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历史版本2:互联网2月27日 返回词条





The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrests a fifteen year-old student of Cloverdale High School in California who allegedly hacked into eleven United States military computers earlier in the past month. Bill Zane, president of the Santa Rosa ISP Netdex, is credited with helping to identify several intruders, including the teen, who hid behind Netdex while implementing their attacks. On a radio talk show early the following week, Zane will state that one of the boys wrote him a note requesting ajob. Zane said the note was poorly composed and riddled with bad grammar. Allegedly, the teens used hacking tools readily available on the Internet in the course of their hacking spree. March 3, NetDex will be rehacked by Ehud Tenebaum, better known by the web handle “Analyzer,” in protest of the arrest of his two hacker friends.

Netscape makes the source code for the Netscape Communicator 5.0 browser available as a free downloadRead the original press release. Code-name: Gromit See a screenshot online.

The websites of BEB Enterprises (www.localafffairs.com) and Hypermall (athena.hypermall.com) are hacked by “The Noid” and “TechVoodoo”.

The website of Napier University, in Edinburgh, UK is hacked by “Magica de Bin”.

The co-leader of the piracy group “DrinkOrDie” underground software cracking and warez trading network, John Sankus, Jr. or “eriFlleH”, age 28, pleads guilty to onefelony count of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement following his arrest as part of the U.S. Customs operation Operation Buccaneer. He will be sentenced in May to forty-six months in federal prison, a sentence that will be reduced to eighteen months for his cooperation in apprehending other members of the notorious group. The co-leader Hew Raymond Griffiths, known by the web handle “Bandido”, of Australia, will be charged in 2003 with copyright infringement and conspiracy to commit copyright infringement under U.S. legislation, but he will successfully resist extradition to the U.S. for nearly three years.


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标签: 互联网2月27日