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布鲁斯·斯特林 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

布鲁斯·斯特林(Bruce Sterling),世界著名的科幻作家、未来预言家和未来派画家,Viridian设计积极参与者。《圣火光环》,《黑客攻击》(Holy Fire,The Hacker Crackdown)的作者;有线网络日志作者。“电脑朋克”(Cyberpunk)词汇的共同创始人之一。也是电脑朋克运动旗手之一。

布鲁斯·斯特林1954年出生于美国德克萨斯州,现定居在德克萨斯的奥斯汀。作品包括《回旋海》(Involution Ocean,1977)、《人造孩子》(The Artificial Kid,1980)、《分裂矩阵》(Schismatrix,1985)、《网络岛》(Islands in the Net,1988)、《阴天》(Heavy Weather,1994)、《圣火》(Holy Fire,1996)等以及大量短篇小说。

作为赛伯朋克的代表人物之一,斯特林的名气主要来自他作为赛伯朋克理论发言人的角色。他在电视、报刊等传统媒体上不停地露面,对推动赛伯朋克的发展起了很大作用。他还是赛伯朋克的经典地下刊物《廉价的真相》(Cheap Truth)的创办者。该杂志培养了一大批赛伯朋克作家。

Michael Bruce Sterling (born April 14, 1954) is an American science fiction author, best known for his novels and his seminal work on the Mirrorshades anthology, which helped define the cyberpunk genre.




(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

Bruce Sterling

Born April 14, 1954 (1954-04-14) (age 55)
Pen name Vincent Omniaveritas (in fanzine Cheap Truth)
Occupation Writer, speaker, futurist, design instructor
Nationality American
Writing period 1970s-present
Genres Science fiction
Subjects Cyberpunk
Literary movement Cyberpunk/postcyberpunk


Sterling is, along with William Gibson, Rudy Rucker, John Shirley, Lewis Shiner, and Pat Cadigan, one of the founders of the cyberpunk movement in science fiction, as well as its chief ideological promulgator, and one whose polemics on the topic earned him the nickname "Chairman Bruce".[citation needed] He was also one of the first organizers of the Turkey City Writer's Workshop, and is a frequent attendee at the Sycamore Hill Writer's Workshop. He won Hugo Awards for his novelettes "Bicycle Repairman" and "Taklamakan".

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

His first novel, Involution Ocean, published in 1977, features the world Nullaqua where all the atmosphere is contained in a single, miles-deep crater; the story concerns a ship sailing on the ocean of dust at the bottom, which hunts creatures called dustwhales that live beneath the surface. It is partially a science-fictional pastiche of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.

From the late 1970s onwards, Sterling wrote a series of stories set in the Shaper/Mechanist universe: the solar system is colonised, with two major warring factions. The Mechanists use a great deal of computer-based mechanical technologies; the Shapers do genetic engineering on a massive scale. The situation is complicated by the eventual contact with alien civilizations; humanity eventually splits into many subspecies, with the implication that many of these effectively vanish from the galaxy, reminiscent of The Singularity in the works of Vernor Vinge. The Shaper/Mechanist stories can be found in the collection Crystal Express and the collection Schismatrix Plus, which contains the original novel Schismatrix and all of the stories set in the Shaper/Mechanist universe. Alastair Reynolds identified Schismatrix and the other Shaper/Mechanist stories as one of the greatest influences on his own work.

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

Bruce Sterling at the Open Cultures conference (5 June 2003)In the 1980s, Sterling edited the science fiction critical fanzine Cheap Truth, under the alias of Vincent Omniaveritas. He wrote a column called Catscan, for the now-defunct science fiction critical magazine, SF Eye.

He recently contributed a chapter to Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture (The MIT Press, 2008) edited by Paul D. Miller a.k.a. DJ Spooky.

From April 2009 through May 2009, he was an editor at Cool Tools.

He has been the instigator of three projects which can be found on the Web -

The Dead Media Project - A collection of "research notes" on dead media technologies, from Incan quipus, through Victorian phenakistoscopes, to the departed video game and home computers of the 1980s. The Project's homepage, including Sterling's original Dead Media Manifesto can be found at http://www.deadmedia.org/
The Viridian Design Movement - his attempt to create a "green" design movement focused on high-tech, stylish, and ecologically sound design.[3] The Viridian Design home page, including Sterling's Viridian Manifesto and all of his Viridian Notes, is managed by Jon Lebkowsky at http://www.viridiandesign.org/. The Viridian Movement helped to spawn the popular "bright green" environmental weblog Worldchanging. WorldChanging contributors include many of the original members of the Viridian "curia".

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

Embrace the Decay - a web-only art piece commissioned by the LA Museum of Contemporary Art in 2003.[4] Incorporating contributions solicited through The Viridian Design 'movement', Embrace the Decay was the most visited piece/page at LA MOCA's Digital Gallery, and included contributions from Jared Tarbell of levitated.net and co-author of several books on advanced Flash programming, and Monty Zukowski, creator of the winning 'decay algorithm' sponsored by Bruce.

Sterling has a habit of coining neologisms to describe things which he believes will be common in the future, especially items which already exist in limited numbers.

In the December 2005 issue of Wired magazine, Sterling coined the term buckyjunk. Buckyjunk refers to future, difficult-to-recycle consumer waste made of carbon nanotubes (aka buckytubes, based on buckyballs or buckminsterfullerene).
In July 1989, in SF Eye #5, he was the first to use the word "slipstream" to refer to a type of speculative fiction between traditional science fiction and fantasy and mainstream literature.
In December 1999 he coined the term "Wexelblat disaster", for a disaster caused when a natural disaster triggers a secondary, and more damaging, failure of human technology.
In August 2004 he suggested a type of technological device (he called it "spime") that, through pervasive RFID and GPS tracking, can track its history of use and interact with the world.
In the speech where he offered "spime", he noted that the term "blobject", with which he is sometimes credited, was passed on to him by industrial designer Karim Rashid. The term may originally have been coined by Steven Skov Holt.



(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

Involution Ocean (1977)
A science fiction version of Moby Dick, set in a deep crater filled with dust instead of water, featuring an impossible romance between the protagonist and an alien woman. The book was published as part of a series of books by new authors discovered by Harlan Ellison and was marketed as such.
The Artificial Kid (1980)
A novel about a young street fighter who continuously films himself using remote controlled cameras.
Schismatrix (1985)
Nebula Award nominee, 1985[7]; British Science Fiction Association Award nominee, 1986[8]
The twenty third century solar system is divided among two human factions: the "Shapers" who are employing genetics and psychology, and the "Mechanists" who use computers and body prosthetics. The novel is narrated from the viewpoint of Abelard Lindsay, a brilliant diplomat who makes history many times throughout the story.
Islands in the Net (1988)
Campbell Award winner, 1989[9]; Hugo Award nominee, 1989[9]; Locus SF Award nominee, 1989[9]
A view of an early twenty first century world apparently peaceful with delocalised, networking corporations. The protagonist, swept up in events beyond her control, finds herself in the places off the net, from a datahaven in Grenada, to a Singapore under terrorist attack, and the poorest and most disaster-struck part of Africa.
The Difference Engine (1990) (with William Gibson)
(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

BSFA Award nominee, 1990[10]; Nebula Award nominee, 1991[11]; Campbell Award nominee, 1992[12]
A steampunk alternate history novel set in a Victorian Great Britain in the throes of a steam-driven computer revolution.
Heavy Weather (1994)
Follows high-tech storm chasers in the American midwest where greenhouse warming has made tornadoes far more energetic than the present day.
Holy Fire (1996)
BSFA Award nominee, 1996[13]; Hugo Award nominee, 1997[14]; Locus SF Award nominee, 1997[14]
Set in a world of steadily increasing longevity (gerontocracy), a newly rejuvenated American woman drifts through the marginalised subculture of European young artists while dealing with the implications of posthumanism.
Distraction (1998)
Campbell Award nominee, 1999[15]; Hugo Award nominee, 1999[15]; Locus SF Award nominee, 1999[15]; Clarke Award winner, 2000[16]
A master political strategist and a genius genetic researcher find love as they fight an insane Louisiana governor for control of a high-tech scientific facility in a post-collapse United States. US editions: ISBN 0-553-10484-5 (hardcover), ISBN 0-553-57639-9 (paperback).
Zeitgeist (2000)
(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

Locus SF Award nominee, 2001[17]
A girl group à la the Spice Girls tours the Middle East under the direction of trickster Leggy Starlitz. Explores a world in which postmodernism and deconstructionism were literally true in their postulation of reality as a malleable major consensus narrative.
The Zenith Angle (2004)
A techno-thriller about a cyber-security expert who goes to work for the U.S. government fighting terrorism after 9/11.
Kiosk (2007)
The Caryatids (February 2009)
Three women, clones of a Balkan war criminal living on a space station, may be able to rescue the earth from environmental collapse in 2060.[18]

Short story collections
Mirrorshades: A Cyberpunk Anthology (1986) - defining cyberpunk short story collection, edited by Bruce Sterling; ISBN 0-441-53382-5
"The Gernsback Continuum" by William Gibson
"Snake-Eyes" by Tom Maddox
"Rock On" by Pat Cadigan
"Tales of Houdini" by Rudy Rucker
"400 Boys" by Marc Laidlaw
"Solstice" by James Patrick Kelly

(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

"Petra" by Greg Bear
"Till Human Voices Wake Us" by Lewis Shiner
"Freezone" by John Shirley
"Stone Lives" by Paul Di Filippo
"Red Star, Winter Orbit" by Bruce Sterling, William Gibson
"Mozart in Mirrorshades" by Bruce Sterling, Lewis Shiner
Crystal Express (1989) - a collection of short stories, including several set in the Shaper/Mechanist universe; ISBN 0-87054-158-7
"Spider Rose"
"Cicada Queen"
"Sunken Gardens"
"Twenty Evocations"
"Green Days in Brunei"
"The Beautiful and the Sublime"
"The Little Magic Shop"
"Flowers of Edo"
"Dinner in Audoghast"
Globalhead (1992, paperback 1994); ISBN 0-553-56281-9
(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

"Our Neural Chernobyl"
"Storming the Cosmos"
"The Compassionate, the Digital"
"Jim and Irene"
"The Sword of Damocles"
"The Gulf Wars"
"The Shores of Bohemia"
"The Moral Bullet"
"The Unthinkable"
"We See Things Differently"
"Hollywood Kremlin"
"Are You for 86?"
"Dori Bangs"
A Good Old-fashioned Future (1999); ISBN 1-85798-710-1
"Maneki Neko"
"Big Jelly" (with Rudy Rucker)
"The Littlest Jackal"
"Sacred Cow"
"Deep Eddy"
Bicycle Repairman"
Visionary in Residence (2006); ISBN 1-56025-841-1
(图)Bruce Sterling作品Bruce Sterling作品

"In Paradise"
"Homo Sapiens Declared Extinct"
"Ivory Tower"
"Message Found in a Bottle"
"The Growthing"
"The Scab's Progress"
"Junk DNA"
"The Necropolis of Thebes"
"The Blemmye's Stratagem"
"The Denial"

The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (1992) - about the panic of law enforcers in the late 1980s about 'hackers' and the raid on Steve Jackson Games as part of Operation Sun Devil. Spectra Books, ISBN 0-553-56370-X. Reasoning that the book had a naturally time-limited commercial life, he has made the text of the book freely available via Project Gutenberg (HTML version).
Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the next fifty years (2002) - a popular science approach on futurology, reflecting technology, politics and culture of the next 50 years. Readers of Sterling will recognize many issues from books like Zeitgeist, Distraction or Holy Fire. ISBN 0679463224
Shaping Things (2005) is a "book about created objects", i.e. a lengthy essay about design, things and how we will move from the age of products and gizmos to the age of spimes (a Sterling neologism). The 150-pages book covers issues like "intelligent things" (spiked with RFID-tags), sustainability and "fabbing". MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-69326-7.



(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling


  黑客英雄:《玲音》(Serial Experiments Lain)中的玲音。赛博朋克作者试图从侦探小说、黑色电影和后现代主义中汲取元素,描绘20世纪最后20年数码化社会不为人知的一面。赛博朋克的反乌托邦世界,被认为是20世界中叶大部分人所设想的乌托邦未来的对立面。

  布鲁斯·斯特灵(Bruce Sterling)这样总结赛博朋克的特质:待人如待鼠,所有对鼠的措施都可以同等地施加给人。闭上眼拒绝思考并不能使这个惨不忍睹的画面消失。


  赛博朋克的世界,人类生活每一个细节都受计算机网络控制的黑暗地带。庞大的跨国公司取代政府成为权力的中心。被孤立的局外人针对极权主义体系的战斗是科幻小说常见的主题。在传统的科幻小说中,这些体系井然有秩,受国家控制;然而在赛博朋克中,作者展示出国家的公司王国(corporatocracy)的丑恶弱点, 以及对现实不抱幻想的人对强权发起的无休止的西绪弗恩之战(Sisyphean battle)。

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling














(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

  威廉·吉布森(William Gibson)的“扩张三部曲”威廉·吉布森由于他的小说神经浪游者(1984年)而通常被人们与赛博朋克联系起来。他注重风格、角色成长以及传统科幻小说的氛围,神经浪游者曾被授予雨果奖及星云奖。根据术语档案(Jargon File),吉布森对计算机和当今黑客文化认识不深,使他对计算机和黑客在将来的角色有着特别的推测,而这种看法对黑客们来说天真的令人愤怒,却又令他们感到非常刺激。

  其他著名的赛博朋克作家包括布鲁斯·斯特令(Bruce Sterling)、鲁迪·鲁克(Rudy Rucker)、帕特·卡蒂甘(Pat Cadigan)、杰夫·努恩(Jeff Noon)以及尼尔·斯蒂芬森Neal Stephenson)。值得一提的是斯蒂芬森,他被认为是后赛博朋克(postcyberpunk)的代表,尽管大多数人认为这个区分很没必要。

  雷蒙德·钱德勒(Raymond Chandler)因他荒凉的笔触、愤世嫉俗的世界观和残断的文字,强烈地影响了此流派的作者。赛博朋克的世界是一个反乌托邦的、黑色电影(film noir)的绝望世界。菲利普·蒂克(Philip K. Dick)对此流派也有很大影响。他的作品主题包括社会荒颓、人工智能、偏执狂以及现实及某种虚拟现实间模糊的界限。


(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling


“蒸汽朋克”这一概念最早出现在威廉·福特·吉勃逊[William Ford Gibson]与其朋友布鲁斯·史得灵[Bruce Sterling]于1991年合著的一本关于平行历史的科幻小说《The Difference Engine》中,它根植于一个看似荒诞的简单假设,作者假设“要是在后维多利亚时期,以蒸汽为动力的机械计算机就已经被证实为可行的话……”展现一个平行于19世纪西方世界的架空世界观,努力营造它的虚构和怀旧等特点,从此而展开一段似虚似实的精彩故事。

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling


互联网常被形容为“功能无政府主义”。这个词是由科幻小说家Bruce Sterling传播开的。这种描述相当精确。整个网就象一群在商厦闲逛的小孩子。谁都不会告诉谁做什么,怎么做,但他们却总爱凑在一块儿。除偶尔有个性引起的冲突外,一切都平安无事。不过,请注意,是什么使这种状态得以存在?因为有爸爸妈妈提供一切费用。互联网正是如此。它让人不必担心帐单,令人自由得忘乎所以。互联网就完全是在这种状态中发展起来的一种社会技术实体。

(图)Bruce SterlingBruce Sterling

OpenSpime来自于布鲁斯·斯特林(Bruce Sterling)首创的词汇“spime”,意即“一个物体能够通过空间(space)和时间(time)来进行远程跟踪的物体。”

智能对象(Smart Objects)

这个趋势在Bruce Sterling的《Distraction》一书中被谈及,Bruce在书中描述了一个旅馆,它能够指导主人建造它自己。我们每天遇到的日常生活对象,都将会天然具备初步的智能。

更重要的是,这些对象将会彼此连接 起来。我们不会期望草莓果酱有很高的智能,但我们会期待,它至少知道你目前所居住的移动房子里有哪些种类的面包和花生黄油,能够监测这所房子是否和其它系统运行一致,能够建议它自己出现在主人当前需要的食品解决方案中,能够提供相关的食物指导,或者,至少在周围房子和你的谈话中添加上自己那一部分。



2000 Clarke Award winner for the novel Distraction[
1999 Hayakawa Award winner Taklamakan Best Foreign Short Story
1999 Hugo Award winner for the novellette Taklamakan
1997 Hugo Award winner for the novelette Bicycle Repairman
1989 Campbell Award winner for the novel Islands in the Net


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