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历史版本2:互联网12月16日 返回词条






U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the “No Electronic Theft Act” into law (Public Law 105-147), making it a criminal act to trade a copyrighted work with a friend or to reproduce or distribute copyrighted works with a total retail value of more than US$1,000 inside any 180-day period. The statue of limitations for prosecuting copyright violations is extended to five years. Senator Orrin Hatch publicly declares that “this bill plugs the ‘LaMacchia Loophole‘ in criminal copyright enforcement.” The “LaMacchia Loophole” refers to the failed prosecution of MIT student David LaMacchia due to LaMacchia’s lack of commercial motive.

The website of the Huntington National Bank is hacked and defaced by “so1o”, “helix”, “xFli “, and “modeX”, who call themselves “Team CodeZero”. The same site had been hacked the day prior by “k3rm1t”. View an archived version of the defaced website.


U.S. President George W. Bush“>George W. Bush signs the CAN-SPAM Act into law. The Act makes the sender of unsolicited commercial e-mails (“spam”) liable for penalties of up to US$250 per individual e-mail. Penalties can also be incurred under the Act by falsifying e-mail header data or failing to provide opt-out instructions in legitimate commercial e-mails.

Version 0.5 of Desktop Light Linux (DeLi Linux) operating system is released. DeLi is particularly optimized to run on older personal computers. DeLi Linux requires only a 386 processor with 8MB RAM. However, it works best with a 486 processor and 16MB RAM. A full installation with the full package installed requires nearly 400MB of hard disk space. Visit the system’s official website.

Apple sells its two hundred millionth song through the iTunes Music Store to Ryan Alekman of Belchertown, Massachusetts. The download is a part of The Complete U2album.


Google announces that it will pay US$1 billion for a 5% stake in AOL. The announcement puts an end to rumors that the company would merge with one of the big three search engines, Yahoo!, Microsoft, or Google. The deal will be finalized on December 20th.

Google releases a version of Gmail for mobile devices. Gmail Mobile offers most of the features of Gmail developed specifically for smaller, mobile screens. Visit the official Gmail Mobile website.


Time magazine names “You,” the general public who contribute to such user-generated content websites as MySpaceWikipedia, and YouTube as its choice forPerson of the Year.



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标签: 互联网12月16日