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基于intel 80186的电脑——Tandy 2000
一个具有领先技术的电脑是怎么样的呢?答案是:它反而是派不到什么用处。这就发生在Tandy 2000系列电脑上,不仅仅是Tandy公司,这还发生在许多其它生产商上,他们制造了基于intel 80186的系统。80186具有新的指令和新的容错能力。Tandy公司在2000这个系列上用了先进的彩色图像技术,并在台式版本中使用了intel 16位处理器,它工作在8MHz下。这是一台很好的电脑,但它恰恰是选错了一块CPU。Tandy 2000被认为是北美市场上第一台基于AT规范的电脑,Tandy在上面倾注了相当的心血,押了大注。它装备了两个5.25寸720K软驱。问题在于没有人去为80186写软件。微软为其特别提供了一种叫TURE MS-DOS的操作系统,这实在是一个很私有的程序了。当时所有的电脑,包括Tandy 1000都是工作在与PC-DOS兼容的系统上的,这是微软为IBM PC机平台写的操作系统。Tandy 2000是一个高级的产品,但它很短命。在短短的2个月里,Tandy公司就将80286的机型投放市场,80186成了历史。



The Tandy 2000 was launched in December 1981, a full year BEFORE the 1000, and proved to be a mistake on the part of Tandy, but to their credit they weren抰 alone, many manufacturers who built systems based on the Intel 80186 CPU suffered the same fate.

On the surface the computer was quite the catch: The 揟-2000?featured new instructions and new fault tolerance protection over the TRS-80 and COCO lines. Tandy built the 2000 with advanced color graphics, Intel 16bit processing at 8 Mhz and 2 720K 5.25?Floppy disks; and a CPU that was out performing even the 80286 computers of the time! It was a robust computer with excellent features but that 80186 CPU would come back to haunt it. The Tandy 2000 by many was considered the first AT style computer in North America, a bold and risky move by Tandy.
Despite all the advancements, the 80186 CPU was not popular with software developers, so few wrote software for the 80186. More to the point, however, the Tandy 2000, while touted as being compatible with the IBM XT, was different enough for most software beyond purely text oriented to not work properly. It differed by having a Tandy-specific video mode (640x400, not related to or forward-compatible with VGA), along with the new concept of keyboard scan codes, and the proprietary 720kb 5-1/4" floppy format: no other computer used this disk format, which was single-sided high-density, using standard 1.2Mb double-sided high-density disks; the drives could read and write 360kb floppies, but be careful when doing so if the disks were to be subsequently used in an IBM-compatible; there were hardware hacks to use 720kb 3.5" floppy drives, but it was unclear whether disks formatted in this way were compatible with standard PC-compatibles.
In addition: The Tandy 2000 was nominally BIOS-compatible with the IBM XT, which allowed extremely well-behaved DOS software to run on both platforms. However, most DOS software is not so well behaved and many PC programmers would bypass the PC-BIOS to achieve higher performance, rendering the software incompatible with the Tandy 2000. Microsoft provided a special version of MS-DOS that could combat these problems, but it was a proprietary programming venture. All other units, including the later Tandy 1000, operated on what was essentially the standard PC-DOS (IBMs version) or MS-DOS. The Tandy 2000 was further killed by the arrival of the 80286 CPU 2 months after its release.

In fairness, Tandy wasn't the only casualty of the 80186. Other computers that were built on that format, mostly from Europe, such as the Compis and the Dulmont Magnum were marketed with the CP/M operating system suffered the same fate. If you had a machine based on those systems the only thing that could realistically run on them was the CP/M operating system, but software was scarce, at least with MS-DOS you had some options with software.
In the end the computer was poorly supported by Radio Shack; eventually the remaining unsold computers were converted into the first Radio Shack Terminals (which, oddly enough, had been one of the original backup plans for the original TRS-80 Model 1). The Tandy 2000 computer was the only computer sold by Radio Shack that had both logos on the case "Tandy" and "TRS-80". The Tandy 2000 computer was the first to have the "Tandy" logo on it.


NAME  2000
MANUFACTURER  Tandy Radio Shack
TYPE  Professional Computer
YEAR  december 1981
KEYBOARD  full stroke keyboard, 90 keys
CPU  Intel 80186
CO-PROCESSOR  optional Intel 8087 math. co-processor
RAM  256 KB (up to 768 KB)
the BIOS checks for up to 896k of RAM, although it's not clear if add-on boards were ever made to support that much
VRAM  Unknown
TEXT MODES  40 x 25, 80 x 25
GRAPHIC MODES  640x400 with 16 colours
COLORS  16 colours
SOUND  Unknown
SIZE / WEIGHT  19 x 16 x 6 / 26.5 lbs
I/O PORTS  4 internal expansion slots, monochrome video output (DIN8), Serial connector (DB25 F), Centronics/Parallel connector (34 pin header)
BUILT IN MEDIA  2 x 5.25'' disk-drives (720 KB, DS 80 Track)
OS  MS-DOS 2.0
POWER SUPPLY  Built-in power supply
PRICE  $2999 (USA, 1983)



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