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历史版本1:Minitel 返回词条



  法国电信于1984年开发出计费系统,称为“kiosk”,提供网络平台,由服务提供商(SP)提供内容,法国电信通过该计费系统代表SP向用户收费,并从中进行收入分成(法国电信一般获得30%-40%的收入),用户的信息费合并在电话帐单里。这种模式和NTT DoCoMo的I-Mode有相似之处,实际上,NTT DoCoMo负责人之一TakeishiNatsuno承认,他们在开发I-Mode的时候,就借鉴了法国电信的Minitel这一成功典范。


The Minitel is a Videotex online service accessible through the telephone lines, and is considered one of the world's most successful pre-World Wide Web online services. It was launched in France in 1982 by the PTT (Poste, Téléphone et Télécommunications; divided since 1991 between France Télécom and La Poste). From its early days, users could make online purchases, make train reservations, check stock prices, search the telephone directory, and chat in a similar way to that now made possible by the Internet.

Minitel was a joint development between France Télécom and British Telecom, prior to its privatisation. A similar service was delivered by British Telecom to UK subscribers under the name of Prestel, but was charged by the page rather than time. Although the UK service enjoyed some early success, changes to the way it was charged made by the post-privatised British Telecom, as well as the universal availability of the free teletext service, saw its complete demise.



在20世纪60年代,计算机联机系统开始被应用到商业领域,其中最有代表性的便是IBM公司为美国航空公司开发的SABRE订座系统,这个系统通过电话线将世界各地的400多个售票处的2 000多台键盘终端与位于纽约的订票中心连接起来,任何一地的乘客只要几分钟时间便可以完成订票、取消订票、机票改期等业务,SABRE是第一个成功的民用联机计算机系统,但它联接的只是美国航空公司及其代理机构,广大的用户并没有直接参与进来。因此,由法国邮电开发并在1983年在法国全国投入使用的Minitel10系统才真正开创了电子商务时代。Minitel是一个基于图文系统的公共IT平台,用户通过Minitel系统可以查询电话号码和股票价格等信息、订购火车票或者飞机票、聊天或者在线购物。Minitel用户使用的终端类似于网络PC,它的大小同两台普通电话机相当,没有存储功能,黑白显示屏只能显示文本以及预先定义好的一些简单的图像,Minitel终端凭借一台内置的调制解调器通过拨号接入系统。因为Minitel的终端被免费发放给法国电话用户,所以Minitel系统在法国的普及率很高。据法国电信公司估计,虽然法国的总人口不过6 000万人,但1999年底使用Minitel的用户已经达到了2 500万人。用户使用Minitel的服务需要按照接入时间来支付费用,访问不同站点的费率不尽相同,最高的费率可以达到每分钟1欧元,但绝大部分服务的费率都远低于这一水平,接入Minitel服务的费用由法国电信随每月的电话费一起向用户征收,然后,法国电信再把这些收入的一部分付给提供服务的公司。Minitel系统的运作极其成功,20世纪末期,尽管互联网的使用不断增加,Minitel的接入量仍然可以稳定地维持在每月上亿次的水平。1998年,Minitel系统的营业收入高达8.32亿欧元,其中支付给服务公司的就有5.21亿欧元。同一时期,法国最大的两家邮购公司的销售有15%是通过Minitel实现的。实际上,即使同今天的互联网相比,Minitel系统仍然拥有一些独特的优势。例如,使用Minitel系统不需要购买接入服务,也不需要购买计算机,另外,在Minitel系统中使用信用卡更加安全。还有人注意到,同样是在线购买火车票,使用Minitel系统一般只需要花费3.5分钟时间,而使用万维网则通常会用去4.5分钟时间。所以,毫不奇怪,在互联网已经实现了商业化的今天,法国仍然有82%的用户经常使用Minitel。据统计,在法国远程销售中,Minitel系统仍占有7%~8%的份额。

在互联网发展的NSFNET时期,因为骨干网络是政府出资建设的,为了保证当时有限的网络带宽被用于科研目的,骨干网络的商业应用是被禁止的。在此背景下,一批专门为商业服务的网络应运而生,如UUNET、ALTERNET、PSINet、CERFNet等,这些商业性的网络还建立了自己的行业机构—— 商业互联网交易所(Commercial Internet Exchange)11。1991年,NSFNET允许企业的研究部门使用公共互联网进行公开的学术交流或研究;1994年,美国国家科学基金会委托了4家企业运作4个主要的网络接入点;1995年,NSFNET的运营正式终止,互联网商业化得以彻底实现。同人们最初所估计的恰恰相反,互联网的商业化不仅没有使互联网变得拥挤不堪,而且每个互联网用户可以享有的带宽还越来越大。原来,尽管互联网用户的增加以及多媒体应用的普及使得网络上的数据流量比以前有了迅猛的增加,但在商业利益的驱动下,网络运营商以更快的速度扩充了互联网骨干网络的传输能力,结果,互联网用户得到了比从前更好的在线体验。这一历史过程再次例证了恩格斯曾经说过的那句名言:“社会上一旦有技术上的需要,则这种需要会比十所大学更能把科学推向前进。”


Sweden: Swedish state-owned telephone company Televerket tried to introduce a similar service in 1991. It went out of service in 1993. They called it Teleguide, and their terminals were built by IBM.

South Africa: Videotext was introduced by Telkom in 1986 and named Beltel. The Minitel was introduced later to popularise the service.

Ireland: Minitel was introduced to Ireland by eircom (then called Telecom Eireann) in 1988. The system was based on the French model and Irish services were even accessible from France via the code"36 19 Irlande." A number of major Irish businesses came together to offer a range of online services including; directory information, shopping, banking, hotel reservations, airline reservations, news, weather and information services. The system was also the first platform in Ireland to offer users access to e-mail outside of a corporate setting. Despite being cutting edge for its time, the system failed to capture a large market and was ultimately withdrawn due to lack of commercial interest. The rise of the internet and other global online services in the early to mid 1990s played a major factor in the death of Irish Minitel. Minitel Ireland's terminals were technically identical to their French counterparts, except that they had a Qwerty keyboard and an RJ-11 telephone jack which is the standard telephone connector in Ireland. Terminals could be rented for IR£ 5 per month or purchased for IR£ 250 (prices accurate for 1992)

The Netherlands: The then state-owned phone company PTT (now KPN) operated two platforms: Viditel and Videotex Nederland[5]. The main difference was that Viditel used one big central host where Videotex used a central access system responsible for realizing the correct connection to the required host - owned and managed by others. The Videotex services offered access via several primary rate numbers and the information/service provider could choose the costs for accessing his service. Depending on the number used, tarrif could vary between nil (free) and one guilder (aprox.

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