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I was considering myself strong on social media and marketing field, but then I gave a try to do my own research to find great blogs specialised just in this topic. Findings were amazing and I understood I have SOOO much to learn and there is so much great information available out there!

Learn how to use social media sites more effectively, think about SEO and how to monetize your site a lot better! Maybe you will find courage and right advice how to start new project and earn online? Keep reading those blogs, put their techniques in action and I am sure your new or existing project will become a lot more successful!!

33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru

1. SocialMediaExaminer

Social Media Examiner is a free online magazine designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find leads, increase sales and generate more brand awareness.


2. Soshable | Social Media Blog

Great site sharing all the latest news and tips in social media community.


3. Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is President of New Marketing Labs, a new media marketing agency, and home of the Inbound Marketing Summit conferences and Inbound Marketing Bootcamp educational events.

He works with large and mid-sized companies to improve online business communications like marketing and PR through the use of social software, community platforms, and other emerging web and mobile technologies. For more information on this, please contact Chris directly.


4. SocialMediaToday

Social Media Today LLC helps global organizations create purpose-built B2B social communities designed to achieve specific, measurable corporate goals by engaging exactly the customers and prospects you most want to reach.


5. Mashable – Social Media Section

I think Mashable doesn’t require any introduction, they cover everything happening in social news section. Check out their social media section to get only tips and latest buzz there.


6. ViperChill

Very inspiring story and blog of Glen – “one of the few people who makes a living online without doing it by teaching you how to make a living online. Because of that, you’ll find no ads and no affiliate links here. It’s all about the content and helping you as much as possible. As it should be.”

Sounds good? Articles are very exciting and great discovery for me!


7. TwiTip

TwiTip is about capturing some of the lessons that I and others have been learning about Twitter and how to use it more effectively. It covers Twitter Tips of all varieties including Writing for Twitter, Branding, Growing a Following, Corporate Tweeting and a lot more.

Any project Darren Rowles puts his mind in is a huge success and this is not an exception.


8. Dosh Dosh

Dosh Dosh is a blog offering internet marketing and blogging tips, alongside social media strategies. Best consumed by bloggers, entrepreneurs, web publishers, marketers, freelancers and small business owners. Only downside – this blog had last post on December 14th, 2009.


9. BrianSolis

Brian Solis is Principal of FutureWorks, an award-winning New Media marketing and branding agency in Silicon Valley. Solis is globally recognized for his views and insights on the convergence of PR, Traditional Media and Social Media. Considered one of the original thought leaders who paved the way for Social Media and PR 2.0, Solis is co-founder of the Social Media Club and is an original member of the Media 2.0 Workgroup.

BrianSolis.com is among the top 1.5% of all blogs tracked by Technorati and is ranked as one of the leading voices in the Ad Age Power 150 index of worldwide marketing bloggers. Solis is also the publisher of bub.blicio.us, a popular lifestyle and technology blog,  and is also a contributor to TechCrunch, BrandWeek, and Mashable.


10. Social Media Explorer

Social Media Explorer is the online home and blog of Social Media Explorer LLC, which is also a consulting company. You will find a lot of valuable social media and online marketing related information here.


11. ConvinceAndConvert

The Convince & Convert blog is recognized as one of the best marketing blogs in the world by AdAge, Junta42, Alltop, Social Media Today, Scribnia, and a host of other arbiters of that sort of thing. Jay Baer has a huge experience working in this field, he definitely has much to say!


12. Altitude Branding

Amber Naslund is a social media and marketing practitioner, and the Director of Community for Radian6 social media monitoring. There, she’s responsible for client engagement, community building, and helping companies build sound strategies for social media listening, measurement, and engagement.

She’s spent the last 15 years or so working with businesses of all sizes, from the Fortune 50 to startups and local nonprofits, and has enjoyed a diverse career as a fundraiser, client services professional, corporate marketing director, and an entrepreneur.


13. Copyblogger

Copyblogger was founded in January of 2006 by Brian Clark. Brian is a writer/producer, entrepreneur, and recovering attorney.

Brian built three successful offline businesses using online marketing techniques before switching to a producer model that involves building, monetizing, and occasionally selling online media properties.

Copyblogger has over 100,000 subscribers and more than 240,000 unique monthly site visitors.


14. Kikolani

Kikolani is about the art of blogging – blogging tips, social networking strategies, and other useful information to help bloggers become more successful in blogging. Kristii is really one very, very friendly soul and I have seen her doing great on social networking, she is my friend as well!


15. The Future Buzz

The Future Buzz is a blog about web marketing/PR strategies, spreading buzz in the blogosphere and building long-term visibility for your brand, business, and art on the web. Bloggers, marketers, freelance writers, entrepreneurs, artists, small business owners and public relations professionals will all benefit from the content here.


16. Web Ink Now

Web Ink Now is written by David Meerman Scott, author of BusinessWeek bestseller “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” which is published in 24 languages.

He writes about how marketing and PR have changed because of the Web. Many of his posts include information on how to use social media, online video, news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly.


17. Scott Monty

Scott is a marketing and communications professional focused on the digital industry — specifically on social media. His career spans a number of industries such as healthcare, pharma, biotech, travel, automotive, tech, and communications, and includes a wide range of clients, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.


18. SocialMedia.biz


19. Marketing Profs

It’s a rich and trusted resource that offers actionable know-how to help you market your products and services both smarter and better. Entrepreneurs, small-business owners and marketers in the world’s largest corporations make up its 360,000 subscribers, making it the largest in its category.

Through the MarketingProfs Web site, newsletters, conferences, seminars, forums and so on… they will help you navigate your way to market your business and keep you informed of the newest and best tools.


20. Collective Thoughts

Their team seems to be professional, articles very interesting and valuable, definitely worth subscribing and reading!


21. BritoPian

Michael considers himself a student of social media and community building. He has worked for major brands in Silicon Valley (HP, Yahoo! and Intel) and was instrumental in driving social media programs and campaigns emphasizing authenticity and long-term relationship building.


22. DaveFleet

DaveFleet.com is about communications, public relations, marketing and social media, and the areas where those topics intersect.


23. Socialnomics

Socialnomics(TM) is a blog designed to cover the latest trends in social media.  It primarily focuses on covering the latest news on social media and what it means for users and businesses, often taking irreverent view points of a popular topic.


24. Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal, established in 2003, is a 6-year-old publication of Search & Social Media, LLC, which specializes in a community approach to the reporting of search engine news & the sharing of Search Engine Marketing knowledge & tactics.


25. Networlding

Melissa is President of Networlding, a consulting, training and coaching organization specializing in helping individuals and organizations harness the power of social networks to leverage brand.


26. Conversation Agent

Conversation Agent is ranked among the top 25 marketing blogs in the world on AdAge Power150. Handpicked by Fast Company as Expert blogger, Valeria is on the Advisory Board of SmartBrief on Social Media and a co-author of The Age of Conversation, a groundbreaking eBook collaboration by 103 of today’s top marketing writers.


27. Techipedia

Tamar Weinberg is a freelance writer and author of The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web (O’Reilly, July 2009) who specializes in social media consulting and strategy, blogger outreach, reputation management, and search engine marketing (SEO, link building, and Pay Per Click Marketing).


28. Danny Brown

This blog talks about everything from social media, PR and marketing to making the most of the various online tools and communities. It’s aimed at everyone.


29. Danzarrella

Dan Zarrella is an award-winning social, search, and viral marketing scientist and author of the O’Reilly Media book “The Social Media Marketing Book“. He has a background in web development and combines his programming capabilities with a passion for social marketing to study social media behavior from a data-backed position and teach marketers scientifically grounded best practices.


30. Very Official Blog

Very interesting analysis and topics covered in this VERY official blog! Well, not so official but worth reading for sure.


31. MoblogsMoproblems

Mack Collier is a social media consultant, trainer and speaker. He has been actively immersed in social media since 2005, and in that time, has helped advise, teach and consult with businesses of all shapes and sizes on how they can better connect with their customers via these amazing tools and sites.


32. 180/360/720

Learn marketing here, how to advertise your site and many, many more valuable daily tips and ramblings.


33. DigitalBuzzBlog

Featuring the latest digital ad campaigns, hot new websites, interactive marketing ideas, virals, industry news, social media, insights, and other great digital trends from all over the world.


This article is mostly covering just social media sites, though it lightly touches to marketing niche as well, if there will be positive feedback I will go and make article just about marketing blogs. Enjoy!



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