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微博侠 数字营销2011年度总结 政务微博元年 2011微博十大事件 美国十大创业孵化器 盘点美国导师型创业孵化器 盘点导师型创业孵化器 TechStars 智能电视大战前夜 竞争型国企 公益型国企 2011央视经济年度人物 Rhianna Pratchett 莱恩娜·普莱契 Zynga与Facebook关系 Zynga盈利危机 2010年手机社交游戏行业分析报告 游戏奖励 主流手机游戏公司运营表现 主流手机游戏公司运营对比数据 创建游戏原型 正反馈现象 易用性设计增强游戏体验 易用性设计 《The Sims Social》社交亮 心理生理学与游戏 Kixeye Storm8 Storm8公司 女性玩家营销策略 休闲游戏的创新性 游戏运营的数据分析 社交游戏分析学常见术语 游戏运营数据解析 iPad风行美国校园 iPad终结传统教科书 游戏平衡性 成长类型及情感元素 鸿蒙国际 云骗钱 2011年政务微博报告 《2011年政务微博报告》 方正产业图谱 方正改制考 通信企业属公益型国企 善用玩家作弊行为 手机游戏传播 每用户平均收入 ARPU值 ARPU 游戏授权三面观 游戏设计所运用的化学原理 iOS应用人性化界面设计原则 硬核游戏 硬核社交游戏 生物测量法研究玩家 全球移动用户 用户研究三部曲 Tagged转型故事 Tagged Instagram火爆的3大原因 全球第四大社交网络Badoo Badoo 2011年最迅猛的20大创业公司 病毒式传播功能支持的游戏设计 病毒式传播功能 美国社交游戏虚拟商品收益 Flipboard改变阅读 盘点10大最难iPhone游戏 移动应用设计7大主流趋势 成功的设计文件十个要点 游戏设计文件 应用内置付费功能 内置付费功能 IAP功能 IAP IAP模式 游戏易用性测试 生理心理游戏评估 游戏化游戏 全美社交游戏规模 美国社交游戏市场 全球平板电脑出货量 Facebook虚拟商品收益 Facebook全球广告营收 Facebook广告营收 失败游戏设计的数宗罪名 休闲游戏设计要点 玩游戏可提高认知能力 玩游戏与认知能力 全球游戏广告 独立开发者提高工作效率的100个要点 Facebook亚洲用户 免费游戏的10种创收模式 人类大脑可下载 2012年最值得期待的20位硅谷企业家 做空中概股的幕后黑手 做空中概股幕后黑手 苹果2013营收 Playfish社交游戏架构

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However, if you have heard of all of the airplane crashes below then it really is no wonder why you may want to take out life insurance before flying. They truly are the worst of the worst and, unfortunately, are all but one are caused by human error or deliberation rather than an unfortunate mechanical accident. I guarantee that you’d have heard of at least one.


1. March 27, 1977. Two Boeing 747s, operated by KLM and Pan Am, collide on a foggy runway at Tenerife, in Spain’s Canary Islands killing 583 people. The KLM jet departed without permission and struck the Pan Am jet as it taxied along the same runway. Confusion over instructions and a blockage of radio transmissions contributed to the crash.

1. 1977年3月27日。在西班牙加那利舞群岛的特纳利夫岛上,分别由荷兰航空和泛美航空公司运营的两架波音747飞机在浓雾中的跑道上相撞,死亡583人。荷兰航空的喷气式飞机在未经许可的情况下起飞,撞上了入错跑道的泛美航空飞机。指令混乱和无线电通讯阻断导致了这场事故。

2. August 12, 1985. A Japan Air Lines 747 crashes near Mt. Fuji after takeoff from Tokyo on a domestic flight killing 520. The rupture of an aft bulkhead, which had undergone faulty repairs following a mishap seven years earlier, caused destruction of part of the airplane’s tail and rendered the jet uncontrollable. A JAL maintenance supervisor later committed suicide, while the president of the airline resigned, accepting full, formal responsibility for the crash and visiting victims’ families to offer a personal apology.

2. 1985年8月12日。一架日本航空747飞机在一次国内飞行中,从东京起飞后不久即坠毁于富士山附近,死亡520人。七年前事故中错误修理的尾部隔离壁开裂,导致了飞机尾翼部分损坏,并引起飞机失控。一家日本航空维修商主管随后因此自杀,而该航空公司的总裁引咎辞职,承担该事故全部的、正式的责任,并拜访罹难者家庭进行个人道歉。

3. November 12, 1996. An Ilyushin IL-76 cargo plane from Kazakhstan collides in midair with a Saudia 747 near Delhi; all 349 aboard both planes are killed. The Kazakh crew had disobeyed instructions, and neither airplane was equipped with collision-avoidance technology.

3. 1996年11月12日,一架从哈萨克斯坦起飞的伊留申(Ilyushin)IL-76货机在新德里附近上空与一架沙特747飞机相撞,两架飞机上的349名乘客全部死亡。哈萨克机组人员违反了指令,而两架飞机上都没有配备防相撞技术。1

4. March 3, 1974. In one of the most notorious and gruesome crashes ever, a THY (Turkish Airlines) DC-10 crashes near Orly airport killing all 346 passengers and crew. A poorly designed cargo door had burst from its latches, and the subsequent depressurization caused failure of the cabin floor and impairment of cables to the rudders and elevators. Out of control, the plane slammed into the woods northeast of Paris. McDonnell Douglas, maker of the DC-10, which would see even more controversy later, was forced to redesign its cargo door system.

4. 1974年3月3日,作为最臭名昭著和可怕的空难事件,一架土耳其航空DC-10飞机在法国奥利机场附近坠毁,所有的346名乘客和机组人员全部死亡。拙劣设计的货舱门闸线路爆炸并破坏了机舵和电梯的电缆。飞机在失去控制后撞毁在巴黎东北的森林中。备受争议的DC-10的设计者麦克唐纳 道格拉斯(McDonnell Douglas)被迫重新设计其货舱门系统。1

5. June 23, 1985. A bomb planted by a Sikh extremist blows up an Air India 747 enroute between Toronto and Bombay (with stops in Montreal and London). The airplane fell into the sea east of Ireland killing 329. Investigators in Canada cited shortcomings in baggage screening procedures, screening equipment, and employee training. A second bomb, intended to blow up another Air India 747 on the same day, detonated prematurely in a luggage facility in Tokyo before being loaded aboard.

5. 1985年6月23日。 由一名印度锡克极端恐怖分子安放的炸弹炸毁了一架在多伦多与孟买途中(经停蒙特利尔和伦敦)的印度航空747飞机。飞机在爱尔兰东部海面上坠毁,死亡人数达到329人。加拿大调查人员认为行李检查程序、行李检查设备和雇员培训方面的不足是这起案件的主因。另外一个计划在同一天炸毁另一架印度航空747飞机的炸弹并没有被装载上飞机,而是在东京的行李仓库中提前爆炸。

6. August 19, 1980. A Saudia L-1011 bound for Karachi returns to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, following an in-flight fire that broke out just after departure. For reasons never understood, the crew takes its time after a safe touchdown and rolls to the far end of the runway before finally stopping. No evacuation is commenced, and the airplane then sits with its engines running for more than three minutes. Before any doors can be opened by the inadequately-equipped rescue workers at Riyadh, all 301 people on the widebody die as the passenger cabin is consumed by a flash-fire.

6. 1980年8月19日。一架开往卡拉奇的沙特L-1011飞机在刚刚起飞后机舱内起火,只得返回沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得。不知什么原因,机组人员在平安着陆后让飞机继续滑行道跑到的末端才停下。而且之后没有开始撤离,飞机继续开着发动机超过3分钟。没有配备足够救援工具的利雅得机场救助人员无法打开任何一个机舱门,所有飞机上的301个人都在乘客舱的大火中丧生。

7. July 3, 1988. An Airbus A300 operated by Iran Air is shot down over the Straits of Hormuz by the US Navy destroyer Vincennes. The crew of the Vincennes, distracted by an ongoing gunbattle, mistakes the A300 for a hostile military aircraft and destroys it with two surface-to-air missiles. None of the 290 occupants survived.

7. 1988年7月3日。一家由伊朗航空运营的空中巴士A300飞机在霍尔木兹海峡上空被美军驱逐舰文森斯号击落。文森斯号上的机组人员被进行中的枪战转移了注意力,将这架A300误认为是敌方的空军飞机,并用两枚地对空导弹将其击落。飞机上的290名乘客无人生还。1

8. May 25, 1979. As an American Airlines DC-10 lifts from the runway at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, an engine detaches and seriously damages a wing. Before its crew can make sense of the situation, the airplane rolls 90 degrees and disintegrates in a huge fireball about a mile beyond the runway. With 273 fatalities, this remains the worst-ever crash on US soil. Both the engine pylon design and airline maintenance procedures were faulted by NTSB investigators, and all DC-10s were temporarily grounded.

8. 1979年5月25日。当美国航空DC-10飞机从芝加哥的奥黑尔(O'Hare)机场起飞时,飞机引擎掉落并严重破坏了机翼。在机组人员对情况作出反映前,飞机旋转了90度并在跑道1英里上空爆炸成一个大火球。273人死亡的结局造就了美国历史上最严重的空难。美国国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)调查指出引擎电缆塔设计和航空维护手续都出现了问题,而所有的DC-10飞机都暂时停飞。

9. December 21, 1988. Two Libyan agents are later held responsible (one is convicted) for planting a bomb aboard Pan American flight 103, which blows up in the night sky over Lockerbie, Scotland killing 270 people, including 11 on the ground.

9. 1988年11月21日,两名利比亚人被起诉(有一名被宣判有罪)在美国航班103上放置炸弹,导致该航班在苏格兰洛克比的夜空中爆炸。该空难造成270人死亡,包括地面上的11个人。

10. September 1, 1983. Korean Air Lines flight KL007, a 747 carrying 269 passengers and crew from New York to Seoul (with a technical stop in Anchorage) is shot down by a Soviet fighter after drifting off course — and into Soviet airspace — near Sakhalin Island in the North Pacific. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) later attributes the mysterious deviation to “A considerable degree of lack of alertness and attentiveness on the part of the flight crew.”

10. 1983年9月1日。韩国航空KL007航班,一架搭乘有269名乘客和机组人员的747飞机,在从纽约飞往首尔的途中(在安克雷奇技术经停)迷航并进入苏联领空——接近北太平洋的库页岛后,被苏联战斗机击落。国际民用航空组织(ICAO)随后将这个诡异的航线偏离定义为“飞行人员在可容忍的范围内欠缺警觉和注意”。

An interesting breakdown includes the following:


Number of Boeing 747s involved in the ten crashes: 7

在这十起空难中涉及波音747飞机的数量: 7

Number resulting from terrorist sabotage or that were shot down mistakenly: 4

劫机或者误伤数量: 4

Number that occurred in the United States: 1

发生在美国的数量: 1

Number that occurred prior to 1974: 0

发生在1974年以前的数量: 0

Number that occurred during the 1970s or 1980s: 9

发生在20世纪70年代和80年代之间的数量: 9

Number in which pilot error can be cited as a direct or contributing cause: 3

事故主因是飞行员操作失误的数量: 3

Number that crashed as direct result of mechanical failure: 3

事故主因是机械故障的数量: 3

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