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全球第一家生物技术公司,生物技术产业巨擎。 基因泰克(Genentech)公司是美国历史最久的生物技术公司,也是目前规模和实力仅次于安进的世界第二大生物技术公司。1976年科莱勒·帕金斯公司的合伙人罗伯特·斯万森与加州大学的生化学家、DNA重组领域的奠基人、1976年诺贝尔奖金获得者赫伯·玻伊尔教授创建了基因泰克。


1976年4月7日,科莱勒·帕金斯(Kleiner Perkins)公司(一家风险投资公司)的合伙人、27岁的罗伯特·斯万森与加州大学的生化学家、DNA重组领域的奠基人、1976年诺贝尔奖金获得者赫伯·玻伊尔(Herbert Boyer)教授创建了基因泰克。公司最初的启动资金是斯万森的私人积蓄2.6万美元.斯万森从科莱勒·帕金斯公司争取了10万美元作为公司研究开发启动经费,作为回报,科莱勒·帕金斯公司将持有基因泰克25%的股份。9个月以后,另一家风险资本公司向基因泰克投资85万美元,持股25%。与上一次注资相比,每股价格从12.5美分上涨到78美分,公司估价上涨至337万美元。此时基因泰克的产品还在试验之中,人们对它能否取得成功普遍持怀疑态度。 7个月之后,幸运之神终于降临到基因泰克身上,他们成功合成了一种脑激素——生长激素抑制素(Somatostostatin)。这一重大突破使学术界和企业界对基因泰克刮目相看,同时也吸引了风险资本的眼球,这时候轮到基因泰克选择风险资本公司了。经过多次谈判和严格筛选,1978年5月,基因泰克第三次接受风险资本投资,投资额为95万美元,但是这家风险资本公司只得到了8.6%的股份。基因泰克的市值在短短两年时间内从40万美元上升至1100万美元,风险资本造就了奇迹。 有了钱,基因泰克的研发工作捷报频传。1978年下半年,胰岛素克隆成功,1979年,生长激素克隆成功。多项研究成果正由研究开发阶段转向审批阶段并准备投人生产,令投资者看到了曙光。与此同时,公司在资本市场的运作再上台阶,1979年9月公司进行改组,1980年10月14日公司股票公开发行,并在纳斯达克上市。此时,基因泰克只有4年的发展时间,主要产品尚在酝酿之中,公司的总收入只有900万美元;税前利润仅为30万美元,总资产为500万美元。虽然公司的业绩并不突出,但是公众普遍看好基因泰克的发展前景,股票在上市后的第一个小时,股价就从35美元上涨到88美元,当日收市价为71.25美元,这样的上升速度在美国股票市场历史上都是少见的。 在发行上市中,基因泰克以12%的股份筹集了3600万美元,并将其投入到新药的生产开发中,公司的业绩由此不断增长。到1988年,公司的总收入达到3.4亿美元,总资产和净资产分别达到6.7亿美元和4.0亿美元。在这种情况下,基因泰克决定进入规模和影响更大的纽约证券交易所,结束它在风险资本市场的整个运作过程。   





在基因泰克的资助下,Rituxan应用于早期淋巴瘤患者的临床试验得到了满意的结果,并于1997年获得FDA的批准,用于早期淋巴瘤的治疗。现在,Rituxan已成为美国最畅销的药品,它专门作用于一种特殊的白细胞,这种白细胞会导致非霍杰金淋巴瘤。此外,Rituxan的毒副作用较小。2003年Rituxan的销售额达16.1亿美元(见附图)。基因泰克和Biogen(此时IDEC已并入Biogen)公司共享Rituxan的美国市场,而罗氏除了在日本与Zenyaku  Kogyo公司分享市场外,还在全球其他地方独家享有Rituxan的经营权。Rituxan问世以来,全球超过30万名患者接受了Rituxan的治疗。   


在2003年,基因泰克还上市了与Tanox公司开发的哮喘治疗药抗IgE抗体柯耐尔(Xolair,omalizumab)和与Xoma公司开发的银屑病治疗药Raptiva(efalizumab),两种药物都取得了不俗的成绩。目前基因泰克正在与合作伙伴OSIP公司进行非小细胞肺癌治疗药他西卫(Tarceva,erlotinib  HCL)的上市准备。   









为了实现成为全球第一大肿瘤药制药公司的目标,基因泰克中止了长效重组人生长激素Nutroppin  Deptot的研究,专注于Avastin等肿瘤药物的研究和开发上。基因泰克是最早成立的生物技术制药企业,也最早开发出生物技术药品。






收购细节 ——09年3月12日双方达成收购协议。









  罗氏董事长Franz Humer称,正是罗氏上周将敌意并购的出价提高至每股93美元才促使双方重启谈判达成合意协议。












时间 事件
2009年 默沙东411亿美元收购先灵葆雅
2009年 辉瑞以680亿美元收购惠氏
2007年  英国阿斯利康以156亿美元收购美国生物制药公司MedImmune(MEDI)
2006年  强生以166亿美元收购辉瑞消费保健品部门 
2006年  德国默克以133亿美元收购瑞士第一大生物科技公司雪兰诺,默克集团因此成为欧洲最大的药企 
2006年  德国拜耳以213亿美元收购德国第三大制药厂先灵制药 
2004年 法国赛诺菲以638.1亿美元收购安万特,这次收购也缔造出全球第三大制药公司 
2002年 辉瑞以600亿美元收购法玛西亚药厂。透过本次购并,辉瑞重回第一位置 
2000年 英国葛兰素-威康与美国的史克-比彻姆,并购金额760亿美元,将辉瑞挤下宝座 
2000年 美国辉瑞制药与沃纳-兰伯特,并购金额850亿美元,辉瑞首次成为全球第一大制药公司 
1999年 前瑞典阿斯特拉公司和前英国捷利康公司合并而成阿斯利康 








  在罗氏公司的声明中,罗氏董事长弗兰茨·休默(Franz Humer)表示,“罗氏公司和基因泰克公司特别委员会未能在过去六个月的谈判中达成一致意见,我们对此深表失望。我们认为,现在应该将决定权交给基因泰克公司股东。尤其是在当今市场环境下,我们的收购提议能提高该公司的流动性,还可以帮助该公司股东以公平价格售出手中股票。”





  在此前罗氏召开的股票分析师电话会议中,摩根士丹利分析师Andrew Brown问了一个尖锐的问题,他问,如果目前的收购方案不成功,罗氏是否有第二方案?

  对于这个问题,罗氏首席财务官 Erich Hunziker 埃里希·亨齐克的回复是:“很抱歉,我得用反问来回答你的问题:在过去的七八年中,你是否看到过,罗氏的管理团队没有实现任何一项我们对外宣布的重要任务?这就是最好的答复。”

  苏黎世Vontobel资产管理公司投资基金经理Romain Pasche也认为,“罗氏在收购方面总是很精明”,“这可以从罗氏具有最看好的产品链和成长性这一事实得到证实。”











  罗氏CEO Severin Schwan2月6日在纽约接受媒体采访时表示,罗氏很有信心完成对基因泰克剩余44%股份的收购。他认为罗氏收购基因泰克很重要,两者并为一体后,不仅非常互补,节省大笔开支,而且可以使罗氏与其他所有大药厂有区别。



  去年11月,罗氏董事长弗兰茨·休默(Franz Humer)在上海接受本报记者采访时曾表示,眼下蔓延全球的金融危机,世界上没有任何一个国家和地区可以不受影响。但制药业受到的影响相对较小。而罗氏的药品又大部分用于危重疾病的治疗,影响更加不大。







  谈到罗氏公司未来的战略方向时,罗氏CEO Severin Schwan表示“在这种经济动荡的时候,我们比以往任何时候都应该坚持我们的战略。我们将继续把重点放在我们的核心药品和诊断业务上。”




  Clariden Leu投资公司的Kunz指出,基因泰克的自主性一直被业内称颂有加,现在如果该走的人不走,不该走的人反而离开,好端端的公司会出现一些问题。



Robert Swanson and Dr. Herbert Boyer founded Genentech on April 7.
Genentech produced the first human protein (somatostatin) in a microorganism (E. coli bacteria).
Human insulin cloned by Genentech scientists.
Human growth hormone cloned by Genentech scientists.
Genentech went public and raised $35 million with an offering that leapt from $35 a share to a high of $88 after less than an hour on the market. The event was one of the largest stock run-ups ever.
First recombinant DNA drug marketed: human insulin (licensed to Eli Lilly and Company).
First laboratory production of Factor VIII, a clotting factor for bleeding in hemophiliacs. Genentech announced agreement to grant license of worldwide production and marketing of Factor VIII to Cutter Biological.
Genentech received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its first product, Protropin® (somatrem for injection) growth hormone for children with growth hormone deficiency — the first recombinant pharmaceutical product to be manufactured and marketed by a biotechnology company.
Genentech's interferon alpha-2a — licensed to Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. as Roferon®-A — received approval from the FDA for the treatment of hairy cell leukemia.
Genentech instituted the Uninsured Patients Program, providing free growth hormone for financially needy, uninsured patients in the United States. The program was later expanded to include future products.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Activase® (Alteplase, recombinant), a tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA), to dissolve blood clots in patients with acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).
Genentech opened its day-care center, Genentech's Second Generation, one of the largest corporate-sponsored day-care centers in the United States at the time.
Genentech and Roche Holding Ltd. of Basel, Switzerland completed a $2.1 billion merger.
Genentech's Hepatitis B vaccine — licensed to SmithKline Beecham Biologicals S.A. — received FDA approval.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Activase for the management of acute massive pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs).
Genentech opened the Founders Research Center, dedicated to founders Robert Swanson and Dr. Herbert Boyer in appreciation of their vision and determination to pursue the promise of biotechnology.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Nutropin® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection] for treating growth failure in children with chronic renal insufficiency before they undergo kidney transplantation.
Genentech received approval to market Pulmozyme® (dornase alfa) for treating cystic fibrosis from regulatory agencies in the United States, Canada, Sweden, Austria and New Zealand.
Genentech's Factor VIII — licensed to Miles Inc. (formerly Cutter Biological) in 1984 — received FDA approval for the treatment of hemophilia-A.
Genentech announced it would locate its new manufacturing facility in Vacaville, California.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Nutropin for the treatment of children with growth failure due to inadequate levels of the natural growth hormone in their bodies.
Genentech announced an agreement with Roche Holding, Ltd. to extend for four years Roche's option to purchase the outstanding redeemable common stock of the company at a predetermined price that escalates quarterly up to $82.50 a share. As part of the agreement, Genentech began receiving royalties rather than recording sales on European sales of Pulmozyme and Canadian sales of all Genentech products as Roche assumed responsibility for those sales.
Genentech received FDA approval to market an accelerated infusion regimen of Activase for the management of acute myocardial infarction.
Genentech celebrated the 20-year anniversary of its founding.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Nutropin AQ® [somatropin (rDNA origin) injection] for the treatment of growth failure in children with chronic renal insufficiency before they undergo kidney transplantation and for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency in children.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Activase for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke or brain attack.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Pulmozyme for treating cystic fibrosis patients with advanced disease.
Genentech and partner IDEC Pharmaceuticals (now Biogen Idec Inc.) received FDA approval to market Rituxan® (Rituximab) for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory low-grade or follicular, CD20 positive, B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Nutropin AQ for the treatment of short stature associated with Turner syndrome.
Genentech received FDA approval to market Nutropin and Nutropin AQ for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency in adults.
Genentech launched a service for patients and their physicians called SPOC — Single Point of Contact — to provide customer-focused reimbursement assistance. The program became Genentech Access Solutions in 2008.
In recognition of the importance of Genentech in establishing the biotechnology industry in South San Francisco, the city renamed the 400 block of Point San Bruno Boulevard to DNA Way, giving Genentech the new street address 1 DNA Way.
Genentech received approval from the FDA to market the humanized antibody Herceptin® (Trastuzumab) as a first-line therapy in combination with paclitaxel and as a single agent in second- and third-line therapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer who have tumors that overexpress the HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor2) protein.
Genentech dedicated its new $250 million manufacturing facility in Vacaville.
Genentech co-founder Robert Swanson was awarded (posthumously) the National Medal of Technology for his foresight and leadership in recognizing the commercial promise of recombinant DNA technology and his seminal role in the establishment and development of the biotechnology industry.
Genentech reached a settlement agreement with the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California regarding Genentech's promotion of human growth hormone in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Roche exercised its option to cause Genentech to redeem all of its outstanding special common shares not owned by Roche. Roche announced its intent to publicly sell up to 19 percent of Genentech shares and continue Genentech as a publicly traded company with independent directors.
Genentech received FDA approval of additional efficacy results for its growth hormone products — Nutropin and Nutropin AQ — on the effects of growth hormone replacement therapy on spine bone mineral density in young adults with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (GHD).
On July 20, after about a month-long hiatus due to the Roche redemption, Genentech returned to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with a public reoffering of 22 million shares by Roche, in what is considered the largest public offering in the history of the U.S. health care industry. The stock closed the first day of trading at $127, over 31 percent above the public offering price of $97. This was also the first introduction of Genentech's new NYSE trading symbol, DNA.
Roche conducted a secondary offering of 20 million Genentech shares on October 20. The shares were priced at $143.50 per share, making it the largest secondary offering in U.S. history.
Genentech and the University of California (UC) agreed to a settlement of the patent infringement lawsuit brought by UC relating to the company's human growth hormone product, Protropin. Both parties agreed that this settlement was not an admission that Genentech infringed UC's patent or used the genetic material in question.
Genentech and partner Alkermes, Inc. received FDA approval to market Nutropin Depot® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injectable suspension] for the long-term treatment of growth failure due to a lack of adequate endogenous GH secretion.
Roche conducted a third offering of up to 19 million shares of Genentech stock at $163 per share.
Genentech announced the purchase of a cell culture manufacturing facility in Porriño, Spain. Genentech sold the facility to Lonza in 2006.
Genentech's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Vacaville, California, received FDA licensure as a multi-product facility.
Genentech received FDA approval of TNKase® (Tenecteplase) for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).
Genentech celebrated the 25th anniversary of its founding.
Cathflo® Activase® (Alteplase) was approved by the FDA for the restoration of function to central venous access devices (CVADs).
The FDA approved Nutropin AQ PEN® for delivery of Nutropin AQ recombinant growth hormone.
A Los Angeles County Superior Court jury voted to award the City of Hope (COH) $300 million in additional royalties and $200 million in punitive damages in the retrial of a contract dispute lawsuit brought by COH against Genentech. Genentech announced it would appeal the judgment in the case to the California Court of Appeal.
Genentech received FDA approval to include HER2 gene detection test in Herceptin product labeling.
Genentech received FDA approval for Xolair® (Omalizumab) for Subcutaneous Use for moderate-to-severe persistent asthma in adults and adolescents. Xolair is the first humanized therapeutic antibody for the treatment of asthma and the first approved therapy designed to target the antibody IgE, a key underlying cause of the symptoms of asthma that has an allergic component.
Genentech received FDA approval for Raptiva® (efalizumab) for the treatment of chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in adults age 18 or older who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. Raptiva is the first biologic therapy that is designed to provide continuous control of chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and can be self-administered by patients as a single, once-weekly, subcutaneous injection.
Genentech received FDA approval for Avastin® (bevacizumab) for use in combination with 5-Fluorourcil-based chemotherapy in the treatment of first-line metastatic cancer of the colon or rectum. Avastin is the first FDA-approved therapy designed to inhibit angiogenesis, a process fundamental to cancer growth and metastasis.
Genentech broke ground on an expansion of the Vacaville site. When completed, the new facility will be configured with an additional eight 25,000-liter fermentation tanks and, when combined with our existing facility, will be the largest biotechnology cell culture manufacturing site of its kind in the world.
OSI Pharmaceuticals and Genentech announced that the FDA approved, after priority review, Tarceva® (erlotinib) for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after failure of at least one prior chemotherapy regimen. Tarceva is an oral tablet indicated for daily administration.
Genentech purchased Biogen Idec's Oceanside, California, biologics manufacturing facility.
Genentech received FDA approval for Tarceva (100 mg) in combination with gemcitabine chemotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced, inoperable or metastatic pancreatic cancer in patients who have not received previous chemotherapy.

Genentech celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding.
Genentech received approval from the FDA for Lucentis® (ranibizumab injection) for the treatment of neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration.
Genentech received FDA approval for Rituxan for use in combination with methotrexate for reducing signs and symptoms in adult patients with moderately- to severely-active rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate response to one or more tumor necrosis factor antagonist therapies.
Genentech received FDA approval for Herceptin as part of a treatment regimen containing doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and paclitaxel, for the adjuvant treatment of patients with HER 2-positive, node-positive breast cancer.
Genentech received FDA approval for Avastin in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel for the first-line treatment of patients with unresectable, locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic non-squamous NSCLC.
Genentech and Lonza finalized an agreement for Lonza to purchase Genentech's manufacturing facility in Porriño and to continue to supply Avastin for Genentech under a supply agreement. Concurrently, Genentech entered into a supply agreement for the manufacture of certain Genentech products at Lonza's facility currently under construction in Singapore, with the right to exercise an exclusive option to purchase the facility between 2007 and 2012.
Genentech finalized its acquisition of Tanox, enabling Genentech to improve the Xolair business and acquire Tanox's product pipeline.
Genentech was one of the "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers" by Working Mother Magazine for the 16th year.
Genentech was named "top employer in the biopharmaceutical industry" by Science magazine. This is the sixth number one ranking for the company.
Genentech received FDA approval for Herceptin as a single agent, for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-overexpressing node-negative (ER/PR-negative or with one high risk feature) or node-positive breast cancer, following multi-modality anthracycline-based therapy.
Genentech received FDA approval for its supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) to expand the label for Rituxan to treat adult patients with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in combination with methotrexate (MTX) to slow the progression of structural damage.
In April 2008, The California Supreme Court overturned the award of $200 million in punitive damages resulting from the contract dispute lawsuit brought by City of Hope against Genentech.
In July 2008, Genentech received a proposal from Roche to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Genentech stock not owned by Roche at a price of $89.00 in cash per share. A special committee of independent directors concluded that Roche's proposal substantially undervalues the company but stated it would consider a proposal that recognizes the value of the company.
FORTUNE named Genentech one of the "100 Best Companies to Work For" for the eleventh consecutive year. This year Genentech was number seven on the list. 


 东方早报:罗氏468亿美元鲸吞基因泰克 成为美国第7大药企,曹敏洁
罗氏逼宫基因泰克,21世纪经济报道,记者 沈 玮

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标签: 基因泰克 罗氏制药