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大坝威胁之下的智利巴塔哥尼亚 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



智利政府正准备在世界上最荒野的两条河流——贝克河(Baker river)和帕斯夸河(Pascua river)上修建五座大坝,该计划严重威胁到了智利巴塔哥尼亚(Chilean Patagonia)艾森(Aysén)地区的环境。为了应对日益严重的环保问题,国际保护主义摄影师联盟(ILCP:International League of Conservation Photographers)组织了快速评估视觉远征队(Rave:Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition),为评估修建大坝对地区环境和生命形式所产生的影响,该远征队于今年二月份探访了艾森地区。

The expedition team included the Pulitzer prize winner and National Geographic photographer Jack Dykinga, twice World Press winner and Prince's Rainforest Project award winner Daniel Beltra, award-winning filmmaker and photographer Jeff Foott and award-winning photographer Bridget Besaw

远征队的成员包括普利策奖获得者兼国家地理摄影师杰克·迪金卡(Jack Dykinga),两届世界新闻摄影比赛冠军和王子雨林计划奖冠军(Prince's Rainforest Project)丹尼尔·贝尔特拉(Daniel Beltra),一流电影制作人兼摄影师杰夫·福特(Jeff Foott)以及另一位杰出摄影师布丽奇特·拜肖(Bridget Besaw)。

In total, five hydroelectric dams are planned, three for the Pascua river and two for the Baker. Some of these dams would be more than 1,500 miles from the central grid to which the electricity will be sent. Both rivers are fed by, and they flow in between, the world’s two largest ice caps outside Greenland and Antarctica

Patagonia dams: Map of the Patagonian ice fields


Photograph: MODIS/NASA/Guardian


Aysén, Chile. Headwaters of the Pascua river start at Lago O'Higgins (known as Lake St Martin in Argentina). The lake is the deepest in the Americas, with a maximum depth of 836ms near O'Higgins glacier. Its characteristic milky light-blue colour comes from rock flour suspended in its waters

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

智利的艾森地区。帕斯夸河发源于奥希金斯湖(Lago O'Higgins)(在阿根廷境内则被称为圣马丁湖)。奥希金斯湖是美洲最深的湖泊,其最大深度位于奥希金斯冰川附近,深约836米。由于岩石的石粉悬浮在湖水中,从而导致湖水呈现出乳状的亮蓝色。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Southern Chile, south of O'Higgins, the site at the headwaters of the Pascua river where three dams are proposed

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers


Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Aysén, Chile. The three dams on the Pascua river would create artificial lakes flooding more than 1,600 hectares (about 4,000 acres). Flooded lands would include some of the world’s rarest forest types, including the critically endangered plants. Other rare species that would be harmed by the Pascua dams include the torrent duck and the white-bellied seedsnipe

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers

智利的艾森地区。帕斯夸河上修建的三座大坝将形成若干个人工湖,淹没16平方公里的面积。在淹没的土地上有一些世界上最为稀有的森林形态,这些森林中生长着很多极度濒危的植物。帕斯夸大坝的修建同时也危及到了其他珍稀物种如湍鸭(torrent duck)和白腹籽鹬(white-bellied seedsnipe)的生存。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

The Rave team walks through a marshy area called mallín where magellanic coigue and guaiteca cipres grow

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers

远征队行走在一片被称为马林(mallín)的沼泽地区,这里生长着麦哲伦科因格树(magellanic coigue)和落羽松(guaiteca cipres)。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

The Huemul deer. This is a rare animal that survives only in remote, fragmented habitats – such as the basins of the Baker and Pascua rivers

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

马驼鹿(Huemul deer)是一种珍稀动物,它只生活在贝克河以及帕斯夸河盆地这样偏远且零星的栖息地中

Photograph: Jeff Foott /iLCP

图片来源:Jeff Foott/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

The Andean condor is considered near threatened by the IUCN despite being the national symbol of Chile as well as Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers

虽然智利、秘鲁、阿根廷、玻利维亚、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔这些南美国家视南美秃鹫(Andean condor)为民族象征,但它已被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)认定为濒危物种。

Photograph: Jeff Foott /iLCP

图片来源:Jeff Foott/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Aysén, Chile. Pascua river (lake Quetru area). A view from above the areas that would be affected by the Hydroaysen project

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers


Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Rio Baker, where the Pascua and Baker rivers end

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

这里就是帕斯夸河与贝克河的终点里奥贝克(Rio Baker)地区。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Aysén, Chile. The Baker river estuary area, including the village of Tortel

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile


Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Aysén, Chile. The Baker river near the confluence with the river Nef. The two dams on the Baker river would create artificial lakes flooding more than 4,300 hectares (about 10,700 acres). Flooded areas would include some of the best agricultural and ranching lands of the region

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers

智利的艾森地区,贝克河即将与奈夫河(Nef river)发生交汇。贝克河的两座大坝建成以后,将导致43平方公里的区域被淹没,这些淹没的土地包括一些肥沃的良田和牧场。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

The Baker river near one of the proposed dam sites

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers


Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Rio Salto falls, a tributary of the Baker

Patagonia Chile: iLCP Rave : Hydroaysen dams project on Baker and Pascua rivers

位于贝克河支流的里奥·萨尔托(Rio Salto)瀑布。

Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Lake General Carrera is fed from the north Patagonian ice field flight

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

卡雷拉将军湖(Lake General Carrera )的水源来自于巴塔哥尼亚的北部冰原。

Photograph: Daniel Beltra/iLCP

图片来源:Daniel Beltra/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

A group of activists travelling from Chaiten to Tortel, from the headwaters of the Baker river to the delta, in protest against the proposed Hydrosen dam project

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile


Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Activist Jose Cadagan in his home in Cochrane, Chile. Cadagan is a passionate speaker against the proposed dams that would be placed nearby on the Baker river

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

活动家何塞·卡达甘(Jose Cadagan)住在智利的科克伦(Cochrane),他是一位热情洋溢的演说家,强烈反对在贝克河流域修建任何大坝。

Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Activist Augusto Hernandez. In the tiny town of Tortel, the 500 residents can either cut the dwindling resources of remaining cypress forest for fire wood, or they can collect the plentiful resource of driftwood from the many beaches just a short boat ride away. Collecting this wood is a way of life in this area. Most people spend at least one day a week making the trip by boat to harvest wood. Many there fear that the development and large, rapid influx of new people to this area will drastically change their way of life

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

活动家奥古斯托·赫尔南德斯(Augusto Hernandez)。小城托托尔约有500名居民,他们平时会从日渐稀少的柏木森林中砍树作为薪柴,也会从附近的众多海滩上收集大量的漂流木。收集木材是该地区居民的一种生活方式,大多数人每周至少会花上一天时间划船去收获漂流木。很多居民担心经济发展和外来人口的大规模涌入会彻底改变他们的生活方式。

Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

The last remaining gaucho and his family herd the sheep and cattle that feed the staff at the Estancia Chacabuco. This ranch, previously one of the largest in Chilean Patagonia, is now becoming the new Patagonia national park. The process of creating the park involves removing fences and most of the animals from the property to allow these grasslands to heal

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

所剩无几的加乌乔人(gaucho)正在查卡布科大草原(Estancia Chacabuco)上放牧羊群和牛群。这片草场先前是智利巴塔哥尼亚地区最大的一座牧场,现在已经成为巴塔哥尼亚国家公园的一部分。为了建立国家公园,让草原休养生息,很多围栏被拆除,大部分的牲畜也被赶走。

Photograph: Bridget Besaw/iLCP

图片来源:Bridget Besaw/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Chacabuco guanacos. The guanaco is a camelid native to the arid, mountainous regions of South America

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile

查卡布科原驼(Chacabuco guanacos)是原产自南美干旱多山地区的骆驼科动物。

Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

A view of Chacabuco lagunas at sunset

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile


Photograph: Jack Dykinga/iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

Viscacha are closely related to chinchillas, and look similar to rabbits

Patagonia Rave: Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition in the Aysen Region, Chile


Photograph: Jeff Foott /iLCP

图片来源:Jack Dykinga/国际保护主义摄影师联盟

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