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历史版本1:互联网12月30日 返回词条





At 10:00pm, Now We’re Talking becomes the first network television program in the UK to be wholly funded by adverting. The program, commissioned by Carlton Television for the ITV Network, is funded by British Telecom.

The website of the Headquarters of the United States Air Force is hacked anonymously. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is hacked by “\StOrM\”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of First National Bank in Brookings, South Dakota is hacked by “MMT”.View an archived version of the defaced website.

The website of K9 Breeders is hacked by “lamer^2 designs web development”. View an archived version of the defaced website.

Reuters reveals that officials at FedEx and UPS are “not terribly enthusiastic” about the upward surge in online sales. The increasing demand for deliveries to remote residential addresses and the multiple stops required when recipients aren’t at home is rapidly increasing the companies’ cost of doing business.

SCO Group releases version 7.1.1 of the UnixWare operating system is released.

Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (OPTA), an agency charged with enforcing Dutch telecommunications law, issues its first fines for spam sent in theNetherlands. The organization has been collecting consumer complaints regarding unsolicited e-mails since the government banned spam in May. The three fines were fifty-eight, thirty-four, and twenty-seven thousand dollars respectively. One of theoffenders used a SMS (short messaging service) to send mail to mobile phones. When consumers opened the message, they were automatically charged US$1.49 (

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标签: 互联网12月30日