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格里戈尔·毛西尔 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


格里戈尔·毛西尔(Grigore C.Moisil)是罗马尼亚杰出的数学家,尤其是在数理逻辑方面有卓越贡献。后来,他又献身于计算机科学,推动了罗马尼亚研制成最早的计算机。他因此而荣获计算机先驱奖。

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil

    毛西尔1906年1月10日生于罗马尼亚东部靠近黑海的多布罗地区,与乌克兰接壤的图尔恰(Tulcea)。他最初的学科领域是数学,尤其是代数学,是布加勒斯特大学最著名的数学教授之一。后来,他的兴趣逐渐转向数理逻辑和计算机科学,甚至对硬件——晶体管电路也发生了浓厚的兴趣,并且对它进行了深入研究,1962年编写出版了《晶体管电》一书(circuite cu tranzistori),不但在罗马尼亚有很大影响,还被翻译成俄文和捷克文出版。这对于一位数学家来说是很不简单的,同时也说明了毛西尔的开拓精神和深厚学术功底。

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil

20世纪50年代,毛西尔提出了有限自动机的一种新的结构理论,为完善和深化计算机的理论模型作出了贡献。他还提出了他称之为“三价卢卡兹维奇代数”(trivalent Lukasziewiczian algebra)的一种新形态的代数学,可用于开关电路的分析。这些对于当时计算机科学的发展都起了积极的推动作用。在他的建议和积极活动下,罗马尼亚科学院物理研究所艰难地,然而毕竟扎扎实实地迈出了研制计算机的第一步,名为CIFA—1的罗马尼亚第一台计算机完成于1957年,由物理研究所自己使用;其后又陆续制成CIFA—2和CIFA—3,其中一台归布加勒斯特大学使用。在东欧国家中,罗马尼亚是最早与西方国家开展技术合作的国家之一,1970年,它就与法国国际信息公司合作,生产出FELEXC—256/512计算机,C—256性能相当于IBM 370/135,C—512相当于IBM 370/145。20世纪70年代我国曾从罗马尼亚引进一批FELEX计算机,用过这种计算机的我国计算机工作者大概还记忆犹新。

    毛西尔除在布加勒斯特大学工作外,还在欧洲和北美的许多大学作兼职教授或客座教授。他除了是罗马尼亚科学院院士外,还是意大利波伦亚科学院(Academy of Bologna)院士。他的著作很多,除了前面提到的《晶体管电路》外,影响较大的还有:

    《新经典逻辑中的新、旧方法》(Incercari vechi si noi in logica neo—clasica,1953)

    《自动机的代数理论》(Teoria algebrica a mecanismelor automate,1959)

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil

    1972年,布达佩斯的RSR出版社把毛西尔有关逻辑学的论文汇编成册,厚达820页,书名为Essais sur les logiques non chrysippiennes。第二年的5月21日,毛西尔不幸在加拿大的渥太华去世。为纪念这位伟大的学者,罗马尼亚在1976年编辑出版了他的数学文集——Opera mathematica,1978年出版了他的传记——Grigore C.Moisil:ScurtaBiografie。

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil


 “最具威力的爆发不是甲苯燃烧,也不是原子弹爆炸,而是人类的思维。”(The most powerful explosive is not the toluene,neither the atomicbomb,but the human idea.)

   “科学进行报复就像妇人(报复)那样,不在你攻击她的时候,而在你轻视她的时候。”(Science takes its revenge like a woman,not when you attack it,but when you neglect it.)

   “科学可不像酒,不是愈陈愈好。”(Unlike the wine,scienceschouldn’t be 1et tO age.)

   “任何人都不应该害怕抽象的事物。事物愈抽象,它所包含的领域就愈广,就愈能应用在更多具体的情况下。”(Nobody should beafraid Of abstract things.More abstract a thing is,it includes larger fields andsO it is applicable On more concrete situations.)

   “庸人不会原谅智者表面上的肤浅而实质上的深奥。”(Mediocritydoesn’t forgive the intelligent people for being superficial in appearance andprofound in reality)



Grigore Constantin Moisil (10 January 1906 in Tulcea, Romania – 21 May 1973 in Ottawa, Canada) was a Romanian mathematician, computer pioneer, and member of the Romanian Academy. His research was mainly in the fields of mathematical logic, (Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebra), Algebraic logic, MV-algebra, algebra and differential equations. He is viewed as the father of computer science in Romania.

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil

Moisil was also a member of the Academy of Sciences in Bologna and of the International Institute of Philosophy. In 1996, the IEEE Computer Society awarded him posthumously the Computer Pioneer Award.

Grigore Moisil was born in 1906 in Tulcea into an intellectual family. His grandfather, Grigore Moisil (1814-1891), a clergyman, was one of the founders of the first Romanian high school in Năsăud. His father, Constantin Moisil (1867-1958), was a history professor, archaeologist and numismatist; as a member of the Romanian Academy, he filled the position of Director of the Numismatics Office of the Academy. His mother, Elena (1863-1949), was a teacher in Tulcea, later the director of "Maidanul Dulapului" school in Bucharest (now "Enăchiţă Văcărescu" school).

Grigore Moisil attended primary school in Bucharest, then high school in Vaslui and Bucharest (at "Spiru Haret" High School) between 1916-1922. In 1924 he was admitted at the Constructions Faculty of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and also the Mathematics Faculty of the University of Bucharest. He showed a stronger interest in mathematics, so he quit the Polytechnic University in 1929, despite already having passed all the third-year exams. In 1929 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, La mécanique analytique des systemes continus (Analytical mechanics of continuous systems), before a commission led by Gheorghe Ţiţeica, with Dimitrie Pompeiu and Anton Davidoglu as members. The thesis was published the same year by the Gauthier-Villars publishing house in Paris, and received favourable comments from Vito Volterra, Tullio Levi-Civita, and Paul Lévy.

In 1930 Moisil went to the University of Paris for further study in mathematics, which he finalized the next year with the paper On a class of systems of equations with partial derivatives from mathematical physics. In 1931 he returned to Romania, where he was appointed in a teaching position at the Mathematics Faculty of the University of Iaşi. Shortly after, he left for a one-year Rockefeller Foundation scholarship to study in Rome.

In 1932 he returned to Iaşi, where he remained for almost 10 years, developing a close relationship with professor Alexandru Myller. He taught the first modern algebra course in Romania, named Logic and theory of proof, at the University of Iaşi. During that time, he started writing a series of papers based on the works of Jan Łukasiewicz in multi-valued logic. His research in mathematical logic laid the foundation for significant work done afterwards in Romania, as well as Argentina, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. While in Iaşi, he completed research remarkable for the many new ideas and for his way of finding and using new connections between concepts from different areas of mathematics. He was promoted to Full Professor in November 1939.

In 1941, a position of professor at the University of Bucharest opened up, and Moisil applied for it. However, Gheorghe Vrânceanu, Dan Barbilian, and Miron Nicolescu also applied for the position, and Vrânceanu got it. Moisil approached the Ministry of Education, arguing that it would be a great opportunity for mathematics in Romania if all four could be appointed. As a result of his appeal, all four mathematicians were hired. Moisil moved to Bucharest, where he became a Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics (later the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science) at the University of Bucharest, on December 30, 1941.

(图)Grigore C.MoisilGrigore C.Moisil

From 1946 to 1948, Moisil took a leave of absence, being named plenipotentiary envoy to Ankara. While in Turkey, he gave several series of mathematics lectures at Istanbul University and Istanbul Technical University.

In 1948, he resumed teaching at the University of Bucharest. That same year, he was elected to the Romanian Academy, and a member of the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy. After 1965, one of his outstanding students-- George Georgescu -- worked closely with him in multi-valued logics, and after the emergence of Romania from dictatorship in 1989, he became a Professor of mathematics and logic at the same university and department in 1991[1]. His student also published extensive, original work on algebraic logic, MV-algebra, Algebra, Algebraic topology, categories of MV-algebras, category theory and Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebra.

Moisil published papers on mechanics, mathematical analysis, geometry, algebra and mathematical logic. He developed a multi-dimensional extension of Pompeiu's areolar derivative, and studied monogenic functions of one hypercomplex variable with applications to mechanics. Moisil also introduced some many-valued algebras, which he called Łukasiewicz algebras (now also named Łukasiewicz-Moisil algebras), and used them in logic and the study of automata theory. He created new methods to analyze finite automata, and had many contributions to the field of automata theory in algebra.

Moisil had important contributions in the creation of the first Romanian computers. He played a fundamental role in the development of computer science in Romania, and in raising the first generations of Romanian computer scientists. In 1996, he was awarded posthumously the Computer Pioneer Award by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.


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