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历史版本2:查尔斯·赫罗德 返回词条

“硅谷”这个名字大约在1971年开始为公众所知。一位在美国西海岸加利福尼亚州报道半导体产业的记者在那一年发表了一个题为《美国硅谷》(Silicon Valley USA)的系列文章。


Doc Herrold and Ray Newby

Charles D. "Doc" Herrold (right) and his student Ray Newby (left) are shown operating a small spark transmitter at the Herrold College of Engineering and Wireless in San Jose, 1909. The voice radio station they started here eventually became first KQW and then KCBS.

实际上,在获得硅谷的名字之前很多年,这个地区就已经走在时代的前沿。1909年,世界上第一个有持续节目播出的无线电台在那里建立。创办者是查尔斯·赫罗德(Charles Herrold),曾经在附近的斯坦福大学学习物理和天文。





Charles David 'Doc' Herrold, (November 16, 1875 – July 1, 1948) was an American radio broadcasting pioneer who in 1909 created the world's second radio station.
Born in Fulton, Illinois, Herrold grew up in San Jose, California and attended Stanford University where he studied physics and astronomy. When his electrical manufacturing company in San Francisco was destroyed by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake he moved into teaching, and opened the Herrold College of Wireless and Engineering at 50 W. San Fernando St. in San Jose in 1909 to educate wireless operators. Interested in radio to transmit voice signals, he began broadcasting music and entertainment on a regular basis between 1912 and 1917 to fellow radio enthusiasts, using the callsigns FN and SJN. He had the world's first regularly scheduled broadcasts, allowing listeners to tune in at a known time. However, in 1917, the US government ordered non-military radio transmissions to cease.
 Doc Herrold - San Jose Radio

The "Arc Fone" radio station in the Garden City Bank Building of San Jose, about 1912. Doc Herrold is standing in the doorway.

After World War I, Herrold obtained the license for KQW in 1921, but he was unable to maintain the financial requirements, and the station was sold several times. In the 1940s, CBS attempted to buy its then-affiliate in San Francisco, KSFO. KSFO refused to sell, so CBS purchased KQW, moved it to San Francisco and changed the call letters to KCBS.
However, Herrold did not profit financially from his pioneering work, and later became a repair technician in the Oakland, California school district, and a janitor in a local shipyard. He died in a Hayward, California rest home, aged 72.
On the September 27, 1965 episode of the TV game show I've Got a Secret, Charles Herrold's former student, Ray Newby of Stockton, California, made an appearance as a contestant. Ray's "secret" was that he had been the first radio disk jockey in 1909. Host Steve Allen displayed a photograph of Newby and Herrold in the small broadcasting studio.
In May 2006, KCBS and KPIX-TV moved their San Jose news bureau to the Fairmont Tower at 50 W. San Fernando St., the address of Charles Herrold's original broadcasts. Although CBS management was not aware of the history of the San Fernando Street address when the move was planned, they quickly recognized and embraced its significance when informed at the bureau's opening celebration, giving long-overdue credit to the man who invented broadcasting.


   二十世纪初,旧金山湾地区拥有一大批业余无线电爱好者。掀起这股无线电热潮的,是斯坦福的毕业生西里尔·艾尔维尔(Cyril Elwell)和查尔斯·哈罗德(Charles Herrold)。

Charles David Herrold Image

Doc Herrold is shown at the microphone of KQW, early 1920s.

  1909年,也就是特曼来到斯坦福的前一年,艾尔维尔在斯坦福校长及一些教授的资助下,在帕洛阿托成立了自己的公司:帕尔森无线电话电报公司,两年后公司成为美国最大的无线电报公司之一,并随之更名为“联邦电报公司”(Federal Telegraph Company)。由于业务发展太快,联邦电报公司从斯坦福招收了大批的毕业生,而圣克拉拉地区的青少年们,包括小特曼同学,也得以借着打暑期工的机会,接触到“新奇有趣”的无线电和电子技术。联邦电报公司成为当地不少孩子们心目中的技术殿堂。

KQW Radio Towers Image

In 1925, Doc Herrold sold KQW to the First Baptist Church of San Jose. The church applied the slogan "King's Quickening Word" to the station, and installed the equipment in the church building. This photo shows the towers built on the church property to hold the KQW antenna. 




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标签: 查尔斯·赫罗德 查尔斯·哈罗德 Charles Herrold