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IBM执行者打字机 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

IBM printing card punch

1949年的IBM打字机,包含数据存储功能,IBM正是以打字机产品赚得第一桶金的。 带均匀间距的A型“执行者”电动打字机( "Model A Executive" Electric Typewriter)。



IBM键盘可以追溯到1933年,当年IBM收购了电动自动化打字机公司Electromatic Typewriter Co,后者从事生产电子打字机,也称为电动打字机,完成收购后,IBM推出了他们第一台电动打字机,代号Model 01电动打字机

This was succeeded with the Model A in 1949.

下图为1949年推出的一款经典型号:IBM Model A---"Model A Executive"A型",“执行者”电动打字机。

Model B ad

The Model B in 1954.

下图为1954年推出的IBM Model B,IBM内部代号Standard and 'Executive',B型标准与“执行者”打字机。

Model B ad

The Model C in 1959.

下图为1959年推出的IBM Model C

And the Model D in 1967. this latter being the last member of the IBM 

Electric family. 

下图为1967年推出的Model D,也是IBM电动打字机家族最后一名成员

Models A - C are relevant to us as they formed the basis of some of the original computer consoles and terminals; not only for IBM computers, but ones made by DEC and other manufacturers as well. When the original IBM Selectric typewriter came out in 1961 it replaced the earlier models for terminal use, as it was much easier to interface with computers. 

Model A至Model C, 他们与我们密切相关的原因在于他们是现代电脑终端以及控制器鼻祖,而不仅仅是IBM电脑而已,他们也同样影响了DEC以及其他早期电脑终端。而这一款代号为GolfBall的打字机,他采用了球形键入元件,而不是之前采用敲击键条或者可活动支架来键入的电动打字机,这一款打字机开始被广泛的应用于计算机终端,原因在于他们相比之前的型号要更容易进行数据连接,也从这一**始,IBM打字机开始被命名为:“电动”打字机Selectric typewriter,而不是电动打字机electric typewriter

A popular Selectic-based terminal was the IBM 2741 released in 1965.


Other contemporaries such as the IBM 2250 and 2260 terminal may have used a similar arrangement.

同样在1965年,例如这款IBM 029型打卡机,开始使用了电动机械模组,打字机的布局开始越来越像现代的电脑键盘,同一时代,IBM2250以及2260终端也可能使用了类似的键盘布局


1,IBM电动打字机, wikipedia




1933 IBM acquires the tools, patents and production facilities of Electromatic Typewriters, Inc., of Rochester, N.Y.
1934 IBM invests more than $1 million to redesign the Electromatic Typewriter, improve research facilities and establish service centers.
IBM Electric Typewriter Model 01
The IBM Electric Typewriter, Model 01 (Improved), is introduced. Customer acceptance soon makes it the first successful electric typewriter in the United States.
1937 The Electromatic Typewriter Model 01 (Formsholder), Model 02 (Formswriter), Model 10 (Front Feed) and Model 01 (Carbon Ribbon Model) are announced.
1938 The Electromatic Typewriter Model 03 (Hektowriter) is announced.
1940 The Electromatic Typewriter Model 06 (Toll Biller) is announced.
1941 IBM announces proportional letter spacing.1 However, the war effort delays product (Model 04) introduction until 1944. Also that year, the Electromatic Typewriter Model 08 (Auto. Formswriter) and Model 09 (Manifest) are announced.
IBM Electric Executive Typewriter
The IBM Electric Executive Typewriter, the first typewriter with proportional letter spacing, is introduced.
1944 The IBM Electric Typewriter Division moves from Rochester, N.Y. to Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
1946 The Chinese Typewriter and Model 04 Arabic Electric Typewriter are announced.
1947 The Model 07 Card Stencil Typewriter is announced.
IBM Model A Standard Electric Typewriter

The IBM Model A Standard Electric Typewriter, which gives the typist a new feeling of comfort and control, is announced. Carriage return, back space, tabulator and shift are operated with a finger tip touch. A "multiple-copy control" ensures legible carbon copies and stencils. Also announced is the Electric Typewriter Executive Model A.2 It is available with either proportional or standard spacing. The Model A remains the staple of IBM's typewriter product line until 1954.

1948 The Automatic Line Selector Models 01 and 06 are announced.
1949 The Carbon Ribbon Typewriter Model 1 is announced.
1950 The Model A Electric Formswriter is announced. Also introduced are partial carriage return and left hand palm tab.
1951 IBM rolls out the Model A Decimal Tabulation Typewriter, offering electric tabulation for statistical typing.3
1952 Changeable typebars are announced.
1952 IBM begins manufacturing typewriters in pastel colors.
1953 The Model A (Model 3) Toll Biller Typewriter debuts.
1953 The Models 1 & 6 Electric Typewriter - right hand palm tab and Model 6 Electric Pinfeed Formswriter are introduced.
1954 IBM introduces in March the IBM Model B Standard Typewriter and the IBM Model B Executive Typewriter. Both machines feature cushioned carriage, electric ribbon rewind, changeable typebars, multiple copy control and pastel colors.
1954 The Typedesk and form line selector are announced in May.
1955 The Electric Typewriter Division moves from Poughkeepsie to Kingston, N.Y., making it the first IBM division to have its own manufacturing, development, sales and service organization.
1956 The Model B Electric Typewriter (Input-Output) is announced.
1956 IBM breaks ground for a new typewriter manufacturing facility in Lexington, Ky.
1957 IBM begins to manufacture typewriter ribbons and carbon paper in Lexington.
1958 The IBM Electric Typewriter Division celebrates its 25th anniversary and delivers -- in Lexington -- its one-millionth IBM typewriter.
1958 The IBM 632 Electronic Typing Calculator with card output is announced.
IBM Model C Typewriter
In January the IBM Model C Typewriter and the IBM Model C Executive Typewriter with 28 new features introduce more productivity enhancements, including personal touch control. A quarter million Model Cs are sold within the first 19 months.
1959 The Model C Hektowriter is announced in July.
1960 The IBM 632 Electronic Typing Calculator with paper tape output is announced.
IBM Selectric Typewriter
The IBM Selectric Typewriter is unveiled in July. This product replaces typebars and the moving carriage with a spherical printing element.
1964 To indicate more accurately the scope of its product line, the Electric Typewriter Division changes its name in August to the Office Products Division (OPD).
1964 The IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter is announced. The MT/ST is capable of producing error-free typing at speeds of 150 words per minute (wpm).
IBM Selectric Composer and Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer

The IBM Selectric Composer and Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer are introduced.

Model D Executive Typewriter
IBM introduces in April the Model D Executive Typewriter and the IBM Model D Standard Typewriter, the last IBM typebar typewriters. In all, the Model D incorporates some 250 improvements over the Model C at the time of its introduction.
1967 The IBM Paper Tape Selectric Composer is announced in May.
1967 A second OPD plant is opened in Austin, Tex. The 200,000 square foot facility occupies 400 acres.
1968 The IBM Braille (Model D) Typewriter becomes the first powered Braille writing machine available for individual use. Its keyboard is almost identical to that of a standard typewriter.
1969 IBM announces the Mag Card Selectric Typewriter.

1. Some sources list this date as 1940.
2. Some sources list this date as May 1949.
3. Some sources list this date as June 1, 1950.



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同义词: IBM电传打字机,IBM Executive electric typewriter ,IBM electric typewriters

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