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最新历史版本 :互联网12月4日 返回词条

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One of the most popular filesharing websites in China, BTCHINA, is shut down. While Chinese officials claim that the closure is intended to stem copyright infringement, many see the move as another measure aimed at controlling what content the Chinese citizens can access online.
2012年12月4日,微软在今天召开的TechEd 2012微软技术大会上宣布,新一代Office今天在中国上市,企业用户可以通过微软批量许可进行购买。
2012年12月4日,贺乐赋在TechEd 2012会后的媒体沟通会上表示,微软正与客户进行Windows Azure的合作尝试,但是目前都基于Beta版本的产品。


Tom Jennings, founder of FidoNet, a non-commercial network of Bulletin board Systems using his own Fido BBS software, publishes FidoNews issue number one, an electronic newsletter with information and news about Fido and FidoNet. It will continue to be publish once a week for five and a half years. At its peak, FidoNews has a readship of several thousand. In his first issue, Jennings explains the format of the newsletter, indicates he would like to make some FidoNet bumper stickers and asks that someone else immediately step into his position as editor.
FidoNewsFidoNet to the International FidoNet Association (IFNA) has closed. He calls for everyone involved on both sides of the issue to bury the hatchet. The referendum resulted from network-wide rumblings that the IFNA, which was founded at the urging of Ken Kaplan to deal with the day to day drudgery of running the network, was “stealing FidoNet.” Jennings himself refuted the notion, but many Sysops were left with hard feelings over the new policies cropping up. On January 1, 1990 the results of the referendum will be announced. The motion fails, with 480 in favor and 1417 opposed.

International Business Machines (IBM) licenses Java from Sun Microsystems for use in its hardware and software systems.

NetscapeSilicon Graphics, and Sun Microsystems announce plans to developJavascript, a cross-platform object scripting language for enterprise networks and the Internet designed to be accessible to non-programmers. BorlandMitsubishi ElectronicsSybase, and Symantec announce plans to license Java.

A bomb threat is e-mailed to a Goodyear Tire store in Wisconsin by Chad Newman.

The Pentagone or “Goner” e-mail worm is identified by anti-virus experts at McAfee. Goner spreads primarily through Microsoft Outlook, by sending itself to all the entries contained in the Outlook address book, via an e-mail message, with the subject, “Hi.” In the body of the e-mail is the message, “How are you? When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!” and the attachment “GONE.SCR.” Once the attachment is opened, the hybrid virus attempts seeks out and terminates processes involved in the operation of popular anti-virus and firewall software, then the worm proceeds to deletes all the files in the directory and all subdirectories where the file from which the task was killed is located. If deletions fail, the worm creates a Windows registry key that reactivates the virus upon the startup of the infected computer. The virus also spreads via ICQ file transfers. Despite it’s relatively unsophisticated approach, the Goner virus will prove to be incredibly effective, causing an estimated US$80 million dollars of damage in western nations. In August of 2002, five young Israeli boys will be accused of writing and disseminating the virus. Four of the boys are in the tenth and eleventh grade, while the fifth is an eighth grader. Officials finally track down the four of the five youths by comparing the web handles with which the virus code had been tagged with IP addresses that had registered the same handles on the DALnet (the IRC network.) The fifth teen will be arrested after questioning the first four.


Sun Microsystems releases version 1.0 of the JavaFX Script, a compiled, statically typed, declarative, scripting language for the Java PlatformVisit the official JavaFX website.






2012年12月4日,Google员工画“Android进化史”证实下一代Android系统为“Key Lime Pie”。
2012年12月4日,谷歌今天升级了YouTube应用,以支持iPad的大屏幕,并为iPad和iPhone 5创造了全新的体验。这也标志着被苹果从iOS 6的主屏上撤下后,YouTube应用全面恢复对iOS设备的支持。
2012年12月4日,谷歌今天宣布,将推出一个全新的“私有频道”功能,帮助企业通过Google Play商店向员工提供内部应用。




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标签: 互联网12月4日