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历史版本4:互联网12月23日 返回词条





1994年12月23日,Netscape、Spyglass与Illinois达成浏览器专利纠纷的和解。 Netscape agrees to pay US$2.2 million in damages and up to US$1.4 million in licensing deals with other companies.Universal Pictures releases the action film Street Fighter, directed by Steven E. de Souza and starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Raul Julia, and Ming-Na, to 1,671 US theaters. It’s based on the best selling video game series of the same name published by Capcom. In it, Colonel Guile and various other martial arts heroes fight against the tyranny of Dictator M. Bison and his cohorts. Produced on a budget of US$35 million, it will gross US$6,859,495 domestically in its opening weekend. Produced on a budget of US$35 million, the film will gross US$6,859,495 in its opening weekend. IMDB listing MPAA Rating: PG-13 Running Time: 2 hrs 42 mins


The website of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center is hacked by “\StOrM\”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

Civil libertarian John Gilmore publishes strong authentication source code on the Internet, despite attempts by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to restrict such software. He publishes Domain Name System (DNS) Security software that contains a complete copy of the RSAREF cryptography software from RSA Data Security, Inc. Gilmore explains that, “Internet publication of cryptography software is considered an export by the US Government, and often requires government permission under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). But those regulations specifically exempt programs which merely prove that information is authentic (authentication), rather than hiding the information (privacy).” Visit John Gilmore’s Official Website.

On his personal website, “Robot Wisdom,” Jorn Barger writes “I decided to start my own web page, logging the best stuff I find as I surf on a daily basis.” This statement will later be cited by The Oxford English Dictionary as the root of the term “weblog,” and Barger will come to widely be considered the first blogger. A long time Usenet enthusiast, Barger launched his website in February 1995 to post essays and resources on James Joyce, internet culture, and technology trends. On December 17th, he began updating his site daily with “links to articles about politics, culture, books and technology that he found interesting.” Visit the official Robot Wisdom website.

The website of MPM Software is hacked by “z0mer”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

1998年12月23日,美国在线(America Online)入选标准普尔S&P 500指数

Priceline.com announces that it has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to raise US$115 million through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of common stock. Visit the official Priceline website.

Queen Elizabeth II, age 81, launches her own “Royal Channel” on the YouTube video sharing website. Representatives of the Crown report that the Queen plans to use the channel to issue her 50th annual televised Christmas message.




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标签: 互联网12月23日