汤姆·查特菲尔德(Tom Chatfield) ,英国作家,科技文化评论者,游戏写手, 偶尔的思想家,业余钢琴家。在他所著的《Fun Inc.》一书中,他认为,由于玩家在拟真情景中的探寻体验以及精心设计的虚拟奖品给与玩家的满足感,游戏已经成为了解决现实问题的参考。理解了电脑游戏中的激励设置中所包含的心理学理论,不仅能更好地了解玩家,并能进而改善世界。可以说,这本书是为电脑游戏正名之作。英国独立报Pat Kane曾这样评价《Fun Inc.》:“汤姆的《Fun Inc.》是一部关于电脑游戏的社会角色的上乘之作,为研究游戏提供了非常有用的纲要。”
Tom Chatfield (born in 1980) is a British author, and game and technology theorist.
Chatfield took a doctorate and taught at St John's College, Oxford, and has subsequently written for publications including The Independent, The Observer, The Times Literary Supplement, The Sunday Times, the New Statesman, the Evening Standard, and Wired magazine.
His book on the culture of video games Fun Inc was published worldwide in 2010. He is a lead writer at Prospect magazine, and Fellow at The School of Life.
A frequent speaker and consultant on games and new media, he spoke at TED Global 2010 on "7 ways games reward the brain", is a lead content designer and writer on Preloaded's forthcoming game The End, and appears regularly in the British and international media as a commentator.
Italian think tank LSDP named him among its 100 top global thinkers in 2010 for his work on games.
为什么人们愿意将大量时间和金钱投入游戏,在虚拟世界中追求虚拟的宝藏?在TEDGlobal 2010大会上,汤姆给出了他的答案:游戏中的激励机制。这也对如何让人们自发并积极地参与某种活动提供了启示。
1, 用经验值条来度量进程。网络游戏中你会发现人物级别的经验值进度,人在不断肯定自我的过程中有更大的前进动力;
2, 把任务分割成可计量的短期和长期目标,玩家可以同时进行这些任务,并且和个人的获利挂钩,这是一个保持人们持续参与的常用方式;
3, 奖励成就,不惩罚失败。一个个小的奖励能最大化地满足人们的自尊心;
4, 及时的反馈。在网络游戏中当你完成一个任务、学习到一种新的技能时,你能马上去施展这项技能,这种反馈让人们更加确信奖励;
5, 不确定因素,或者叫惊喜,并有保证惊喜不会贬值的措施。极品装备的魅力就在此;
6, 合作,集体的归属感;
7, 充分的自由度。游戏玩家拥有更多的自由度,便可以爆发更大的力量。
Now some other experts — ones who have actually played these games — are asking more interesting questions. Why are these virtual worlds so much more absorbing than school and work? How could these gamers’ labors be used to solve real-world puzzles? Why can’t life be more like a video game?
“Gamers are engaged, focused, and happy,” says Edward Castronova, a professor of telecommunications at Indiana University who has studied and designed online games. “How many employers wish they could say that about even a tenth of their work force?
“玩家精力集中,并感到愉快,”研究并设计过网络游戏的印第安纳大学电信学教授Edward Castronova说,“雇主们多么希望他们的职工,哪怕是其中的十分之一能视工作如游戏一般。”
“Many activities in games are not very different from work activities. Look at information on a screen, discern immediate objectives, choose what to click and drag.”
Jane McGonigal, a game designer and researcher at the Institute for the Future, sums up the new argument in her coming book, “Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.” It’s a manifesto urging designers to aim high — why not a Nobel Prize? — with games that solve scientific problems and promote happiness in daily life.
Jane McGonigal,未来研究所的游戏设计者及研究员,在她即将发行的书中总结了新的论据:“破碎的现实:游戏如何改变世界并使人感觉更好。”这是一个鼓励游戏设计师去追求更高的目标的宣言——为什么不去追求诺贝尔奖?——通过游戏解决科学难题并促进幸福的日常生活。
In the past, puzzles and games were sometimes considered useful instructional tools. The emperor Charlemagne hired a scholar to compile “Problems to Sharpen the Young,” a collection of puzzles like the old one about ferrying animals across a river (without leaving the hungry fox on the same bank as the defenseless goat). The British credited their victory over Napoleon to the games played on the fields of Eton.
But once puzzles and gaming went digital, once the industry’s revenues rivaled Hollywood’s, once children and adults became so absorbed that they forsook even television, then the activity was routinely denounced as “escapism” and an “addiction.” Meanwhile, a few researchers were more interested in understanding why players were becoming so absorbed and focused. They seemed to be achieving the state of “flow” that psychologists had used to describe master musicians and champion athletes, but the gamers were getting there right away instead of having to train for years.
One game-design consultant, Nicole Lazzaro, the president of XEODesign, recorded the facial expressions of players and interviewed them along with their friends and relatives to identify the crucial ingredients of a good game. One ingredient is “hard fun,” which Ms. Lazzaro defines as overcoming obstacles in pursuit of a goal. That’s the same appeal of old-fashioned puzzles, but the video games provide something new: instantaneous feedback and continual encouragement, both from the computer and from the other players.
XEODesign的总裁兼游戏设计顾问,Nicole Lazzaro,记录下玩家的面部表情并连同他们的亲戚朋友一起交谈,用以确定组成一个好游戏的至关重要的部分。一个重要的要素是“困难的乐趣”,即追求一个目标的过程中要克服困难。这与老式的谜题有着同样的吸引力,但电子游戏有着新鲜要素:来自电脑以及其他玩家的即时反馈以及不间断的奖励。
Players get steady rewards for little achievements as they amass points and progress to higher levels, with the challenges becoming harder as their skill increases.
Even though they fail over and over, they remain motivated to keep going until they succeed and experience what game researchers call “fiero.” The term (Italian for “proud”) describes the feeling that makes a gamer lift both arms above the head in triumph.
It’s not a gesture you see often in classrooms or offices or on the street, but game designers like Dr. McGonigal are working on that. She has designed Cruel 2 B Kind, a game in which players advance by being nice to strangers in public places, and which has been played in more than 50 cities on four continents.
这种动作在教室、办公室以及街道上可不常见,但像McGonigal博士这样的游戏设计师正在努力向这种程度发展。她设计了游戏《Cruel 2 B Kind》,在游戏里玩家通过对待公共场所的陌生人表现友好而获得升级。该游戏已流行于四大洲里超过50个城市。
She and her husband are among the avid players of Chorewars, an online game in which they earn real rewards (like the privilege of choosing the music for their next car ride) by doing chores at their apartment in San Francisco. Cleaning the bathroom is worth so many points that she has sometimes hid the toilet brush to prevent him from getting too far ahead.
Other people, working through a “microvolunteering” Web site called Sparked, are using a smartphone app undertake quests for nonprofit groups like First Aid Corps, which is compiling a worldwide map of the locations of defibrillators available for cardiac emergencies. Instead of looking for magical healing potions in virtual worlds, these players scour buildings for defibrillators that haven’t been cataloged yet. If that defibrillator later helps save someone’s life, the player’s online glory increases (along with the sense of fiero).
另外一些人们,选择在“微志愿”网站Sparked上工作。他们使用智能手机上的软件来接受一些如First Aid Corps这种非牟利组织的请求。First Aid Corps还编制了一个地图,上面标有世界各地可用的去纤颤器的地点以应付心脏病突发。这些玩家搜索建筑以寻找未被登记的去纤颤器,而不是在虚拟世界中搜寻具有魔力的治疗药膏。如果寻找到的去纤颤器以后帮助拯救了某人的生命,该玩家的在线荣誉将会增加(同时感觉到fiero)。
To properly apply gaming techniques to school and work and other institutions, there are certain core principles to keep in mind, says Tom Chatfield, a British journalist and the author of “Fun Inc.: Why Gaming Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century.” These include using an “experience system” (like an avatar or a profile that levels up), creating a variety of short-term and long-term goals, and rewarding effort continually while also providing occasional unexpected rewards.
为了合理地应用游戏技巧于学校及工作等地方,有一些核心原则需要记住,英国新闻记者以及《Fun Inc.: Why Gaming Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century》的作者Tom Chatfield说道。这需要使用到一个“经验系统”(就像能够升级的虚拟角色),提供多种短期和长期目标,并不断地对他们的努力进行回报,同时偶尔提供意外的奖励。
“One of the most profound transformations we can learn from games,” he says, “is how to turn the sense that someone has ‘failed’ into the sense that they ‘haven’t succeeded yet.’”
Some schools are starting to borrow gamers’ system of quests and rewards, and the principles could be applied to lots of enterprises, especially colossal collaborations online. By one estimate, Dr. McGonigal notes, creating Wikipedia took eight years and 100 million hours of work, but that’s only half the number of hours spent in a single week by people playing World of Warcraft.
“Whoever figures out how to effectively engage them first for real work is going to reap enormous benefits,” Dr. McGonigal predicts.
Researchers like Dr. Castronova have already benefited by tracking the economic transactions and social behavior in online games. Now that Facebook and smartphones have enabled virtual communities to be created fairly cheaply, Dr. Castronova is hoping to build a prototype that could be adapted by researchers studying a variety of real-world problems.
“Social media like video games are the only research tool we’ve ever had that lets us do controlled experiments on large-scale problems like global warming, terrorism and pandemics,” Dr. Castronova says. “Not everything in virtual environments maps onto real behavior, but a heck of a lot does. Rules like ‘buy low, sell high’ and ‘tall people are sexier’ play out exactly the same way, whether the environment is virtual or real.”
Dr. Castronova envisions creating financial games to study how bubbles and panics occur, or virtual cities to see how they respond to disasters.
“One reason that policy keeps screwing up — think Katrina — is because it never gets tested,” he says. “In the real world, you can’t create five versions of New Orleans and throw five hurricanes at them to test different logistics. But you can do that in virtual environments.”
Well, you can do it as long as there enough players in that virtual New Orleans who are having enough fun to keep serving as unpaid lab rats. Researchers will need the skills exhibited by Tom Sawyer when he persuaded his friends it would be a joyous privilege to whitewash a fence.
只是,你要做到这样必须使得虚拟新奥尔良城市里有足够的玩家,要令他们作为实验室小白鼠的同时玩得高兴。研究员们需要Tom Sawyer展示出的技巧,那种可用来说服朋友们粉刷一堵围墙是个令人快乐的特权的技巧。
Tom discovered, as Twain explained, “that Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.” The ultimate challenge, when trying to extract work from the World of Warcraft questers and other players, will be persuading them that it’s still just a game.
本人是桌游迷,但我知道,由于网络游戏《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft)去年12月发布了一个新版本——《大灾变》(Cataclysm),圣诞节期间有几百万人在忙着探索瓦斯琪尔(Vashj’ir)水底世界。
这类游戏的一个显著特征是“打金”:有时间没钱的玩家执行游戏内枯燥的任务——“苦修”——然后将所得卖给有钱没时间的玩家。《玩钱》(Play Money)一书的作者朱利安·迪贝尔(Julian Dibbell)曾花了一年时间,尝试仅靠在虚拟世界里获得的收入维持生活——他后来一个月能挣3000至4000美元。
《魔兽世界》的所有者——暴雪娱乐(Blizzard Entertainment)试图遏制打金活动。但迪贝尔表示,“他们其实从打金者身上得到好处,打金者的存在,让他们的很大一部分用户在游戏中能够玩得有意思。所以,他们和打金者之间存在一种模糊的道义关系。”
目前的事态很有意思。《Fun Inc.》的作者汤姆·查特菲尔德(Tom Chatfield)满怀激情地说,新推出的《大灾变》让《魔兽世界》变得更有趣,苦差事有所减少,而探索和互动有所增多。结果可想而知:打金者的活儿要减少了。一家电脑游戏公司一下子就能让成千上万穷人失业。这可以吗?打金者是否拥有权利?
卓越博客“波音波音”(Boing Boing)的联席主编科利•多克托罗(Cory Doctorow)认为有。但他指出,暴雪对打金者的看法与路易威登(Louis Vuitton)对伪造者的看法相同:他们就像专搞破坏的寄生虫……当然,不是所有人都这么认为,毕竟打金者也有客户,而且很多人也愿意买冒牌手袋。
但谁知道呢。多克托罗的小说《For the Win》讲述了一帮年轻的打金者为组织工会、反抗血汗工厂老板压迫而斗争的故事。网络工会甚至成为组织跨越国界的、更传统工会的一条途径。(该书同时也是一本很棒的经济学入门书,可消解自由市场方面的烂书对人的毒害。)
- Tom Chatfield's website featuring a selection of his articles and material from Fun Inc
- Speaker profile at TED
- authors@Google Tom Chatfield's lecture at Google on games as learning engines
- Interview with Tom Chatfield for FiveBooks, on the best computer games reading
- Review of Fun Inc for the Guardian newspaper by Steven Poole
- Review of Fun Inc for the Observer newspaper by Naomi Alderman