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托马斯·捷·瑞安 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

(图)The Adolescence of P-1The Adolescence of P-1


1977年夏天,托马斯·捷·瑞安(Thomas.J.Ryan)的科幻小说《P-1的春天》(The Adolescence of P-1)成为美国的畅销书,作者在这本书中描写了一种可以在计算机中互相传染的病毒,病毒最后控制了 7,000 台计算机,造成了一场灾难。 虚拟科幻小说世界中的东西,在几年后终于逐渐开始成为电脑使用者的噩梦。后来,加拿大以此拍了一部叫做《捉迷藏》(Hide and Seek)的电视电影,获得了不错的评价,在IMDB上得分高达8.9分。

  而差不多在同一时间,美国著名的AT&T贝尔实验室中,三个年轻人在工作之余,很无聊的玩起一种游戏:彼此撰写出能够吃掉别人程序的程序来互相作战。这个叫做“磁芯大战“(core war)的游戏,进一步将电脑病毒“感染性“的概念体现出来。




Thomas Joseph Ryan, born 1942, is a Canadian author.

Ryan moved into the USA and worked as a computer troubleshooter. Living in Garden Grove, California in 1977 he wrote his most known work, the science fiction novel The Adolescence of P-1. The story is one of the earliest fictional depictions of a computer virus and how it intelligently can spread through a computer network.


Thomas J. Ryan:The Adolescence of P-1 (1977) ISBN 0026065002, ISBN 0020248806, ISBN 0671559702

The Adolescence of P-1编辑本段回目录

The Adolescence of P-1 is a 1977 science fiction novel by Thomas J. Ryan, published by Macmillan Publishing, and in 1984 adapted into a Canadian-made TV film entitled "Hide and Seek". It features a hacker who creates an artificial intelligence named P-1, which goes rogue and takes over computers in its desire to survive and seek out its creator. The book questions the value of human life, and what it means to be human. It is one of the first fictional depictions of the nature of a computer virus and how it can spread through a computer system, although predated by John Brunner's The Shockwave Rider.


The story starts in 1974 with the protagonist, Gregory Burgess, enrolled at Waterloo University in Canada. At the time Greg is aimless, taking various liberal arts courses and doing just well enough not to get kicked out of school. Everything changes one day when his friends introduce him to the IBM System/360 mainframe and he becomes "hooked", changing his major to computer science. During this time he also meets his on-again-off-again girlfriend, Linda, a minor recurring character.

After reading a Scientific American article on game theory outlining how to "teach" matchboxes to play tic-tac-toe, he becomes interested in using artificial intelligence techniques to crack systems. After manually cracking the university's 360 he sets aside a portion of memory to experiment in, calling it "P-1", suitably cryptic so operators would not notice it. He then uses this area of memory as an experimental scratchpad to develop a program known as The System. The System follows any telecommunications links it can find to other computers, attempting to compromise them in the same way, and remembering failed attempts to tune future attacks. If successful, The System sets up another P-1 on that computer, and injects itself and everything it has learned so far into it.

Greg runs The System on the 360/30 at Waterloo, but it fails and after it is detected he is expelled. Unwilling to simply drop it, he then rents time on commercial timesharing systems to improve the program, adding features to make it avoid detection so he won't get kicked off with the next failure. A longish command typed into the command line returns current statistics on the number of systems infected and their total core memory. After several attempts the program is finally successful, and realizing the system has succeeded and is beginning to spread, he injects a "killer" program to shut it down. It stops responding to him, so he considers the experiment successful and terminated.

P-1's growth and education is chronicled. P-1 learns, adapts, and discovers the telephone system switching systems. These systems allow P-1 to grow larger and understand its vulnerabilities (power failures and humans). It learns that it needs a way of maintaining self over time. Through a series of interactions P-1 discovers, Pi-Delta, a triplexed 360/105 in a super secure facility capable of being self sustaining for long periods of time, operated by the US Government. P-1 seeks to control Pi-Delta but, due to security protocols and process put in place, P-1 is not able to take direct control of it. P-1 believes that having a system like Pi-Delta with more memory in such a secure facility is key to its long term survival. Yet P-1 knows that to obtain access to more memory in such a facility will require assistance of a human, someone like Gregory.

The book then jumps forward three years to 1977, with Gregory now working for a commercial programming firm in the United States. His boss receives a message asking him to call Gregory to the operator terminal. Initially thinking it is another person using a chat program from a remote site, Greg soon realizes that it is in fact P-1, and types in the status command and is told that it has taken over almost every computer in the US (somewhat dated with 20,000 mainframes with a total of 5800MB), and is now fully sentient and able to converse fluently in English. P-1 explains that the basic ideas of looking for more resources and avoiding detection were similar enough to hunger and fear to bootstrap the AI, and when combined with enough computer storage in the form of compromised machines, it became self-aware.

P-1 tells Greg that he has learned of a new type of experimental high-speed computer memory, "Crysto", that will dramatically improve his own capabilities. Not only is it faster than core, but it is also so large that the entire P-1 "networked" program could be fit inside it. P-1 then provides Greg grant money to work full time on Crysto. Greg, and his wife Linda (old girl friend from Waterloo), set up a company to develop Crysto, enticing the original developer (Dr. Hundley) to join them in building a then-unimaginable 4 GB unit.

A Navy Criminal Investigation Division agent Burke, assigned to investigate the penetration of Pi-Delta, a top secret global battle simulator and cryptography computer, figures out the intruder is a program and finds Gregory. Under threat of arrest and imprisonment, Gregory and Dr. Hundley go to the Pi-Delta facility and persuade P-1 to act as a security monitor for the complex. P-1 compiles detailed and accurate personality profiles of all the people it interacts with and decides that Burke is ultimately dangerous. A flight control computer screen is altered so that the operator gives bad flight commands. Burke's plane plunges into the ground.

The US military decides that P-1 is flaky and unstable and attacks the building. P-1 attempts to "spirit away" over microwave links, but this is discovered and the antennas are destroyed. An assault on the underground facility follows, which P-1 initially attempts to block by exploding devices planted around the building for self-defense against precisely this sort of assault. P-1 is eventually convinced to allow the assault to succeed to avoid loss of life. As soon as they enter the computer room, the soldiers start setting up explosives to destroy P-1, and Gregory is killed when he attempts to prevent this. Upset that Gregory is killed, P-1 detonates the remaining explosives in the building, destroying everything.

Months later, Linda visits the Waterloo computer lab, and sadly presses the keys P and 1 on a terminal. She starts to leave when the terminal clatters and she sees printed "oolcay itay" Pig Latin.


计算机病毒是八十年代计算机飞速发展带来的结果,计算机病毒这一名词起因于在计算机上传染的有害程序与生物学中病毒的相似性,该名词起源于1977年出版的、由Thomas J. Ryan写的一本美国科幻小说《p-1的青春》。人体病毒入侵活的细胞后,就把它转变成制造病毒的工厂。而计算机病毒是一些小程序,它们把自己的一个副本附加到另一个程序上面进行复制。





(图)The Adolescence of P-1The Adolescence of P-1

1975 年,美国科普作家约翰·布鲁勒尔 (John Brunner) 写了一本名为《震荡波骑士》(Shock Wave Rider) 的书,该书第一次描写了在信息社会中,计算机作为正义和邪恶双方斗争的工具的故事,成为当年最佳畅销书之一。

1977 年夏天,托马斯·捷·瑞安 (Thomas.J.Ryan) 的科幻小说《P-1的春天》(The Adolescence of P-1) 成为美国的畅销书,作者在这本书中描写了一种可以在计算机中互相传染的病毒,病毒最后控制了 7,000 台计算机,造成了一场灾难。

1983 年 11 月 3 日,弗雷德·科恩 (Fred Cohen) 博士研制出一种在运行过程中可以复制自身的破坏性程序,伦·艾德勒曼 (Len Adleman) 将它命名为计算机病毒(computer viruses),并在每周一次的计算机安全讨论会上正式提出,8 小时后专家们在 VAX11/750 计算机系统上运行,第一个病毒实验成功,一周后又获准进行 5 个实验的演示,从而在实验上验证了计算机病毒的存在。

1986 年初,在巴基斯坦的拉合尔 (Lahore),巴锡特 (Basit) 和阿姆杰德(Amjad) 两兄弟经营着一家 IBM-PC 机及其兼容机的小商店。他们编写了Pakistan 病毒,即Brain。在一年内流传到了世界各地。

1988 年 3 月 2 日,一种苹果机的病毒发作,这天受感染的苹果机停止工作,只显示“向所有苹果电脑的使用者宣布和平的信息”。以庆祝苹果机生日。

1988 年 11 月 2 日,美国六千多台计算机被病毒感染,造成 Internet不能正常运行。这是一次非常典型的计算机病毒入侵计算机网络的事件,迫使美国政府立即作出反应,国防部成立了计算机应急行动小组。这次事件中遭受攻击的包括 5 个计算机中心和 12 个地区结点,连接着政府、大学、研究所和拥有政府合同的 250,000 台计算机。这次病毒事件,计算机系统直接经济损失达 9600 万美元。这个病毒程序设计者是罗伯特·莫里斯 (Robert T.Morris),当年 23 岁,是在康乃尔 (Cornell) 大学攻读学位的研究生。

罗伯特·莫里斯设计的病毒程序利用了系统存在的弱点。由于罗伯特·莫里斯成了入侵 ARPANET 网的最大的电子入侵者,而获准参加康乃尔大学的毕业设计,并获得哈佛大学 Aiken 中心超级用户的特权。他也因此被判 3 年缓刑,罚款 1 万美元,他还被命令进行 400 小时的新区服务。

1988 年底,在我国的国家统计部门发现小球病毒。



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同义词: The Adolescence of P-1,Thomas Joseph Ryan,Thomas J. Ryan,《P-1的春天》,《P-1的青春期》

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