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1995 FBI搜查和捉拿来自AOL用户的色情内容

1998 《纽约时报》网站遭遇黑客攻击,当机9个多小时

A group of computer hackers calling themselves “Hacking for Girlies” deface The New York Times website, renaming it HFG. The hackers express anger at the arrest and imprisonment of Kevin Mitnick, the subject of the book “Takedown” co-authored by Times reporter John Markoff. In early November, two members of HFG will tell Forbes magazine that they initiated the attack because they were bored and couldn’t agree on a video to watch.

3Com Corporation reveals plans to spin off its Palm Computing Unit, which they originally obtained through their U.S. Robotics acquisition.

The Drudge Report website is defaced by the “United Loan Gunmen”.

Hackers deface South Africa’s official statistics website, replacing legitimate economic information with critical comment about the nation’s telephone company, Telkom, such as “Telkom stop your … lame-ass monopoly or we will disconnect you.”

Version 7.3.1 of the Fermi Linux operation system is released. Fermi Linux is a catch all designation for Linux distributions used by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), which are based on Scientific LinuxVisit the application’s official website.


Cameron Lacroix (“cam0″), age 17, pleads guilty and is sentenced to eleven months in a Massachusetts adolescent apprehension facility for gaining access to the T-Mobile International cellular network and exploiting Paris Hilton’s Sidekick. In January, the teen hacked into the records system of T-Mobile using a security flaw in the company’s website that allowed him to reset the password of anyone using aSidekick, a mobile device that allows user to store data on T-Mobile’s central computer servers. A month later, he used that flaw to gain access to Hilton’s Sidekick and leaked screen shots. Read more at the Wahington Post.


Microsoft wins what it describes as the largest civil judgment ever won from a spammer in Europe, £45,000 (US$83,000). The case, which was filed against Paul Fox, was not an allegation of spamming, but a complaint that Fox breached the Hotmail service’s terms and conditions of service, which state that, “You may not use any [Microsoft] Services to send Spam. You also may not deliver Spam or cause Spam to be delivered to any of Microsoft’s Services or customers.” To gauges the extent of Fox’s campaign, which promoted a pornographic website, Microsoft sampled twenty thousand of its over two hundred million user accounts and discovered that seventy of them had been targeted, some with over two hundred fifty messages in a single day. Read more at the Register.




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标签: 互联网9月13日