – PRSA
20. The Podcast Customer Revealed – Edison Media Research





  • Mashable Founded in July 2005, Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Media news. With more than 12.5 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web and offering social media resources and guides.
  • Social Media Explorer Social Media Explorer is the online home and blog of Social Media Explorer LLC, of which Jason Falls serves as principal. Falls has established himself as one of the leading thinkers in the social media, public relations and communications industries.
  • Social Media Today Social Media Today LLC helps global organizations create purpose-built B2B social communities designed to achieve specific, measurable corporate goals by engaging exactly the customers and prospects you most want to reach.
  • Chris Brogan Chris Brogan is a ten year veteran of using social media and both web and mobile technologies to build digital relationships for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Chris speaks, blogs, writes articles, and makes media of all kinds on his blog. His blog is in the top 10 of the Advertising Age Power150, and in the top 100 on Technorati. He is co-author of the book Trust Agents.
  • Dosh Dosh Dosh Dosh is a blog offering internet marketing and blogging tips, alongside social media strategies. Best consumed by bloggers, entrepreneurs, web publishers, marketers, freelancers and small business owners.
  • 10e20 10e20 is a New York-based Internet marketing company specializing in Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Founded in 2002 in Brooklyn, NY by Chris Winfield and Danielle Lanzillo.
  • PR 2.0 Brian Solis is Principal of FutureWorks, an award-winning PR and New Media agency in Silicon Valley. Solis is globally recognized for his views and insights on the convergence of PR, Traditional Media and Social Media. Considered one of the original thought leaders who paved the way for Social Media and PR 2.0, Solis is co-founder of the Social Media Club.
  • Conversation Agent Valeria Maltoni is a professional marketer with 20 years of real-world corporate experience, 10 of which online, across a broad array of mid-to-large sized companies. Hands-on work at a Fortune 500 technology company, a technology start-up, in health care, chemical manufacturing, risk management consulting, and the non-profit sector have provided her with a wealth of experience and insights.
  • Scott Monty Scott is a marketing and communications professional focused on the digital industry — specifically on social media. His career spans a number of industries such as healthcare, pharma, biotech, travel, automotive, tech, and communications, and includes a wide range of clients, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
  • Chris G Chrisg.com is where Chris posts daily (or thereabouts) thoughts and advice on the business of new media, blogging and online marketing. The aim is to teach you ways you can create compelling resources, provide your audience more value, build trust and loyalty, and generate more rewards for yourself.
  • Altitude Branding Amber Naslund is a social media and marketing crackerjack and the Director of Community for Radian6, where she’s responsible for client engagement, community building, and helping companies tap the potential of online reputation management, customer engagement, and social media monitoring.
  • Successful-Blog Liz is a social web strategist and community builder. Coming from a background of publishing, business, and instructional design, Liz understands how people perceive a blog, a product, and an experience — how the head and heart engage to make a fiercely loyal customer.
  • Techipedia Tamar Weinberg is a freelance writer and author of The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web (O’Reilly, July 2009) who specializes in social media consulting and strategy, blogger outreach, reputation management, and search engine marketing (SEO, link building, and Pay Per Click Marketing).
  • Very Official Blog Shannon Paul works as the communications manager for PEAK6 Online, parent company of OptionsHouse.com, OptionsNewsNetwork (ONN.tv), and WeSeed.com. Here she oversees the integration of social media communication into PR and marketing strategies for the company’s three brands, including an online retail stock and options broker, a web-based options news and education site, and an online community that allows people to learn about the stock market through investing in virtual stock portfolios.
  • Instigator Blog Benjamin Yoskovitzis the CEO & co-Founder of Standout Jobs, a venture-backed startup founded in 2007. He is also a blog and social media consultant. This blog is where he expresses his thoughts on startups, entrepreneurship and business, as well as diving into social media, blogging and online communities.
  • All Facebook AllFacebook.com is a blog that was started by Nick O’Neill. The purpose of the blog is to cover all issues pertaining to Facebook including new applications, general news, and analysis about the future of Facebook.
  • SmartBrief On SocialMedia SmartBrief is a media company on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. The premise behind SmartBrief is simple: there’s too much information out there and too little time in the day to read it all. Their editors hand-pick the most relevant and important news from all over, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it — for FREE — in one-stop-shop e-newsletters.
  • Web-Strategist As a Web Strategist Jerimiah Owyang strives to define and deliver user and community needs, business goals, and web technology to craft and deliver long term successful web programs for companies.
  • Collective Thoughts Each member of Collective Thoughts are a known or rising star in their own field, but they also have a passion and unique understanding on social media. Together, they make up Collective Thoughts.
  • Dan Zarrella Dan Zarrella is an award-winning social, search, and viral mar ket ing sci en tist and author of the upcom ing O’Reilly media book “The Social Media Mar ket ing Book”. He has a back ground in web devel op ment and com bines his pro gram ming capa bil i ties with a pas sion for social mar ket ing to cre ate appli ca tions.
  • Social Times Social Times is founded by Nick O’ Neill. He is an industry expert on the social networking industry, providing no holds bar commentary and insightful analysis on social networking and social media. He speaks at conferences nationwide and has been written about in multiple national publications.
  • Brent Csutoras Brent Csutoras is an Internet Marketing Consultant who specializes in Social Media, Viral linkbait and Search Engine Marketing.
  • Twitip TwiTip is a blog all about Twitter. It covers Twitter Tips of all varieties including Writing for Twitter, Branding, Growing a Following, Corporate Tweeting and a lot more.
  • Danny Brown Danny Brown has been providing business branding and emerging media consultancy services to the consumer and commercial markets for more than 15 years, from small start-ups to Fortune 500 businesses. Danny is the founder of the 12for12k Challenge.
  • The Viral Garden – Mack Collier is a social media consultant, trainer and speaker. He has been actively immersed in social media since 2005, and in that time, has helped advise, teach and consult with businesses of all shapes and sizes on how they can better connect with their customers via these amazing tools and sites



      2010- The Year of the Mobile App
      Mobile Trends for 2010: How the Computer in Your Pocket Is Changing Your Business
      Google: The Mobile Web Could Be Better Than the PC Web
      Personalized recommendations key to mobile commerce: ChoiceStream
      Is Your Website Ready for the Mobile Web?
      6 Mobile Musts for Your Online Business


      Integrate Social Media with Traditional Advertising for higher returns
      How Social Media Creates Offline Social Good
      5 Social Media Lessons From the Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort
      Social Media Friendly SEO – Online Marketing Blog
      7 Lessons for Better Networking with Social Media


      Measurement Strategies for 5 Social Media Goals
      Are We Too Worried with Finding the ROI of Social Media?
      100 Ways to Measure Social Media Social Media Metrics: What We Need to Track Sales
      Measuring Social Media ROI: Does Size Matter?
      Social Media: Who Can Show Us the Real Value?


      Marketers to Focus on Social Media in 2010 : MarketingProfs
      Top 5 Trends in Social Media for 2010
      Social Media Today | 10 Ways to Benefit More From Social Media in 2010
      Top 5 Reasons Your Social Media Strategy Can Fail in 2010
      Niche social networks expand in 2010
      The social Web in 2010: The emerging standards and technologies to watch
      Social Media Today | 2010 The Year of Social Media ROI
      22 Social Media Trends of 2010
      Participating in the Social Media Ecosystem


      5 Big Brand Case Studies Every Marketer Should Know
      B2B Social Media – The Business.com Case Study
      My 5 favorite social media case studies
      30+ Engaging Social Media Case Studies
      2009 Social Media Case Studies & Lessons
      Case Study: Power of a Blog Comment

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