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历史版本1:互联网7月21日 返回词条




The Pentagon reveals that, for the past seven months, hackers have been entering classified systems that control critical functions such as nuclear weapons and the movement of troops and ships to steal, alter, and erase records. Betsy McDonald, spokeswoman for the Defense Information Systems Agency, explains that the compromised systems include those used for ballistic weapons research, aircraft and ship design, military payroll, personnel records, procurement, electronic mail, supercomputer modeling of battlefield environments and computer security research.
1998 联邦贸易委员会(FTC)告诫互联网公司要保护消费者的隐私
The Brazilian website of #3 Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciencias Humanas is hacked by “M3L4O”. The website is hosted on a server running Windows NT. View an archived version of the defaced website.
Yahoo! Small Business services introduces Yahoo! SiteBuilder.
Yahoo! launches a revamped home page in the United States as part of an effort to recapture some of the buzz that its brand name has lost among younger demographics due to the increasing popularity of social networks like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. A new design will be introduced in France, India, and the United Kingdom later in the week. It will be launched around the rest of the world the following year. Visit the official Yahoo website.




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标签: 互联网7月21日