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约翰·贝尔德 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

约翰·罗杰·贝尔德(John Logie Baird,1888年8月13日-1946年6月14日)是工程师及发明家,是电动机械电视系统的发明人。

(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird

他的其他发明贡献包括发展光纤、无线电测向仪、红外线夜视镜及雷达。贝尔德出生于苏格兰阿盖尔的海伦堡。他早期在海伦堡的拉知菲学校(Larchfield School)受教育。拉知菲学校先为罗门学校(Lomond School)一部分。之后贝尔德先后于格拉斯哥和西苏格兰技术学院(史特拉斯克莱德大学前身)格拉斯哥大学学习。然而,因为第一次世界大战,贝尔德并没完成他的学位。1925年,贝尔德在伦敦Selfridges百货公司首次作公众示范。他成功将1931年叶森打吡首次作电视直播。

约翰·贝尔德(Baird,John Logie)(1888~1946),英国工程师。机械式扫描电视发明者。1888年8月13日生于苏格兰赫林斯,1946 年6月14日卒于滨海贝克斯希尔。曾就学于格拉斯哥大学, 因第一次世界大战爆发而辍学。1922年贝尔德用饼干筒、透镜、钾光电管、玩具马达并用尼普科夫圆盘(见尼普科夫)等组成电视发射设备和接收设备进行实验。1924 年贝尔德在数米的短距离内实现图像传输。1925年1月 27日,他在伦敦英国科学研究所展示了这套设备并进行了发射和接收的公开实验。1927年通过电话线在相距数百公里的伦敦与格拉斯哥之间进行了图像传输,1928年在伦敦与纽约间成功地进行了电视收发试验,1929年英国广播公司开始机械电视试播。此后,贝尔德还对彩色电视、日光电视、立体电视、大屏幕电视进行了研究。





(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


   接着,一九一五年,美国的坎贝尔研制成功LC滤波器;肖特基研制成帘栅管;米兰尔研制出高真空三极管。一九一八年,美国的斯托勒研制成电子稳压器;法国科学家朗之万(1872~ 1946)发现压电效应可使石英振动,制成了石英电压振荡器,用作超声源。一九一九年,美国赫尔发明了磁控管。



   就在赫兹发现电磁波的那一年,也就是一八八八年,约翰·洛奇·贝尔德(John Logie Baird, 1888~ 1946)生于英国的苏格兰的赫林斯伯拉。曾在英国皇家技术学院、格拉斯哥大学学习。



(图)John Logie Baird塑像John Logie Baird塑像





(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird






John Logie Baird (August 13, 1888 – June 14, 1946) was a Scottish engineer and inventor of the world's first working television system, also the world's first ever colour broadcast. Although Baird's electromechanical system was eventually displaced by purely electronic systems (such as those of Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth), his early successes demonstrating working television broadcasts and his colour and cinema television work earn him a prominent place in television's invention.

(图)John Logie Baird(站立者)John Logie Baird(站立者)

Baird was born in Helens burgh, Argyll, Scotland. He was educated at Larchfield Academy (now part of Lomond School), Helensburgh; the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College (which later became the University of Strathclyde); and the University of Glasgow. His degree course was interrupted by World War I and he never returned to graduate.

Although the development of television was the result of work by many inventors, Baird was its foremost pioneer and made major advances in the field. He is credited with being the first person to produce a live, moving, duotone (or "greyscale") television image from reflected light. Baird achieved this, where other inventors had failed, by obtaining a better photoelectric cell and improving the signal conditioning from the photocell and the video amplifier.

In his first attempts to develop a working television system, Baird experimented with the Nipkow disk, and in February 1924 demonstrated to the Radio Times that a semi-mechanical analogue television system was possible by transmitting moving silhouette images in his London laboratory. Baird gave the first public demonstration of moving silhouette images by television at Selfridges department store in London in a three-week series of demonstrations beginning on March 25, 1925.

In his laboratory on October 2, 1925, Baird successfully transmitted the first television picture with a greyscale image: the head of a ventriloquist's dummy nicknamed "Stooky Bill" in a 30-line vertically scanned image, at five pictures per second.[1] Baird went downstairs and fetched an office worker, 20-year-old William Edward Taynton, to see what a human face would look like, and Taynton became the first person to be televised in a full tonal range

(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird

On January 26, 1926 Baird repeated the transmission for members of the Royal Institution and a reporter from The Times in his laboratory at 22 Frith Street in the Soho district of London[3]. By this time he had improved the scan rate to 12.5 pictures per second. It was the world's first demonstration of a true television system, one that could broadcast live moving images with tone graduation.

He demonstrated the world's first colour transmission on July 3, 1928, using scanning discs at the transmitting and receiving ends with three spirals of apertures, each spiral with a filter of a different primary colour; and three light sources at the receiving end, with a commutator to alternate their illumination. That same year he also demonstrated stereoscopic television. In 1932, he was the first to demonstrate ultra-short wave transmission.

In 1927, Baird transmitted a long-distance television signal over 438 miles (705 km) of telephone line between London and Glasgow; Baird transmitted the world's first long-distance television pictures to the Central Hotel at Glasgow Central Station.[4] He then set up the Baird Television Development Company Ltd, which in 1928 made the first transatlantic television transmission, from London to Hartsdale, New York, and the first television programme for the BBC. In November 1929, Baird and Bernard Natan established France's first television company, Télévision-Baird-Natan. He televised the first live transmission of the Epsom Derby in 1931. He demonstrated a theatre television system, with a screen two feet by five feet (60 cm by 150 cm), in 1930 at the London Coliseum, Berlin, Paris, and Stockholm.[5] By 1939 he had improved his theatre projection system to televise a boxing match on a screen 15 ft (4.6 m) by 12 ft (4.6 m by 3.7 m).[6]

From 1929 to 1932, the BBC transmitters were used to broadcast television programmes using the 30-line Baird system, and from 1932-35, the BBC also produced the programmes in their own studio at 16 Portland Place. In November 1936, the BBC began alternating Baird 240-line transmissions with EMI's electronic scanning system which had recently been improved to 405-lines after a merger with Marconi. The Baird system at the time involved an intermediate film process, where footage was shot on cinefilm which was rapidly developed and scanned. The BBC ceased broadcasts with the Baird system in February 1937, due in large part to the lack of mobility of the Baird system's cameras, with their developer tanks, hoses, and cables.[7]

Baird's television systems were replaced by the electronic television system developed by the newly-formed company EMI-Marconi under Isaac Shoenberg, which had access to patents developed by Vladimir Zworykin and RCA. Similarly, Philo T. Farnsworth's electronic "Image Dissector" camera was available to Baird's company via a patent-sharing agreement. However, the Image Dissector camera was found to be lacking in light sensitivity, requiring excessive levels of illumination. Baird's used the Farnsworth tubes instead to scan cinefilm, in which capacity they proved serviceable through prone to dropouts and other problems. Farnsworth himself came to London to Baird's Crystal Palace laboratories in 1936, but was unable to fully solve the problem; the fire that burned the Palace to the ground later that year further hampered the Baird company's ability to compete.[8]


Baird made many contributions to the field of electronic television after mechanical systems had taken a back seat. In 1939, he showed colour television using a cathode ray tube in front of which revolved a disc fitted with colour filters, a method taken up by CBS and RCA in the United States. In 1941 He patented and demonstrated a system of three dimensional television at a definition of 500 lines. On 16 August 1944 he gave the world's first demonstration of a fully electronic colour television display. His 600-line colour system used triple interlacing, using six scans to build each picture.[9] In 1943, the Hankey Committee was appointed to oversee the resumption of television broadcasts after the war. Baird persuaded them to make plans to adopt his proposed 1000-line Telechrome electronic colour system as the new post-war broadcast standard. The picture quality on this system would have been comparable to today's HDTV. The Hankey Committee's plan lost all momentum partly due to the challenges of postwar reconstruction. The monochrome 405-line standard remained in place until 1985 in some areas, and it was three decades until the introduction of the 625-line system in 1964 and (PAL) colour in 1967. A demonstration of large screen three-dimensional television by the B.B.C. was reported in March 2008, over 60 years after Baird's demonstration.

Some of Baird's early inventions were not fully successful. In his twenties he tried to create diamonds by heating graphite and shorted out Glasgow's electricity supply. Later Baird perfected a glass razor which was rust-resistant, but shattered. Inspired by pneumatic tyres he attempted to make pneumatic shoes, but his prototype contained semi-inflated balloons which burst. He also invented a thermal undersock (the Baird undersock), which was moderately successful. Baird suffered from cold feet, and after a number of trials, he found that an extra layer of cotton inside the sock provided warmth.[10]


Baird's numerous other developments demonstrated his particular talent at invention. He was a visionary and began to dabble with electricity. In 1928, he developed an early video recording device, which he dubbed Phonovision. The system consisted of a large Nipkow disk attached by a mechanical linkage to a conventional 78-rpm record-cutting lathe. The result was a disc that could record and play back a 30-line video signal. Technical difficulties with the system prevented its further development, but some of the original phonodiscs have been preserved, and have since been restored by Donald McLean, a Scottish electrical engineer.[11] His other developments were in fibre-optics, radio direction finding, infrared night viewing and radar. There is discussion about his exact contribution to the development of radar, for his wartime defence projects have never been officially acknowledged by the British government. According to Malcolm Baird, his son, what is known is that in 1926 Baird filed a patent for a device that formed images from reflected radio waves, a device remarkably similar to radar, and that he was in correspondence with the British government at the time. Much of the information regarding Baird's work in this area is just beginning to emerge.

He built what was to become the world's first working television set by purchasing an old hatbox and a pair of scissors, some darning needles, a few bicycle light lenses, a used tea chest, and sealing wax and glue.[10]

There is a working model of the Baird televisor in the London Science Museum.

From December 1944 until his death two years later, Baird lived at a house in Station Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, immediately north of the station itself.[12] Baird died in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, England on 14 June 1946 after a stroke in February of that year. The old house was demolished in 2007 and the new block of flats on the site will be called "Baird Court".



(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


  人们通常把1925年10月2日苏格兰人约翰·洛吉·贝尔德(John Logie Baird)在伦敦的一次实验中“扫描”出木偶的图像看作是电视诞生的标志,他被称做“电视之父”。但是,这种看法是有争议的。因为,也是在那一年,美国人斯福罗金(Vladimir Zworykin)在西屋公司(Westinghouse)向他的老板展示了他的电视系统。

(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird

  尽管时间相同,但约翰·洛吉·贝尔德(John Logie Baird)与斯福罗金(Vladimir Zworykin)的电视系统是有着很大差别的。史上将约翰·洛吉·贝尔德(John Logie Baird)的电视系统称做机械式电视,而斯福罗金的系统则被称为电子式电视。这种差别主要是因为传输和接收原理的不同。




(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird

  1883年,德国电气工程师尼普柯夫(Paul Nipkow)用他发明的“尼普柯夫圆盘”使用机械扫描方法,作了首次发射图像的实验,每幅画面有24行线,且图像相当模糊。“尼普柯夫圆盘”也成了电视的老祖宗。

  第一台真正意义上的电视于1925年问世,英国发明家约翰·贝尔德(John Baird)在“尼普柯夫圆盘”的基础上,发明了机械扫描式电视摄像机和接收机,并首次在相距4英尺远的地方传送了一个“十”字影像,宣告了世界首台电视的诞生,贝尔德也因此被称为“电视之父”。但机械电视存在着清晰度和灵敏度低下的致命缺陷,很快被随后出现的电子电视所取代。

  1931年,美国科学家兹沃雷金(Vladimir Kosma Zworykin)制造出比较成熟的光电摄像管,即电视摄像机,并在一次试验中将一个由240条扫描线组成的图像传送给4英里以外的一台电视机,再利用镜子把9英寸显像管的图像反射到电视机前,完成了使电视摄像与显像完全电子化的过程。随着电子技术在电视上的应用,电视开始走出实验室,进入公众生活之中,开始成为真正的信息传播媒介。而阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)也开始作为电视的核心部件,一直沿用至今,使用阴极射线管为显像部件的电视,被简称为CRT电视。

(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


(图)John Logie BairdJohn Logie Baird


  1888年,奥地利植物学家发现了一种白浊而有粘性的液体,后来德国物理学家发现了这是一种介于固态和液态之间,具有规则性分子排列的有机化合物,如果把它加热会呈现透明状的液体状态,把它冷却则会出现结晶颗粒的混浊固体状态,由此而取名为Liquid Crystal,即液晶。液晶显示设备也就是LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)。液晶电视的基本原理是对两面玻璃之间的液晶施加电压,从而控制分子的排列变化和曲折变化,屏幕通过电子群的冲撞,制造画面并通过外部光线的透视反射来形成图像。世界上第一台液晶显示设备出现在20世纪70年代初,时至今日,液晶电视已经占据了平板电视市场的最大份额

1964年7月,美国伊利诺伊州立大学的科学家们首次提出PDP等离子体显示的概念。PDP全称是Plasma Display Panel,即我们所说的等离子。PDP是一种利用惰性气体电离放电发光的显示装置。同LCD一样,PDP也属于矩阵模式显示设备,面板由一个个规则排列的像素单元构成,每个像素单元对应一个内部充有氖、氙混合气体的等离子管密封小室来作为发光元件。当向等离子管电极间加上高压后,小室中的气体就会发生等离子体放电现象并产生紫外光,进而激发前面板内表面涂有的红、绿、蓝三基色荧光粉发出相应颜色的可见光来形成图像。

 电视的未来:OLED蓄势待发 多种技术各有所长














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