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历史版本1:《科技到底要什么》 返回词条

《连线》杂志创始人、《失控》大师Kevin Kelly新书。凯文·凯利畅谈在我们的生活中,从个人层面到宇宙空间,技术都意味着什么。阐述问题的关键不在于要怎样使我们自己与科技相容,而在于怎样使我们自己与科技似乎矢志要创造的那个重要的东西相容,并帮助其成形。



What Technology Wants [Hardcover]
Kevin Kelly  
List Price: $27.95 
  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Adult (October 14, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0670022152
  • ISBN-13: 978-0670022151 
  • What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly: Book CoverCover Image


    This provocative book introduces a brand-new view of technology. It suggests that technology as a whole is not a jumble of wires and metal but a living, evolving organism that has its own unconscious needs and tendencies. Kevin Kelly looks out through the eyes of this global technological system to discover "what it wants." He uses vivid examples from the past to trace technology's long course and then follows a dozen trajectories of technology into the near future to project where technology is headed. This new theory of technology offers three practical lessons: By listening to what technology wants we can better prepare ourselves and our children for the inevitable technologies to come. By adopting the principles of pro-action and engagement, we can steer technologies into their best roles. And by aligning ourselves with the long-term imperatives of this near-living system, we can capture its full gifts. Written in intelligent and accessible language, this is a fascinating, innovative, and optimistic look at how humanity and technology join to produce increasing opportunities in the world and how technology can give our lives greater meaning.


    Kevin Kelly is Executive Editor of Wired, the new bible of the techno-culture. Formerly Publisher and Editor of Whole Earth Review, he has been instrumental in helping launch a number of cultural innovations: The Hacker’s Conference; Cyberthon; the first virtual-reality jamboree; and the WELL, model way station on the information superhighway.
    凯文·科里 Kevin Kelly


    在1970年代,凯文参与编写了《地球目录》(Whole Earth Catalog)一书,希望能把地球上所有生物都写进档案。他是《连线》杂志的编辑,也是该杂志创办人之一。他是“未来即今日”(Longnow Foundation)的董事会成员。他对于未来科技的预言深深的影响了许多人。《长尾理论》作者安德森(Chris Anderson)在亚马逊在线书店上给予凯文写的《零控制》(Out of Control)一书写的书评是这么说的:“该书第一版于1994年发行,但是,这是一本随着时间流逝而光芒弥增的书,他当时尽管未能预知博客、维基的出现,但是,很显然,凯文那时已经感知到这些东西的出现。“

    在2005年的TED讲演中( watch the video below),他演讲的题目是“科技想得到什么?”(what does technology want?) ,在18分钟的演讲里,凯文盛情演绎技术的演化(evolution)故事,试图证明技术是“第七王国”( the 7th kingdom) ,他最后两分钟的演讲更是把话题引向纵深,提出我们怎样看待科技的问题。这里引用其中两句:


    人类是被科技所定义的。科技促使进化迈向下一阶段,它是人类借以探索各种可能性的手段,也是创造的手段,it is actually a way of playing the game of playing all the games. 

    凯文写过不少颇具影响力的文章,其中包括:论述发表于纽约时报的评论Google Book工程的文章,发表于Edge.org探讨未来科技走向的文章,回顾互联网历史的《我们即网络》(We Are the Web),还有众多发表于《时代周刊》《华尔街日报》《经济学人》等杂志报刊。


    斯密森尼杂志 2010年8月号










    一个屏幕可以揭示事物的内在本质。用智能手机摄影头扫描工业制品的条形码,可以读出它的价格、产地甚至相关的其他用户的评论。这就好像屏幕显示了物体的无形的特性。一种很受欢迎的儿童游戏(秀娃世界) 为绒毛宠物加上了“内在的”虚拟性格,一个屏幕就可以让孩子们在网上世界中与这些具有内在个性的宠物玩耍。




    Kevin Kelly’s book What Technology Wants will be published in October.


    July 6, 2010, 9:00 pm

    Building One Big Brain




    For your own sake, focus on this column. Don’t think about your Facebook feed or your inbox. Don’t click on the ad above or the links to the right. Don’t even click on links within the column.


    Failing to focus — succumbing to digital distraction — can make you lose your mind, fears Nicholas Carr, author of the much-discussed book “The Shallows.” At least, it can make you lose little parts of your mind. The Internet, Carr suspects, “is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.”

    分心 经不住数字阅读的诱惑 会使人失去思考的能力,而这正是引发争论的《肤浅》一书作者尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)的担忧。分心至少会使人失去小部分思考能力。卡尔怀疑网络“使我集中注意力和思考的能力变弱”。

    He’s not alone in his fears. Since his book came out there have been lots of ruminations — including one or two or three in The Times alone — on whether online technology is friend or foe, good for our brains or bad.

    But maybe the terms of the debate — good for us or bad for us? — are a sign that we’re missing the point. Maybe the essential thing about technological evolution is that it’s not about us. Maybe it’s about something bigger than us — maybe something big and wonderful, maybe something big and spooky, but in any event something really, really big.


    Could it be that, in some sense, the point of evolution has been to create these social brains, and maybe even to weave them into a giant, loosely organized planetary brain?


    Don’t get me wrong. I join other humans in considering human welfare — and the welfare of one human in particular — very important. But if we’re going to reconcile human flourishing with the march of technology, it might help to understand what technology is marching toward.


    This autumn will see the publication of a book that promises to help us out here: “What Technology Wants,” by Kevin Kelly, a long-time tech-watcher who helped launch Wired magazine and was its executive editor back in its young, edgy days.

    今年秋天会有一本承诺帮助我们解决这个问题的著作出版:凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)的《科技到底要什么》。凯利是位资深科技观察家,他曾帮助发行《连线》(Wired)杂志,也是该杂志急躁的早期岁月中的执行主编。

    Don’t let the title of Kelly’s book terrify you. He assures us that he doesn’t think technology is conscious — at least, not “at this point.” For now, he says, technology’s “mechanical wants are not carefully considered deliberations but rather leanings.”


    So relax; apparently we have a few years before Keanu Reeves gets stuffed into a gooey pod by robotic overlords who use people as batteries. Still, it’s notable that, before Reeves played that role in “The Matrix,” the movie’s directors gave him a copy of Kelly’s earlier book, “Out of Control,” as preparation. And Kelly does say in “What Technology Wants” that technology is increasingly like “a very complex organism that often follows its own urges.”

    所以,放轻松。在基努·里维斯(Keanu Reeves)被把人当电池的机器人君王塞到粘糊糊的容器中之前我们还可以过好几年。尽管如此,值得注意的是,里维斯出演《黑客帝国》之前,该片导演给过他凯利早先的著作《失控》(Out of Control)让他做准备。凯利在《科技到底要什么》中确实说科技越来越像“一个总是遵循自己欲望的非常复杂的生物”。

    Well, I don’t know about the “urges” part, but it’s true that technology is weaving humans into electronic webs that resemble big brains — corporations, online hobby groups, far-flung N.G.O.s. And I personally don’t think it’s outlandish to talk about us being, increasingly, neurons in a giant superorganism; certainly an observer from outer space, watching the emergence of the Internet, could be excused for looking at us that way. In fact, the superorganism scenario is in a sense just the cosmic flip side of the diagnosis offered by Carr and other techno-skeptics.


    To begin with, note that the new technologies, though derided by some of these skeptics for eroding the simple social bonds of yesteryear, are creating new social bonds. We’re not just being lured away from kin and next-door neighbors by machines; we’re being lured away by other people — people on Facebook, people in our inbox, people who write columns about giant superorganisms.


    And, as the author Steven Johnson recently noted, these social connections, though so distracting that it’s hard to focus on any task for long, nonetheless bring new efficiencies. In a given hour of failing to focus, you may: 1) check your e-mail and receive key input from a colleague as well as a lunch confirmation from a friend; 2) check Facebook and be led by a friend to an article that bears on your political passions, while also checking out the Web site of a group that harnesses that passion, giving you a channel for activism; 3) and, yes, waste some time reading or watching something frivolous.

    另外,正如作家史蒂文·约翰逊(Steven Johnson)日前所说,这些社会联系尽管令人分心,使人们难以长时间专心于任何事情,但带来的新的效率。假设在一个小时中你无法专心于某件事,你可能1)查收电邮,收到同事发来的信息,或者从朋友那确认一顿午餐;2)查收飞播信息,在朋友的指引下阅读一篇承载你政治热情的文章,同时查看下控制你的政治热情的某一组织的网站,为你的激进主义提供一条渠道;3)浪费一些时间观看或阅读无聊的事情上。

    But frivolity isn’t a recent invention. On balance, technology is letting people link up with more and more people who share a vocational or avocational interest. And it’s at this level, the social level, that the new efficiencies reside. The fact that we don’t feel efficient — that we feel, as Carr puts it, like “chronic scatterbrains” — is in a sense the source of the new efficiencies; the scattering of attention among lots of tasks is what allows us to add value to lots of social endeavors. The incoherence of the individual mind lends coherence to group minds.


    No wonder Carr finds technology oppressive. Its needs trump ours! We’re just cells, and the organism’s the main thing.


    If it’s any consolation, we’re not the first humans to go cellular. The telephone (and for that matter the postal system before it) let people increase the number of other brains they linked up with. People spent less time with their few inherited affiliations — kin and neighbors — and more time with affiliations that reflected vocational or avocational choices.


    Of course, having more affiliations meant having more superficial affiliations — and this led earlier social observers to conclusions that resonate with Carr’s thesis. In the 1950 sociology classic “The Lonely Crowd,” David Riesman and two colleagues argued that the “inner-directed” American, guided by values shared with a small and stable group of kin and friends, was giving way to an “other-directed” American. Other-directed people had more social contacts, and shallower contacts, and they had more malleable values — a flexibility that let them network with more kinds of people.

    当然,更多的关系意味着更肤浅的关系,这也使得早期的社会观察家得出与卡尔文章相同的结论。20世纪50年代的经典社会学著作《寂寞人群》中,大卫·来茨漫(David Riesman)和两位同事认为,由一小群稳定的近亲和朋友间的共同价值观指引的“有主见”的美国人正让位给“缺少自主性”的美国人。“缺少自主性”的美国人有更多的社会联系,肤浅的联系。他们的价值观更具延展性,也就是一种使他们能与更多不同类型的人联系在一起的适应性。

    In other words, Riesman, like Carr, noted a loss of coherence within the individual. He saw a loss of normative coherence — a weakening of our internal moral gyroscope — and Carr sees a loss of cognitive coherence. But in both cases this fragmenting at the individual level translates, however ironically, into broader and more intricate cohesion at the social level — cohesion of an increasingly organic sort. We’ve been building bigger social brains for some time.


    Could it be that, in some sense, the point of evolution — both the biological evolution that created an intelligent species and the technological evolution that a sufficiently intelligent species is bound to unleash — has been to create these social brains, and maybe even to weave them into a giant, loosely organized planetary brain? Kind of in the way that the point of the maturation of an organism is to create an adult organism?


    Unlike many other card-carrying Darwinians, I’ve long considered this prospect compatible with Darwinism and with scientific materialism broadly — but this isn’t the place to hash that issue out. (And don’t be distracted by my video argument with Daniel Dennett about this question or by our subsequent argument about the argument or by my less contentious written exchange with Steven Pinker on the subject. And avoid this like the plague.) Instead, let’s focus on the issue at hand: If we grant the superorganism scenario for the sake of argument, is it spooky? Is it bad news for humans if in some sense the “point” of the evolutionary process is something bigger than us, something that subsumes us?

    与许多其他正统的达尔文派不同,我长期以来在广泛意义上来思考这种前景与进化论以及与科学唯物主义的相容性。当然这里不是要讨论那个问题的地方。(不要被我和丹尼尔·德尼特(Daniel Dennett)在这个问题上的电视辩论或我们后来就该辩论的争论或我与斯蒂文·    平克(Steven Pinker)之间火药味没那么浓的书面交流所烦扰)。还是让我们专注眼前的问题吧。如果我们为了争论而同意超个体的想象,那会不会显得怪诞?如果在某种意义上进化过程是比我们自身更重要的东西,可以包含我们的东西,那对人类来说会不会是件坏事?

    I have to admit that I’m not totally loving the life of a cell. I’m as nostalgic as the next middle-aged guy for the time when focus was easier to come by, and I do sometimes feel, after a hard day of getting lots of tiny little things more-or-less done, that the superorganism I’m serving is tyrannical — as if I’m living that line in Orwell’s “1984”: “Can you not understand, Winston, that the individual is only a cell? The weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism.”


    But at least the superorganism that seems to be emerging, though in some ways demanding, isn’t the totalitarian monster that Orwell feared; it’s more diffuse, more decentralized, more reconcilable — in principle, at least — with liberty.


    And that’s good news, because I do think we ultimately have to embrace a superorganism of some kind — not because it’s inevitable, but because the alternative is worse. If technological progress grinds to a halt, it will be because chaos has engulfed the world; and if we don’t use technology to weave people together and turn our species into a fairly unified body, chaos will probably engulf the world — because technology offers so much destructive power that a sharply divided human species can’t flourish.


    If you accept that premise, then the questions are: What sort of human existence is implied by the ongoing construction of a social brain; and, within the constraints of that brain, how much room is there to choose our fate?


    I have my own views on this, and some of them are upbeat, but they’re hard to summarize without sounding comically cosmic. (For example: keeping the superorganism project on track — that is, not letting planet Earth dissolve into chaos — will mean getting closer to moral truth, I think.)

    对此我有自己的看法,其中包括乐观的看法,不过如果没有良好的诙谐宇宙这些看法难以总结出来。(比如,不放弃超个体事业),也就是说,不让行星地球陷入混乱 我认为这将意味着更接近真相)。

    As for Kevin Kelly’s view: I’ll let Kelly speak for himself as  the timely publication of his fascinating book approaches. But it’s safe to say that he’s  upbeat. He writes of technology “stitching together all the minds of the living, wrapping the planet in a vibrating cloak of electronic nerves” and asks, “How can this not stir that organ in us that is sensitive to something larger than ourselves?”


    No doubt some of his critics will think of ways. But the question he’s asking strikes me as the right long-term question: Not so much how do we reconcile ourselves to technology, but how do we reconcile ourselves to — and help shape — the very big thing that technology seems devoted to building?




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