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历史版本4:互联网12月28日 返回词条





CompuServe complies with a German order to block access to over two hundred sexually explicit sites, largely to avoid confrontation with the German government. Access to all but five will be restored on February 13, 1996.

Julio Cesar Ardita, age 21, also known as “El Griton”, of Argentina is arrested in Argentina for hacking into Harvard, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NASA, and the United States Naval Command, Contro and Ocean Surveillance Center. He will be sentenced to three years of probation.


The website of Finance Net is hacked by “kpz”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

Anthony Clark, age 21, of Oregon pleads guilty in federal court to writing and distributing a worm that allowed him to seize control of twenty thousand computers and use them to launch a denial-of-service attack (DoS) on eBay, Inc.. Clark was arrested as part of a “Botnet” investigation conducted by the United States Secret Service and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

At the twenty-fourth Annual Chaos Communication Congress, a Wii running Linux is demonstrated. While the demonstration is only a proof of concept with few practical applications, the engineers responsible for the feat announce their intent to create a bootable disk for later distribution.

Netscape announces that AOL will discontinue support and development of its web browser on February 1, 2008. Visit the Netscape browser archive.




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标签: 互联网12月28日