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历史版本2:互联网9月12日 返回词条





Mosaic Communications announces its first products, the Mosaic Netscape web browser and the Mosaic Netsite line of servers.
Michael Calce, also known by the web handle MafiaBoy, is sentenced to eight months of “open custody” in a youth detention center, one year of probation, and fines, including a US$250 charitable donation on two counts of “mischief to data” for launching massive denial of service (DoS) attacks against CNN.com on February 8, 2000. He was apprehended after bragging about his exploits in a number of IRC chat rooms.
Version 1.0 of Linkat, an RPM-based Linux distribution developed for the Ministry ofEducation of Generalitat de Catalunya. It is based on openSUSE 9.1 and uses GNOME as default desktop environment. Visit the system’s official website.

The Supreme Court of Virginia overturns the conviction of notorious AOL spammerJeremy Jaynes who was the first defendant to be convicted of a felony for spamming, ruling that the unsolicited bulk e-mail provision of the Virginia Computer Crimes Act is too broad, violating the First Amendment right to anonymous speech. Jaynes was convicted after sending over fifty-five thousand pieces of unsolicited e-mail with falsified routing and transmission information over AOL’s proprietary network in three twenty-four hour periods in just ten days. The principal flaws in the law that are cited as being unconstitutional are that it specifically targets e-mails employing falsified data and applies to private as well as commercial messages, meaning that the law could be applied to anonymous political correspondence. Read the court ruling.

Yahoo announces that it will stop selling music in favor of directing using to other music services, such as Amazon, iTunes, Last.fm, Pandora, and YouTube.



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标签: 互联网9月12日